The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1066 After coming here

He Hongmei took Zhang Chen's design to Jessica. Jessica was a little surprised. It came out so quickly?

He Hongmei smiled and said, yes, my master is very fast. This is his unique skill.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with sitting here. Zhao Zhigang stood up and said, I will make a pattern and make it for her in the evening.

Zhang Chen said okay, I will teach you what fabric to use.

The two of them went to the fabric warehouse, and Zhang Chen found a piece of white flax. This piece of fabric should be a blended fabric, with bones and muscles, and would not become soft after being exposed to water like pure linen. Just perfect for this costume.

Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang said that the front and back pieces need to be painted by hand, so you give them to me first.

Zhao Zhigang said yes, right away.

He took the fabric to the sample room, where the pattern maker and eight or nine sample workers were waiting. When he saw Zhao Zhigang coming in with the fabric and design drawings, he shouted, "No way, Director Zhao, are you treating us like this?" Many people called here, just for this set of clothes?

Zhao Zhigang scolded: "That's a good idea. You'll be busy later, so don't cry too much. I don't need to trouble you. I'll make the pattern and Zhao Zhilong will do it."

The pattern maker and the sample worker both yelled, "Whose clothes are they? They are so awesome. They need the two factory directors to make them for her personally. Isn't it He Hongmei who wants to take them away and give them to some star?"

Zhao Zhigang glared at them, you are so smart.

"I know, it belongs to the boss's wife." someone shouted.

"The boss lady will call so many of us here at night? This is the American customer, a very important customer. You all should be serious about your work today. If anyone is not serious, I will transfer her back to the Sanbao workshop tomorrow. Go to work, I’m not scaring you, I do what I say.” Zhao Zhigang said.

"What about us?" a printmaker asked.

"You guys? If something goes wrong, you will go to work as a handyman in a tailor's office, and you will be a rabble-rouser every day," Zhao Zhigang said.

Zhao Zhigang looked at the size on the post-it note, used a ruler and drawing powder to cut out a front piece and a back piece, and asked a pattern maker to send them to Zhang Chen immediately.

Zhang Chen first laid a layer of newspaper on his desk, and then laid the back piece on the newspaper. Since he wanted to demonstrate on the spot, Zhang Chen decided to draw it here.

He asked He Hongmei to go to the design center and help him get the acrylic paints. He took out the brushes from the cabinet.

When Jessica saw Zhang Chen preparing to draw, she signaled to Zhao Zhilong and Xu Qiaoxin to wait a moment.

A group of people gathered around, Zhang Chen saw Jessica, and said to her, I'm sorry, it's too late to make a silk screen, so I can only paint by hand, using acrylic paint instead of textile paint and then baking it at high temperature, the color fastness will be relatively poor Worse.

Jessica smiled and said, it doesn't matter, if the color fades, I will ask Mr. Zhang to do it for me again.

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen painted the lotus at the back first, without making any preliminary drawings. He picked up the brush and with just a few strokes, a lotus flower came out. He put it aside to dry, then laid the front piece here. He picked up the brush again and painted confidently. It only took a few minutes. , a phoenix was drawn. Jessica looked at it and nodded slightly, feeling that this designer did have two tricks.

After drawing the phoenix, I took the lotus flower, dipped the brush in gold powder, and outlined the gold edges and petals.

Put down the pen and tell Jessica, okay.

The two paintings were completed in less than ten minutes. Jessica praised, "It's great!" What a unique skill!

They went back to the conference table and continued to discuss the samples, confirming all the materials and details that needed to be modified. Zhang Chen also followed.

Here, He Hongmei put away the paints and pens and put them back in the cabinet.

After a while, He Hongmei looked at the flowers on the two pieces and saw that they were completely dry. She picked them up and sent them to the design center to Zhao Zhigang.

Ge Ling and Jessica discussed for more than half an hour, and all the samples were finalized. Zhao Zhilong and Ge Ling went to the sample room and arranged for the pattern maker to make patterns and the sample workers to make the samples.

Lin Shuwan and Xu Qiaoxin said, Qiaoxin, you should also go there, including how the samples are made, and you must know clearly in your mind, otherwise they will need to make changes when the time comes, and you will not know what happened.

Xu Qiaoxin yelled, quickly put all the information into the folder, and ran out.

Zhang Chen and Lin Shuwan said, this time, you really taught Xu Qiaoxin a lot.

Lin Shuwan smiled and said, Qiaoxin is very smart, but she didn’t realize many things not long after she started doing it. I was different. At that time, if I made a mistake, not only would I not get the money, but I would also have to pay for it. Forced out.

Lin Shuwan turned around and said to Jessica, okay, all the samples have been arranged and production is starting now.

Start production at night? Jessica asked.

Lin Shuwan said yes, we will start production immediately. Aren't you in a hurry, so we arranged for workers to work overtime. Do you want to go over and take a look?

Jessica and Jerry both said yes.

Several people left Zhang Chen's office and walked to the sample room. They were still in the garden when they heard the sound of the sewing machine and the copy machine clicking.

They walked into the sample room and saw that several patternmakers were already drawing patterns. Ge Ling was talking to them about what needed to be changed for each style. The sample workers used this time to make bone cuts and layouts. flower.

Zhao Zhilong was sitting in front of a sewing machine, sewing clothes skillfully. They walked over to take a look and saw that it was Jessica's suit.

When Jessica saw that Zhao Zhilong was doing it for her, she quickly said thank you, thank you!

Back in Zhang Chen's office, Zhang Chen looked at the time and saw that it was already past eleven o'clock. Zhang Chen and Lin Shuwan said that they would go have supper first and come back later?

Lin Shuwan talked to Jessica and Jerry, and Jessica said yes.

He Hongmei shouted from the side, I called the pole, he still owes me, I can't let him escape, the chances are getting less and less now.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, they are in the arena next door.

Before He Hongmei called, Zhang Chen's cell phone rang first. Zhang Chen looked at it and told He Hongmei, "No need to call, I'm here."

Zhang Chen picked up the phone, and Liu Ligan called on the phone: "Zhang Chen, come here quickly. We were in West Lake Spring and it was hard to get a box."

Zhang Chen said okay, he will be there soon.

The five people went downstairs, and Lin Shuwan pulled Jessica into her Ferrari. Zhang Chen and Lin Shuwan said, "Spring in West Lake, do you know?"

Lin Shuwan waved her hand and said, "You know, the one opposite the Academy of Fine Arts, right?"

Zhang Chen is right.

Before he could say the second sentence, Lin Shuwan roared out and lowered the hood of the car. Zhang Chen, Jerry and He Hongmei got into Xiao Zhao's BMW, with He Hongmei driving.

In Hangzhou at midnight, there were few people and cars. He Hongmei stepped on the accelerator and quickly caught up with Lin Shuwan's car. Lin Shuwan took a look, stepped on the accelerator and ran forward, leaving behind a string of laughter from her and Jessica.

They arrived at West Lake Spring one after another. Xiao Zhao and Tan Shuzhen stood at the door waiting for them.

At this time, there was no one on Nanshan Road outside, but when we walked into the hotel, it was crowded and noisy. They were basically pairs of handsome men and beautiful women, or pairs of old men and beautiful women.

Everyone sat down in the box, and Lin Shuwan introduced them to each other. She introduced Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen, saying that they were building the tallest building next to our company, and by the way, the three buildings opposite our office. A house was also built by them.

Are they the three buildings across the river? Jessica asked.

Lin Shuwan said yes, Jessica said, that house is beautiful.

When introducing Liu Bang, the founder of Han Dynasty, Lin Shuwan said that he was the owner of Milk tea.

When she mentioned Milk tea, Jessica beamed. She said it was very delicious and impressive, and I would like to drink it tomorrow.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said, "You don't have to queue up. I'll send it to the company for you."

Zhang Chen thought to himself, this is really like being addicted to opium.

All the work that needed to be done was done, and Jessica and Jerry let go. They also drank wine and treated this place as a bar. The bar did not have such delicious dishes.

After eating at about two o'clock, Zhao Zhigang called Zhang Chen and told him that the clothes were ready. Would you like to come over and take a look?

Zhang Chen asked Lin Shuwan, and Lin Shuwan asked Jessica. Jessica was stunned for a moment, meaning why it was so fast, and then immediately said she wanted it.

After paying the bill, the three cars drove along Nanshan Road to Jiefang Road. From Jiefang Road, they turned onto Yan'an Road. At the end of Yan'an Road, there is Wulin Square. Next to the square is the center of Hangzhou that has climbed out of the ground.

They arrived at the dynamic zone and went upstairs. Ge Ling had already opened the door to the private customization studio next to the design center. They walked in and saw Ge Ling holding the set of ironed clothes in her hand.

This outfit, looked at like this, was very simple and didn't seem to have much to offer. However, when Ge Ling and Lin Shuwan accompanied Jessica into the dressing room, and after changing clothes, they saw themselves in the mirror, Lian Jie Sika was stunned. She felt that her whole person had changed.

The white linen and the wild red phoenix are restrained by the simple and even conservative shape of the entire costume, just like a glass of strong wine, imprisoned in a transparent cup, turned into docile water, and paired with Jessica Long golden hair is really suitable.

If I didn't have such a deep and sensitive understanding of people, I wouldn't be able to create such a keen design.

Jessica understands this language.

For the first time, when Jessica walked out, she was a little shy. Jessica also studied design, so she could naturally feel the expression contained in design.

She told Zhang Chen, thank you for your praise and appreciation of me. You designed the soul of the clothes.

Zhang Chen smiled and thought, these foreigners really like to talk about the soul in everything. That Jacques said that he wanted to find the soul of this land, and Jessica also talked about the soul of clothing.

In fact, we Chinese have a better way of saying it, which is called nature. People and the environment, people and clothing can be combined into one, nature.

"Master, to be honest, I didn't expect to be so brilliant." He Hongmei said quietly to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen told her that as the saying goes, people need clothes, but conversely, these clothes need the right person to wear them.

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you to the humor tribe and book friend 20191216212944508 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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