The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1064 No worries, just don’t place an order

Jerry and Xu Qiaoxin explained one by one for more than an hour. It was already dark outside. Jessica asked Zhang Chen, were Miss He and Miss Ge still there? Can they be invited to have dinner together?

Zhang Chen said okay, I will call them.

Zhang Chen stood up and walked to the next door. He Hongmei and Ge Ling were both here with Xiao Zhao. Zhang Chen told He Hongmei and Ge Ling that Jessica wants you to have dinner together and probably talk about design matters.

He Hongmei and Ge Ling both agreed.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said, go together?

Xiao Zhao shook her head and said, I will wait for Zhuangzi and Sister Shuzhen to come back to eat together, you go ahead.

Just as they were talking, they saw Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen coming back. They passed by the door of Zhang Chen's office and saw the two old beauties sitting there. Knowing that it was not over yet, they walked over to Xiao Zhao. Liu Ligan When he saw He Hongmei, he called out, Sichuan girl, do you want to settle the account at night?

"What kind of account should be settled?" He Hongmei asked in surprise.

"Pay off the wine I owe you."

"You're not sincere. You know I don't have time, so you just said this falsely. Save it for midnight snack. Don't think I will let you go." He Hongmei said.

Xiao Zhao, Liu Ligan, and Tan Shuzhen laughed and said, "They all have foreign affairs activities. It's just the three of us. What can we eat?"

Tan Shuzhen thought for a moment and said, "Let's go upstairs to the Youhao Hotel to eat Japanese food?"

Xiao Zhao said yes.

Liu Ligan shouted: "No one asked me for my opinion? What's so delicious about Japanese food? What's the difference between going to the farmer's market and grabbing a fish and chewing it? Are you all cats?"

Tan Shuzhen scolded: "Do you want to go or not?"

Zhang Chen, He Hongmei, and Ge Ling walked out with a smile. There, Lin Shuwan and the others just walked to the door. They all went downstairs together. Today they went to the building outside the building by the West Lake.

During the meal, Jessica, Zhang Chen, and He Hongmei talked about a lot of design topics. Jerry introduced beside him. As expected by Zhang Chen, Jessica was from RISD, which is the famous American designer. A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, she was a little surprised when she learned that neither Zhang Chen nor Ge Ling had gone to college.

Zhang Chen could tell that Lin Shuwan was a little wilted while eating. He knew that now, for Jessica and the others, all the work was over. Lin Shuwan did not see the kind of person who placed an order first and then inspected the factory while producing. situation occurs.

Lin Shuwan felt a little disappointed.

After eating, Jessica and Lin Shuwan said, they didn’t go to your store in Hangzhou last night, can we go there now?

Lin Shuwan said yes.

They arrived at the Ban Mu Tian store on Yan'an Road and got out of the car. Even Zhang Chen was shocked. He saw a long queue at the door of the glass house next door. Zhang Chen asked Lin Shuwan, what were they buying?

"Milk tea."

Lin Shuwan said that Zhang Chen was surprised: "Brother Liu, their milk tea business is so good?"

"It's always been so good, you still don't know?" Ge Ling said from the side.

As soon as Jessica and Jerry got out of the car, they were first attracted by the decoration style of this store. It was a different style from Shanghai. Jerry took out his camera and took pictures. Only then did Jessica notice the long store next door. team, she also curiously asked what they were buying.

"Milk tea." Lin Shuwan and Jessica said.

Jessica looked confused.

He Hongmei was also curious and asked: "What is this milk tea? Is it delicious?"

"It's almost the same as opium." Lin Shuwan smiled and said, "Just wait."

Lin Shuwan walked into the store and saw Wang Minsheng standing in front of the counter. Wang Minsheng also saw her and walked over.

"Minsheng, give me three cups of milk tea."

Lin Shuwan whispered and nodded her head outside, meaning she wanted to take care of the two Americans outside. What Lin Shuwan was thinking about was, three cups of milk tea, one cup each for the two Americans and He Hongmei, forget about the others, there are so many There are people lining up here, I'm sorry if there are too many people.

Wang Minsheng looked outside the glass and saw Zhang Chen and the others standing there. Wang Minsheng looked at the queue and said to Lin Shuwan, Awan, you go outside and I will take it out.

Lin Shuwan understood that Wang Minsheng was afraid of causing a commotion in the queue, so she walked out.

After a while, Wang Minsheng came out, holding a bag in one hand. He saw that Zhang Chen and the others were seven in total. He took out not three cups, but seven cups.

Each of them held a cup of milk tea. Jessica, Jerry, He Hongmei, and Xu Qiaoxin had never drank milk tea. The three of them curiously inserted the straw into the cup and took a sip. They all shouted that it tasted delicious. Zhang Chen thought to himself, how delicious it is. Just milk and tea?

Before he drank, when he saw Xiaojuan standing at the door of the store, he gave his milk tea to Xiaojuan. Xiaojuan quickly said, thank you, Mr. Zhang!

Lin Shuwan asked Zhang Chen, have you ever drank milk tea?

Zhang Chen said no.

"If you don't have it, try it." Lin Shuwan gave him her milk tea.

After visiting their half-acre specialty store, Lin Shuwan asked Jessica if she wanted to go to the bar. Jessica said she wouldn't go today. I wanted to go back to the hotel early because I would have to talk to the American side later.

Lin Shuwan said okay. She felt sad, it seemed that her plan was completely ruined.

The next step is to wait for people to come to inspect the factory, and then proceed step by step. I don’t know when the first order will be placed.

They sent Jessica and Jerry to the Huanglong Hotel. As they watched them disappear, Xu Qiaoxin shouted first, "These two Americans are so long-winded. Why didn't they say a word about the order? I almost couldn't hold it in anymore." Gotta ask them.

Zhang Chen said let's go. Didn't they say they wanted to inspect the factory first? Then just wait for the factory inspection.

After getting in the car, Lin Shuwan thought about today's events. She told Zhang Chen, "Brother, it's all my fault. I blame me for not reminding Director Zhao and others about the broken needle record yesterday."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, how can I blame you? It didn't exist in the first place. If it existed, it was faked.

They returned to Zhang Chen's office and found that not only Xiao Zhao, Liu Ligan, and Tan Shuzhen had returned, but also Han Emperor Liu Bang, Zhao Zhigang, and Zhao Zhilong were waiting here. It seemed that everyone was in the same mood.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, saw Lin Shuwan and asked: "Awan, have you placed an order for Target?"

Lin Shuwan shook her head and said with a sad face: "We need to inspect the factory first."

Everyone found a seat and sat down. Xu Qiaoxin said, I also think the problem lies in the broken needle record.

Zhang Chen thought about it and asked Zhao Zhilong, who made you so smart to make a bunch of broken needles?

Zhao Zhilong chuckled, but seeing Zhang Chen's serious expression, he immediately shut up.

Lin Shuwan quickly said, I don’t blame Director Zhao, I blame me for not thinking of it yesterday. If I had thought of it and made a record of broken needles, everything would be fine.

"Isn't that fake?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Brother, half of this factory inspection must rely on real strength, and the other half must rely on performance. Otherwise, no factory can pass. Look at the factory inspection documents. It is a thick stack. If they all If we follow the instructions, this factory should not be opened. According to the requirements, even American factories can't do it," Lin Shuwan said.

"Awan is right. This factory inspection is just like how everyone in mainland China deals with health inspections. They are all superficial and conducting surprise attacks. In fact, these companies themselves know that if the factory fully complies with their requirements, , it’s not impossible, the price of that wedding dress will at least double.”

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said angrily: "These British and Americans are very abominable. When you place orders to China, you only give them less than half the price in your own country. What do they do? Are you willing to increase the price? No. Possibly, they will just go to places with lower prices, squeeze harder, and then make these superficial remarks to put themselves in a good position.

"I say that I am responsible for social responsibility, environmental protection, etc. Also, I am telling you that this is a factory. I have seen too much. No matter how good you are, you will still be said to be a waste of hard work. In a factory, you have to bleed and sweat in order to make money. If the workers bleed and sweat, the boss won’t bleed and sweat. When the factory is closed, the boss will be free.

"Let's talk about the workers in your factory. Do they bleed and sweat in the countryside? I'm afraid they bleed more. Why doesn't anyone talk about the sweat in the countryside? When it comes to sweat, the countryside is more bloody than the factory. Otherwise, how could the farmers leave? Are you willing to work in a sweatshop in the countryside?"

"Oh, Brother Liu, it would be great if everyone thought like you." Zhao Zhigang said.

"What's so good?" Zhang Chen scolded, "This record of broken needles still makes sense. We'll talk about the other things when we encounter them. This first step, record of broken needles, you guys will do it for me starting from tomorrow. It doesn't take much time to do this. Not to mention that Americans are strict, so are we.

"If someone wears our clothes and is scratched by a broken needle in the clothes, do you think the customer will not find our store? Zhao Zhigang, you are still boasting today that there is a needle detector and there will be no broken needles. Your detector The needle meter is usually not turned on. Don’t think I don’t know. Starting tomorrow, I will record broken needles first, do you hear me?”

Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong agreed.

"Qiaoxin, your Ministry of Foreign Trade, try to translate that document as soon as possible. You can also write down all the requirements that Jerry told you before. We will print them out and give them to each supervisor, and compare them one by one. We have to do it one by one. If it is really not possible, or their requirements have exceeded the requirements of the Labor Law, I will explain it to them then.

"I don't believe that when people present facts and reason, they still dare to give random scores. Moreover, they don't ask for 100 points, they ask for 85 points. 85 points means you are considered a good person when you are studying in school. We have to be a good person. Do it.”

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, everyone fell silent. After a while, Tan Shuzhen said, Zhang Chen is right, we must always strive for the best, even if others do not require us, we must have requirements for ourselves.

"It's very simple." Liu Ligan said, "I want to build the best house in the country, Zhang Chen you want to make the best clothes in the country, Lin Shuwan you want to take the best wedding photos in the country, Brother Liu you want to sell the best clothes in the country We eat cakes and now we also have milk tea. Only in this way will our road get wider and wider, and our business..."

Lin Shuwan's cell phone rang. She looked at it and shouted, "Quick, stop talking. It seems it's calling from Huanglong Hotel."

When Liu Ligan heard this, he quickly shut up, and Lin Shuwan picked up the call. There were so many people in the office, and they didn't even dare to express their anger. Then they heard someone speaking English on Lin Shuwan's phone.

Lin Shuwan kept saying okay. She stretched out her left hand and made an OK gesture to everyone, with a smile on her face.

After hanging up the phone, she told everyone: "Jerry just called me. He said that their tickets have been changed and they will not return to Shanghai tomorrow and will discuss the order with us."

In the office, everyone shouted "Oh".

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