The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1059 Target (Thank you Tin Soldier!)

Zhang Chen matched Zhao Zhilong and his Zhaomei wedding dress with a Toyota Overlord, because foreign customers often came to negotiate business and inspect goods, and Xu Qiaoxin and the others needed to be picked up and dropped off at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport.

Xu Qiaoxin called Zhang Chen and told him, Mr. Zhang, can you accompany me to pick me up at Shanghai Airport tomorrow?


Zhang Chen asked a little strangely. Xu Qiaoxin had never asked Zhang Chen to do this kind of thing before. At most, it was only some more important customers. When Xu Qiaoxin brought them to the design center, he would sit in Zhang Chen's office and meet. Occasionally, Zhang Chen would have a meal with them, but that was all.

"I don't know either. The American customer I contacted was very annoying. He asked questions and didn't place an order. This time he said that he wanted to come to our factory from the United States to have a look. He also said that there is a very important person in their company. People want to come with him, and they always say that they are here on a special trip and must ask our boss to pick them up at the Shanghai Airport." Xu Qiaoxin said in a croaky voice.

"What company is so awesome?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Target." Xu Qiaoxin said.


"T, A, R, G, E, T, Target, I checked and it seems that this company is quite big." Xu Qiaoxin said.

"Okay, then go pick it up." Zhang Chen said.

"Really, Mr. Zhang?" Xu Qiaoxin exclaimed happily, "But they haven't placed an order."

"It doesn't matter whether we have placed an order or not." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "People come all the way from the United States, so we just go to Shanghai. What a big deal."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zhang!"

"By the way, Qiaoxin, tell me the name of the company, and I'll check it out online."

Xu Qiaoxin agreed, and she recited the company's name letter by letter, and Zhang Chen wrote it down on a sticky note.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen entered these letters into the Yahoo search box and searched. A lot of web pages came out, but they were all in English and none in Chinese. But there were never so many English web pages. It can be seen from the search results that this company must be quite big.

Zhang Chen opened a page and saw their company's LOGO. Zhang Chen almost laughed. It was too ugly. It was like an archery target, with a white background, a red dot in the middle, a red circle outside, and below. With a row of English TARGET, Zhang Chen shook his head and thought to himself, just based on this logo, this company is not very good.

Zhang Chen thought for a while, then called Lin Shuwan and asked her, there is a company, do you know what it does?

"Where's the company, brother?" Lin Shuwan asked.

"The American ones are called Target, T, A, R, G, E, T. I don't know if I read them correctly," Zhang Chen said.

"Target? What's wrong, bro?"

"Qiao Xin told me that I would go to Shanghai to pick up people from their company tomorrow. They also said that their salesman said that I must go. He said that someone important was coming."

"Great! Brother, this is great! I'll be right over, just wait for me." Lin Shuwan said and hung up the phone.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, this reaction was too big, but after thinking for a while, he still called Zhao Zhilong and Xu Qiaoxin and asked them to come over. He was confused and didn't know what was going on, so he asked Lin Shuwan to directly Ask Xu Qiaoxin and the others.

Zhang Chen stood in front of the window. After a while, he saw Lin Shuwan's red Ferrari arriving. Zhang Chen felt strange why many women like red Ferraris. The Huang Meili who used to live in Haicheng was Shentu The same goes for Hongyan. The first car Lin Shuwan bought in mainland China was also a red Ferrari.

But it seems that Xiao Zhao doesn't like it. When changing cars, Zhang Chen also thought about buying Xiao Zhao a Ferrari. Xiao Zhao shouted, "I'm nervous. I originally thought Xiali was too small. If I change it to a bigger car, then the Ferrari , is even smaller, with only two seats. When you go out to the south or north, there is not enough room to sit.

Finally, I bought a BMW. Liu Ligan said that BMW is very safe.

When it came to choosing a color, Xiao Zhao chose black. The reason is that you can drive it when you want to, my dear.

Lin Shuwan walked to the door, stood there, put her head in first to take a look, then turned to look left and right, and asked: "Where is Qiaoxin, brother?"

"Not here yet, on the way." Zhang Chen said.

Lin Shuwan walked in, sat down on the sofa, pointed at the water dispenser and said, "I'm thirsty, brother, I want to drink water."

Zhang Chen took the cup, and as soon as his finger touched the red button, Lin Shuwan shouted: "No, no hot, I want cold."

Zhang Chen quickly pressed the green button and poured a glass of cold water for Lin Shuwan.

Lin Shuwan giggled: "Thank you, brother."

Zhang Chen sat down on the sofa on the side. He asked Lin Shuwan, what is the background of this company?

Lin Shuwan put down the cup and said to Zhang Chen: "It's very, very important. Brother Liu must also know which factory in Taiwan. If it can be sold into Target, the boss will be very happy and will come to us every day." Nightclub, invite friends to play.”

"So powerful?" Zhang Chen was surprised. It seemed that he underestimated this company.

"Yes, that's why I'm coming over. I must help my brother to place this order. If this company places it, it will definitely be a long-term order. It will be shipped every month. Once it is released, it will last for several years. The kind that won’t change factories easily.”

Lin Shuwan said: "In the United States, the largest supermarket is Wal-Mart, and they are the second largest. But our factories in Taiwan like to go to Target, not Wal-Mart."

"Why?" Zhang Chen was surprised, "The biggest one doesn't want to get in, but he likes the second biggest one?"

"It's different, brother." Lin Shuwan said, "Wal-Mart is big, but the items in it are sold very cheaply. Then your factory should give it cheaper. Target is in the United States. It is famous for its quality, its shopping environment is much better than Wal-Mart, and the prices are average. In other words, more poor people go to Wal-Mart, while more white-collar and middle-class people go to Target."

Zhang Chen nodded and understood. In other words, its purchase volume is also large, but the price will not be that low. Of course, the factory welcomes it.

"Also, brother, this Target, what they buy must be unique, that is, this dress and this cup. If they place an order for you, you are not allowed to sell this style to anyone else." Lin Shuwan blinked and shouted: "I know, brother, I know."

"What do you know?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I know why they came to you. They must have been on your website and saw that you have so many designers. They saw that I am still the boss. You designed the clothes and went to Cannes. There are also He Hongmei and Ge Ling, they are all amazing, they must have decided to come to China after seeing this."

"Why?" Zhang Chen was surprised and thought, is the designer so important?

"Yes, that's right, that's what they are like. Brother, what they like most is to cooperate with companies that have design capabilities. This way they can keep their products unique. They will even buy out the designs of many world-renowned designers."

Zhang Chen nodded, he was curious: "Awan, how do you know so much? You are not specialized in import and export."

"I've seen a lot, brother, you know that I used to be a waiter at Brother Liu's place. Taiwan's factories all make money by doing OEM work for Americans. Many American customers come to Taiwan, and they bring them to our nightclub. Play, there are some factory owners who don’t speak English themselves, so they pay more to those who can speak English.

"I went to a cram school and worked hard to learn English. If I learned it, I could make more money. Once I learned it, many bosses would not only call me to come to our nightclub, but also call me to accompany them during the day, to work as a translator, and to pick up people at the airport. Call me, and I often accompany them to the United States. That makes a lot of money.

"These American customers come to Taiwan to inspect goods, place orders, and inspect factories. I accompany them. The more I watch on the side, the more I understand everything."

Zhang Chen nodded, understood, and said, you really work hard, Awan.

"What should I do? If I don't work hard myself, no one will help me. I don't want to rely on others anymore."

Lin Shuwan said, her eyes dimmed for a moment. Zhang Chen knew that at that time, her brother was already dead, and she was already a person, a girl. If she didn't want to rely on men for food, she would live harder and pay more than men. More than men.

Zhao Zhilong and Xu Qiaoxin came in, and they sat down. Lin Shuwan asked Xu Qiaoxin, and Xu Qiaoxin told Lin Shuwan all about her contact with customers.

Lin Shuwan also told them what she knew about Target. Xu Qiaoxin said, no wonder, I said that when we usually chat online with Yi Meier, he always asks about the boss and Sister Hongmei. , asking here and there, but I’m really annoyed that I won’t place an order. So that’s it.

Lin Shuwan smiled and said: "Fortunately you are not annoyed to death, otherwise we would not be able to receive this order. They will not place the order this time."

"Ah!" Xu Qiaoxin was surprised, "If you haven't placed an order yet, then why are they here? Are they here to travel?"

"It's not that easy." Lin Shuwan said, "When dealing with such customers, you must be patient. There will be a lot of things ahead, but once you get started, it will be very simple. You don't have to worry about orders for several years.

"I have dealt with their company, and according to their process, the very important person coming tomorrow is indeed very important. He can decide whether this factory can become their supplier. Pay attention, they are not looking at one person. Two orders, but it depends on your entire factory. If your entire factory meets their conditions, they will recognize you as their supplier."

"Then you place the order?" Xu Qiaoxin asked.

Lin Shuwan shook her head.

"Not yet?" Xu Qiaoxin shouted.

"Not yet. They will inspect the factory next. When they leave, they will leave you with a list. There is a lot on the list, including not only the number of equipment, number of workers, and production capacity of your factory, but also how the workers' accommodation is. , what is your salary and income, how are you eating, how many rest days are arranged in a month, etc., a lot of content.

"I will also set a time with you. At this time, their people will come to inspect the factory. The factory inspection is not done by them, but by a third party. A specialized certification agency will inspect every corner of the factory. , I will visit the workers’ dormitories, canteens, and bathrooms, and I will also communicate with your managers, financial personnel, and workers.”

"So troublesome?" Zhao Zhilong shouted, "Why don't you get killed by them?"

"Yes, it is very troublesome." Lin Shuwan nodded, "But after the factory inspection is over, if it passes, their orders will continue to come. I promise, Director Zhao, Qiaoxin, all your customers' orders will be increased now." Up, it’s not as big as theirs.”

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