The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1037 Our Website

Zhang Chen called Ge Ling and others over and told them about making a company website. Everyone got excited. Making a website was such a high-end thing. Now we are actually going to make a website. Ge Ling was doubtful and asked Zheng Huihong, is it so easy to build a website?

Zheng Huihong said: "In the past, it was not so easy. If you have to write source code, if you have not learned it specifically and don't know how to write the code, you will definitely not be able to do it. But now, with software, it is easy."

Zheng Huihong took out a CD and said to them: "Dreamweaver from the American MACROMEDIA company, this is a WYSIWYG software. What does it mean, you just do it like you do in Photoshop, to design a web page. Yes, its source code will be automatically generated, so you don’t have to worry about the code.

"It has the function of layers, as well as tables, frames, images, etc., which can be inserted into web pages, which is very convenient for editing. Then for each picture or table, you can use the link tool to create a link for it, so You'll reach another page, and you can choose whether to open it in a new page or on the same page.

"You can learn these after you see me finish one page. A website is like a tree. Starting from the homepage, it keeps forking and forking, that is, links are linked out. The entire website has hundreds of branches. After all the web pages are ready, you just need to string them together and upload them.

"Another advantage of this software is that it is not only a website creation software, but also a management software. You can add or modify the content every hour of every day."

"Okay, what should we do now?" Ge Ling asked.

"Now, the first step, the domain name application has been completed. The next thing to do immediately is to prepare the materials, draw the drawings, choose the clothes, let the models wear them, and take the photos. In short, all these materials are ready Okay, when you create a web page like this, you can use it as soon as you get it. Don’t wait until the time is gone and everyone stops and waits.

"Mr. Zhang, we can either divide the work. You and Ge Ling, look at which clothes need to be displayed online. You take the models and take photos first. Prepare all the photos. I will write out the structure of the entire website. , so that we know how many pages there are and what materials each page needs.

"The structure and materials are ready. Let's divide the work and allocate all the web pages for everyone to design. But the overall style and tone of the website are up to you, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Chen said okay, that's it, Ge Ling, go and bring out our classic styles for each season. By the way, I think the products should be divided into two major items, one for wedding dresses, and one for cotton and linen clothing and accessories.

Zheng Huihong nodded and said yes.

"Can you lend me this wall?" Zheng Huihong asked, pointing to the white wall at the end of Zhang Chen's office.

Zhang Chen said yes, but what he was wondering about was, what's the use of a white wall?

Zheng Huihong asked the second-hand guy to find a herringbone ladder for her, and ran downstairs. She bought a bunch of colorful post-it notes and placed them on the conference table. She lay there, thinking and writing, After writing out a dozen or twenty notes, I climbed up the ladder and put the sticky notes on the wall. The top one almost reached the ceiling.

Zhang Chen worked with Ge Ling in the design center for an entire afternoon before finalizing the clothing, accessories, and wedding dresses that needed to be displayed. He sent two designers to take Xiao Sheng's car to the Sanbao Distribution Center to find them. these costumes.

After finding everything, Zhang Chen planned to ask the fitting models from the design center to take pictures tomorrow with Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Zhao. He, Ge Ling and Yao Fen would serve as photographers, and the beauticians and makeup artists from the design center would go together. Responsible for makeup and touch-ups.

After finishing all this, Zhang Chen went back to his office.

Walking in the door, Zhang Chen was startled. He saw that the wall was densely covered with countless sticky notes. Zheng Huihong saw Zhang Chen come in and said to him, Mr. Zhang, you came back just in time, the clothing part , how to classify, I still need your reference.

Zhang Chen saw the sticky notes on the wall, which looked like an upside-down tree. Clusters of branches branched out from below, and each branch was a sticky note of a different color.

He stood at the base of the wall and looked up. He had good eyesight and could see what was written without going up a ladder. He saw that the top page said "Home Page", and below it was 1, 2, 3, 4... one by one. The content of the home page.

When you come down from the homepage, there is a row horizontally. The first one is "About Us", the second one is "Cotton and Linen Clothing", the third one is "Wedding Dresses", the fourth one is "Our Sales Network" and the fifth one is " Team and Designers", the sixth one is "Buy Online", and the seventh one is "Contact Us".

Divided from this row, there are their sub-pages and the content on each page. The entire layout looks clear at a glance. This is Zheng Huihong’s website structure. It can be said that there are many sticky notes on their website. There will be many web pages, and the content and coding of the web pages will be clearly written on the sticky notes.

At that time, all you need to do is call all the people in front of the wall, let them familiarize themselves with the structure of the entire website, and then distribute the sticky notes to everyone one by one and ask them to make them as required. This is really a good way.

"Zheng Huihong, that's amazing. So this is how you structured your website?"

Zheng Huihong curled her lips and said nonchalantly, "What's the point? I think many people structure their websites like this. Take a look, Mr. Zhang, if there is anything else that needs to be added, just post it." , this large area of ​​clothing here is empty, you have to classify it, and then add it.

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen remembered something and asked: "By the way, our website is ready, where should we put it?"

"Wanwang is fine. They have hosting services. If you register a domain name with them, they provide free website storage and hosting. Websites like ours don't take up much space, so that's fine." Zheng Huihong said.

"What if it's big? Like what you did for the State Foreign Economic and Trade Commission?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Buy your own servers and build your own computer room. This way, firstly, you can meet the demand for large amounts of data. Secondly, to ensure safety, putting data in other people's computer rooms is not very safe after all. Having your own independent computer room is not enough. You also need to With firewalls, there are more and more resources and data on the Internet, and more and more hackers are stealing data."

Zhang Chen nodded and understood.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen came back. When they walked in, they were startled. They didn't know what they were doing. Zhang Chen told them that they were preparing to build a website. Liu Ligan shouted:

"Okay, Zhang Chen, this Zheng Huihong is a family member of our company, and she was caught and exploited by you as soon as she came back."

"What, you're not convinced? Your family members, don't forget that Lao Wan was given to you by me. It's good that I didn't ask you to come back." Zhang Chen scolded.

The two of them were bickering, Zheng Huihong's face was red, Tan Shuzhen walked over and said to her, let's go cook and ignore them.

"By the way, Tan Shuzhen, you have been recruited by me. You will be a model for me to take photos tomorrow." Zhang Chen shouted.

Tan Shuzhen turned around, looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "I'm an old woman, can I still be a model?"

"It's okay. After the filming is completed, I will process you as an eighteen-year-old in the computer." Zhang Chen laughed.

"Get out!" Tan Shuzhen cursed and went out.

"And you, tomorrow the two vans, the driver and the venue will also be requisitioned by me." Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said.

"Where to shoot?"

"Genshan Power Plant, Mishi River, your company, and other places."

"Should we let Fan Jianguo lead his troops to maintain order?"

"No, it's just a photo shoot, not a movie." Zhang Chen said.

Tomorrow's shooting will mainly focus on cotton and linen clothing. Wedding dresses are not needed. Lin Shuwan has a complete set of information on wedding dresses.

The next day, Zhang Chen and his army were preparing to set off. Liu Ligan also wanted to go with them. He couldn't drive away, so he had to follow him. Zheng Huihong also went to help, and the second-hand guy followed him to do odd jobs.

Zhang Chen was about to leave the office when he saw a new email from China Wanwang. He clicked on it to inform him that the domain name had been successfully registered.

Zhang Chen told Zheng Huihong the news, and Zheng Huihong said, great, the rest now is our own business.

After they took the photos and developed them, Lin Shuwan also sent the wedding dress information. Zheng Huihong classified all the photos, scanned them with a scanner, and saved them in the MO disk. Then she called everyone to the block. In front of the wall, a meeting was held to introduce the structure of the entire website to everyone in detail.

Zheng Huihong told them that you must have this awareness. Every web page you create is not independent, but a part of the entire website. When you create your own web pages, you must take into account the entire website. Understand. ? It must be able to be integrated with others, rather than being an alternative. What we need is commonality, not individuality.

Only when the entire website maintains uniformity can the personality of our website be revealed. Otherwise, it will definitely be messy and disorganized, giving people the feeling of a hodgepodge and making people confused.

Zhang Chen also told them about the overall style and tone of the website, and put forward design requirements.

Zheng Huihong told everyone to remember to use vector graphics as much as possible. If bitmaps are used, the resolution should be adjusted to 400X600. This is the resolution of most computer screens currently. If the resolution is too low, the picture will be blurred. If it is too high, the web page The opening speed will be very slow.

You know, people who read our website are not using optical fiber, but modems, 400X600, which is almost the psychological upper limit of the web page opening speed that people online can wait for.

Zhang Chen called He Hongmei and told her that they were working on the company's website and would put her on the designer's team and ask her if she had any opinions.

He Hongmei smiled and said: "Master, do you want to drive me away? How long have I been away, I am still a person with half an acre of land. By the way, do you need me to go back to help? I helped Zheng Huihong when she was in Beijing. Web pages, I’m good at this.”

Zhang Chen said: "After uploading it, if you see where it needs to be modified, help modify it. Now, let Ge Ling and others do it."

"Okay, Master, see you before the New Year."

He Hongmei said and hung up the phone. Zhang Chen held the phone and thought for a while, but he still didn't understand what He Hongmei meant by meeting before the New Year. The New Year would be coming soon, would she still come to Hangzhou?

Thank you Tianying 1978, why can’t I change my name for my monthly ticket? Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a nice late night everyone!

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