The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1033 Don’t lift

This time the auction was still held at the World Trade Center next to the Huanglong Sports Center. When Liu Ligan and the others arrived, they were shocked. The hall of the World Trade Center was as lively as a vegetable market.

It may also be the reason for the second auction. From a news perspective, it was not as eye-catching as the first one, so this time, not many reporters came, and none of them came with a camera. Even the "Hangcheng Daily" Xu Wenhui did not come, but sent his apprentice over. When he saw Liu Ligan and the others, he came over to greet them.

The four of them, Liu Ligan, stood there and heard the accents of southern and northern accents around them. Some spoke Shanghainese, some spoke Northeastern, and some spoke Cantonese. Apparently, many companies from other places came.

Liu Ligan asked Xu Wenhui's apprentice, do you know how many companies there are this time?

"It seems to be more than 130 people." Xu Wenhui's apprentice said.

"so much?"

"Yes, there are some in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou."

Liu Ligan saw Director Chu walking through the crowd. His face was flushed and he seemed a little excited because of the scene in front of him.

Liu Ligan grabbed him and asked him, Director Chu, where did so many people come from?

Director Chu chuckled, looked left and right, pulled Liu Ligan to a corner where no one was, lowered his voice and said to Liu Ligan, Mr. Liu, be careful, there is a rival, most of these people are from out of town. Yes, the company is quite famous. Let me tell you, even Vanke from Shenzhen is here.

Liu Ligan was surprised. Even Vanke came?

Vanke is the undisputed leader in China's real estate industry and was the first to do so. When Liu Ligan and others first started struggling in Haicheng, Vanke was already doing very well in Shenzhen. However, Liu Ligan and others failed in Hainan. Vanke had almost no involvement in Hainan's real estate. So unscathed.

Wang Shi, the boss of Vanke, was very eloquent and was very popular at the time. Legend has it that even Z Li asked him to be a real estate consultant. Even Vanke had already gone to Hangzhou. It seemed that the land auction in Hangzhou was already famous.

It is true that as Mr. Qiao said, the defense cannot be defended. I, Liu Lipole, am still standing still, so many troops have already reached Hangzhou.

Liu Ligan predicted that those local companies in Hangzhou that had no strength that came to participate in the auction last time would be completely eliminated this time, and the elimination would be very simple. You can't get the land today. It will be impossible to get land in Hangzhou again in the future.

Your only way out is to go to the countryside or inland to see if there is still a chance for you to survive.

It's not that I, Liu Ligan, won't give you soup, it's that even I, Liu Ligan, seem to have to risk my life to keep my own bowl of soup.

The reality is so cruel. Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest is most vividly reflected in the real estate industry. Real estate is a place where heroes are judged by their strength.

"Director Chu, what's the number of Vanke?" Liu Ligan asked.

"87." The director said and walked away.

Liu Ligan stood there, feeling a sense of crisis that he had never experienced before. Although he had long known that this day would come sooner or later, he did not expect that it would come so fast and violently, which was a bit unexpected. The good days of peace and tranquility are gone.

Meng Ping, Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen stood there. They were also stunned by the scene in front of them. Meng Ping said, this is the Eighteenth Route princes' crusade against Hangzhou. Today in Hangzhou is Nanjing's tomorrow. Fortunately, fortunately, I This time, five pieces of land were given to Qian Fang and the others. Next, I estimate that Nanjing will soon have such hand-to-hand fighting.

Around the hall, there are still billboards with information about the land plots. This time, a total of 24 plots of land were launched, including five plots in Qianjiang New City alone.

The auction information in Liu Ligan's hand included an introduction to each piece of land, but Liu Ligan still walked around the hall.

In front of each billboard, a group of people were gathered around, discussing enthusiastically. Liu Ligan walked to the back of the crowd and stood for a while. He was not here to look at the billboard, but to see and listen to the people gathered in front of the billboard. What are you talking about.

After walking around, Liu Ligan felt a little relieved that he found that all real estate companies from other places seemed to be particularly interested in the land in Qianjiang New Town.

It seems that they also believe that the future of Hangzhou will be there, and the local real estate companies in Hangzhou are still used to making quick money in the urban area, and they are relatively indifferent to the future.

Liu Ligan walked back to Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen, and just in time, everyone in the hall started to set up shop.

This time, because Meng Ping signed up, Sentai Real Estate did not sign up.

Liu Ligan said hello to the collection and storage center in advance and arranged the seats for them and Meng Ping's two companies together. Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, went to Shanghai today, and Lao Tan had something to do at the construction site, so this time, although there were also There are six places to enter, but only four people, Liu Ligan, Meng Ping, Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen, came.

The four of them went in, found their seats and sat down. Tan Shuzhen took the Zhejiang Jinxiu number plate in her hand and refused to give it to Liu Li. She told Meng Ping, Lao Meng, be careful of the person next to you, he will The three men laughed as they grabbed the number plate.

This time, their goal is very clear, and they don’t want to create any more sensational effects. They have ten projects under construction, which is enough. They are focusing on the five pieces of land in Qianjiang New City, and they will get as much as they can. Half of the land in other urban areas was multi-story and was not in their consideration range. The price of the other pieces of land was expected to be very high, so they decided not to take it this time.

The auction has officially begun, and the competition for each piece of land is fierce, especially those companies from out of town, who are determined to win. Liu Ligan, the old man, is here, and what he is thinking in his heart is, you guys will take every piece of land. I am the beneficiary of the hype, so why should I be anxious?

The price of each piece of land soared rapidly. Compared with the last time, it was almost 50% more expensive. Liu Ligan knew in his heart that there was no room to adjust the floor area ratio this time. Their land was equivalent to higher than his own. It was twice as expensive when I got it in one go.

Liu Ligan observed carefully and found that No. 87 had never raised a placard, and Tan Shuzhen rarely raised a placard. It was not until two pieces of land in Qianjiang New City came out that they offered the land price of 980 yuan per square meter, and the land price of 980 yuan per square meter. The land price per square meter was 1,080 yuan, which was more than double the price of their land in "Splendid Qianjiang".

These two pieces of land are also the ones they want to win most, because they are on the edge of the "Splendid Qianjiang River", and they are keeping them as the second phase of the "Splendid Qianjiang River".

The last piece of land in Qianjiang New City and the largest piece of land in this auction has been released, with a total construction area of ​​420,000 square meters. This land is right on the Qiantang River. You can see the Qiantang River, separated by Zhijiang Road. It is the green belt along the Qiantang River.

The starting price was 760 yuan, and the price was quickly raised. When it reached 940 yuan per square meter, Liu Ligan found No. 87 and raised his placard for the first time. It seemed that they were targeting this area. Came from the land.

When it was one thousand and twenty, Liu Lizhan saw that the other people were already a little tired, so he said to Tan Shuzhen, "You raise it."

"It's already so expensive." Tan Shuzhen said.

Before Liu Ligan opened his mouth, Meng Ping shouted, "Why is a thousand yuan so expensive?"

Tan Shuzhen looked at Liu Ligan, Liu Ligan nodded, and Tan Shuzhen raised the card.

Everyone was tepid, completely different from the last time. It was only twenty yuan a time, and twenty yuan was added up one at a time. After one thousand two hundred yuan, only No. 87 and Liu Ligan and the others were left. 33 There are two families.

No. 87 was raised to 1,240 yuan. Tan Shuzhen was so cruel that she simply jumped away and asked for 1,300 yuan. She wanted to seal the price at this price, but the other party still raised the price to 1,320 yuan.

At this time, the local developers in Hangzhou were a little stupid at the venue. They never expected that the land of Qianjiang New City could be raised so high today.

Tan Shuzhen quickly calculated in her mind that the price was already very high. Tan Shuzhen did not dare to directly call for 1,400 yuan. When she was about to call for 1,340 yuan, Liu Ligan said, "Give up." , give this land to him.

Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen were both surprised. They did not expect that these words would come from Liu Ligan's mouth.

Meng Ping on the side was also anxious and shouted, why give up and keep fighting with them.

Liu Ligan said: "That's Vanke."

"So what about Vanke, even if Wang Shi came and did it himself, you can't do it or not, I can't do it if you don't do it."

As Meng Ping said this, he was about to raise his cards, but was caught by Liu Lipole and snatched the cards from his hand.

No. 87, I got this piece of land.

In this auction, Liu Ligan and the others only got the two pieces of land in Qianjiang New City, but Liu Ligan felt very satisfied, and Tan Shuzhen also felt that this way, their cash reserves were still within a safe range.

After leaving the venue, the four people got into the car. Meng Ping cursed, "Gangzi, why did you get cold feet when you saw Vanke?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "I'm not a coward. Have you noticed that they took this piece of land today?"

"So what?"

"I already have three pieces of land in Qianjiang New City, which is nearly 900,000 square meters. If Vanke moves into Qianjiang New City, it will be good for stimulating the development of that area. Only when the entire area is developed, I will benefit. Otherwise, My family has more than one million square meters and is there a one-man show?

"I checked the reason why Qianjiang New Town can't get started. At the beginning, the land was all over the place, and there were no decent companies there at all. If Vanke comes in, it will improve the quality of the entire block. "

Liu Ligan said, and the other three people thought his words made sense.

Tan Shuzhen said with a smile: "The world is changing so fast. Why today, it was the pole that called for stop, and it was Lao Meng who wanted to raise the sign."

Liu Ligan said: "You think I don't want to kill people happily. People are poor and have short ambitions. I have decided to do the corporate bonds that Mr. Qiao mentioned. I will do the 'Splendid Harmony Garden' and 'Splendid Huating'. Don't wait for the Spring Festival." The market will open soon, and the opening price will be adjusted. Starting from tomorrow, housing prices in Hangzhou will definitely rise a lot."

After the auction ended, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen knew in their hearts that if they did not expand the strength of their company as soon as possible and make themselves bigger and stronger, they might soon be driven out of the land auction market in Hangzhou by others. Waiting for them Once the project at hand is completed, they will not be able to get the land and will wait to be eliminated.

Tan Shuzhen originally thought that she would not panic if she had food in her hands, referring to money, but now she understands that it is the same if she has no land, and this land has now passed the age of relying on small money and connections, and with a little bit of luck, it can be obtained. It means throwing out real money.

Look at the difference between the land transaction price this time and the land transaction price they last bought. Twelve percent is really nothing. The two people reached a consensus that they must issue corporate bonds to raise more money. funds.

Liu Ligan quickly agreed with Mr. Qiao to pledge 20% of the equity of Zhejiang Jinxiu Dadi Real Estate Co., Ltd. and entrust Mr. Qiao and Shenzhen Anxin Trust to issue corporate bonds worth RMB 1.5 billion.

At the same time, Kunpeng Construction also conducted a dividend distribution. Liu Ligan's Zhejiang Jinxiu received two billion. Kunpeng Construction still had more than two billion in its account, which was enough to pay for subsequent project fees and other expenses.

After the two sums of money arrived, Liu Ligan began to set his sights on Shanghai.

Thank you Maizi 3501 for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Saturday everyone!

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