The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1018 I am a retail worker

After dinner, Mr. Han and Liu Ligan sent Liu Chengcheng and others to the gate below. After watching them get in the car and leave, the two of them went to the lobby bar of Xinqiao Hotel and found a secluded corner to sit down.

Mr. Han asked Liu Ligan, what are your plans for tomorrow's auction?

Liu Ligan carefully introduced the situation of the three pieces of land they were interested in to Mr. Han. After listening, Mr. Han asked, do you have sufficient funds now?

"Plenty." Liu Ligan said.

"Take as much as you can afford. You are right to sort in this way, but don't limit yourself to these three pieces. Let me tell you, the price of this land auction will only get higher every time. In addition, now that the door of welfare housing is completely closed, The demand for real estate, what you see now, you think is a special phenomenon, but it is not. It will have such a blowout development.

"You always remember that the government is not a brand. Behind it are real people like you and me. So the government is not only a high-speed machine, it also has a human side. The desires you have, these There are also local governments. After they taste the sweetness of real estate, they are also unable to stop.

"People who want to buy houses come in all of a sudden, and the first thing that comes to your mind is, should the price be adjusted?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "That's true. After I made adjustments, I found that all the real estate developers in Hangzhou had adjusted their prices within one day."

"The same goes for the government." Mr. Han said with a smile, "If this auction succeeds, it will definitely succeed. Where is the demand? After this success, the Hangzhou City Government's appetite has also been whetted. They will auction for the second time." At that time, I guarantee that the starting price will be much higher than this time. The demand you can see, they can also see, so this is an opportunity, take as much as you can."

"Okay." Liu Lipole nodded.

"Also, your judgment about Qianjiang New City is correct. Next, the Hangzhou City Government will invest a lot in Qianjiang New City.

"What do you think they will do when they get the money? It must be focused on places that can bring political achievements and bring more benefits. The more they invest, the faster the local GDP will grow. Then The larger the size and scope of the locality, the more land it can offer them for auction.

"What do you think they will do next?" Mr. Han asked.

Liu Ligan thought for a moment and said: "Launch the second or third phase of Qianjiang New City?"

"Yes." Mr. Han smiled, "Since it is development, their development ideas are the same as yours. Compared with them, no matter how big you are, you are just a small developer. They are the big developers. "

"That's right." Liu Ligan said with a smile, "With this land acquisition and storage center, I feel that they are doing wholesale, and we are doing retail."

"It's just such a relationship, as long as you understand it." Mr. Han nodded.

"Mr. Han, to be honest, when I saw this scene, I still felt a little panicked."

Mr. Han asked: "Why are you panicking? Are you worried that this will be a replica of Haicheng and another real estate bubble?"

"Yes, I am really worried about this." Liu Ligan said.

"Your worries are unfounded. These are completely different things. In Hainan, those who are speculating on real estate do not need to buy a house. They are just speculating. However, the current wave is driven by demand and people come to buy houses. They are all people who need housing or improve their housing, and they are far from a bubble. Bubbles will only occur when the market reaches a certain level of saturation and a large amount of funds for real estate speculation enter."

Mr. Han concluded: "The entire market has just started to rise. The current demand is the demand that has been suppressed in the past few years. It is a rigid demand and will last for many years."

"I understand." Liu Ligan nodded. He remembered something again and asked, "By the way, Mr. Han, I want to ask, why do you suggest that they auction the land at the floor price?"

Mr. Han thought for a moment and said to Liu Ligan:

"Well, the auction will end tomorrow. I'll tell you again. What you have to remember is to get more land tomorrow and be brave enough to get it. Your land seems to be sky-high now, but it probably won't be for a long time. , it will be too late for you to regret it by then.”

"Okay, I will. Mr. Han told me so, and I knew it in my heart." Liu Ligan said.

The auction on the second day will start at two o'clock in the afternoon. The location of the auction is the World Trade Center located next to the Huanglong Sports Center in Hangzhou. The pavilion here is usually used for various exhibitions, but today it was arranged as an auction venue. .

There is a huge inflatable arch at the gate, with a red banner reading "Hangzhou City's First State-owned Land Auction" hanging on the arch, and the inflatable pump keeps buzzing.

The square around the entrance was filled with colorful flags, and two huge balloons were floating in the sky above the square.

All of this shows how much the Hangzhou City Government attaches great importance to this auction.

A total of more than 60 real estate companies signed up to participate in the auction, and one of them actually came from Shanghai. This was the first time that a real estate company from outside the city entered Hangzhou, which aroused everyone's interest and everyone was speculating about the origin of this company.

Each company participating in the auction is allowed three representatives to enter. Almost all companies have used these three quotas. Everyone wants to come and see the first official auction of state-owned land in Hangzhou.

After passing the qualification check by the staff, you entered the door. Inside the door was a hall. After passing the door connecting the hall, you will find today's auction venue.

The auction had not yet started, so everyone did not enter the venue. Instead, they stood in twos and threes in the hall outside, smoking and chatting. Smoking was prohibited in the venue today.

In the lobby of the World Trade Center, more than a hundred bidders rushed into the auction. In addition, seventy or eighty reporters from the central media to the local media in Hangzhou gathered. Some of them had cameras hanging on their chests, and some With a camera on his shoulder and a microphone in his hand, he was conducting interviews.

Hangzhou was the first city in the country to implement land acquisition and storage, bidding, auction and listing, and to cancel the transfer of land agreements, so it attracted nationwide attention.

There are twelve billboards erected around the hall. Each billboard is numbered, with a red line map and text introduction of the plot of land participating in the auction this time.

Liu Ligan and the others arrived at 1:40. Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen came as representatives of Zhejiang Jinxiu Real Estate Co., Ltd. Song Chunming, Lao Tan and Han Dynasty Emperor Liu Bang came as representatives of Hangzhou Sentai Representatives from the Real Estate Co., Ltd., Zhang Chen, Lao Tan, and Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, came to see the excitement.

Liu Ligan and the others caused a sensation as soon as they entered the venue. Many real estate developers and local reporters in Hangzhou knew Liu Ligan and knew that when he came, there would be a good show today. In addition, Tan Shuzhen originally, On such occasions, he will become the center of attention.

Everyone came over one after another to say hello to Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen.

Some reporters from other places did not know Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen. When they saw that they had come and attracted so much attention, they asked their local colleagues. They told them that this man was the boss of Zhejiang Jinxiu, the same one who had sold the villa. The highest paid person in the country.

"Is the woman his wife?" someone asked.

"No, the general managers of their company, these two, golden boys and girls, are also diamond kings and queens."

After saying this, reporters from other places also became interested and pointed their cameras and eyes at them.

When Xu Wenhui saw Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen, and Zhang Chen, he rushed over with his men. Xu Wenhui is now the chief reporter of "Hangcheng Daily". Of course, he is indispensable for such a scene.

Xu Wenhui and Liu Ligan said: "Gangzi, come on, you must reveal something to me first."

Liu Ligan raised a piece of paper in his hand. This was sent to them by the staff of the collection and storage center when they entered the venue. The content was a notice to change the bidding method of this auction.

Liu Ligan and Xu Wenhui said seriously: "You want to know? Okay, then I will tell you that I am strongly dissatisfied with this temporary game-changing approach of the Land Acquisition and Storage Center, and I have decided to withdraw from today's auction."

"Okay, write it down quickly and send it to the newspaper. Big news. Liu Ligan, chairman of Zhejiang Jinxiu Real Estate Co., Ltd., said that he will withdraw from the auction in protest."

Xu Wenhui told his men, who immediately took out paper and pen to prepare notes.

Liu Li laughed loudly and cursed: "Xu Wenhui, you fucking want to harm me?"

He then patted Xu Wenhui's men on the shoulders and said, don't remember it, don't remember it, I'm just kidding, brother.

Tan Shuzhen scolded: "You are so boring."

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Yes, Xu Wenhui, this can be exclusive, Liu Ligan is a boring person."

"Get out!" Xu Wenhui cursed. He turned around and asked Zhang Chen, "Mr. Zhang, are you here to help him?"

Before Zhang Chen said anything, Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Yes, he is afraid that I didn't get a single piece of land, and the loss would be too ugly."

"Yes, I'm here for first aid." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, please, you two, when you have something serious to say, I'll come back to you the hell." Xu Wenhui scolded.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen laughed.

A staff member came out of the venue and greeted everyone to enter, shouting loudly. There were numbers posted on the chairs. Your bidding number is your seat number. Please take your seat according to the number.

Liu Ligan and his two companies were arranged in different places. After entering the venue, Liu Ligan and Song Chunming said that they would proceed as we said.

Song Chunming nodded and said yes.

The two groups separated and each found their own seats.

Liu Ligan and the others had agreed in advance that Song Chunming would not hold up his sign for the three numbers they selected, but for the other nine lots, Song Chunming would keep holding up his sign and raising prices until Zhang Chen called Lao Tan and told him to stop. Stop again.

The auction is about to start. On the rostrum in front of you, there is a wooden table in the middle. It is used by the host to preside over the auction and for the auctioneer to conduct the auction. There are also auction hammers and chassis seats on the table. .

There was a long row of seats behind the rostrum. Liu Ligan almost laughed when he saw the people filing into the rostrum. The row of people sitting there were the people who attended the dinner last night. Liu Chengcheng sat at the end. In the middle, Mr. Han is sitting on his right, and on his left are the director of the Municipal Government Office and the three directors of the Planning, Land Management and Construction Bureau, sitting on both sides in turn.

Director Chu is sitting on the far left, and he is still the host today.

I don’t know whether it was arranged intentionally or unintentionally. Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen, and Zhang Chen were seated in the first row, next to the company from Shanghai.

Liu Ligan couldn't say hello, so after Zhang Chen sat down, he raised his hand towards Liu Chengcheng and Mr. Han and said hello, and both of them nodded towards him.

Thank you book friend 20181124183423518 for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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