The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1010 The wind is a bit fierce

As soon as Tan Shuzhen arrived at the office, the phone on the desk rang. It was President Wang from ICBC. President Wang told Tan Shuzhen on the phone that she should wait for him in the office. He would come over immediately and then hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Tan Shuzhen was startled for a moment. She thought the call from President Wang was a bit strange.

Tan Shuzhen walked to Liu Ligan's office and told Liu Ligan the phone number of President Wang. Liu Ligan also felt strange. This bank was doing it for no reason. What could happen to them?

"Is there a problem with our loan?" Liu Ligan asked.

"What problems will there be with the loan?" Tan Shuzhen shook her head, "Our loan interest is paid in advance every month, and the flow of funds is completely in line with the purpose of the loan. What problems will there be? Besides, if we want to talk about a loan , then President Wang would also ask us to go to the bank instead of him coming to our place."

Liu Ligan nodded, feeling that what Tan Shuzhen said made sense.

The two of them thought about it for a long time, but they couldn't figure out what would happen if President Wang came over.

President Wang arrived very quickly. Only ten minutes later, Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan heard President Wang's voice coming from downstairs. They hurried out and saw President Wang and three other people walking down the stairs. Coming up, Tan Shuzhen's heart skipped a beat and she finished shouting secretly.

She saw two vice presidents coming with President Wang. With the three presidents coming together, something big must have happened. Tan Shuzhen's first thought was to collect the loan in advance.

When President Wang saw them, he chuckled: "Xiao Tan, your place is pretty good. I've passed by it several times but never came in. Today is my first time here."

Seeing President Wang's smiling face, Tan Shuzhen was slightly relieved. She quickly said welcome, and Liu Ligan had already gone up to greet them and shake hands with them.

After letting them into the conference room, President Wang saw a rendering of the "Splendid West Lake" posted on the wall. He stopped in front of the rendering and asked:

"Mr. Liu, Xiao Tan, where is your project? Why don't I know?"

Liu Ligan and President Wang discussed the direction of this project.

Tan Shuzhen said: "This is a project we acquired at the end of last year. When we compiled the loan information last year, this project did not exist yet, so the president may not have seen it."

"Oh, has this project started now?" Vice President Ma asked.

"It's already started," Tan Shuzhen said. "Now the basement is up and we're preparing to open it around October this year."

"Splendid West Lake? That place is two streets away from the West Lake. Mr. Liu, is your Splendid West Lake a gimmick?" asked President Wang.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "President, this is really not the case. As you know, in order not to damage the scenery of the West Lake, the height of the houses around the West Lake is limited. We are in the front row where high-rise buildings are allowed to be built, so, From the tenth floor to the thirty-second floor of our house, you can have an unobstructed view of the West Lake."

President Wang nodded. He looked at the other two vice presidents. They both smiled and nodded. Tan Shuzhen asked them to sit down. President Wang waved his hand and said to them:

"No need to sit down, everyone is very busy. Mr. Liu, Xiao Tan, let's make a long story short. Has the opening price of your house been released?"

"It's out, the first issue is 4,030," Tan Shuzhen said.

"How many households are there on one floor?" Vice President Ma asked.

"There are three elevators and four rooms. Because it is a room with a view, there are two indoor elevators and one sightseeing elevator." Tan Shuzhen answered.

"What about the area of ​​each household?"

"138 to 158."

"Not bad." President Wang nodded. He pointed to the renderings and asked the two vice presidents: "How about changing it here?"

Both vice presidents agreed.

President Wang turned around and said to Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen: "When we came here today, we originally wanted to buy your house in Mishihe. When we saw this place, we bought this one. Can you go through the formalities immediately?"

Tan Shuzhen said with some embarrassment: "The project has not reached plus or minus zero. According to our company's regulations, it cannot be opened until it reaches plus or minus zero."

President Wang waved his hand: "I don't care about your company's regulations. I'm just asking you, can you go through the formalities immediately?"

Tan Shuzhen said: "This is okay."

"Okay, Xiao Tan, help us choose the best building. One with a view of the West Lake from the tenth floor up, right?"

Tan Shuzhen nodded.

"Give us all the twelfth floor and above of this building. President Ma will come to handle the formalities in the afternoon, and he will pay you the entire house payment in the afternoon." President Wang said.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen were stunned for a moment. Before they could wake up, President Wang's hand had already been stretched out to shake hands with them and say goodbye. When Vice President Ma shook hands with Tan Shuzhen, he also specially warned them. , Xiao Tan, I’ll come in the afternoon.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen escorted the three bank presidents downstairs. As soon as they walked downstairs, they saw a black Audi 100, which stopped in front of their company. The person who got out of the car was from Sinopec Hangcheng Branch. General Manager Li Changhe got out of the car and laughed when he saw President Wang and the others. He walked over and shook hands with President Wang and the others. The two of them understood each other tacitly and didn't say much.

President Wang waved to Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen, got in the car and left.

This Mr. Li turned out to be the director of the Hangcheng Refinery. He had dealt with Liu Ligan for a long time. Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen came over and held Liu Ligan's hand. Mr. Li asked:

"Where did ICBC buy the house?"

Liu Ligan asked curiously: "Mr. Li, how do you know that President Wang and others are here to buy a house?"

Mr. Li smiled and said: "If you don't want to buy a house, do you still need President Wang to personally take action?"

Tan Shuzhen joked: "Then Mr. Li personally came to buy a house?"

Mr. Li nodded and said, "Yes."

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen were shocked.

When they went upstairs, Mr. Li and the others did not hesitate, and directly asked for the two houses near Jiefang Road in Mishi River. Although the construction site was currently parked there, Mr. Li said, "It doesn't matter. If we buy it, we can start construction." .

Mr. Li was even more anxious than President Wang. He sat there and asked Liu Ligan and the others to calculate the payment for the two buildings immediately.

Tan Shuzhen had no choice but to call Ying Ying. After Ying Ying calculated the payment for the two buildings, she told Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen told Mr. Li. Mr. Li nodded to the person who came with him. That person seemed to be the finance person. He immediately took out the check, filled it out and handed it to Tan Shuzhen.

Mr. Li asked Tan Shuzhen to give him a floor plan. Tan Shuzhen found it and gave it to him. The two parties agreed that Mr. Li and the others would hand over the list of owners of each house the day after tomorrow, and Tan Shuzhen and the others would immediately go and apply for the real estate certificate for them.

Before Mr. Li and the others left, Director Wang from the Hangzhou Power Supply Company and the Post and Telecommunications Bureau called Liu Ligan, saying they were coming to buy a house. Tan Shuzhen, the CEO of the Provincial Metal Company, and the CEO of Zhongda Group also called Call her and tell her that she wants to buy a house.

After Mr. Li left, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen looked at each other. Liu Ligan asked, "What day is today?"

"July 6, Monday." Tan Shuzhen said.

Liu Li laughed loudly: "I'm asking, why are these people buying houses like crazy?"

Tan Shuzhen said: "You ask me and I ask who will go. Now, it's like more than half of last year, and you're still not happy."

"Happy, happy." Liu Ligan said, "No, something big must have happened. I want to ask."

Liu Ligan got through Sun Hou's phone and asked him: "Monkey, what happened? Why do so many wealthy companies suddenly come here to buy houses?"

"You don't know?" Sun Houqi said, "I thought you wouldn't be so closed-minded about the news, so I didn't tell you. It's not just your place, it's the same for the whole country. It's even earlier here in Beijing. The rush starts on Saturday." Yes, all the houses that could be robbed have been robbed.”

Sun Hou talked to Liu Ligan, and then Liu Ligan understood that it turned out that the General Office of the State Council issued Guofa [1998] No. 23 on July 3, that is, last Friday: "The State Council's Notice on Further Deepening Notice on reforming the urban housing system and accelerating housing construction.

Although the document was only distributed to the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions of the State Council, and all agencies directly under the State Council, after fermentation on Saturday and Sunday, many units and people knew about it.

Because this notice is so important and directly related to everyone's vital interests, the notice requires that "physical distribution of housing will be stopped in the second half of 1998, and housing distribution will be gradually monetized." In other words, the welfare distribution that has been implemented since the founding of the People's Republic of China The housing system has officially come to an end and has completed its historical mission.

From now on, all housing must be obtained from the market.

This notice was issued on July 3, and the regulations will be implemented from the date of issuance, but there is a tail in it, which is the "gradual implementation." The notice said: "The specific time and steps will be determined by each province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government. The people's government shall determine it based on local actual conditions."

In other words, before this notice is issued and specific measures are introduced in various places, there will actually be a window period. Those wealthy units that were originally building dormitories and housing every year will not be able to build more It was too late, and the best way was of course to buy it, so Sun Hou said that all the houses that could be grabbed were taken away.

Because no one knows when the specific measures of their local province or city will come out. It may be today, it may be tomorrow, or it may be the day after tomorrow, but it will definitely not be long, so they have to take action before that. The house payment is paid out first and becomes a fact.

The notice also specifically emphasized: "Adhere to the 'new system for new houses and the old methods for old houses', live smoothly, and provide comprehensive supporting facilities." In other words, during the period before the regulations in various places are issued, as long as everyone can grab a house, You can all use the same old method and continue to divide.

Sun Hou got the original text of the notice from somewhere and faxed it over. Liu Ligan looked at it and said to Tan Shuzhen:

"Immediately notify Ying Ying, Lao Tan, Fan Jianguo and Song Chunming that all house sales are suspended. No matter where they are or what they are doing, they should immediately drop what they are doing and rush over to the company for a meeting."

"What do you want to do?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Haha, the house is about to be robbed, don't we need to adjust the price?" Liu Ligan shouted.

Tan Shuzhen understood and informed her immediately.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Tianying 1978, Kundera, Book Friends 1297873838407110656, Book Friends 20190104201758318 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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