The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 10 We are going to Hainan

"Okay, the more people, the better. We all have company." Jin Lili became excited when she heard Xu Jianmei's words: "What about you, Tan Shuzhen, are you going?"

"You mean to go to this place?" Tan Shuzhen picked up the coconut juice can and asked them.

Zhang Chen said yes, Tan Shuzhen smiled and said: "Then I will go too, and I will have coconuts to drink every day."

"Oh!" Jin Lili and Xu Jianmei both cheered.

Zhang Chen looked at Liu Ligan, and Liu Ligan also looked at him and asked: "What do you think I am doing? Can such a good thing leave me behind? How can a small place like Yongcheng comfort me? Liu Ligan , this turbulent heart.”

Only Feng Laogui sat there silently. Zhang Chen asked him: "Laogui, are you going?"

"I can't go. I'm the only child at home. If I go that far away, my mother will cry to death." Feng Laogui said.

"Damn it, I asked you to go to Hainan, but I didn't ask you to go to the battlefield, and you still cry, you cryer!" Jin Lili cursed dissatisfiedly.

"You don't dare to go yourself." Xu Jianmei teased.

Feng Laogui smiled sheepishly. He thought for a moment and raised his glass: "I, I am here, wishing you success!"

Everyone raised their glasses. Tan Shuzhen had finished drinking the coconut juice. She poured a little water from Xu Jianmei into the glass. After everyone clinked their glasses, they drank it all.

"How do we get there?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"How to get there?" Liu Ligan glanced at her and started singing, "Packed up the bag, put on the white jeans, pretended to be serious about saying goodbye, and told mom that I wanted to go away from home for a few days... "

"You are sick!" Tan Shuzhen scolded, "I was asking for directions?"

"Tomorrow I will go to the bookstore and buy a national atlas. When we come back, we will plan the route." Zhang Chen said.

"What about the group? It doesn't matter if we just leave like this, right?" Xu Jianmei asked.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter if you stay here and you don't have anything to eat," Liu Ligan shouted.

Tan Shuzhen thought for a while and then said: "We'd better ask for leave from the regiment first. If...if it doesn't work well, we will come back. If..."

"Okay, if it's good we won't come back!" Liu Ligan shouted.

Tan Shuzhen stood up: "I'll call Teacher Li."

Tan Shuzhen ran into the building, and after a while, she pushed Teacher Li downstairs. Teacher Li was wearing a pair of big pants, a sweat vest full of holes, and holding a big cattail leaf fan in her hand. She was obviously lifted from the bed by Tan Shuzhen. screamed.

Upon seeing this, Liu Ligan quickly stood up and gave his stool to Teacher Li. He took Tan Shuzhen's cup, ran to the sink and rinsed it with tap water, then came back and placed it in front of Teacher Li. Zhang Chen quickly gave it to Teacher Li A thousand cups filled with one-third of a cup is less.

When Liu Ligan went to the sink to wash the cups, Feng Laogui had already gone to an open door in the building, brought out a stool, and Liu Ligan also sat down.

Zhang Chen and Liu Li pole toasted Teacher Li's wine. Teacher Li took a sip, put down the glass and asked:

"Tell me, there's something important."

Liu Ligan told Teacher Li that they wanted to go to Hainan. They expected that Teacher Li would say that they were not doing their jobs properly, but they did not expect that Teacher Li agreed as soon as he heard it. It was also during this time that he led a group of people to various factories and mines. His eyes were opened and his mind was alive. He said to them:

"People live when they move, but trees die when they move. Why are you so young, sitting in this damn place? You should just go out and have fun. If I were the same age as you, I would have gone out long ago."

"Did the group agree to our request for leave?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Ask for leave? What kind of leave? Who can I ask for?" Teacher Li asked curiously.

"I'm looking for you. I'm asking for half a month's leave. Let's go take a look first." Tan Shuzhen said.

"You have no use for me, so who am I? I'm not the group leader. Besides, who cares about whom now? It's not the same thing whether you invite me or not." Teacher Li said while fanning a big cattail leaf fan.

"In that group, won't we be considered absent from work?" Xu Jianmei asked.

"Absenteeism? Who is absent from work? Our captain Ding has only been here for two and a half days. Have you seen him come to work since then? He has never come to work. Has anyone ever recorded him as absent from work?" Teacher Li asked, "If you want to let him go, you have to let him go first."

"Awesome!" Liu Li raised his thumb and praised, "Sure enough, ginger is still hotter than ever!"

Teacher Li took another sip of wine and became more enthusiastic: "Besides, what if I'm absent from work? At worst, my salary will be deducted. Can you deduct your salary if you have it?"

"Yes, yes." Xu Jianmei was relieved, "I forgot about this."

Inspired by Teacher Li, several young people immediately decided to leave on the third day.

Teacher Li had been to Guangdong when he was young and had a better impression of that area than they did. He told them that Hainan had just been established as a province. Before it was established, it was a region of Guangdong. If you want to go to Hainan, you should first go to Hangzhou. Or Jinhua, take a train to Guangzhou, and then go to Zhanjiang. When you get to Zhanjiang, you will be opposite Hainan Island, very close.

Zhang Chen and the others discussed for a long time and felt that it might be easier to buy train tickets from Hangzhou to Guangzhou. Since Jinhua was only a passing train, tickets must be tight, so they decided to go to Hangzhou first.

When he woke up the next morning, Zhang Chen looked at Jin Lili who hadn't gotten up yet. Today was not Sunday. Zhang Chen shook her:

"Hey, wake up, you're late."

Jin Lili muttered: "If you don't go, aren't you going to Hainan?"

Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh, or did you come quickly and be in a state of combat readiness today?

Jin Lili opened her eyes slightly and said to him, "Don't make any noise. I just dreamed that we were on the beach. The sea water in Hainan is so blue."

Zhang Chen sat up and thought about it, so he shook her awake: "You are a cashier and you have to leave tomorrow. Don't you have to hand over today?"

"What the hell, it's been a week. I only have 13 cents in cash in my drawer. I don't even bother to lock it. Whoever wants it can take it," Jin Lili scolded.

Zhang Chen almost laughed, well, such a broken unit is worse than a troupe, just let it fend for itself.

Zhang Chen got up, went downstairs to brush his teeth, washed his face, and rode a broken bicycle to the advertising company below the film company. He told the manager that he was going out and that he had no time to draw any more advertisements. The other party felt sorry for him. Eyes wide open:

"What, the troupe has a performance?"

Zhang Chen mumbled a few words and dealt with it. He went next door and paid 243 yuan from the cashier of the advertising company. He put the money in his hip pocket and rode his bicycle to Xinhua Bookstore.

He asked the salesperson to bring him an "Atlas of China" with a red plastic cover, and turned to the penultimate province of Hainan. After looking at it, Hainan Island was indeed as Teacher Li said, just opposite Zhanjiang, Qiongzhou. The strait is only a little wide.

Zhang Chen looked at the price on the last page: one yuan and one dime.

Zhang Chen couldn't bear to part with it, thinking that this money was almost equal to the entire cash of ten Yongcheng bearing factories. He hesitated for a long time, and finally returned the map book to the salesperson.

Isn’t it just Hangcheng, Guangzhou and Zhanjiang? How could such a simple route be wrong?

This map book still takes up space in the bag. He comforted himself like this.

Zhang Chen got on the car and walked slowly back along the street lined with French plane trees. Thinking of what he had just done, he laughed. When did he care so much about more than one yuan?

However, since he decided to go to Hainan, Zhang Chen has been counting all his money since last night. He regrets that he was too squandering and had no savings. When he was about to go out, he saw how big the money was.

Zhang Chen bought big cakes and fried dough sticks from the small shop below the theater troupe. When he returned to the room, Jin Lili was sitting on the bed in a daze. Zhang Chen asked:

"What, you don't want to sleep anymore?"

"What a pity!" Jin Lili stared at him with her eyes wide open, and shouted as if she was waking up from a dream: "I got up earlier to look for a swimsuit, and wanted to wear the swimsuit and continue sleeping. As a result, I couldn't find the swimsuit, and I couldn't go back to the dream."

Zhang Chen almost burst out laughing. Jin Lili ducked out of the bed, jumped forward, and rode on Zhang Chen's back from the end of the bed, shouting loudly:

"I'm going to Hainan, I'm going to Hainan, oh oh oh, we're going to Hainan!"

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