The strength in her body has increased a lot, although it has been tens of thousands of years away from her body, the strength of Alex’s body has the same root as him, just like fat Puwu and thin Puwu. {Gold} {List}The original fat Puwu is not as strong as the guy who later absorbed the fat Puwu. As a force separated from the body, of course, there will be no fight between them, and this “evil” force that has been coiled for ten thousand years has finally left the body of the Western Realm King God.

Alex slowly stepped back, feeling the thickness of this energy that came to his body.

Majin Puwu’s energy is very devouring, and Alice also knows that the only “god” power that exists in his body now is the only existence left behind, and it is also the strongest defense post, the origin essence of the “god” power. Everywhere else, it’s already dirty. If the power of “God” is used, then there is only one reply per second; However, the recovery of the “evil” power has reached the level of 1,000 or even 10,000 per second, and the “evil” force is very aggressive, which is an excellent choice for destruction and destruction.

“Oh… Ahhhhh

Alex looked up at the Western Realm King God who was gradually waking up in front of him, exhaled, and converted his power again. There is no need to become enemies between herself and the other party, and besides, she is also weak, and she has no desire to challenge. The relationship is not too far away, and it would be better if something could be put out of the other person’s mouth.

Absorb?! Alex will be cautious and will not absorb too much power at once, but wait until this power is absorbed and digested by himself, and then absorb the next one. In the original work, Vegett rescued those who were absorbed in Puwu’s body, and only a few could be seen. The originally absorbed Southern Realm King God and Great Realm King God completely disappeared into Puwu’s body.

From the analysis of the original book, absorption is not a good choice. It is easy to be affected by the will of people who are easily absorbed, if they absorb a particularly strong spirit and sensibility one day, and gradually become evil Puwu absorbing the Great Realm King God, they will have no self at all (Majin Puu and before and after absorbing the Great Realm King God, they are simply two people!). That’s tragic. {Gold} {Leaderboard}

However, the Dragon Ball world can have a powerful “good” guy like the Great Realm King God, but I haven’t seen a few, I don’t know if it is the same as the forbidden land of the Demon World, this kind of character will suddenly pop out.

Seeing the Western Realm King God sitting up, Alice stepped forward to support him and said: “How does it feel to sleep for ten thousand years, you don’t move, lie down first, rest for a while!” ”

The consciousness of the king of the Western Realm is still vague, tens of thousands of years of deep sleep, so that the moment she woke up, there was a brief amnesia, shaking her head, but her mind was blank, it was difficult to identify the surrounding environment. Hearing what a person next to him had been next to him since he woke up, he nodded his head blankly, did not refuse, and lay down again.

Looking at her appearance, Alice also knew approximately: it should be temporary amnesia, but the other party is a realm king god, and he will definitely be able to recover quickly.

Now that he switched to the power of “God”, he felt bored, so he began to cultivate spiritual power. As for the improvement of the “dimension”, he no longer had any extra ideas.

Originally, Alice’s qualifications in the “dimension” were very poor, but now it has become like this, and even more so. With Alice’s original, that is, the appearance of Goku to meet with the King God of the Western Realm, I don’t know what will happen in the future, after saying it for so long, Alice really didn’t take a good look in the mirror.

The previous four-phase doppelganger allowed Alex to avoid the need to look in the mirror, just look at each other. But as the cultivation deepened, the differences between individuals began to become obvious, but unfortunately these were completely ignored by Alex, for him, he was himself, no matter what it became, as long as it was derived from this physical body.

Of course, he does not approve of the influence of other souls on himself, or other forces digging out something in his body. As long as it is willingly and appears from his own body, Alice will accept it and have had the experience of four doppelgangers. In the sea of spiritual knowledge: cowardice, inferiority, anger, rage, despair, greed, intoxication, madness, vanity… All can be treated by Alex as equals. Unfortunately, this has a premise, that is, if Alice’s symptoms after soul injury do not appear.

There was a soft groan in his ears, and Alice opened his eyes, only to see the King God of the Western Realm struggling to get up from the “stone bed”.

Looking at her sharp eyes, Alice knew that she had regained consciousness at this time. It’s just that the physical function has not recovered, and he asked softly: “You don’t lie down for a while anymore?” Seeing her unyielding eyes, Alice stepped forward to lift her up.

After sitting up, the King of the Western Realm gasped heavily, and it took a long time to raise his head, look at Alice, and ask vigilantly: “Who do you say?” Although you have the power of ‘God’ in you, your evil nature cannot be changed. ”

Alice was stunned, but he didn’t expect the other party to immediately say his energy status, but he didn’t answer, and said lightly: “The same experience as you, from god to evil.” ”

“From God to Evil?!” Obviously, although he has recovered a lot, his memories of before he was attacked have been missed. Looking at her confused look, Alex sighed and said with a smile: “Have you forgotten what happened before you fell asleep?” ”

Looking at the other party’s doubtful gaze staring at him, Alice could only continue: “Majin Puwu, remember?” ”

“Demon-man-Pu-wu-” The King God of the Western Realm said word by word, his dilated pupils began to condense, and his originally doubtful expression gradually became calm.

Alice asked, “Remember?” ”

“Yes!” He answered, but quickly turned his head and looked at him, “I’m strange, who are you, it seems… You know our business. ”

“Of course, can’t you feel a familiar power in me?” Alex said it righteously, without any concealment.

Feeling it, the King God of the Western Realm immediately opened his eyes, with vigilance, guard, and doubt in his eyes, and asked: “Who are you, why do you have the power of Majin Puwu, can it be said that you are Majin?” ”

“Hahaha, you are very interesting, if it’s really like you said, why should I save you.” Ay…… You better use the dimension to feel why you are here, and when you understand why you are here, you will know the reason for this energy in my body. ”

After Alex finished speaking, he slowly moved to the side corner, sat on the ground, and closed his eyes against the stone wall.

Unfortunately, the series of actions that Alice did not reduce the suspicion in the eyes of the Western Realm King God, and he was still on guard.

After staring at the person in front of him for a while, the King God of the Western Realm finally began to envelop his side with spiritual power as Alex said. In an instant, she felt the difference here, and this feeling was ten thousand times more comfortable than when she was on the Realm King God Star-Holy Domain. It was as if this was her home, where her essence was.

If it was an ordinary god, he would definitely scold Alice loudly at this time, telling the other party that he used some kind of spell, but the King God of the Western Realm still had this bit of endurance, and although his mood began to wave, he had not reached the point of turning over the river. Quietly suppress the feeling of irritability and continue to move towards the “place” that brings you this feeling.

A few hours later, the King God of the Western Realm opened his eyes, revealing Qingming, and looked at Alice on the side, with a clear look in his eyes.

She spoke: “Hey, what kind of person are you, and why do you have the power of “God” in your body?” ”

Alice, who had been paying attention to the other party, pondered for a while, and then said: “I didn’t tell you, what happened to you, and my situation is the same.” Oh yes, forgot to ask your name, how, Ales! Alex turned his head to look at the other and pronounced his name.

Looking at Alice for a long time, until Alice thought that the other party would not answer again, the Western Realm King God spoke: “Western Realm King God, Leila.” ”

“Leila, nice name.” It is said that Alex has never heard of the name of the Western Realm King God in his previous life, not to mention the Western Realm King God, that is, the old Realm King God and the young Realm King God are the same, in Alex’s memory, there is no record of this at all.

Just now, after Alex devoured the Black Western Realm King God, the only thing he got was that he could resist the induction of mind reading on himself, but he couldn’t learn it, because its essence was the expansion of the power of “God”, but his “dimension” was too low to learn at all. Of course, if there is any offensive spell, it may be that he can comprehend a lot, after all, Alice’s spiritual power is not covered, accumulated for so many years, and input so much energy, even if the spiritual power of several gods is superimposed, it is impossible to surpass him.

This is similar to in the game, a hero of level forty or fifty has not learned any skills, only relying on his own attributes and the opponent’s level twenty level PK, as long as there is enough time, although he has level forty or fifty, but there is no possibility of winning, at most undefeated.

Now Alex’s situation is like this, even if the resources in the body are sufficient, but there is no opportunity to learn, and besides, the current physique has become like this, there is not much luxury.

In Alex’s consideration, his previous self seems to be like the big snake pill in “Hokage”, bent on learning everything, looking for forbidden powers, but in the end…………

Compared to him, he is much better, at least, now he hates his former self, but he is still himself, isn’t he?

Alice looked at each other and asked, “How, where do you want to go?” Sanctuary? ”

Laila did not answer Alice’s words, but stared at the information she had just received from Ales: “You mean that you have also received the bequest of the Realm King God Star?” So, which one? ”

Seeing such a beautiful Realm King God put on a serious look, Alice felt uncomfortable, turned his head, looked at the stone wall in front of him, and said: “Southern Realm King God God… By the way, what generation of yours disappeared? ”

“Like you, it should have disappeared at the same time.” Laila said.

Remember: (), Feilu strives to provide the most enjoyable reading experience! #审核: sanliuren Time: 01 30 2020 3:03PM# Posted by: sanliuren Time: 01 30 2020 3:03PM#

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