The Path of Evolution

Chapter 572 Forgetting

"You mean, he...he didn't want to live in the first place?"

Yuerou could see how anxious Red Chili Pepper was. She smiled bitterly when she heard this and said: "I can't jump to conclusions. The symptoms he is showing subconsciously now are that he has lost motivation, has no goals, and seems to not want to live anymore. I There is a hypothesis, maybe he had the intention to die together with the Mirage Emperor. He should have realized it long ago when he used that stunt to squeeze out his potential. Now that the Mirage Emperor is dead, the source of power that he persisted in until now has collapsed."

Xue Qing's face, which had regained some color, suddenly turned pale, and her body began to tremble involuntarily.

She still can't forget that stupid young man with red eyes and bloody tears on the Drifting Island.

She also couldn't forget how that man had desperately evolved over the years in order to avenge the Mirage Emperor.

And now, the Mirage Emperor is dead.

Red Pepper thought he would celebrate happily, but he didn't expect it to end like this.

When the Mirage Emperor fell, Xue Qing felt happy in her heart. This joy is divided into two parts. The first part is that I finally avenged my sister and my long-cherished wish was finally fulfilled. Another part of the joy is that that person can finally let go of their baggage and start a new life.

And she never expected that that person's thinking was different from hers.

Many years ago, Xue Qing accidentally opened a love letter in her sister's room. There was a line in it that impressed her deeply: "I am willing to spend my whole life loving you..."

The signature is Zhao Ritian.

At that time, Red Pepper scoffed, not even a middle school girl could be fooled by such old-fashioned earthy love talk.

Until today, my sister-in-law suddenly discovered that Brother Zhao is so damn serious, he actually means it!

This kind of person who devotes his life to love not only makes Xue Qing admire him, but also feels an unspeakable helplessness.

In desperation, Red Pepper looked very crazy, holding Yuerou's hand and speaking quickly: "He still has parents and friends, how can he die just because he wants to? Doctor Yue, you have a way, you must There’s a way, right?”

This stumped Yuerou, and she said weakly: "Actually, there is a precedent for this kind of thing. You should know the story of Mr. Liu."

Hearing this, Red Pepper's head buzzed and his face turned pale.

At that time, there was a pair of Liu brothers in the martial arts world. The elder Liu was competing with others and was beaten to death on the spot. Liu Laoer couldn't bear this breath, so he went back and practiced hard for eight years. His kung fu improved by leaps and bounds, and people in the world called him Liu Erye. This Mr. Liu found his enemy to compete with each other and successfully killed him.

What happened next was very strange. The revengeful Mr. Liu did not look very happy. Instead, he looked ten years older. He went to the police station to surrender that day and was executed according to law.

This incident caused a great stir in the world, and there are various versions of it. The most convincing one is: the moment the great revenge was avenged, Mr. Liu had lost the motivation to live. Actively begging for death...

"No, this is not true!" Xue Qing suddenly screamed, tears bursting out of her eyes. She let go of Yuerou's hand, rushed to the bedside and shook Zhao Hao's shoulders vigorously, sobbing, "You said it yourself, evolution The world is full of wonders. Maybe if you evolve to a high level, it will be possible to resurrect the dead. I have been waiting for that day. I even began to believe that you have the ability to resurrect my sister one day. This is the way to go. How can you give up halfway through? Liar, big liar, you lied to me!"

Zhao Hao showed no reaction and was still unconscious.

Yuerou looked at the man and woman in front of her in shock. She never thought in her wildest dreams that these two people had such big hearts and even thought about resurrecting the dead. As a doctor, it is really difficult for her to accept such an ambitious pursuit that goes against medical common sense.

"Boss, what Miss Qing said makes sense, you can't let your guard down midway!"

Xiao Fenfen, who was guarding the door, finally couldn't sit still anymore and ran over to cry to Boss Zhao as if in mourning.

He signed a dragon-blood contract with Zhao Hao. If Zhao Hao's soul dies, the Silver Dragon King will also be buried with him.

Seeing that Boss Zhao had no reaction, Xiao Fenfen said with snot and tears: "Boss, I know you can hear me. You are just trapped in a shadow and haven't come out. The possibility that Miss Qing just mentioned is If it exists, I have heard rumors about the demon clan resurrecting from the dead. Boss, I promise that I will never mess around with you again. When you wake up, I will work with you to find a way to resurrect my sister-in-law!"

Those who heard this scene were heartbroken and those who saw it shed tears, but it was a pity that Zhao Hao had no reaction.

"What happened?"

Accompanied by the charming voice, the proprietress stood at the door, looking at the mourning Red Pepper and Silver Dragon King in confusion.

Both the man and the demon were emotionally unstable, so Yuerou explained the situation.

"Can't you be hypnotized?" Cang Yun reached out and rubbed her temples, looking at Doctor Moon with questioning eyes: "I heard that you cured a person before and made him forget some things selectively. Is this true?"

"Yes, there is such a thing." Yuerou nodded, then shook her head: "But for that person, I know where the root of his disease is, and it is easier to prescribe the right medicine. Zhao Hao's situation is very complicated, and there is a demon hidden in his body, and His willpower is too strong, and I can’t even hypnotize him.”

The landlady suddenly smiled and said confidently: "Silly girl, if you hypnotize him directly, of course it won't work. I have also studied psychology. If you give him some psychological hints and let him selectively forget a person, then It’s much simpler.”

Yuerou's eyes lit up and she seemed to be deeply inspired: "Tell him to forget the Mirage Emperor?"

"This is impossible. The Mirage Emperor was killed by his own hands. Can you make him forget about it?" Xue Qing couldn't help but interjected.

"No." Cang Yun said in shock: "Let him forget about your sister."

Xue Qing suddenly became enlightened like Yuerou. She knew better than anyone else that the source of all the joy and pain of Brother Zhao came from Xuewei. If he could forget the presence of that girl in his life, then all problems would no longer be a problem.

After thinking about it seriously, Xue Qing raised her doubts: "This is also impossible. My sister is so important to him, how could he completely forget her?"

Cang Yun smiled mysteriously: "Who said you have to completely forget it?"

Xue Qing was even more confused: "You confused me and I can't completely forget it. Will it still have any effect?"

"It's impossible to completely forget the people and things that have already existed." The landlady said in a somewhat suspenseful tone: "What we can do is isolate that memory of his."

Xue Qing thought thoughtfully: "Is it to seal that memory of his? In the parlance of the evolutionary world, is it equivalent to a kind of seal?"

"Yes, and no." The landlady gave an ambiguous answer, organizing the words: "To be precise, it should be understood as a kind of forgetfulness. When a person forgets another person to a certain extent, the obsession in his heart will naturally Just disappeared.”

Xue Qing frowned: "I still don't quite understand the operating principle here. From what I know about this guy, it's impossible for him to forget my sister. The kind of forgetfulness you mentioned should make him not think about my sister for the time being. Well, when he is busy, he doesn’t think about it so much, but what if he is free one day and thinks about it again?”

Cang Yun: “There is a big deviation in our understanding of the concept of ‘forgetfulness’.”

Xue Qing: "What do you mean by forgetting?"

Cang Yun said: "Let me use an analogy. For example, your ex-boyfriend in middle school has broken up with you for many years. Many years later, when you meet him or think of him, you no longer have that heart-piercing feeling. He is here. You can no longer make waves in your heart, you can even laugh it off, this is what I call forgetfulness."

Xue Qing buried her head in thought for a while and said weakly: "I can probably understand what you said, but it's not very thorough. Actually, I, I... I don't have an ex-boyfriend."

The landlady smiled and said, "Let me put it another way and ask you a question first. How many classmates did you have in your class when you were in elementary school?"

Xue Qing was stunned and said uncertainly: "About forty or fifty, why do you ask?"

The landlady said confidently: "Don't ask me what I want to do. Go ahead and answer my question. How many of the forty-five elementary school classmates do you remember the names of?"

"Let me think about, two, three...well, there are about twenty or so. I remember the names of about twenty more." Xue Qing couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. After all, she was also at the second level of evolution. I have an outstanding memory, but some memories that have disappeared over the years can never be found again, and I can't think of the names of dozens of other classmates even if I think hard.

The boss lady said calmly: "Then can I understand that there were 50 people in your class back then, but you still remembered 20 and forgot 30, and 60% of them were forgotten by you?"

"That's right." Xue Qing admitted helplessly, and then changed the subject: "But I forgot about my elementary school classmate, what does it have to do with Zhao Hao?"

The boss lady finally got to the point: "The kind of forgetfulness I am referring to about your sister is equivalent to your forgetfulness about those 30 elementary school classmates. Those 30 people have really existed in your life for six years, but you have already Forget them, these people will not be able to control your life, nor can they interfere with your thoughts. In the same way, if Teacher Zhao also has a similar forgetfulness, then your sister’s position in his heart will be just like your 30 Just like the classmates whose names I can’t remember, they once existed but are no longer so important.”

Xue Qing's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but hold Cang Yun's hand, as if grasping a life-saving straw: "According to you, if he forgets like this, he can completely let go and start a new life? "

"This is true in theory, but it is very troublesome to operate in practice. There are two difficulties here. One is Xiaorou's hypnosis process. This kind of selective hypnosis is really a technical job, and there is no room for error." Cang Yun said , looked at Xue Qing with complex eyes: "Another difficulty lies with you."

Xue Qing was surprised: "What's wrong with me?"

"Hey." Cang Yun sighed softly and said more tactfully: "Have you ever met those thirty classmates that you forgot about?"

"Yes, when I first went to college, I met a boy at the Capital Airport. He was also going to college in Beijing. I was very embarrassed at the time. I thought about it for a long time before I remembered that he was my elementary school classmate. Then the memory came back to me. Things about him in elementary school..." Xue Qing said, suddenly enlightened: "You mean, even if Zhao Hao forgets my sister through hypnosis, when he encounters some special circumstances, he will still relapse and forget about it. Recall everything?"

"Yes." Cang Yun said solemnly: "The second-level evolution base has been opened, and Teacher Zhao's parents have also returned home. You'd better go back and communicate with his parents first, and let everyone cooperate to make various emergency preparations. Delete photos, videos, communication records, and pictures about your sister if you can, hide them if you can, and try not to let him get emotional. There are also some gossips and posts about his and Weiwei's college days, you might as well Through your relationship with the Evolution Bureau, delete them all."

"No problem, these are not difficult." Red Pepper said confidently.

The landlady looked at her sympathetically: "Girl, listen to me, actually the biggest difficulty is yourself."

Red Pepper didn't know why and looked at the other person questioningly.

The boss lady hit the nail on the head: "You and your sister look so alike. He doesn't need to see your sister's photo. As long as he sees you, it will most likely bring back memories from the past."

Xue Qing was confused: "Then what should I do, covering my face every time I go to see him?"

"Do you think this is useful?" the landlady asked in a serious tone: "If you really want him to start over, it's best not to see him again in the next five to ten years..."

Xue Qing was stunned for a moment, her face turned pale, as if she had been struck by lightning, and her body was shaking involuntarily.

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