Chi Shen's lips moved several times, but couldn't answer Qiao Zhen Zhen's question.

Qiao Zhenzhen was not in a hurry, she held his hand with a smile: "Don't hurry to answer, I can wait."

"You..." Chi Shen stared into her eyes, "Are you sympathetic to me?"

Qiao Zhenzhen didn't expect him to come up with such an answer, she was quiet and raised her eyebrows: "What do you think?"

Chi Shen was silent for a long time before speaking: "I don't know, I can't be sure whether the emotions I perceive are correct."

With just one sentence, Qiao Zhenzhen was instantly sad, she smiled bitterly, not knowing how to answer for a while.

Chi Shen held her hand, and his voice was tense: "No matter what your mood is to ask me this question, if I agree, you can't go back."

"No," Qiao Zhenzhen pulled out her hand, "before you agree, you must understand what my mood is."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Chi Shen firmly, "You feel it slowly, and then say it, it doesn't matter if it's wrong."

Chi Shen pursed her thin lips, looked at her for a long time, and her eyes moved slightly: "You like me."

Zhenzhen Qiao smiled: "I'm glad you are the answer."

Chi Shen stared at her in a daze, and after a while also showed a relieved expression: "Then ask again."

Qiao Zhenzhen is willing to cooperate: "Classmate Chi Shenshen, are you willing to marry me?"

"I do." Chi Shen replied solemnly.

Qiao Zhenzhen nodded: "Very good, since we have reached a consensus, then in the next step, we should inform the elders and confess your condition by the way."

Before he finished speaking, Chi Shen suddenly became tense, and when Qiao Zhenzhen realized that something was wrong, his face became cold.

"You proposed to me because you wanted me to take the initiative to confess my illness?" Chi Shen's face paled, "In the next step, are you going to trick me into going abroad for treatment again?"

"I didn't..." Qiao Zhenzhen finished speaking, seeing his guarded face, she felt a little helpless for a while, "I just think they love you very much, so they have the right to know."

"If they didn't know that I was sick, we would not have separated." Even though Chi Shen knew that he and Qiao Zhenzhen were separated, he could not resent anyone, but at this moment his emotions were exposed, he still did not Controlled anger.

Qiao Zhenzhen looked at him patiently, and then slowly said: "Is this why you and Grandpa Chi are not close?"

Chi Shen was expressionless: "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Shenzhen, Grandpa is not wrong, you are not wrong, everyone is right," Qiao Zhenzhen held his hand again, "We just love each other too much, so we did wrong It's just a decision, since you know it's wrong, you should try to correct it, instead of hiding it until the wound becomes pus."

Chi Shen turned his face away and refused to look at her, his falling hair covered his eyes, making it impossible to see his thoughts.

Qiao Zhenzhen sat quietly beside his lap, after waiting for a long time, she put her pillow on his lap: "This time, I won't send you away again, do you trust me?"

Chi Shen was silent.

The two of them quietly looked out of the floor-to-ceiling window, the newborn sun hung in the east, and a large cloud floated in the sky, changing its color wantonly in the sun.

It wasn't until the sun rose higher and the clouds became lighter that Chi Shen asked in a hoarse voice, "What if they don't agree?"

Qiao Zhenzhen didn't know whether he asked about their marriage or not sending him away, but she still answered firmly: "No one can separate us, if they don't agree, we Just run away."

elope... Chi Shen likes this word, and is deeply touched by it, almost to tears in the hot sun.

Qiao Zhenzhen noticed the change in his mood, sat up and looked at him tenderly: "If you are still worried, then we will get the certificate and get the wine first, and after everything is settled, we will Can you tell them about your illness?"

Chi Shen's lips moved, but he did not answer the question.

Qiao Zhenzhen but the more she thinks about it, the more feasible it is: "It would be better if we have children, even if they don't agree, they can't do anything about us, and in the end they can only compromise, if possible. ,We will then…"

"Don't." Chi Shen interrupted her.

Qiao Zhenzhen paused, then looked up in confusion: "Why?"

Chi Shen was quiet for a long time: "I don't want to make them sad."

Qiao Zhenzhen smiled: "You are all so kind, do you still insist on the setting of bitterness and hatred?"

Chi Shen lowered his head and refused to look at her.

Qiao Zhenzhen's fingers gently circled on his knees, quietly waiting for his decision, after two hours in a row, Chi Shen finally raised his head firmly: "Okay."

Qiao Zhen Zhen frowned, opened her arms and gave him a big hug.

The confession bureau was arranged on Saturday night, Qin Sheng and the three came to S City again under the serial calls of Qiao Zhenzhen.

"Didn't we meet last week, why do we want to meet again?" Rao loves his granddaughter like Qin Sheng, and is annoyed by frequent meetings.

Qiao Zhenzhen diligently helped with the luggage: "I have something to tell you about Chi Shen."

"What can't you say on video? Why are you still getting married?" Qin Sheng sneered, "You two have only been together for a few days, how could it be so fast."

Qiao Zhenzhen touched her nose and did not answer his question, Qin Jing next to her immediately gave her a thoughtful look.

The group went directly from the airport to the old house of the Chi family. By the time they arrived, the meal was ready, and Chi Cheng and Chi Shen had been waiting for a long time.

"Grandpa, eat first." Qiao Zhenzhen flattered.

Qin Sheng frowned: "What do you say first, it's worth your fanfare to bring everyone together."

"Let's eat first." Qiao Zhenzhen coquettishly.

Qin Sheng began to be stubborn: "No, you can explain things first."

…I’m afraid it’s clear, you have no appetite to eat. Qiao Zhen Zhen complained in her heart, just when she didn't know what to do, Chi Shen came over: "Grandpa, Zhen Zhen and I haven't eaten for a whole day, let's eat first."

When Qin Sheng heard that the two children hadn't eaten for so long, he immediately reprimanded them and walked to the dining table, Qiao Zhenzhen breathed a sigh of relief and secretly gave Chi Shen a thumbs up. Chi Shen wanted to smile at her, but unfortunately he couldn't smile, and finally he could only nod to signal that he knew.

The whole family sat down for dinner, Qiao Zhenzhen had something in her heart that she couldn't eat, so she opened her bows to take care of everyone, Qin Sheng frowned when she saw that she hadn't eaten a few mouthfuls: "It's not like you haven't eaten for a day. Is it? Hurry up and eat."

"Nothing, grandpa, I lost weight recently." Qiao Zhenzhen answered hurriedly.

Qin Zhao raised his head speechlessly: "You're not fat, learn less of those messy things."

"That's right, Zhen Zhenna, you can't lose weight easily, you know?" Chi Cheng also echoed.

Qiao Zhenzhen was just an excuse, but she didn't expect to suddenly become the target of everyone's fire, when she was about to ask Chi Shen for help, she heard Qin Jing suddenly say: "Dad, Uncle Chi , don't worry about her, she stole a lot of sweets just now, I guess she's gone now."

"When did you steal it..." Qin Sheng mumbled and did not pursue it any further.

Qiao Zhenzhen breathed a sigh of relief, and when she raised her head to meet Qin Jing's meaningful eyes, she was so frightened that she hurriedly lowered her head.

After a long meal, the whole family finally sat down in the living room.

"Qiao Zhenzhen, you can talk now." Qin Zhao started.

Qiao Zhenzhen and Chi Shen looked at each other and stood with him silently.

Although she warned herself not to be too nervous, her expression became uncontrollably heavy: "I want to tell everyone that I plan to marry Chi Shen."

She said these words, the whole living room was quiet, except for Qin Jing, everyone's faces were shocked.

For a long time, Qin Sheng took a breath: "You guys really want to get married!"

"Isn't it too fast, didn't you two just got together?" After Chi Cheng finished speaking, he felt that his words were ambiguous, and hurriedly explained, "I'm not against it, Zhen Zhen Being able to be my granddaughter-in-law is a good thing I can't ask for, I'm just afraid that you will be impulsive, and if something unpleasant happens in the future, it will not only affect the relationship between you, but also affect the relationship between the two families."

"We figured it out." Chi Shen replied.

Qin Zhao frowned: "It's really too short, you haven't seen each other for so long, I think it takes a while to get to know each other."

Whenever you say something, you all feel that they are too fast. Before she said it, Qiao Zhenzhen thought about how they would react. Now seeing them chatting, Suddenly, there was a sense of relief, that my mother never said a word, which was completely different from what she imagined, making her feel a little clueless.

Just as she was uncontrollably nervous, a hand with well-defined joints gently grabbed her fingers, the cool body temperature passed from the fingers to the heart, Qiao Zhenzhen's restless heart suddenly calmed down down.

"We came after careful consideration," Qiao Zhenzhen spoke slowly, her voice was not loud, but the moment she spoke, she easily overwhelmed the voices of others, so that the whole living room was full of Quiet. "And we've both been together for seven years, which I think is long enough."

Everyone was stunned at the same time, but Qin Jing, who had been silent, suddenly frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Mom," Qiao Zhenzhen looked at her and summoned up her courage to speak, "Chi Shen and I have never broken up, even in the years when we couldn't meet, I was always his daughter Friend, he has always been my boyfriend, and there has never been a third person between the two of us."

Qin Sheng looked puzzled: "You mean, you have been liking each other for the past few years?"

"Yes." Chi Shen nodded firmly.

Chi Cheng smiled: "Impossible, in the second half of your treatment, there are no additional emotional fluctuations in the photos and videos of Zhen Zhen, which shows that you have long regarded her as a Stranger, besides, you didn't say it yourself, you don't like it..."

Halfway through he said, he was stunned for a moment when he met Shang Chi's dark eyes.

"You are cured, why do you still like Zhen Zhen?" Qin Sheng helped him finish the question.

The living room was suddenly silent, and the atmosphere gradually became stalemate. Qin Sheng thought of something after asking this question, and his expression gradually solidified. When he looked at everyone in the living room, the expressions were similar to him, and he obviously thought of it. Same thing.

"Are you...really healed?" Qin Zhao tried.

Chi Shen lowered his eyes, his face was still calm, but only Qiao Zhenzhen knew that at this moment he was so nervous that he couldn't restrain the force of interlocking with her fingers, as long as they let go now, she would definitely I can see his fingerprints on the back of my own hand.

But even so, she did not break free from his shackles.

"Sorry, I lied to you..." Chi Shen finally summoned the courage to expose his true self to everyone's eyes.

Qiao Zhenzhen silently pinched his palms, giving him strength as much as possible. Chi Shen pursed his lips, and once again looked at Chi Cheng, who had been stunned, and explained how he had deceived the psychiatrist over the years.

This is Chi Shen that Qiao Zhen Zhen has never heard of.

In his story, he studied psychology, read an emotionally charged novel every day, practiced restraint with her photos and videos, learned to deceive instruments, and even got a chance to because he saw her Go with Mo Chu and learn to play basketball.

When she listened to his six years abroad, she wanted to press a big rock in her heart. Even though Chishen was in front of her, she still wanted to break away from the time limit, go to him abroad, and give He hugs.

Chi Shen's voice never fluctuated, even when he told his own story, it seemed like he was talking about others, but he still made everyone present with red eyes, and finally fell into a long silence.

"I'm not cured, but I won't go abroad for treatment," Chi Shen said too much, his voice became more hoarse, "I just want to be with Zhen Zhen, I hope you can agree ."

After he finished speaking, he bowed solemnly to everyone.

Qin Sheng couldn't bear it, but he still gritted his teeth and looked away: "I don't agree."

"Grandpa..." Qiao Zhenzhen was anxious.

"It's useless for you to call me," Qin Sheng interrupted her, "Didn't you listen to him? Now he not only has the mentality of self-destruction, but also has the urge to destroy you, for your sake Safety, no matter how much I like him, I can't let him continue to be with you!"

"Grandpa is right, Zhen Zhen, you have to be obedient." Qin Zhao followed suit.

Chi Cheng was still immersed in sadness, after hearing the words, he hesitated, "Yes, I also support Lao Qin, although I really want Zhen Zhen and Shen Shen to be together, but For your own good..."

"You guys already healed us once seven years ago, but in exchange, Chi Shen's condition worsened." Qiao Zhen Zhen finally couldn't help frowning and interrupted.

Chi Cheng was hit in the heart by the fact, opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer, and finally sighed heavily, but Qin Sheng reprimanded Qiao Zhenzhen: "How did you talk to Grandpa Chi? I don't know the rules anymore."

"Anyway, I want to marry Chi Shen, no matter what you say, I will not separate from him again," Qiao Zhenzhen choked with red eyes, "We have wasted seven years because of you, Don't try to separate us again."

"You..." Qin Sheng was so angry that he didn't know what to say, and finally he could only look at Qin Jing, "Why haven't you spoken? Do you want to see them messing around?!"

Qin Jing paused, then calmly raised her head to look at Qiao Zhen Zhen.

The moment Qiao Zhenzhen and her looked at each other, tears fell: "Mom, don't object to me, okay?" She can ignore other people's opinions, but only Qin Jing, she Can't resist like now.

Qin Jing pursed her red lips before slowly opening her mouth: "I do object to your marriage now."


Just as Qiao Zhenzhen was about to argue, Chi Shen grabbed her, stared at Qin Jing and asked, "I oppose now, what about later?"

Qiao Zhenzhen then reacted.

Qin Sheng also felt that something was wrong, he frowned and said, "Think about it clearly, that's your daughter."

"It's my daughter, I can call the shots, Dad, don't worry about it," Qin Jing sighed, looked at Chi Shen and asked, "Can you guarantee that you will never hurt Zhen Zhen?"

"I promise." Chi Shen replied firmly.

, so that her eyes become sharp and can easily see through the hearts of others.

Chi Shen was silent for a moment, but still replied: "I promise." Even when he hated Qiao Zhen Zhen the most, he still couldn't bear to let her hurt, which shows that he can control himself, even if she really hates Qiao Zhen Zhen in the future She doesn't like herself anymore. After experiencing self-torture, he should also let her go.

But he now believes that Zhen Zhen will not leave him.

Qin Jing was satisfied with his answer, but the only response she gave was: "I don't agree with you getting married now."

"When can I do?" Qiao Zhenzhen immediately asked.

Qin Jing glanced at her: "Two years later, if you still think as you are now and have not done anything too far, then I will agree."

"Two years..." Qiao Zhen Zhen hesitated.

Qin Jing sneered: "Don't agree."

"We agree." Chi Shen answered immediately.

Qin Sheng was very dissatisfied with what they had reached a consensus on, and immediately frowned, just as he was about to reprimand Qin Jing, he heard Qin Jing helplessly say, "Dad, I have my senses."

"You have a fart!" Qin Sheng scolded, just as he was about to continue his objection, he met Chi Shen's wet eyes, and he couldn't say anything for a long time. After that, he snorted coldly, and went to the guest room with a dark face.

Qin Zhao touched his nose: "Dad must be very angry, I'll go see him." After speaking, he followed.

Chi Cheng looked at this and then at that, his heart still heavy: "My opinion is... Forget it, my opinion is not important, you can decide..."

As he spoke, he left with a sad face.

There were only three people left in the living room, Qiao Zhenzhen excitedly rushed towards Qin Jing: "Thank you mom!"

"There is nothing to be proud of, if you are not good, I will regret it at any time." Qin Jing snorted coldly, opened her up and walked to the guest room, but suddenly stopped when passing by Chishen Footsteps, "You..."

Chi Shen immediately stood up straighter.

Qin Jing hesitated for a long time, and finally her eyes were red uncontrollably.

"Auntie." Chi Shen called her.

Qin Jing wiped the corners of her eyes and hugged him with open arms: "It's all over."

Chi Shen paused for a while, and his eyes began to heat up.

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