"Hua, it's time to start preparing."

This sentence made Hua in the Fire Moth base tremble.

No way...

Hua looked at the scene in front of her, even if she was slow, she could already guess it.

So, her future is so bumpy...

Kevin continued.

"According to Mei's calculations, there is only one hour left before His coming."

He? Who is He?

All the internal staff of the Fire Moth began to stare at the big screen in front of them with full concentration.

They knew that the place that could really make them excited and shocked was coming.



Hua uttered a word calmly, and then fell into silence.

Not long after, she slowly spoke.

"Kevin, I hope that after today, mankind can continue to move forward."

Kevin: "Yes. If you still have a little doubt, look back at the earth behind you."

The girl turned around.

In the dark universe, the earth just lay quietly in the cradle that was not warm.

The earth, like a blue marble, hangs in the endless space.

Its deep blue arc emits a warm halo, as if trying to resist the embrace of darkness.

Kevin: "Every time I look up, I tremble at the darkness and coldness of the universe.

But even so, it still has temperature..."

"Because the earth gave birth to us, because the stars are still shining above our heads."

The earth... The girl couldn't help but think, what are people doing on earth at this moment? Are they lamenting, crying, or holding a doomsday carnival?

From the perspective of the moon, all the disputes and anger, pain and nostalgia that have ever happened... are no longer important.

Only the future is important.

If human beings can continue and prosper again, pain and disputes will come back.

But the important thing is always the future.

"Kevin, I'm sorry for the argument between Dr. Mei and me, and for what I said to you."

Kevin: "You don't need to apologize to someone you can trust with your life."

"Really... Then what should I say?"

Kevin: "Promise. If any of us can walk out of this battlefield alive, we must take on more responsibilities."

Kevin: "The plans prepared by Mei, the Stigma Plan, the Spark Plan, the Ark Plan...

Although not everyone agrees with these plans. But these efforts will sow the seeds for the revival of mankind.

Those of us who survive must cherish these seeds to prevent it from repeating the same mistakes until a new civilization is built.

Hua, I believe the hope of permanently ending the collapse lies in it.

In order to reach that day, humans will sacrifice a lot.

... But humans will never lose hope."


"Is this the last moment of our civilization..."

Many people in the Fire Moth were silent at this time.

They clearly felt that facing the collapse and the Herrscher was just a war with relatively large consumption and casualties.

But I never thought that our results would be presented in this form.

In such a big world, there are only eight warriors who can stand on the moon and fight the last Herrscher for the last time.

How sad it is!

"You say, no matter how hard we try, we will lose in the end, and even civilization will disappear. What is the meaning of everything we do now?"

This sentence is not only the voice of one person, but it is definitely not the voice of most people.

"Meaning? We can leave enough legacy for the next civilization so that they can defeat the collapse. This is the greatest meaning."

Everyone was silent.

But there was an unparalleled light flashing in their eyes.

Perhaps, among the Fire Moths, there are indeed many intrigues among humans, but as humans, the first group of people who can join the Fire Moths are all people with faith.

No matter how humans fight, it is a matter for humans.

But if the collapse and the Herrscher want to intervene, then they must let these so-called gods see how powerful ants are.

In the live broadcast room, the plans proposed by Kevin are obviously the products of their civilization.

They are also the crystallization of the wisdom of this civilization.

So, since they can make those extraordinary achievements in the future in the live broadcast, why can't we who know the future now make a comeback?

Only what you have experienced is called reality.

What is in the live broadcast room now is just a possibility of the future.

The future we know is no longer our future.

In this regard, the researcher of the Fire Moth suddenly recalled the journey... No, the researchThe significance of the study.

This time, when humans know the information of the Herrscher, they may not necessarily lose.

Ai Lishia looked at the live broadcast in front of her, and she asked curiously: "Hey, Hua has seven like-minded warriors around him. In addition to Kevin, there are six more. Who are they? Is there me?"


Gu Li was sweating.

This, can't be said...?

Knowing that this matter is not something that can be said casually, he can only make a joke, "Watch the live broadcast, watch the live broadcast, I will let you see everything in the future in the live broadcast later."

Kiana woke up in shock. She looked at the squad leader Fu Hua in front of her, and she slowly told the dream she had just had.

Fu Hua heard this and she sighed.

"I didn't have a chance to tell you before. Actually, you may find it hard to believe that I am not just the Valkyrie of destiny...

My life journey is too long, so long that it can be traced back to the pre-civilization era you mentioned. I am a survivor of that era."

Qiana was shocked, "Then, who is the man you are talking to?"

"Kevin Kaslana. The source of your Kaslana family bloodline, the survivor of the pre-civilization end war, the most powerful protector of mankind..."

"...If he died in that war, everything should be like this."

"But the result of the end war was too tragic... It changed me and Kevin."

"After the war, Kevin founded an organization called World Serpent and began to implement the human revival plan left over from the pre-civilization."

This series of comments was no less than a small nuclear explosion for the live broadcast room and the Fire Chaser Moth.

Kevin looked at Fu Hua's long list of comments about himself. He sat there, staring at the live broadcast room with his eyes fixed on the live broadcast room, his face somewhat complicated.

I thought I would be a hero who saves the world.

As a result, he did not expect that he would actually save the world in the future.

However, it seems that his way is not very friendly.

Even his teammate, Hua, is like this.

Kevin was sitting here and heard footsteps.

He felt something and looked up and found that it was Hua. He did not know why the other party came to him, but he still nodded and greeted Hua.

After all, the person in front of him was his teammate who could entrust his life in the future.

Kevin was not annoying.

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