Hua also watched this live broadcast.

Before, she thought that everything that happened before had made her feel very uncomfortable, but when she saw this, she realized that this last scene would be the most touching.

Although his memory was confused, he was still the familiar brother Fushe.

"Will I meet such a good friend in the future?"


Eden had just finished an opera, and she dragged her tired body back to the hotel.

Just as she was about to take a bath, she suddenly thought of something, so she turned her head to look at the busy agent standing behind her and asked, "Is there a live broadcast today?"

When the agent was asked by Eden, she immediately raised her heavy dark circles and nodded heavily.

"Yes, it is live now, but it is estimated that today's live broadcast will end soon. After all, it is almost midnight."

Eden came to the living room at this time, turned on the tablet computer placed in the living room, and then signaled the agent next to him to operate it.

The agent sighed, and then followed Eden's arrangement and came to the computer. She tapped her fingers quickly, and soon Gu Li's live broadcast room appeared in front of them.

After the agent saw that the other party was still live, she was slightly relieved. She also wanted to watch Gu Li's live broadcast, but her work was too busy.

There is no schedule tomorrow, so let's watch the last part today, and then make up for the previous live broadcast.

Thinking of this, she looked at Gu Li's live broadcast room, and then when she saw the number of people in the live broadcast room, her pupils shrank slightly.

"Tens, hundreds, thousands, and millions...

Five hundred thousand is close to six hundred thousand, so many people?"

The agent's exclamation was naturally heard by Eden, which surprised Eden, a superstar.

But Gu Li, he has really changed a lot.


Under the abyss of rocks.

Fushe was silent for a moment after hearing Boyang say that they stayed here together.

"Stay here..."

Then, his tone became serious.

"No, you have to go out."

Boyang smiled bitterly, "Brother Yaksha, don't talk nonsense, aren't we ready to stay here forever?"

Suddenly, Boyang's face changed slightly, and he said anxiously: "You, you must not regret it! That seal cannot be broken."

Fushe slowly raised his head and looked at the blood-red light above his head, muttering in his mouth.

"... Seal... Ah, yes. I am the Yaksha who came here to fight."

The picture turned.

Boyang supported the weak Fushe to walk in the underground palace. He held a torch in his hand and looked at Fushe beside him with concern.

"... Brother, brother! Are you okay?"

Fushe laughed at himself and said weakly.

"... Haha, look at me injured like this, I'm afraid I won't live long!"

Boyang chuckled, he supported Fushe to continue walking in the dark underground palace, and said comfortingly.

"It's just the two of us, don't die!"

Boyang looked at the stone walls around him, nostalgia in his eyes.

"... Today, I saw my family here underground. Do you think I'm crazy too?"

Boyang helped Fushe sit on the stone. Fushe coughed heavily. He weakly raised his head and looked at Boyang, asking.

"Boyang, do you want to go home?"

"It's decided to let Rong Zhao stay on the ground. Of course I want to go home."

"... I should have a family too."

"Brothers and sisters? There must be some."

"Brothers and sisters... yes."

"Who am I, and where are my family?"

After saying that, Fushe's eyes went dark, and he suddenly fell forward.

"I'm going back... Brother, brother, what's wrong with you, hold on... We're the only ones left here. You, you must not die first..."

Fushe forced himself to sit up, his large hand holding Boyang's hand, his eyes dazed.

"...Jin that you?"

"What Jin Peng, your memory is so"

"I'm so embarrassed to see you guys."

"Brother, brother!"

At this moment, Fushe suddenly looked up at the empty stone slab in front of him, and a stream of light flashed in his eyes.

"Look...there are people over there..."

"These people...are..."


In front of him, the death of the three Yakshas reappeared in front of him, and the scene of Jin Peng being infected by karma appeared in front of him again.

"I remember, you are..."

In front of him, the scene of the five brothers laughing and playing with each other appeared again.

As the eldest brother, he secretly took a pen and drew ugly words on the sleeping Xiao's face, and the three people beside him watched his every move with a helpless smile..

"…These brothers and sisters are here to pick me up, Boyang."

"Are you awake?"

"At least, at least tell me your name!"

[Big Brother! ]

[Big Brother Fushe! ]

[Hey, Fushe! ]


"Ahem, hahahaha."

The mask was broken, and underneath the mask was a bloodstained smile.

"My…my name is Fushe."

"——meaning, in a fleeting moment, everything is abandoned."

The passionate music pushed the emotions to the highest point at this moment, and the darkness in front of Fushe was driven away at this moment.

All the players who saw this moment had a layer of mist in front of their eyes.

"My eyes were filled with tears. I thought I would just watch this live broadcast with a heavy heart, but I didn't expect that I would still lose. However, I cried and I am proud."

"At the last moment of his life, he finally remembered all his brothers and sisters. After all, he is still the eldest brother of the Yakshas!"

"I am so depressed. This kind of knife is not for the sake of knife. He really shows the significance of Fushe, Xiao, Boyang and those Qianyan soldiers. Each of them is written with full of meaning."

"Is this what Xiao insisted on? According to the brotherly relationship between them, only the one who survived is the most painful. My Xiao, it's so uncomfortable..."

"It's so sad. Is there more to come?"

Gu Li looked at Fushe's last glimmer of light, and he brought his own state of mind into Fushe's perspective. Suddenly, his eyes were red.

"Really, I'm overly moved."

Gu Li coughed lightly, looking at the pile of bullet comments on the already dark screen, he then said: "We'll stop here for today, there will be another one tomorrow, telling the content of Xiao, please look forward to it!"

After that, Gu Li ignored everyone's requests to stay, and immediately turned off the live broadcast without any hesitation, which made many netizens who had not yet vented their emotions stunned.

"Damn, this anchor is really temperamental, he said to turn it off, and he didn't make more money at all!"

"Brother, when you get familiar with this guy, you will find that he is more arbitrary than you think."

Just when the live broadcast review began on the bullet comments, Alicia hurried to the live broadcast room.

She pouted slightly as she looked at the dark live broadcast room.

"I still can't catch up no matter how hard I try. Although I am happy to teach the beautiful girl a lesson, I still want to watch the live broadcast♪"

Alicia tidied up her slightly curled pink hair. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, so she hummed a song and walked out the door.

"My dear Mobius will definitely need the help of the fairy lady, so let her help me too!"

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