Behind her was the past that had already vanished, heavy and long.

And in front of her was the future she was about to embark on...


The expected person appeared in front of Mei.

Kevin stood in front of the gate of the paradise of the past, holding the Skyfire Great Sword.

As she expected.

"It seems that you are the last insurance here."

"But you still didn't make a move."

"...It can be seen that you have great confidence in your former companions."

Kevin: "You too."

For a moment, Mei couldn't tell what the other person meant.

Seeing Kevin really waiting outside the paradise, the audience was really shocked.

"Kevin is really waiting for Erosion outside!"

"Even if Erosion can escape from Paradise, it will first be hit by Kevin's big sword."

"So Kevin is here to prevent Erosion."

"Woo, woo, Kevin is so pitiful, Paradise is gone, and now there are only Hua and him outside..."

Mei: "Kevin, they..."

Kevin: "I know."

Mei: "..."

"Even so... don't you want to see them for the last time?"

That doesn't make sense.

She thought he would say that.

But he didn't.

Kevin: "I don't want to disappoint her."

He said this calmly, as always.

Mei immediately understood-this man who has always symbolized strength is not complaining to anyone... He is just stating his weakness.

Kevin, who stands here, is definitely not just here to serve as the last insurance.

But to remember, to... say goodbye.

Mei's eyes reveal a complex look.


Kevin didn't say much, "Let's go."

He didn't show any more emotion. Or maybe, he had already shown enough.

Kevin was lonely.

Just because no one had ever really noticed his loneliness.

Mei: "...what to do?"

Kevin: "The Stigmata Project."

Of course she knew. The twelfth Herrscher had been destroyed, and the thirteenth Herrscher was just a lie - the destined moment had come.

After experiencing the Paradise of the Past, Raiden Meiyi could fully understand why Kevin in front of her was so lonely.

And, she also understood the Stigmata Project.

But understanding does not mean agreement.

In response, Kevin glanced at her indifferently, and then said indifferently.

"Raiden Meiyi."

"...There will never be another Alicia."

"The result she wants to see is never [here]..."

"It's on you."

Meiyi already knew it.

"So, your real purpose of recruiting a Herrscher to join the World Snake..."

"...I have already completed it, right?"

Kevin: "Yes."

Surprisingly, the man responded very lightly. Meiyi was not even sure if it was a real voice.

"So Kevin just wanted Alicia to see the Herrscher fighting for humanity in the next era, right?"

"Because Meiyi Raiden destroyed the data of Paradise, Kevin fired her (doge)"

"Just for Ellie, he really made me cry."

"How important Alicia is in Kevin's heart..."

"For Ellie's wish, he kept inviting Herrschers for this, just to let Ellie see it with her own eyes..."

Kevin: "Well, that's it... Meiyi Raiden."

"As the Lord..."

"I allow you to leave the World Snake."

At this point, Paradise officially came to an end.

Although in their eyes, the story of Paradise only took a whole night to understand.

But they all knew that what they witnessed tonight was the journey of these thirteen heroes spanning 50,000 years.

"It's dawn."

Gu Li's words stunned everyone.

Their eyes turned to the tempered glass in the distance, and a ray of sunlight shone in.

Yes, it's dawn.

They really watched here all night.

What surprised everyone was that they didn't feel any impatience or fatigue.

It was as if they just sat down and rested for a while.

The paradise is over.

The thoughts of the people on the field are still very confused.

But since the live broadcast has been completed, they can think seriously.

Gu Li's mind sounded mechanically, and he looked at the Yingjie and the key people who had not left the table, but he didn't get up.

As for the other warriors, they also began to leave one after another as the live broadcast ended.

What happened tonight also made them feel a long-lost shock.

It is estimated that in their future, this story tonight will, it's hard to forget.

In Gu Li's mind, the voice of the system listed lines of words in an orderly manner.

What's different from the past is that all the evaluations are gone, replaced by rewards.

Looking at the dense rewards above, even Gu Li, who has seen big scenes, couldn't help but take a breath.

It seems that I still underestimated the lethality of the Paradise Chapter.

These rewards are almost all specially customized for the heroes.

It seems that they want the heroes to grow quickly.


"Give the order to control all these people."

"No one is allowed to be released without my order."

"Their role is too great. We cannot let them grow on their own. They must be protected at all times."

"You...! Are you crazy?!"

"If you control these people, how will you explain to the warriors of the Fire Moth in the future?!"

"Hmph, just take care of yourself. We will supervise these people separately. Your kid, you should take good care of him. This is our final ultimatum."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

The parliamentarians from several continents looked at each other. Although there was a tangled look in their eyes, they finally nodded affirmatively.

"They are so important, so there can't be any mistakes."

"Control Hen and Grayshu first."

"All the people mentioned above have been recorded. The locations of Destobia, Kosmo, Su, and Eden have been determined, but Qianjie has not been found yet."

"Control the first three as soon as possible, and Eden... put pressure on her."


"You, did a good job, did a good job! You will pay the price for this sooner or later!"

"Do you really think that the power in your hands can make people all over the world listen to you?!"

"I'm sitting here, waiting for your downfall!"

Hearing this, the other council members frowned, "Judging from the current situation, several people have not yet become fusion warriors, and they are not a big threat to us. You are a little too nervous."

"You really forgot the content of that piece of paper..."

He swept his deep eyes over the people in front of him and shook his head mockingly.

How can we defeat the collapse with this group of insects?

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