The old display reflects the old-style city.

The mechanical sound of the electric current echoes in this space.

"This is a meaningless story."

"People without a future are on the wrong path."

The mechanical and winding snakes chased a pink figure in the city full of old technology.

The figure was as light as a swallow, like a dancing butterfly.

Under the pursuit of several snakes, she was so calm.

"Arrived, failed ending."

With her feet touching the ground, the figure of Alicia appeared in front of everyone.

"Okay, calm down."

She raised her hands and pulled the bow upwards, and a pink arrow condensed out.

At the moment when Alicia opened her eyes, under the long snake formed by three data, it was launched and turned into a pink light curtain above her head, covering it.

At this time, the music also became so naughty, like a little girl's prank.

Several light arrows flashed in the light curtain, and the three data snakes turned into data and dissipated.

Alicia playfully reached out and shook her hair, and then her feet began to shake violently.

Alicia slipped and saw a huge eyeball at the moment of falling down.

After landing gracefully, countless optical discs turned into weapons and attacked Alicia.

Alicia stood up calmly and stretched out her arrows to aim at the opponent.

"By the standards of the Herrscher, you look quite unique."

As the voice fell, the pink light arrows were instantly launched and turned into several arrows to resist the optical discs.

Alicia ran around in the strange scene to avoid attacks.

"Oh, don't be angry."

As the voice fell, a tape rewinding sound was heard, and the picture was turned back. Alicia's figure appeared again in the place where she had run before.

"Damn, what's going on? Why did Alysia come back like this?"

"You can tell with your toes that this is definitely the Herrscher of Corrosion using his power!"

"The ability to manipulate data, reversing time in the data space."

"Damn, I can't let Alysia suffer!"

"I feel bad, Alysia, let me go, I'm good at playing games, I'm sure I can beat the Corrosion!"

This scene made Alysia unable to react.

The moment she looked back, the huge optical disc hit Alysia fiercely.

A huge cloud of smoke rose into the sky.

Alysia staggered to her feet, and her eyes had begun to be damaged, which made her eyes have a lower resolution.

"Really, I will cry."

Alysia's arrow was aimed at the Herrscher of Corrosion.

But at this moment, the bow and arrow in Alysia's hand were withdrawn by the Herrscher of Corrosion using his power.

At the moment when the bow and arrow disappeared, several wires rose from the ground, tightly wrapped around Alicia, and slammed her into the building formed by the data on the display screen.

Alicia's mouth corners slightly raised, the pink light in her hand flashed, and she broke free from it in an instant.

"The paradise of the past is just your lie."

"Memory is just an illusion of the past."

"It is the accumulation of data."

In the crazy throw of the Herrscher of Erosion, Alicia dodged frequently.

But just when she dodged another throw, the data fell back, and she stood on the place where the attack must pass this time.

The pink crystal flower in her hand instantly condensed to resist, but the use of data turned Alicia's entire arm into empty data and disappeared.

"Of course you don't care."

Alicia rolled on the ground in a mess, and the voice of the Herrscher of Erosion became louder and louder.

"I want to escape and survive."

"Spread, spread."

"Fill every corner of the world!"

The huge pile of debris hit Alysia heavily.

From the sky, a cloud of dust was raised.

"Damn it, Gu Li, come out!"

"You are so cruel, I am so angry, so angry!"

"You must win, Alysia!"

"Erosion, erosion, if you can come out, every hero outside can kill you!"

"You are worthy of hurting my Alysia?! Shut up!"

"Kevin is wiping the sky fire, if you say anything else, I will wait for you at the entrance of Paradise."

Countless cables tied Alysia and brought her out of the ruins to the huge screen of the Herrscher of Erosion.

"I will not lose to you, and it will not end here!"

"This is my will."

The data on the face of the bound Alysia was disordered, and a smile appeared on her face.

"I will exist forever."The Herrscher of Erosion ignored everything else and swallowed all of Alicia's data into his body.

"Did you see that? Alicia is smiling!"

"I saw it, I saw it. My eyes are the ruler!"

"Erosion, what are you afraid of?!"

"Kevin: Guess who is waiting for you with Skyfire?"

The black and white picture, the most primitive code, passed by Alicia.

Her figure also changed from color to lines, and turned into the most basic 1 and 0.

On the black and white TV, the fonts gradually appeared by hand.



But at this moment, the alarm sounded suddenly.

On the black and white screen, the pink light and shadow appeared out of thin air as if it had never left.


"I have to disappoint you."

"The curtain call of the heroes must be grand and magnificent."

"It's just that you and I are alone, and it's obviously a bit lonely."

"Isn't that right?"

"My good Eden?"

Alicia gradually took shape in the data.

She stretched out her hand and looked up, and it was Eden's figure.

"Mama mia, I got goose bumps!"

"This part is amazing!"

"Ahhhhhh! It's going to burn!"

Eden reached out and grabbed Alicia.

"That's right, Ali."

"Let's get started."

"The last dance."

Eden used all his data to reconstruct Alicia.

After the golden light and pink blended, the brand new Alicia appeared in front of everyone.

[The gift of the brilliant "singer", this golden cup is a tribute from afar, the glory is hard to return, and the golden finale is played! 】

Ailishia landed, and the familiar voice behind her came again. Ai Li smiled and turned back.

"In the end, you still want to drag everyone together, so I hate you so much, Ai Lishia."

The background music played at this moment.

Mobius was still stubborn. She looked back at Ai Lishia with a smile on her lips.

Her figure turned into a green light and was held in the palm of Ai Lishia's hand.

[Longing for the future of "Snake Master": With this eternal reincarnation, life and death will be unforgettable, and the taboo of "∞" will be lifted]

"You are obviously very happy too!"

Ailishia stepped on the pink crystal flower and flew upwards in this piece of data.

The fighter plane transformed by the data was constantly stopping Ai Lishia.

At this moment, a roaring voice came from behind her, and a punch smashed the obstacle in front of her.

"Tear everything into pieces!"

[Mask of Feitian "Mad King": annihilate everything with this, anger is hard to extinguish, see the killing of "annihilation"]

Vilvi flew forward with her spiral mechanical arm.

"I won't take it back this time!"

["Spiral" Velvi, the gear of the multi-faceted "fool": with this contradiction and reversal, common sense is hard to overturn, twisting the reality of "spiral"]

A dancing golden butterfly flew from Aponia's hand to Ellie.

"In this way, the paradise has been invested in the final meaning."

[The compassion of retreating from the world "hardship", binding oneself with this chain, the great destiny is hard to violate, building the enclosure of "discipline"]

A strong light flashed, and a strong light burst out from above the Herrscher of Erosion.

Familiar figures appeared in front of everyone, making people's eyes red.

"This is a sight that has never happened in history."

[The time of "Sakura" is frozen by "Moment": It is fleeting, and loved ones cannot be saved, and the miracle of "Moment" appears]

[The lament of the happy "mortal": Going alone, nine lives are hard to change, and only the "empty dream" is disillusioned]

"I hope that the traces we leave behind can open up the future for future generations."

[The fallen leaves of the doctor "Awakener": Use this to see through the world, the answer is hard to find, and the bubble of "heavenly wisdom" is falling]

[The determination of the confused "warrior", this fallen feather is remembered, it is difficult to cross the mortal world, and the perseverance of "floating life" is experienced]

[The pen and ink of the "painter": With this lonely moon, hope is hard to see, and watch the dream of "stars"]

[The harmonica of the yearning "boy": Witness the dawn, childhood is rare, and walk on the path of "rising light"]

Alicia looked at everyone behind her with a smile in her eyes and turned away.

Kevin and Alicia passed by.

"Are you ready, Alicia?"

[The long road of the lonely "hero": with this ice flame, it is difficult to walk alone, and climb the ladder of "saving the world"]

The tone full of affirmation and joy echoed in everyone's ears.

"Yes, of course!"

[The pure "immaculate" love of "True Self" Alicia: with this crystal reflection, people's hearts are difficult to gather, and the vision of shaping the "True Self"]

The flying flowers and love poems of the past life in his hand condensed out, and on this arrow, the imprints of everyone were condensed.

Behind Alishia, the pink light curtain that belonged to Alishia alone carried the power of everyone, and one strike would penetrate the Herrscher of Corrosion.

After this strike, Alishia transformed in the sky, and the form of the Herrscher of Man appeared in front of everyone again.

Behind her outstretched arms, there were twelve marks that belonged to them alone, emitting a sacred glow.

"Look, they once lived so proudly, and carried it through to the end."

"With life, they played the ode of civilization."

The Herrscher of Corrosion looked at Alishia in the sky with jealousy. It used its power and vented its power madly to Alishia.

Alishia kissed her fingers lightly, and a huge pink heart repelled its ugly attack.

"This is the story of the people called Yingjie."

"It is the unfinished journey of the thirteen fire chasers."

"But visitors, your path will continue."

"Isn't it?"

Breaking the siege of erosion, Alishia said loudly.

"Then let's move forward as our heart desires!"

The Herrscher of Corrosion used his power again, trying to restore their data.


"I said we should move forward!"

Twelve arrows were inserted around the Herrscher of Corrosion, and twelve marks appeared beside him.

Alysia floated in the sky, with light blooming in her hands. The huge mirror image of Alysia broke through the shackles of the Herrscher and pulled her own arrow.

"Follow the footprints under your feet."

"Witness this journey of chasing fire."

"Finally...cross the end of the dead..."

"To create..."

"What we have not been able to welcome..."

The images of the twelve heroes flashed one by one.

"The future!"

After the words fell, Alysia turned into part of the arrow and rushed towards the Herrscher of Corrosion.

At the moment of its demise, the paradise of the past belonging to the thirteen fire chasers also disappeared with it.

On the broken mirror, every scene they witnessed was engraved.

But now, they are all going to dissipate one by one.

"Life is as bright as a song, so it's all broken?!"

"Wow, tears, tears..."

"Healthy, sunny and positive, Gu Li, you are not lying to me! I want to kill you!"

"Goodbye, Alicia. Goodbye, the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire."

"I have never cried so hard, as if they are really alive beside us..."

"All the audience, pay the highest respect to the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire."

"Wait, no, there seems to be more?"

"It's the end of the film, what else?"

The background music sounded softly, and the scene of Padofilis holding up her chin and smiling at the kitten appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, many viewers who had just finished crying suddenly cried again for some unknown reason.

"The cat before the super transformation surgery!"

"I don't know why, the moment I saw the cat, and the moment the music sounded, I couldn't help crying!"

"Goodbye, Padu. It's a pity that I can't see you become a rich man in Paradise."

The figure of Hua practicing martial arts also appeared on the screen.

"This martial arts boy is so handsome!"

"Puff, give me back my tears!"

"If there is no collapse, they should actually live like this..."

The warm scene of the Grayshu family appeared, making Blanca burst into tears.

"Gan, I don't know why this picture particularly touched my tear glands!"

"May the scroll of the world love and bless her body and give her the innocence of the stars."

"Little Grayshu! Wuu ... "Goodbye, Klein."

"Snake was still tough until the end. I really can't imagine what she would look like after she softened her mouth..."

Under the tree at dusk, Kosmo played the harmonica, and next to him, the girl Destobia stood with her back against the tree, facing the dusk.

"Goodbye, Kosmo and Destobia."

"Kosmo, you really became a hero, really handsome."

In the playground, Ying appeared in front of everyone with Ling.

"Ying! Ling! You two really make me feel sorry for you!"

"If Ling hadn't died, this would be the life Ying and the others wanted!"

"You cried... It really makes me sad..."

"Goodbye Ying, you are a respectable sister."

Su wore a white coat, stood in front of the hospital, smiled and waved to the children who left.

"Su's eyes are as bright as his personality!"

"Brother Su has golden eyes."

Qianjie was among a group of children, holding a box, and the children were running around him happily.

"Brother Jie! I am in tears! "

"What Brother Jie wants most is a safe and warm life, but it has never been truly realized..."

"Brother Jie still hasn't taken off the mask."

"Brother Jie is still lying, the children are not afraid of him at all..."

Vilvi picked up a card in her hand, and the mirrors on both sides reflected different personalities of Vilvi.

"Goodbye, trickster."

"It's a pity that Vilvi died, but I still have to say goodbye, great magician."

Eden stood on the ruins of the old era, singing the last song of this era, as if bidding farewell to the world.

"This should be where Eden chose to refuse to enter the hibernation chamber and chose to die with the old era in the end."

"Eden's last song, this is a true artist."

"Goodbye, my good Eden."

Aponia knelt devoutly in a ray of sunlight.

"Aponia! I admit that I was wrong to think you were strange at first, but you can't make me cry! ”

“Aponia’s mother, this name really suits Aponia. A soft light has always been on Aponia.”

Kevin, wearing the uniform of Qianyu Academy and holding a baseball bat in his hand, faced the tank-level Honkai beast and walked forward slowly without fear.

“Kevin has really been fighting all his life.”

“Savior hero, I hope you can get rid of the pain in your body.”

“This stick is also in Kiana’s hand.”

“But, when I saw Kevin like this, I don’t know why, I felt like crying. "

A white light flashed.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw a sea of ​​pink flowers.

There was a gentle breeze blowing, and the pink tulips swayed gently.

A slender hand gently stroked the tulips in front of her.

Alicea's figure, in this sea of ​​flowers, her pink hair and wedding dress fluttered in the wind.

She seemed to feel something.

She reached out to play with her hair, then looked back at everyone, bent her beautiful eyebrows, and smiled gently.

"Just like the first time we met, Alicea."

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