Fushe and Xiao did not fight the monsters in front of the Qianyan Army.

As Yakshas, ​​Liyue's powerful fighting force, they have their own things to do.

So the two Yakshas in incomplete state went deep into the monsters with their injuries and started fighting in the battlefield full of monsters.

The scene was like a grand killing feast in an instant. Countless monsters fell to the ground under the combined efforts of the two. The entire battlefield even slowed down the advance of the entire monster army under the two people's hard fighting.

All the audience were excited when they saw this moment.

"Is this the strongest Yaksha? They just relied on two Yakshas to block the monsters' attack!"

"They are fighting hard without any hesitation. The monsters they replenished can't even keep up with their speed. They are too strong and too handsome!"

"I am so excited to see it. Facing thousands of troops alone without changing their expression, isn't this the dream of all men?!"

"This is the art of war. I declare Fushe my idol!"

"I don't care, Xiao is the most handsome!"

Gu Li didn't have any thoughts to look at the barrage in front of him.

I don't know if it's an illusion. He has the help of the system to suppress Fushe's memory and emotions, but after this large-scale fight, his mind began to become trance.

For a while, he couldn't even tell whether he was Gu Li or Fushe.

The karma around him was constantly burning his mind, and the piercing pain was constantly washing away his reason.

To be honest, if there was no system suppression, he would probably have been tortured crazy by the pain.

After experiencing the pain of being entangled in karma, he finally understood what Xiao had been guarding for thousands of years.

He was tortured by this pain day and night, but he still insisted on guarding this land.

This was not only the emperor's order, but also his unexpressive love and his regret for not saving them.

Gu Li's mouth corners slightly raised.

"I am really an incompetent elder brother..."

At this time, Gu Li was more like a Fushe with future memories.

He looked at the black air that was constantly entangled around him in a trance, and his brows were slightly frowned.

In his current state, it is estimated that he will lose his mind soon, and there are countless dead demons and obstacles around them that are unconsciously absorbed by the two of them.

"If this goes on, the situation will be bad."

Gu Li took a deep breath, he stood up, and the pain in his body was transmitted to his brain, making him sweat instantly.

He was injured.

After all, this is a battlefield. It would be wrong if he didn't get injured all the time.

Gu Li mocked himself lightly.

He really thought he could exert all of Fushe's combat power, but it turned out to be only 70% to 80% of his combat power.

Just as Gu Li stood up and wanted to walk towards Xiao to see what was going on with him, he finally saw the barrage on the side, which was jumping at an extremely fast speed.

"What happened to Xiao? Is he seriously injured?"

"Stupid, don't you see that the surrounding black air is constantly being absorbed into his body? This absorption speed is obviously not under his active control!"

"He looks so painful now, black lines have appeared on his arms, and in his eyes, the world has even become scarlet."

"Bone-biting and heart-burning, I finally know what this phrase means, where is Fushe, come and save him!"

"Wuwuwuwu, my baby Xiao, I feel so bad..."

After seeing the barrage clearly, Gu Li's heart jumped. He looked at Xiao's body and found that Xiao was unconsciously absorbing the surrounding karma in an extremely fast way.

At this moment, Gu Li's mind suddenly became clear.

He came to Xiao in one step, leaned down, looked at Xiao's gradually scarlet eyes, and shouted loudly: "Xiao, calm your mind, don't be controlled by resentment!"

Calls came out from Gu Li's mouth, but Xiao, who was crying with his head in his hands, couldn't hear anything at this time.

It's too dangerous for Xiao to be here now. He must be taken away, to Huaguang Forest, Wangshu Inn, anywhere, but he can't appear on the battlefield again!

Just when Gu Li stretched out his hand to take Xiao away, a green light suddenly pierced Gu Li's abdomen.

Gu Li looked up at Xiao and found that his eyes were now occupied by scarlet.

He was controlled by karma!

This is the final fate of countless Yakshas!

Gu Li felt a sour feeling in his heart at this time.

This is not his ending, and his ending cannot be like this.

As the eldest brother of the five Yakshas, ​​is he really going to watch his last relative, Xiao, follow in their footsteps? !


There is still hope!

Gu Li spit out a mouthful of freshBlood, his eyes gradually became firm, he looked at Xiao's crazy figure, lightning flashed in his hand.

"I said, you won't die as long as I'm here!"

Gu Li exerted force on his feet, and a dazzling lightning flashed in the field.

The opposite Xiao was infected by karma, and after he felt the opponent's powerful elemental power, his body subconsciously began to continuously gather wind elemental power.

The breath filled with infinite brutal murderous intent gushed out from Xiao's body.

The Hepu Yuan in Xiao's hand flashed, and a green light flashed in front of Fushe like a ghost.

At this moment, the two Yakshas, ​​who were brothers, began to fight desperately on the corpses full of monsters.

"How dare Gu, the old thief, write about the fight between brothers!"

"Did you see the pain on Xiao's face? He obviously didn't want to be like this. His karma is too terrible."

"Fushe didn't die here to save Xiao, did he? Gu, the old thief, come out and say something!"

"Stop joking. It shouldn't be possible. We just got to where we are. I believe in Xiao's willpower, and I believe in Fushe even more. He is the big brother of the Yakshas!"


On the battlefield.


Gu Li punched out mercilessly.

Xiao blocked with his gun, but he still couldn't withstand the power of the punch and his body quickly retreated.

The karma on his body also dissipated a lot at this time.

"Alas, has Xiao's karma dissipated a part?"

Some sharp-eyed viewers suddenly said.

After Xiao's body rolled on the ground for a distance, he jumped up and threw out his spear, with a loud sound of breaking through the air.

Gu Li gathered the thunder element in his palm and punched He Pu Yuan.

A gust of wind instantly spread outward with him as the center, blowing away countless monsters.

At this moment, a wisp of black karma entered Fu She's body.

At the moment the karma entered, his body suddenly stiffened for a moment, and several familiar figures appeared in front of him.

Seeing this, Xiao flashed and came to Gu Li. After catching the spear, he shot Gu Li into the ground with a shot. The ground around him cracked, revealing the damaged earth.

At this moment, the audience who were watching the battle with anxiety suddenly found that Fu She's viewing angle had appeared on their screen.

This means that they can watch Fu She's perspective.

So some curious viewers reached out and clicked on Fushe's perspective, wanting to see what Xiao looked like from Fushe's perspective.

But when they clicked on Fushe's perspective, they were stunned in an instant.

Because in front of Fushe, there was not only Xiao, but also several unfamiliar figures.

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