The Original God Double Wear: Start Alice, Create Keli

074: Qin Is Jealous, A New Invitation, Hu Tao And Qi Qi [Please Order In Full]

Without the raging rendering of elemental power, Zhaixingya gradually regained its charm and warmth.

Looking at Ying and Paimon's leaving figure, Mona sighed softly. Although she knew that she would see her again in the future, she still felt a little sad in her heart.

Yingmei is one of the few friends she made when she came to Mond City and helped her a lot.

"Okay, don't be emotional. If you miss her in the future, you can meet her anytime." Lin En rubbed Mona's head and comforted her.

Mona sighed: "That's only if she has time, traveling all over the Seven should be quite busy. But it's good, it's better than never seeing...Boss, the piano group Long, I'm going back to the specialty store, you guys chat first.

"I'm going too, I'm going too, Keli is going to eat bread!" Little Keli said quickly.

Although I really want to stay with my father for a while, but now that I have more than a dozen wish-burning agates, Xiao Keli really wants to absorb the power inside and make a new bouncy bomb.

By the way, you can also eat snacks at the specialty store. For Xiao Keli, it is much more comfortable than being under the nose of Captain Qin.

"Mona is still a little sentimental." Watching Mona and Xiao Keli leave, Qin smiled softly: "But Ying really helped a lot, you~ even gave away the flute and sword."

The amber-like eyes are as clear and tough as ever, but today they are a little more inexplicably gentle and complicated, and even the smile seems to be mixed with other things.

Qin felt that she couldn't restrain the faint jealousy in her heart.

This annoyed her a little.

"Don't you have the Wind Eagle Sword?" Lin En understood Qin's mistake, and took out the brocade box from the system space: "This is a gift I prepared for you, special refreshing coffee, you should like it."

Emerald green wrapping paper, wrapped in a solid wood gift box.

This is something won by the system lottery, no one is more suitable than Qin.

As expected, he still cared about me... The jealousy in Qin's heart suddenly dissipated: "Thank you."

"But don't always work overtime." Lin En reminded.

"Hmm..." Qin responded softly, looking at the young man in front of her, faint ripples appeared in those clear light blue eyes, and finally she subconsciously tiptoed and kissed like a dragonfly.


"It seems that I didn't come to Zhaixingya in vain today. I seem to have thought of a new inspiration for writing poetry. Hmm... how about a story about a female knight and a hero? Makes sense, right?"

Wendy's clear voice came from a distance, full of ridicule and excitement.

I didn't expect to see not only Lin En showing his strength today, but also the dignified and elegant workaholic Qin, showing such an active and enthusiastic side.

This trip is worthwhile!

"Lord Wendy!"

The sudden sound startled Qin, and when she saw Wendy coming leisurely, her cheeks immediately turned red.

"I think the Knights still have something to do, I'm leaving first... let's talk.

After Qin finished speaking politely, she left as if fleeing.

No matter in the eyes of the people of Mond City or in the eyes of fellow knights, she has always been a stable and reliable head of Qin.

When have you ever been so flustered?

"I didn't expect Barbatos, the god of Mond City, to have the habit of peeking?"

When fighting the lady, Lin En sensed that Wendy hadn't gone far, and originally wanted to say hello to him after the end, but Qin Ya didn't expect that.

Looking at the problem that interrupted his good deeds, Lin En's eyes became more and more unkind.

"Don't look at me like that... I'm just attracted by your power." Wendy quickly waved her hands and said with a smile: "But... why is your power so similar to mine?"

"Probably the wind element is like this at its extreme." Lin En took out the speech he had prepared a long time ago.

Wendy said thoughtfully: " seems to be somewhat reasonable, but for the story between you and Qin, do you need me to write a poem to praise it? I believe many listeners will like it."

"Of course, it's just that you don't want to drink Blue Star's wine anymore." Lin En said with a smile.

Wendy said hurriedly: "Actually, I didn't see anything just now... Uh, do you need any feedback from the bard for me interrupting your communication?"

Lin En thought for a while: "Come to Blue Star in a few days, there is a preview event, you can attend it, up to ten minutes."

Yuanshen's preview live broadcast is necessary, but Lin En doesn't plan to let Wendy follow the whole process, just show her face in the live broadcast.

After all, showing up occasionally is a surprise.

As for whether frequent appearance of such similar people will arouse suspicion? This issue is not within the scope of Lin En's consideration, because even if it does arouse suspicion, there will be a system to solve it.

Of course, this does not mean that he will let the characters often attend events, no matter what it is, it is better to keep some mystery.

After all, these people are his friends, not wage earners.

Therefore, most of his preparations for the live broadcast of the forward-looking event are to show some PVs about Mond and Wendy. It is enough for Wendy to show up and say hello, which can be regarded as bringing the heat.

This can be regarded as the fulfillment of Wendy's dream, this guy has always wanted to interact with Blue Star's "fans".

"Don't worry, I will definitely attend. But I heard that you are very close to Miss Diona from the Cattail Bar. Can you help me get a glass of chewing wine? I heard it is a new product she just made."

Naturally, Wendy would not refuse this kind of thing.

He has been trying to understand Blue Star's culture, and it is very rare for a god to reduce his wear and tear over there.

It's just that Twalin has just recovered from the pain, and he wants to accompany an old friend he hasn't seen for hundreds of years.

Otherwise, spend every day in Blue Star.

"You don't like chewing wine."

As Lin En said, he opened the door of the vortex and prepared to return to Blue Star.

Recently, he has been running intensively to Mengde to build special weapons. Even after the time for dual wear, he went back to Shanghai to deal with some work matters, and did not make new invitations at all.

Now Lin En thinks it's time to start a new invitation and draw some lucky draws for nothing.


"Because it has cat's saliva in it.

Wendy: "…………

After saying goodbye to Wendy, Lin En walked back to the whirlpool gate.

After returning to Shanghai, Lin En took a shower and was busy until late at night before finishing work.

"Let's start the invitation first."

Lin En glanced at the time, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, and he simply opened the door of invitation while preparing meals for himself.

Tiwat Liyue Wuwangpo.

The solitary bright moon hangs high in the night, and the pale moonlight shines on the silent land, adding a bit of weirdness to the already eerie Wuwangpo.

Under the moonlight, the shape of the trees is indistinct, because it is rumored that there are evil spirits haunting this place, even during the day, few people set foot here.

But in the middle of the night, there was an immature and cute sound in the depths of the woods.

"Seven two three four, seven two three four... five six seven seven, five six seven seven..."

In the depths of the quiet woods, under the pale moonlight, a petite figure was working hard to move his body, chanting sports slogans earnestly.

It's just that the little girl's face was pale and stiff, and there was still a yellow talisman hanging on her face.

After careful identification, it can be seen that this is not an ordinary human girl, but a little zombie.

"Hehehe...Qiqi, the hall master has finally caught you!"

Just as the little zombie was exercising his stiff body, a weird voice suddenly came from above his head.

The little zombie looked up subconsciously, and saw the familiar girl who couldn't be more familiar.

The girl wears a Qiankun Tai Gua hat, a brown Liyue-style double-breasted gown, supple chestnut double ponytails vertical to her thighs, and a delicate red plum pinned between the hats.

Even in the dark night, it's hard to hide her delicate snow-white face, and those pair of quirky and beautiful plum blossom pupils. It's Hu Tao, the 77th head of Liyue Xiangshengtang.

And the Qi Qi in Hu Tao's mouth is the little zombie Qi Qi who is working hard in the night.

A long, long time ago, Qiqi was just an ordinary herbal girl, but she had a lot of misfortunes, and she strayed into a fairyland while gathering herbs, and encountered a battle between immortals and demons that was hard for ordinary people to see.

Surprised by the battle, Qiqi accidentally hurt her right leg and hid in the cave to bandage her. However, she did not expect that the cave she was hiding in was affected by the power of the battle between immortals and demons and collapsed, and she was buried in the cave.

Because of her strong will to survive, Qiqi got her own God's Eye when she was dying.

And this protracted battle between immortals and demons ended because both immortals and demons were touched by Qi Qi's "obsession with life".

……ask for flowers……

After the war between immortals and demons came to an end, the immortals couldn't bear to see Qi Qi being harmed innocently, so they each took a ray of immortal energy and injected them into Qi Qi's body, hoping to revive her.

Although the awakened Qiqi regained her life, she fell into unprecedented madness because she couldn't control the immortal power in her body.

In order to calm down Qiqi's restlessness, [True Monarch Lishui Dieshan] had no choice but to seal her in amber.

Hundreds of years later, the amber that sealed Qiqi was finally discovered and sent to the Changsheng Hall for burial. At this time, the power of the seal gradually weakened, and Qiqi gradually regained consciousness.

Qiqi finally woke up one night, and she turned into a zombie.

Although such a long sleep has caused her body and memory to undergo earth-shaking changes, but she still follows the habit of collecting herbs in her heart.

So Qi Qi went straight to the mountain forest after waking up, and met Bai Zhu, the owner of Bu Bu Lu, on the way to collect medicine in the mountain forest.

Bai Shu happens to be researching the method of longevity, and when he sees Qiqi who has become a zombie, he takes her in the Buxialu.

Although Qi Qi knows that Bai Shu has ulterior motives, but hundreds of years of loneliness and tragic experience, Qi Qi is still grateful for this superficial kindness.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of daily life, Qiqi will do gymnastics training and mental training every night, hoping to make her body soft and strengthen her forgetful memory.

It's just that this kind of life was completely broken after getting to know Walnut.

As the seventy-seventh head of the Hall of Rebirth, Hu Tao unilaterally regards Qiqi as a good friend after getting to know Qiqi, and tries her best to put Qiqi in the ground for peace.

This is not because Hutao killed Qiqi, but in Hutao's cognition, life and death are known as yin and yang, and since Qiqi has already passed away, turning into a zombie means being imprisoned in the floating world without escape, and is the most painful victim.

So sending Qiqi into the earth is safe, not only a relief for Qiqi, but also a balance for the order of yin and yang.

So Hu Tao would try every means to catch Qiqi every time, and wanted to cremate him.

But Walnut would be interrupted by Baishu every time.

Recently, Hu Tao found out that Bai Zhu asked Qi Qi to go out to collect herbs, but after she came out, Qi Qi seemed to have forgotten the way back, and kept collecting herbs in the wild, and even came to Wuwangpo.

This was an excellent opportunity for Hu Tao, she immediately counted the auspicious time, and came to Wuwangpo with a sack.

When he saw Qiqi doing aerobics under the moonlight, Hu Tao immediately climbed to the tree and dropped from the sky with a sack.


Even Qiqi's memory is extremely poor, and she has to rely on a notebook in her daily life, but she has a very deep memory of Walnut.


represents death.

Qiqi doesn't want to die!

After recognizing Hu Tao, Qiqi turned around and ran away.

"Qiqi, still want to run? You won't be able to run away tonight!"

Hu Tao chased after him with a sack, and started a game of chasing each other at Wuwangpo, which was regarded by countless people as a place of evil spirits.

She escapes, she chases, and she is hard to fly.

In the end, Qi Qi was successfully caught by Hu Tao, and she quickly stuffed it into the sack, only showing her cute little head.

"I finally caught you... I will dig a hole and burn it for you. I hope you can be buried in peace."

Burial is a serious matter, and if it was someone else, Walnut would do it more solemnly.

But Qiqi is an exception, she has been destroyed too many times, and now she finally caught Qiqi during the funeral, Hu Tao took out the shovel she had prepared, and began to dig the pit with all her might


Taking advantage of the bright moonlight tonight, dig a pit and carry out cremation on Wuwangpo.

"Hey hey hey..."

Under the moonlight, Walnut was having a great time digging with a shovel.

It's rare that there is no interruption from Baishu, she is full of energy.

But at this moment, the original bright moonlight suddenly turned into colorful light, Hu Tao raised his head subconsciously, and saw a vortex appeared above his head at some point.

The vortex was in the extremely quiet Wuwangpo, so quiet that it was strange.

In the next moment, Hu Tao's body and her shovel were sucked in by the vortex.

Seeing this scene, Qiqi, who was wrapped in a sack, blinked her eyes curiously, and then moved her body quickly.

The walnuts are gone....

Qi Qi wants to escape!


[Please ask for flowers, please ask for an evaluation ticket, please ask for a monthly ticket, the picture is a walnut. At】.

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