When You was complaining about the wise king, a figure in a red suit came over. He came in front of the hero king and bowed.

"My king, please forgive me for being so late. I wonder why you summoned me here?"

The man was none other than Tōsaka Tokiomi, who had hardly appeared in the entire Holy Grail War. Seeing Tōsaka Tokiomi show up, You couldn't help but mutter in his heart,"If this guy hadn't shown up, I would have almost forgotten his existence in the Holy Grail War."

Because the battle here was over and there was nothing to do if he continued to stay, You waved goodbye to the King of Heroes and said,"I won't get involved in the conversation between you and your Master. There's an old bug down there waiting for me to deal with. That guy is simply an indestructible cockroach. This time I'm going to get rid of him. I'll go down first. Bye."

Then You went around Tōsaka Tokiomi and flew low into the large void.

Although he didn't know what kind of identity You had, based on the King's friendly and even doting attitude towards her, Tōsaka Tokiomi still bowed to her, even though You had her back to him and didn't see it.

Tōsaka Tokiomi had been sitting back at his magic studio at home, thinking that the Servant Hero King Gilgamesh he summoned was enough to sweep the entire Holy Grail War on his own, so he didn't go out during the entire Holy Grail War, just staying at home waiting for the news of victory. But just now the Wise King sent him a message saying that everything was about to end, and he thought the Hero King was going to end the Holy Grail War, so he rushed over impatiently.

"Nothing, the Holy Grail War is coming to an end. If I am right, it will probably end tonight."

Although he was mentally prepared, Tohsaka Tokiomi was still a little surprised,"So soon? Are you planning to personally wipe out those villains?"

This is no wonder.

Although the Holy Grail War lasts for seven days, it sounds short, but in fact, under normal circumstances, the Masters and Servants rarely fight in the early stage.

On the one hand, it will expose their own strength and trump cards, and on the other hand, it is easy for others to catch the mantis and the oriole behind.

So in most cases, the Masters and Servants will leave the battle to the later stage, that is, the last two days.

The situation like now that the victory and defeat are fully determined on the fourth day has never appeared in the past.

When the King of Heroes heard this, he just glanced at him indifferently:"How is it possible? Since I said that I am not interested in this Holy Grail War, it is impossible for me to take it seriously. Besides, I have said before that the ownership of the Holy Grail has been predetermined. I am not interested in things that do not belong to me and cannot be obtained."

Tōsaka Tokiomi was a little anxious when he heard this. He did use his familiar to monitor the banquet in Einzbern Castle and heard the King of Heroes say this, but he didn't take it seriously at the time. He thought that those words were just a trick used by the King of Heroes to confuse his judgment.

"But, Wang——"

Tōsaka Tokiomi wanted to say something eagerly, but the King of Heroes interrupted him directly.

"Shut up, Tokiomi! I am not interested in your modern magicians' tricks. The reason why I called you here this time is because you have fulfilled your duty as a subject and I am giving you this reward. The Holy Grail is about to descend. All the truth lies in the ceremony below the Great Hollow. It is your own choice whether you want to understand the cause and effect of everything. I will not accompany you any longer."

After saying this, the Hero King turned around and disappeared in a spirit body. Toosaka Tokiomi stood there with his head down and clenched his fists. After struggling for a while, he loosened his clenched hands and walked towards the entrance of the Great Hollow. The

Great Hollow underground is where the Great Holy Grail is.

When Altria and Emiya Kiritsugu came to the underground, they saw Irisviel, who had been sleeping for a long time. She was like a sleeping beauty, lying quietly on the altar in the center of the Great Hollow.

"Irisviel!" Altria called out her friend's name and was about to rescue her.

""Danger, retreat!" Suddenly, Emiya Kiritsugu shouted loudly. At the same time, Artoria's intuition also sent a dangerous signal. Without time to think about what was going on, Artoria kicked her feet and jumped into the air. The ground she just stood on also broke at this moment.

Dozens of black humanoid hands broke out of the ground and continued to extend to try to catch Artoria who could not move in mid-air, but they were all cut off one by one by the holy sword in her hand, resolving the crisis.

"Unfortunately, the quality of the shadow servants projected by the Holy Grail is somewhat worrying. I was planning to capture a real servant and reverse it, but in the end, I still failed? Although it is only the deterioration of the Heroic Spirit, the sense of crisis does not seem to be reduced because of this. This situation is really troublesome."

Zou Yan Matou walked out slowly from behind the altar with a cane.

But when Zou Yan Matou appeared, Altria suddenly felt uncomfortable in her body, and her intuition kept sending warnings as if it was out of control. Although the opponent was very weak, the premonition of the threat it brought to her was unprecedented, so she understood in an instant that the inhuman thing in front of her was the natural enemy of the servant.

"boom——"A huge gunshot echoed in the underground cave. Emiya Kiritsugu shot and hit Matou Zouken's body. His body swayed twice and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Don't worry, Master. This guy is the natural enemy of the Servant and he won't be defeated so easily." Artoria reminded him quickly.

Emiya Kiritsugu frowned. He knew that things would not be so easy to solve without his Servant's reminder, because the situation was visible to the naked eye.

Matou Zouken's fallen body turned into a pool of black mud and melted, and then a new Matou Zouken emerged again in the black mud.

He came to the altar facing the two of them as if nothing had happened.

He tapped lightly with the crutch in his hand, and with the tapping point of the crutch as the center, the area within a dozen meters in radius turned into a black and red swamp, and countless black shadows crawled out of it one after another.

"The current age...

���He is so rude.

I haven't even said anything yet, but he has already launched an attack.

He is so impatient.

He doesn't have the composure of an old man at all.

In that case, I won't say anything.

Let's just start the fight.

"As soon as he finished speaking, the black shadows summoned by Matou Zouken rushed forward.

With a wave of the holy sword in Artoria's hand, she cut off the black shadows in the front.

The fallen bodies turned into black mud and merged into the earth again in a few breaths.

Emiya Kiritsugu also started the burst mode with his submachine gun, knocking down the black shadows following closely behind one by one.

"Is that all you have?"The battle ended too easily, and Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't help but suspect that the other party had some conspiracy that he hadn't seen through.


Of course it's not that simple.

Don't look at these guys as inconspicuous, but they are actually the shadows of the servants summoned in the past Holy Grail War.

The Greater Holy Grail will record the information of the heroic spirits that respond to its summons, and then give them spiritual cores and bodies for the Holy Grail War.

The records of these servants will not disappear after they leave the stage.

As long as some means are used, they can be summoned again.

Because the means are not regular, they can only appear as servant shadows at most.

It can be said that they are degraded among degraded ones.

They can neither release the treasure nor use skills.

But the advantage is that the magic power consumed is not large, and before the magic power of the Holy Grail is exhausted, they can be summoned endlessly.


Just as Matou Zouken finished speaking, a new group of black shadows emerged from the muddy swamp beneath their feet. These black shadows rushed forward again. This time, it was more difficult for Emiya Kiritsugu and Alriaya to deal with them.

Seven or eight black shadows besieged Alria. Although it was not difficult for her to deal with them, she had no time to take care of other things. Emiya Kiritsugu was forced by the remaining two black shadows to use his inherent time control to double the speed to fight guerrilla warfare, jumping up and down in the large hollow, which was not a large area to begin with.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that the first wave of shadows are actually magicians and assassins from the past, and their frontal combat capabilities are really not very good.

You are now facing the shadows of the servants of the cavalry and the berserker, and the shadows of the servants of the upper three riders have not been summoned yet.

Even if you can survive the next level, I can still summon them all again.

You just have to struggle here and watch me hold up the Holy Grail myself.


After saying this, Matou Zouken stood there leisurely and watched, as if watching a play.

"Damn it, it never ends!"After Artoria cut down two black shadows, she was about to go to support her master, Emiya Kiritsugu, but was caught up by the other black shadows and fell into a new round of fighting.

After a while, Artoria finally solved the servant shadow that was fighting with her, and also rescued Emiya Kiritsugu who was fighting with the black shadows.

"Hehehe... Then let's start the next game."After Artoria eliminated all the black shadows, Matou Zouken calmly tapped the mud under his feet with his crutches again.

New black shadows emerged again, and this time Artoria even found two familiar figures among them.

"Damn it, this guy is just playing with us, Master, this is not a solution. If we keep following his rhythm, we will be dragged down by him sooner or later. Do you have any solution to break it?"

Altria took a stance, protecting Kiritsugu Emiya, and asked him without turning back if there was any solution to break it.

"……"While he still had time to catch his breath, Emiya Kiritsugu quickly began to think.

"Can the Noble Phantasm be released directly?"

"No, this is underground after all, releasing the Noble Phantasm will definitely cause a collapse. I may be fine, but you, Master, will not be spared, and Irisviel is still behind him, releasing the Noble Phantasm will affect her."It is not a good idea to release the Noble Phantasm in the confined space underground, so Artoria immediately refused.

During the conversation between the two, all the shadows were slowly approaching them, no longer rushing forward like the previous two waves, but this was not because the combat awareness of these shadows was more advanced, but because Matou Zouken did it deliberately, just like a cat teasing a caught mouse, teasing the two people in trouble through psychological pressure.

Emiya Kiritsugu thought hard for a while, and there was really no way to break the status quo. Seeing that her Master did not speak next, Artoria also understood the current situation, so she gritted her teeth and planned to continue fighting.

At this time, Irisviel, who was originally lying on the altar, floated up, and her body began to emit golden light.

"Ellie……"Emiya Kiritsugu saw this and a trace of sadness appeared in his eyes. He whispered his wife's name. He knew what this meant. The magic buried in Irisviel's heart had been activated. Her body was being refined towards the direction of the Holy Grail. She only needed to put in the soul of a Servant and it would be completely transformed into the Holy Grail. This process was irreversible, which meant that the goal of saving Irisviel could no longer be achieved.

"Oh, oh, this is the Little Holy Grail. Finally, finally, my mission will be accomplished. You will be born soon. Wait a little longer. We will meet soon, and my long-cherished wish will be fulfilled by then."After discovering this, Matou Zouken stretched out his hands excitedly and said tremblingly,

"Is Archer leaving the stage?"Altria just muttered to herself when she saw this, then she tightened her weapon, tensed her body, and prepared to step forward to stop the other party from taking the Holy Grail.

"Laaa——"Just as Artoria took a step forward, a melodious song was heard, which kept echoing in the underground space.

Along with the song came a huge gravity that seemed to distort the space.

Artoria immediately discovered that there was a circle of barrier around herself and Emiya Kiritsugu.

Outside the barrier was the underground space distorted by the huge gravity, as well as the black shadow and Matou Zouken who were pressed to the ground by the gravity, while Irisviel was still floating in the air, not affected at all.

"Yo! Night���, I saw that you guys haven't solved the problem yet, so I took some action. Do you mind?"

You came in front of the two of them and extended your hand to greet them.

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