The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 288: Cut off the ground veins, the underworld strikes back

"Huh, no wonder I felt something was wrong as soon as I entered the fairy island. It turns out that you have absorbed the power of the earth veins and forcibly improved your cultivation."

"The King of Eight Desires, do you think this can suppress me a second time."

Di You asked,


The King of Eight Desires smiled,

Fortunately, Di You was only suppressed back then. If he were to be killed, I’m afraid there would be no chance today.

"The ancestor of zombies, it's still the same as if I haven't seen you for many years."

"Nonsense, as long as you don't die, how can I change."

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met,

Between Diyou and the King of Eight Desires, there is really no end to death,

"If this is the case, why don't we turn our warriors into jade silk, gather all our strengths in one place, and open up a magnificent future for Xiandao."

"What do you mean."

Diyou wondered why the King of Eight Desires said such words,

He is a fairy lord,

And he is the ancestor of zombies,

One righteous and one evil are opposites, how can they live together peacefully, and how can they work together?

Just as the emperor's doubts,

A scorching light burst out of the ocean,

Then countless silver-white flying silks emerged, tying Di You’s body,

"I knew you were pretending for a long time, can you use these things to trap me!"

All the anger of Di You broke out at this moment,

Fairy Island,

Sure enough, it's still the fairy island,

You don’t need to talk nonsense at all, you should kill the seven kings first and destroy the eighth.

The Eight Desires spread his hands,

Two completely different flames burst into the palm of the hand,

One is Xuanli Minghuo,

One is the Buddha's lotus raging flames,

A physical body takes care of both Taoist and Buddhist cultivation bases, how could the Eight Desires be unprepared,

"I'm even more perfect if you miss you."

A smile appeared on the corners of the King of Eight Desires,

People and spirits,

All three realms,

Then he can become an invincible existence,

As long as Di You lives in his body, he will become eternal,

"You are crazy."

Di You's eyes widened,

The thread transformed by the earth veins tightly locked his body, and behind him, the Seven Kings of Xiandao shot together, and the magnificent celestial power was scattered on his body. This is not a final battle with himself.

But to push him into the ground vein to dissolve it,

"You lunatics."

Di You didn't have the arrogance he had just now, and instantly turned into a look of fear.

If you fight head-on,

The Seven Kings of Fairy Island and the eighth can only tie themselves, but they actually want to use the earth veins to dissolve themselves, and then let the eighth absorb themselves.

He wants to control the power of zombies,


In the past, the people of Fairy Island valued merit most.

For many years,

Xiandao succeeded in achieving the existence of the Eight Kings by relying on the accumulated merits.

But today,

They want to absorb the power of zombies,

Does the eighth want to give up one's merits just to keep getting stronger?

This seems to him to be unreasonable,

The two powers of Taoism and Buddhism can be well integrated in the body of the Eight Desires because of the existence of the power of merit, but when the power of oneself as a ghost flows into the Eight Desires,

Sin and merit will cancel each other out,

In other words,

From then on, the King of Eight Desires may become unparalleled in the world,

But he will also become both righteous and evil,

"Are you resisting? Why don't you open up a new world with us."

Tianquan Wenqu said behind Di You,

"Create a new world controlled by Fairy Island, where people, ghosts and gods will coexist peacefully, a world where there is no evil."

"Maybe you think we are crazy, but for the sake of ideals, there will always be sacrifices."

"Your sacrifice, the eighth sacrifice, is worth it."

"Tianquan Wenqu, you bastard!"

The emperor roared,

Ghosts are willing to create a new world of **** with them,

What he wants is revenge against Fairy Island,

Then continue to be his ancestor of zombies,

The ferocious breath was released frantically from Di You's body,

He is leaving Fairy Island,

Stay away from these irrational lunatics,

Some of the silk threads transformed by the earth veins are constantly being torn off, but some are constantly re-wounding on Di You.

The two sides are deadlocked,

The whole fairy island is shaking,

"let me go!"

Di You's eyes were blood red, and his body was covered by black stiffness.

As the ancestor of zombies,

He was not even afraid of death, but felt the fear at this moment,

Dao Huo,

Buddha fire,

Swept over him,

That thick layer of stiffness was instantly disintegrated,

The vast ocean has set off a huge wave that engulfed him in it.

A black air current tried to break free, but was quickly re-entangled in the waves,

The King of Eight Desires immediately dived into the earth and the ocean,

To complete the integration with Diyou,

The remaining Seven Kings of the Immortal Island looked at the tumbling ocean with a smile on their faces.

As long as Di You enters the earth and the ocean, it is impossible to break free.


There was a violent shock in the fairy island,

The Seven Kings standing on the shore felt a magnificent distance approaching at the same time,

"What happened?"

Tianxuan giant door asked in surprise,

I just solved Di You, what happened outside?

"Return to the Seven Kings, three huge palaces suddenly came down outside the fairy island and surrounded us."

"Where is the palace?!"

The seven kings are all shocked,

Could it be that the Yin Cao Jifu still wants to break the barrier of the ground veins with strong means?

Tianquan Wenqu was the first to notice something wrong,

Turned and flew outside,

The other six followed closely,

Beyond Fairy Island,

The three Yama Halls of Puming Palace, Zhujue Palace, and Taihe Palace have all landed on the barren wilderness.

The breath of horror lingers on this broken earth,

Countless ghosts entangled around the palace,

The scene is like **** descending,

King Chujiang, Emperor Song and King Wuguan sat on the plaques of their palaces, staring coldly at the fairy island in front of them.

As long as you have the earth barrier to protect you,

But the coming of the three Yamato Temples is your dead place.

No one can escape from the trapped formation of the three of them,


Countless red copper pillars fell from the sky and smashed heavily on the ground, connecting the three palaces to each other. This completely sealed off the fairy island.

Every Yama Temple has opened its own gate,

Countless imprisoned ghosts flew out from inside with chains on their bodies.

Then he squatted on top of the copper pillar,

No matter who in Fairy Island wants to escape,

What awaits them is the most brutal fight in the world,

Luo Gui, the iconic ghost of Puming Palace,

The iconic ghost tyrant of the King’s Palace,

The iconic ghost of the Palace of Supreme Harmony, Xuan Mingtian, knelt in front of the three great Yamas, and then sent him.

Blood-colored rivers flowed from the palace and poured into the fairy island surrounded by copper pillars.

For a while,

The **** ocean covers the fairy island,

The strong blood covered the sky all day,

I would rather sacrifice merit than let Fairy Island do whatever it wants,

The edict of the cloudy sky has been issued,

The three Yamas no longer have concerns,

The contradiction between Fairy Island and Yin Cao Jifu completely broke out,...

Hundreds of miles away from Fairy Island,

The four judges each led 10,000 Yin soldiers to the agreed place.

The earth vein is the link that connects the whole world,

If it is cut off,

Then the place where the earth veins are lost will completely collapse, when all creatures will be destroyed and everything will be lost.

Ten thousand Yin Soldiers are responsible for bringing all the creatures that are about to cut the earth veins to a safe place, and then the four judges personally cut the earth veins connected to the fairy island.


It was Yan Luo's counterattack,

"Return to Lu Juan, all creatures have been transferred."

"very good."

Wait a long time,

Lu Zhidao finally ushered in this opportunity,

The sword of merit in his hand is swung towards the sky, and the magnificent power rushes straight into the sky,

The other three judges who were far south, north, and west saw Lu Zhidao’s signal at the same time.

"You can do it now."

"Asshole Fairy Island is so troublesome."

"Go ahead and see what else they can do without the support of the ground vein."

Judge pen,

Life and death book,

Hit the ghost whip,

At the same time, the bath that received the power of merit was transformed into a sword of merit.

Together with Lu Zhidao,

Cut into the abyss,

There was a violent shock from the whole land,

In an instant,

The ground vein is cut by the divine power,

The thousands of miles with Fairy Island as the core immediately fell into endless collapse,

Mountains and rivers sank into the ground,

The terrestrial rivers that continued to flow into the fairy island disappeared,

The barrier lingering on the fairy island fluctuates violently.

The earth veins are in the ocean,

Di You's body has not been dissolved and absorbed by the Eight Desires,

Without the import of earth veins,

With the power of the existing earth veins, the King of Eight Desires can only delay the speed of dissolution,

What happened outside! ?

The King of Eight Desires used the earth pulse to suppress Di You’s backlash, while a voice asked from inside.

But there is no longer the shadow of the other seven kings in the vast ocean.

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