The matter of the Masquerade Legion soon came to an end.

Then, it was time for the succession ceremony.

The captain of the thirteenth team of the court protection court cannot be vacant for a long time.

It can’t even be vacant.

Because once the captain position is vacant, it means that the overall strength of the thirteen team has declined.

Now there are vacancies in the 4 captains of the three-way, five, seven, and nine-team teams.

The priority is to find the right person to succeed the captain of these teams.

There are also the captains of the 12th team and the positions of the second team.

Well, now Seven Nights is no longer the captain of the Twelve Bands.

After all, there is a price to pay.

Originally, Tsunayayo and Shikaede-in gathered together to deliberate, intending to get Yoruichi to resign as captain.

Well, it’s more or less blocking some people’s mouths.

Although the power of the nobility is large in the central forty-six room, there are also figures who rose from the commoners in the central forty-six room.

Although there are only a few.

But the relationship between these people and Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku is very close.

Therefore, even if it is to give Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, the captain of the thirteenth team of the court protector, face, that is to throw a regression.

The two had already negotiated that Yoruichi would resign as the captain of the second team, but she was still the commander-in-chief of the stealth maneuver.

And the new successor captain of the second team is Crush Bee.

Crushing Bee is not only a secretive and mobile person, who will obey Yoruichi, the commander-in-chief, but also because his family is the retainers of the Shikaede family for generations.

That would be at Yoruichi’s command.


Even if Yoruichi is not the captain, he can still manage the entire second team.

In general, it is just a matter of face.

This actually had no effect on Yoruichi at all.

After all, she already didn’t care.

The current situation has transferred the title of captain of the second team to Crushed Bee.

However, later Nanaya also proposed that he also give up the title of captain.

Because Nanaye found out that there was a captain title, who was called by the old man of Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, let him come forward if something happened.

This upset him.

Therefore, Seven Nights chose not to have this captain status.

However, he became the director of the Technology Development Bureau, and the original deputy director became the captain of the Twelve Bands from among the prisoners imprisoned in the maggot’s nest and brought out by Kisuke Urahara.

Well, this is actually one of the ways for Seven Nights to put the plot on the ‘right track’.

Now this time the captain’s succession ceremony, Nanaya and Yoruichi were not present.

Although there are more vacancies for the second and twelfth teams.

But in fact, both teams already have a fixed candidate.

The second team is the crushed bee, and the twelfth team is the nirvana.

Therefore, it is still the 4 vacant positions of the third team, the fifth team, the seventh team, and the ninth team.

It is worth mentioning that the captain of the Juban team is actually old.

There were signs of a near-term retirement

But now when it comes to this matter, it is a little difficult.

Helplessly, under Yamamoto Motoyanagi Zheng, he can only continue to stay in this position.

As for the new captain, there are actually some that can be determined.

For example, the current vice-captain of the Goban team, Lan Ran, is Yusuke.

A long time ago, Lan Ran was shown with Seven Nights, the so-called ‘swastika ‘.

Now the captain of the Goban team, Mako Hirako, has … Missing?

Then Lan Ran, who was originally the vice captain, was naturally qualified to serve.

If it is usual, there is a vacancy in the captaincy position, and Lan Ran is even a backup candidate.

But if you want to become a captain, you also need to test.

But now is the critical period, so the test is omitted.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku directly announced that Lan Ran had become the captain of the Goban team.

Then, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku withstood the pressure and made the left team of Tamarimura the captain of the Shichiban team.

The remaining captains of the third and ninth teams continue to be vacant.

Still there is no suitable person.

But there are already candidates.

That is Dongxian want.

Although the strength of Dongxian is not very strong now, it has not fully reached the captain level.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, there is already a good level.

If you continue to cultivate, it may not take long to meet the requirements of the captain level.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku thinks so.

But it will take time.

However, although two captain positions will be vacant for a short time, it is still possible.

But just when Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku was solemnly cultivating the Eastern Immortal Want, not long after that, a major event happened in the corpse soul world.

The captain of the Eleventh Team, Ghost Yancheng Kenhachi, was killed.

However, this is not an enemy attack, nor is any enemy appearing in the Corpse Soul Realm.

The Oni Yan Castle Kenhachi was killed by a Shinigami who had just joined the Eleventh Team.

And it was also in the challenge of Zhengda Light, the other party defeated Ghost Yancheng Jianba and killed him.

The person who successfully challenged and captured the name of the Ghost Yan City Sword Eight was Genmu Kenhachi.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku is feeling a little headache for the captain who has two vacant positions.

Because if the thirteenth team of the court protector came out again to gather these two captains, then the central forty-sixth room would intervene.

The entire corpse soul realm naturally cannot be the thirteenth team of the protective court, with more than a dozen captain-level gods of death.

In other places, some of the noble gods of death also have many captain-level gods of death.

The thirteenth team of the Guardian Court naturally could not vacate the position of the God of Death for a long time.

If Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku can’t find a suitable candidate, then he will definitely be arranged by the Central Forty-Six Room to arrange other Shinigami to join the Guardian Court Thirteen Team and become the captain of the Guardian Court Thirteen Team.

At this time, the ghost Yancheng Kenba was killed, and in the face of the suddenly appeared more wooden sword eight, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku naturally had a headache.

Because he already knew the origin of the more wooden sword eight.

A terrifying imp that even Orochimaru could defeat.

A very destabilizing factor.

However, in the end, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku still recognized Kenhachi Gengi.

First, there are too many vacancies in the captain position now, and since Genmu Jianba has this strength, it is also possible to serve as the captain.

Second, the situation of the Eight Wooden Sword is a very unstable factor for the Corpse Soul Realm.

Since this is the case, it is naturally best to put it in the eyes and give management.

Even Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku soon began to make a series of arrangements for Gengi Kenhachi.

Including the so-called cultivation of the Eight Swords of the Guiding Wooden Sword.

And after that, under the instructions of Lan Ran, Dongxian Yuan, who already had a swastika solution, began to emerge’.

Even soon after, the deification was carried out.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku is just a certainty, and Dongxian will have the swastika solution.

That was the first time he was appointed as the captain of the Jiuban team.

As for the captain of the Sanban team, he also has a candidate.

One is the person recommended by Seven Nights, and the other is the person recommended by the indigo dye,

Dongxian is not recommended by indigo dyeing.

And it doesn’t need to be.

The person recommended by Lan Ran this time, it is naturally the City Silver Pill.


Fifth more!

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