“Yoruichi of the Four Maple Courtyard, you are wrong to think like this.”

Lan Ran smiled slightly and said, “As a qualified nobleman, style and etiquette are often more important than strength, after all, many things, even if you have strength in the corpse soul world, it is impossible to do anything. ”

“For example, the adults in the central forty-sixth room, they don’t have any great strength. But once the order of the Central Forty-Six Room is determined, even His Excellency the Captain has no right to oppose it. ”

When this sentence was spoken, no one said anything anymore.

Because it’s a fact.

No one would object to this.

The rights of the central forty-six rooms are indeed greater than those of the thirteenth team of the protective court.

In fact, any captain of the thirteen team of the Guardian Court can almost sweep away.

As everyone knows, the people in the central forty-six rooms are all nobles from the corpse soul realm.

Of course, it is not easy to take on such a heavy responsibility.

In this case, the style and aristocratic etiquette are very important.

This was also very clear to Yeichi of the Four Maple Courtyard.

So, she didn’t refute either.


With a sigh, the fourth maple courtyard Yeyi no longer went to see the blue dye.

Lan Ran did not notice the abnormality of the seven nights.

Although Nanaya noticed that the other party’s gaze stayed on him for a while, this was probably based on the identity of the second young master of his Tsunayayo family.

Next, Lan Ran behaved normally, completely in line with his identity as a calligraphy teacher, and introduced some basic information of the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Institute.

There have been some notes, learning progress.

Soon, the course was over.

And today’s lesson is over.

It was the first day of school, and there was nothing to talk about.


“Hey, where are you going to go in the seventh night? You’re not going to tell me you’re going back, are you? ”

“Hey, how about we go to the old place for seven nights?”

“Let me tell you, I have recently learned a few new tricks, show you!”

Seven nights were entangled by the night of the four maple courtyards.

Faint, this is not right!

How could Yoruichi of the Four Maple Courtyard be such a virtue?

How many meanings do you mean by pestering me?

Kisuke Urahara is next to him, you go find him!

After being bombarded by Yoruichi of the Four Maple Courtyard, Seven Nights was able to be freed.

But soon, Seven Nights discovered that this was the beginning.

Because in the following time, Yoruichi seemed to be completely entangled with him.

The teaching of Zhenyang Spiritual Academy starts from the ghost chopping fist, and it is also the most basic beginning of the ghost slashing ghost.

That’s what Seven Nights learned.

But what made Qiye speechless was that he was a special class and did not teach this at all.

Because even for the fallen nobles of the corpse soul world, the most basic knowledge of slashing ghosts is already enlightenment knowledge.

According to the setting, seven nights can be regarded as teaching this knowledge.

But actually, he didn’t even know about his ass.

If he knew, he would still come to this True Yang Spirit Art Academy?

Therefore, there was no way, and Qiye could only go to the library of the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Institute.

Zhenyang Spiritual Academy also has a library, which has many books, but they are basically basic.

It is impossible to learn any advanced things in the Zhenyang Spiritual Academy.

Even if it is a ghost road, the strongest is the number ten.

After all, the master of the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Academy is a fist walking ghost.

The cultivation of the ghost path can only be touched by graduates, and the high-level number of the ghost path needs to enter the thirteenth team of the protective court to have the qualification to learn.

After all, the Zhenyang Spiritual Academy said it bluntly, and it was only a place where death laid the foundation.

Chopping is the foundation.

Seven Nights just had an impression of these things, and what the specific situation was, he didn’t know at all.

And now there is no one to teach him this, so he can only teach himself.

These foundations are now only available in libraries.

“Hey, why did you run the library in seven nights? This is not your style! ”

“Do you have any special plans?”

Needless to say, the person who could say these words to Seven Nights was naturally the night one of the Four Maple Courtyard.

And when it comes to the four words of special plan, Little stars seem to appear on both sides of the night of the Four Maple Courtyard.

Seven Nights swears, it really was a little star.

It’s not a good thing to think about it.

What identity does the system give me?

Even the children are stronger than the current one!

However, there were also a few days, and Seven Nights adapted, and directly ignored the night one of the Four Maple Courtyard.

His gaze was fixed on the book in his hand – “The Basics of Chopping Fists and Ghosts”

Slashing Ghosts is the basic combat technique of the Grim Reaper.

“Slashing” or kendo refers to the technique of the Shinigami attacking enemies with a sword, which is the same as the kendo of some human swordsmen.

“Fist”, or white fight, refers to the technique of the Grim Reaper attacking the enemy empty-handed, and its meaning is equivalent to hand-to-hand combat.

If we talk about these first two, they are similar to ordinary human warrior swordsmen.

Then the latter two are different.

“Walking” means teleportation, and teleportation is the skill of moving the body quickly and instantaneously.

Can move to the other person’s side or farther at a speed that the opponent cannot see, similar to the footwork of teleportation.

Avatar has a skill called “Hibiki”, which is similar to teleportation, but also different, faster than teleportation.

This was very clear to Seven Nights, after all, he had cast teleportation and resounding countless times.

However, it seems that the ringing is a little more.

And when it was cast, Seven Nights did not pay attention to the process at all.

If you want to do it, do it.

Get results directly.

So, now it’s time to start learning the basics…

“Ghost” or ghost path, refers to the death god through chanting, transforming spiritual power into various forms to attack the enemy.

The ghost path is further divided into the path of breaking (for the purpose of destruction), the way of binding (for the purpose of binding and confinement), and the way of returning (for the purpose of healing).

Interestingly, this book only records ghost roads 1 to 10.

However, it was also said above that if you complete the cultivation of these 1 to 10 ghost paths, you can completely apply to cultivate more advanced ghost paths.

At first, Seven Nights thought that the Zhenyang Spiritual Academy could only learn the ghost path from 1 to 10.

But now it seems that geniuses also have special treatment.

Think about it, geniuses are naturally different.

However, although this is only the first ten ghost paths, there are ten broken paths, and there are ten bound paths.

As for the return path, it is a kind of healing ghost path.

Unlike the Binding Path and the Broken Dao, which have a more rigorous hierarchy, the Huidao does not give a specific hierarchy of the Huidao.

There is even only one kind of healing that uses ghosts and does not require chanting.

The specific therapeutic effect is defined according to the amount of spiritual power output.

Of course, this requires a lot of fine control.

Very subtle!

Spiritual power also needs to be very stable.

The God of Death, who is good at breaking and binding the Dao, has more active spiritual power in his body.

It is difficult to succeed in the implementation of the return path.

And even if it is successful, the treatment effect is not.

Of course, Seven Nights was not very interested in returning to the Dao.

It is enough for the ghost path to have the broken path and the binding path.


Fourth more!

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