As soon as he came up, Tony explained the problem he encountered to Seven Nights.

Also, he pointed to the place marked red on the computer.

With a simple glance, Seven Nights roughly understood what the problem was.

However, to completely solve this problem, the system must also provide a permanent biomass. this

It is best to cut a substance very slowly, and it can release a lot of energy in the process of consumption.

For Seven Nights, he couldn’t get this kind of thing himself, so he could only ask the system.

After describing the key to this problem in detail with Tony, Tony suddenly patted his head.

But for him, the substance also seemed hard to find.

“This is one of the purposes I came to you today, since this purpose has been achieved, then let’s hurry to the next mission!”

Tony called the waiter to the box and asked him to serve some whiskey and champagne.

“Don’t you want to know where the immortal substance can be found?”

Tony naturally wanted to do this, but he understood that this kind of thing could be encountered and not sought.

He can’t ruin his interest in drinking next because of this thing.

“The main purpose of calling you here today is to drink, and that is just an additional question.”

But for Seven Nights, that problem was not solved, and he was not in the mood to drink.

“Suddenly I feel that my stomach hurts, you sit here for a while, I’ll go to the toilet, and I’ll be back right away.”

During this period of time in the toilet, Nanaya began to summon his system.

I don’t know what happened to this system, no matter how he called, this system just refused to come out, and it seemed to be having a tantrum with him.

“Come out quickly, if this problem is not solved, there will be no way to solve this problem, and this task will naturally not be completed.”

Just as Seven Nights was saying this, someone happened to walk into the toilet.

Chatting in the toilet is a normal thing, but I looked at the toilet and there was no one in it.

He felt very strange in his heart.

Out of curiosity, he walked directly towards the place where the sound came from, and he pressed his ear to the door.

Just when he thought he could hear the next conversation, Nanaya suddenly opened the door.

He had subconsciously taken a step back, but he didn’t expect that the soles of his feet slipped and suddenly fell on Qiye’s shoulders.

“Believe I just slipped at the bottom, that’s why… will…”

This guy is starting to talk unfavorably. It is obviously a manifestation of weakness in the heart.

“If there is nothing else, then I will leave, you should use your toilet here!”

Nanaya didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, so he left the toilet after throwing out this sentence.

He was the moment he walked out of the toilet. Then I heard a ding-dong sound.


Then there’s the lightning and thunder, and then there’s the quest pack with Tony’s avatar.

These pictures are almost exactly the same as before. Then, the system appeared directly in front of Seven Nights.

[If you encounter any problems, tell the system directly, and the nature that can help will help you]

With the words of the system, Qiye became more confident at this time, and he explained the problems he encountered to the system.

In the middle of his speech, the guy he met in the toilet just now suddenly appeared behind him.

The guy in the toilet just heard Seven Nights talking to himself.

At that time, he thought that Qiye was talking to someone else on the phone, but when he saw this scene, he felt that Qiye was a neuropathy.

“There are really more strange people this year, it’s not enough to chat with yourself in the toilet and scare others, you have to go outside and continue.”

After saying this, he continued to say the three words neuropathy there.

The phone let Seven Nights hear it, and he felt very upset, so he used Luffy’s rubber bracelet again.

After coming to this guy, he grimaced.

Because that guy didn’t expect that Seven Nights would appear in front of him so suddenly. So in this unexpected situation, he was successfully intimidated.

“You know, if I want to help Tony, I have to make Mark La Liga Four, I want to make this thing…”

[You might as well tell me bluntly, you want perpetual biomass, but you need to understand that getting something from the system is not a matter of course]

From the implication of this sentence, that is, Seven Nights wants to get something from the system, but it must complete the corresponding task.

When Seven Nights decided to do this, he had already expected this to be the result.

“In this way, you should also understand one thing, that is, I haven’t completed the task you did last time…”

These systems naturally understood, so before Seven Nights finished speaking, he issued a new task for Seven Nights.

[It’s not impossible to get this eternal biomass, but you must defeat the invasion of alien civilizations]

Hearing this, Qiye felt that the system was a little fussy.

After all, this Marvel world is still very peaceful, and it has not been a long time since he has been here, but he has not heard of the invasion of alien civilizations.

[Just rest assured, it won’t be long before there will be a system, but it won’t arrange tasks for you for no reason]

After this sentence, the system disappeared without a trace.

The guy who was frightened by Seven Nights just now was still shouting in front of Seven Nights.

“Next time, don’t be so nosy, don’t you know the truth that curiosity kills cats?”

Dropping these words, Seven Nights disappeared in this place, and when he reappeared in the box, the table was filled with whiskey and champagne.

“Why did you go for so long, I thought you had something to leave temporarily!”

After that, Tony took the already good wine to Seven Nights.

“I think this time without your help, my situation will be even more dangerous than it is now, so…”

Before he finished speaking, he directly drank the glass of wine in his hand.

From the way he looked when he drank, Seven Nights Debate understood that this incident had a great impact on him. _

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