Back to two minutes ago.

Before the players in Zone 0 who were leveling up could react, the system notification sounded.

[Regional Announcement]

[Congratulations to player "Mu Chen" for clearing the dungeon "Dark Forest" for the first time! ]

[Regional Announcement]

[Congratulations to player "Mu Chen" for becoming the first second-level professional in this zone! ]

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

No one reacted much to the former, but the latter was different!

Second-level professional?

Is there really multiple job changes in this game? !

The next second, players in the regional channel spoke up.

[Wang Wu: What the hell? Big brother has a second job change? ]

[Li Xin: The boss is worthy of being the boss! The first player is so terrifying! ]

[Xue Qianfeng: So strong! I haven't even reached level 10 yet. ]

[Li Ang: I knew the content in the novel was true! ]

Somewhere in the forest of Zone 0.

Li Ang, who was teaming up with Xue Qianfeng, Gu Chuan, and Yan Linglong, took a deep breath.

He had been reading novels about "Everyone's Job Change" before!

In those novels, professionals can change their jobs nine times in total!

And Muchen made the second job change so quickly, so it is very likely that Shenqi Online Games can really change jobs multiple times as written in the novel!

"It seems that I have to work harder."

Li Ang murmured.

The next second!

The announcement sounded again!

[All-server announcement]

[Guild panel is opened in Zone 0! ]

[All-server announcement]

[Player "Mu Chen" established the first guild in Blue Star, "All Living Beings Guild", and all friends should join the guild quickly! ]

Guild system?

Boss Muchen established a guild?

Everyone was shocked and a little bit unbelievable.

After all, the guild appeared too early!

After a long time, they quickly came back to their senses and sent a message on the regional channel.

[Su Feng: Guild? Fuck! We have a guild now? ]

[Xue Qianfeng: Too fast, isn't it? Isn't it still in internal testing? ]

[Gu Chuan: President, please pull us in! ]

[Li Ang: Yes, yes! We all want to join the guild! ]

Everyone expressed their desire to join the guild.

After all, they are all subordinates of Muchen, so they naturally have to follow Muchen's development.

[Muchen: Submit your application. ]

These people are all his subordinates, so Muchen will naturally not refuse.

Seeing this, everyone applied to join the guild.

Panels popped up one after another, and Muchen clicked to agree one after another.

After a while...

All the players joined the guild.


When they joined the guild, everyone was stunned.

Because a message popped up in front of them.

[You have joined the Guild of All Beings]

[Get 10% bonus to first-level guild experience]

[Get the Guild Term Blessing "Fourth Calamity"]

[Fourth Calamity] has the ability to revive infinitely. From now on, you are a member of the Fourth Calamity!

Fourth Calamity?

At this moment, only two words came to everyone's mind.


That's right! It's "invincible"!

With the ability to be immortal and revive infinitely, do they need to be as careful as before? Not at all!

For now, as long as the health bar of the gods is bright, they dare to rush up and slap the gods twice!

Gu Chuan's face was excited, and he took out a dagger from his backpack and pointed it at his neck.


He wiped his neck with the long sword in his hand, and bright red blood spurted out. Then the whole person began to twitch, and finally widened his eyes and fell straight to the ground.


A flash of white light, Gu Chuan was resurrected.

"Really resurrected!"

Gu Chuan's eyes widened.

With this entry, does he still need defense?

Thinking of this, Gu Chuan added all his remaining free attribute points to attack power.

No more pretending! Showdown!

I'm not a shield warrior! I'm a swordsman!

With a grin, Gu Chuan felt that life had become better.

The three people around him looked at him strangely, and complained in their hearts that the other party was really cruel. Although he could be resurrected, the pain was still there.

You are really a wolf destroyer!


On the other side,

Mu Chen, who had left the dungeon, was also checking the guild panel.

[Guild of All Beings (lv1)]

[President: Mu Chen]

[Vice President: None]

[Cadres: None]

[Ordinary members: Beigong Qianyin, Xue Qianfeng, Gu Chuan, Li Ang, Yan Linglong...]

[Warehouse: None]

[Contribution points: 0]

Guilds can also be upgraded, and the higher the level of the guild, the more experience bonuses are given.

The current guild is only level one. If you want to upgrade further, you need 10,000 contribution points.

As for contribution points, you can only get them by handing in gold coins. 1 gold = 1 contribution point. If you want to upgrade the guild, you needTen thousand gold coins, a lot!

"It should be impossible to upgrade the level now."

Now the whole guild members don't have much gold coins.

Even Muchen doesn't have much gold coins.

So let's not talk about handing it in.

"Forget it, let's go back first."

Shaking his head, Muchen stopped thinking about it.

Leaving the dungeon entrance, he walked towards the novice village.

With the god-level entry of the fourth disaster, he didn't have to worry about the slowdown of upgrading.

After all, he planned to rush, and the efficiency must be very high!


It was afternoon.

Blue Star, Dragon Country, Spark City.

On the bustling streets, pedestrians came and went.

No one noticed that several young men in strange clothes were eating in a ramen restaurant.

"I didn't expect that I could be resurrected in the real world."

Gu Chuan sipped his noodles and laughed happily.

He accepted the task given by Muchen and brought a few people to sell food in the real world.

In the world of divine revelation, their food conditions are very poor.

Today, Mu Chen's second transformation, naturally we have to celebrate.

Everyone gave all the RMB on them to Gu Chuan and Li Ang, and asked them to buy things.

Anyway, they won't need it in the future.

So everyone naturally didn't have anything to be reluctant about.

After taking a bite of the cake, Li Ang looked around: "We seem to be surrounded."

Now there are many diners in the noodle shop.

But there is no conversation, only the sound of eating quietly.

It can be seen that these people are not good.

The faces of the other three rare professions gradually became serious.


Gu Chuan smiled and took out a tissue to wipe his mouth.

"Where are you from?"

Gu Chuan went straight to the point.

He has extraordinary power and can be resurrected, so he is not panicked at all.

"Dear extraordinary people~"

At this time, a middle-aged man with a small accent came out of the kitchen and came straight to Gu Chuan and others.

"Oh? Are you a little devil?"

Li Ang raised his eyebrows.

How did the little devil find him first?

Li Ang didn't feel strange that the little devil recognized Gu Chuan.

After all, when Gu Chuan was eating just now, he also released the domineering skill. Although he didn't know why he did it, it was a fact that his identity was exposed.

Li Ang certainly didn't know what Gu Chuan was thinking.

Why did Gu Chuan take the initiative to expose himself? Wasn't it because he wanted to show off? The most important thing... he wanted to see if he would have a sweet love with the identity of a superhuman!


The middle-aged man responded naturally and smiled: "On behalf of the top management of Sakura, I invite you to join Sakura Country. As long as you join Sakura, we can satisfy you in terms of status, women, or other things."

Recruiting superhumans.

This is the purpose of Sakura!

Although I don't know if there is any conspiracy behind it.

Gu Chuan and others looked at each other, and then shook their heads at the same time.

What the guy in front of him said was too funny. Compared with the superhuman status, what's the use?

With a playful expression, Li Ang took out all the beef from the ramen and spoke frivolously.

"Sorry, I don't like beef~"

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