Faced with Rito Yuuki's question, Vinette was speechless. She had not yet mastered the skill of talking nonsense casually. There was a moment of panic in her charming pink-purple eyes. Vinette tried hard to find a reason.

"Ahaha... this... the scenery of Toyosaki Academy is really nice, let me take a look."


After realizing what she had said, Vinette's unnatural smile was completely distorted. She didn't even dare to look at Yuki Rito's smiling eyes.

Compared to being able to do so without hesitation Gabrielle showed her special characteristics, and Vinette worked hard to hide her identity as a demon.

Rito Yuki praised her spirit and saw her trotting over as the bell rang. Kato Megumi went outside the teaching building and looked around for something. Yuuki Rito said to Vinette.

"Next, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Ah, no, no... I'm leaving first!"

Wynette has been secretly observing for a while. Although the aura of Toyosaki Academy is obviously a bit weird, but based on the strength of monsters in the underworld, the owner of this weird aura is not too strong. He has either been eliminated now. , or they are hiding. With such intensity, if they really want to cause any trouble, even human weapons should be able to deal with it, but there is no need to worry too much.

Vinette bowed to Yuki Rito, and then He ran headlong in one direction - that was not the gate of Toyosaki Academy, but the iron fence surrounding the school. To put it simply, it was a dead end. A dead end could stop ordinary people, but not demons. Vinette and Yuuki Rito did not follow Vignette intentionally, and turned to look at Kato Megumi who had discovered him.

At this moment, Yuki Rito was not wearing the uniform of Sobu High School, but an ordinary casual suit. The suit is somewhat obvious in Toyosaki Academy. If it hadn't been for the end of class not long ago, Yuki Rito would have attracted a lot of people's attention. The weird black aura has now dissipated, and the terrifying monster seems to have been eliminated. There was no blood, and no damage was caused. The students were still the same as usual, and the campus was still full of laughter. Kato Megumi once thought that everything she saw was an illusion, but her subconscious told her that it was not, so she just After class, he hurriedly ran out of the teaching building to look for the person who had destroyed the monster before. He was indeed found.

His appearance and clothes had not changed, but it was different from the previous image that was wrapped in some invisible force and made it slightly illusory. The boy standing in front of him now , very real and natural.

If she puts on the school uniform of Toyosaki Academy, Kato Megumi will not doubt whether the other party is an ordinary student.

Looking at Kato Megumi and Yuki Risa who look back and forth, they seem to have a lot of doubts. Dou spoke first.

"Yo, classmate, I think you have great potential. How about becoming a miko?"

What just happened is true...

Kato Megumi, who had come to such a conclusion in his heart, had no change in his delicate face, and was as calm as if the sky was falling.


The girl tilted her head. Although there was no expression on her face, her doubts were somewhat revealed.

"Is she the kind of shrine maiden who guards a shrine?"

Yuki Rito didn't expect that Kato Megumi's ability to accept new things was so strong. His original intention was not to teach the mysterious Kato Megumi to become a miko, but to see"not to be happy with things, not to be happy with oneself.""Sad" Saint Hui showed an expression of surprise. Unfortunately, he failed.

"There is a slight difference, it is the kind of existence that possesses extraordinary power and works hard to protect mankind."

Kato Megumi showed a dumbfounded smile. She didn't quite understand the reason why the person in front of her suddenly said such a thing to her, because she could see things that other classmates couldn't see?

"Well... I'm just an ordinary high school student, so ordinary that it's hard to leave an impression on others. To become a miko who protects others... it's still a bit inappropriate, right?"

While Yuki Rito was talking to Kato Megumi, Kasumigaoka Shiu, who had taken a nap during class to relieve the fatigue caused by staying up late while conceiving and writing the light novel Love Metronome, just came to the window to get some air, and watched We arrived at Rito Yuuki, who was conspicuous because she was not wearing a school uniform, and the female students from Toyosaki Academy standing in front of her.

After seeing Rito Yuuki's surprise at first, Shiha Kasumigaoka's His heart began to fall uncontrollably. He came to Toyosaki Academy, but not to find himself. This fact made Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't help clenching his fists.

Although he completed the first volume of Love Metronome with the theme of love , and received a lot of popularity, but when it comes to emotional matters, Kasumigaoka Shiu is completely a theoretical person who can only think about herself. She has no practical experience and can write tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of words eloquently. The content of the book has turned him into an emotional mentor in front of many ignorant readers, but in real life, Kasumigaoka Shiu has no experience at all.

So, what should we do when facing a love rival?

His eyes broke away from Yuki Rito and stared at him firmly. Regarding the girl in front of him, Kasumigaoka Shiu planned to look for this girl in the future to see what advantages she had that could actually make Rito Yuki take the initiative to find Toyosaki Academy. This kind of thing is something he can't do I have never enjoyed it... However, Yuki Rito also helped me a lot with light novels.

Thinking of this, Kasumigaoka Shiu felt a lot better.

The time between classes was not long, and the bell rang very quickly. When the sound rang, seeing the girl running away in a hurry, and the smile on Rito Yuuki's face, Kasumigaoka Shiu tapped her toes irritably, and then took a step forward - the direction was not the classroom, but the exit of the teaching building.

As an outstanding student who has long occupied the first place in the third grade of Toyosaki Academy, Kasumigaoka Shiu will not be criticized by the teacher for sleeping during class time. Even if she skips class, she will not have a big problem. Previously, she would suddenly She skipped class when she was inspired to write. This time, she skipped class for Yuuki Rito.

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