It is certainly not difficult for Yuki Rito, who has experience in dating girls with various personalities, to comfort Hoshimiya Rokuhao who is having trouble with his family.

After all, in the final analysis, Hoshigong Rokuro is not a naughty child in the true sense. It is just the excessive pampering of his family and his own limited cognition that led to his current situation.

After letting out a little bit of influence as a high-ranking being to ensure that Hoshimiya Rokuro would not regard him as an insignificant passerby, Yuki Rito easily calmed down the quarrelsome girl and allowed her and her sister to express their thoughts.

In the original plot trajectory, Hoshigong Rokuro's mood will continue to become negative after escaping from home and not being able to get relief in time. After she becomes an elf, she will use the elf's ability to seal her family's memories of herself, and at the same time I also closed my heart and wandered aimlessly in the universe.

However, from the time Rito Yuuki stepped into this world, the so-called"original plot trajectory" was simply a memory of Rito Yuuki's past.

Watching Rokuro Hoshinomiya and his sister return home after waving goodbye to him before, until they completely disappeared from sight, Rito Yuki was not worried that his appearance would completely change Rokuhabita Hoshimiya's future destiny.

When humans obtain spiritual crystals, they will be upgraded from humans to elves.

The most important factor in this process is qualifications.

In such a huge world, there are actually not many people who can carry spiritual crystals and master the power of elves. It can even be said to be only a handful.

As a qualified candidate, Hoshigong Rokuro will eventually be selected in the not-too-distant future.

Except for the Origin Elf and Yatogami Tohka, other elves were also born in this way.

Yuuki Rito gave a certain degree of psychological suggestion to Rokugao's adopted sister and adoptive parents. They will pay attention to their attitude towards Rokuhao in the future and let each other grow up healthily. In this way, even if Rokuhao gets the spirit in the future, The power will also perfectly integrate into human society like Honjou Fuya, Tokisaki Kurumi and Yuya Miku, without being wanton and causing trouble.

In this way, the last line of fate in the current era - the third line of fate has been dealt with.

The previous first line of fate connected Itsuka Kotori and Itsuka Shiori, while the second line of fate connected Tobiichi Origami.

Although Rito Yuki promptly eliminated the flames caused by Kotori Itsuka's spiritual power, saving the city from disaster, several streets close to Itsuka's house were still somewhat affected.

In order to protect their home and their daughter, Tobiichi Origami's parents wanted to extinguish the sweeping flames with water. However, such spiritual fire could not be easily extinguished by normal means. Not only did they fail to put out the fire, Instead, he suffered serious burns.

Yuki Rito appeared at that time and cured all the people injured by the fairy fire, including Origami's parents. At the same time, he also modified their understanding and rationalized the unusual flames. , and erase their own role in this process.

But Yuki Rito was the only one who did not change Tobiichi Origami's understanding. This young girl with a precocious mind made an agreement and asked her to keep her secret.

After completing everything, Yuuki Rito felt that the power of the Twelve Bullets acting on him was constantly weakening, and the tunnel of time and space also appeared faintly. He wanted to inhale it himself. After smiling slightly, he stretched out his hand..

The existence of the passage itself is completely inconsistent with human cognition, and Rito Yuuki's actions at this moment are enough to make any human or even elf who witnesses it freeze on the spot.

He grabbed the illusory tunnel that definitely didn't seem to have a tangible entity with his hand, and then exerted a slight force. The space-time tunnel, which was still in a looming state because the power of the Twelve Bullets had not completely disappeared, gradually expanded. , also gradually became solid.

Then, Yuuki Rito stepped into it.

Normal timeline, Tiangong City.

Tokisaki Kurumi looked at Yuki Rito who reappeared in front of him, took a moment to look at his clothes and expression, which had not changed significantly, and asked uncertainly.

"My twelve bullets……"

"It really transported me back in time and I accomplished what I needed to accomplish in that era."

Yuki Rito's affirmative answer made the elf girl look relieved.

Then, that relaxation was quickly replaced by tension and uneasiness.

Even Tokisaki Kurumi could not restrain his expression in this situation. She showed such a fragile expression.

Because she knew that with the help of Rito Yuki, she could go back to the day when the Origin Elf appeared thirty years ago at any time and see the buried truth.

After taking a breath , Tokisaki Kuangsan said.

"The Twelve Bullets can only send the hit target to the past time. If I want to go back to the past together, I will use the Twelve Bullets on you first, and then use it on myself. If this is inevitable Something unexpected happened in the time interval……"

"I have mastered something without having to use the Twelve Bullets twice. The moment the time and space tunnel appears, I will take you back thirty years ago."

In fact, if Yuuki Rito is willing, he can even directly take away Tokisaki Kurumi's angel and then use it to fire twelve bullets.

Yuuki Rito is not an elf and has no spiritual power, but as the ultimate collapse realm level As the being in charge of destiny, he can easily impose orders on spiritual power to achieve his own goals.

This process will not encounter any obstacles, and will be easier than Tokisaki Kurumi himself.

But Rito Yuki did not do that.

Although the Twelve Bullets are just a tool to go back to the past, it must be used by Tokisaki Kurumi.

Because this is the last thing that supports the girl's philosophy all these years. The meaning of existence.

Tokisaki Kurumi, who originally wanted to"destroy the origin elves, and then eliminate the existence of all elves", almost fell into trouble after discovering that the elves did not cause harm to humans, and all economic losses were borne by DEM. Collapse.

Rito Yuki cleverly comforted her and explained that if Kurumi Tokisaki used the Twelve Bullets to go back to the past and change everything, then she would also have a share of the credit for"human beings have not been harmed by elves".

If now If even the final role that Tokisaki Kurumi can play is taken away, the girl will collapse.

The collapse of the elf is the reversal.

Rito Yuki does not want to see any elf enter that state._See the ununderlined version For novels, please download Feilu Novel APP!

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