When Tsumue Okamine conveyed the news of the change of travel location to her classmates, it naturally sparked a discussion.

For students, so-called educational trips and study trips naturally mean going as far away as possible.

Compared to the travel destination before the change, Oromei Island was closer to Tenguu City. Naturally, the students protested a little, but they quickly accepted the fact.

After all, Ormei Island also has beaches. Compared with ordinary coasts, you may have a different feeling when looking at the sea from Ormei Island.

After learning that men and women had to stay separately during the trip, which meant that they could not stay with Yuki Rito, Yatogami Tohka was naturally not happy.

She racked her brains to change the situation, and even ran out of the classroom secretly, using the returned spiritual power to change her clothes and put on a boy's school uniform, in an attempt to get through and be assigned to Yuuki Rito.

Okamine Shue naturally disagreed.

However, this time Yuuki Rito did not intend to abide by the school's rules honestly.

Since it's a rare trip together, we naturally have to enjoy it to the fullest.

After Yuuki Rito made some promises to Tohka, he finally appeased the elf girl.

And those teachers and students who were surprised by Yatogami Tohka's costume changes in a short period of time were also relieved by the magic cast by Rito Yuki.

Unfortunately, this hard-won peace did not last long.

Orami Island is an island located between the Izu Islands and the Ogasawara Islands, with a total area of ​​about 70 square kilometers.

When a series of space earthquakes occurred thirty years ago, the northern part of the island was hollowed out, and it was only developed again into tourist land in recent years.

In a way, this place has a similar background to Tiangong City, where everyone lives.

The North Street area, which has been perfectly planned and tidied up, has implemented perfect disaster prevention policies like other redevelopment areas.

Furthermore, the coast that was completely cut off due to the space earthquake formed a precious and beautiful scenery.

Although this seems a bit disrespectful to the victims who have suffered a lot of troubles due to the space earthquake, this island, which is facing a sharp decline in population, can be said to have gradually prospered into a tourist destination thanks to the blessing of the space earthquake. Attractions.

Let's call it lucky. The seats on the plane were arranged in three rows, so it was possible to have a perfect arrangement with Rito Yuki sitting in the middle and Tohka and Origami sitting on the left and right.

Although there is also Itsuka Shiori, compared to Tohka and Origami, Itsuka Shiori does not show the attitude of having to stick to Yuki Rito's side, and has a rather big-wife demeanor.

"Rito, look. The scenery is so beautiful"

"Rito! The scenery here is also very beautiful - ah! So far away from the window! Tobiichi Origami, did you do this on purpose?!"

"It's your own fault. Didn’t give any opinions when deciding seats"


"Lidou. Look, you can see the line"

"Hmm... Rito! There's one here too, just... look at that! So awesome! The flight path is so spectacular! More beautiful than anything else!"

"Look. You can see the hills in the distance from here, come closer"

"Through the clouds. Look, the sea of ​​clouds is like a blanket of white clouds."

Just like a child who feels happy when he goes out to play, Yatogami Tohka is very active now. If it weren't for the fact that the volume when she spoke was not too loud, she just wanted to say something to Yuuki Rito, now The other students on the plane will probably look here.

In fact, even if Tohka keeps quiet, Rito Yuuki, who is between the two beautiful girls, is destined to be noticed by many classmates.

Sitting in the seat behind him Itsukawa Shiori, as well as the trio of Ai, Mii and Mai Tucao who were classmates of Rito Yuuki and were sitting on the other side of the aisle, all looked here either indirectly or directly.

I don’t know whether fate once again changed in favor of Yuki Rito, or whether Okamine Takee had deliberately considered it when making the seating arrangements.

"Hmm...I always feel like someone is watching me."

As an elf, Yatogami Tohka seemed to feel something. He withdrew his gaze from the porthole and wandered back and forth in the cabin.

Yuki Rito just tilted his head slightly, and then he made eye contact with the person Tohka was talking about. The other party was a girl with snow-white skin and light golden hair that was flying in the wind. She looked like a girl in appearance, but her actual age...

Anyway, she was much younger than Yakumo Murasaki and the others in the main world.

"Sorry, I am the photographer sent by Cross Travel Agency to travel with you, Eileen Mathers. I will be traveling with you in the next time. Please give me your advice."

The blond girl - Eileen, while guarding like this, stretched out her hand to Yuki Rito.

In the huge cabin, as the accompanying photographer, Eileen did not say hello to other people, but only talked to Yuki Rito. It was natural. This caused people including Tohka, Origami and Shiori to look at her.

However, the atmosphere did not become silent.

Because Yuuki Rito did not reject Aileen's greetings and also extended his hand to greet her. She held it together

"Hello. Maybe we've met before?"

Compared with Eileen's speech, this sentence was more suspicious of chatting up. The threesome who had already expressed deep concern about Yuuki Rito's unclear relationship with many girls in the class couldn't help but say.

"Yuuki-san, you are so bold."

More than just being bold, saying these words to another person in the presence of a girl with whom you have a close relationship is simply asking for death.

And the most shocking thing is that whether it is Tohka, Origami or Shi Oridu didn't show any anger, but just looked at Ailian with different expressions.

Ailian remained calm and nodded.

"Yes, I always remember you."

These seemingly profound words made everyone who heard it constantly squeeze their brain cells and construct one story after another full of love, hatred, and ups and downs.


However, the love story was not completed. The plane suddenly shook violently, causing everyone in the cabin to show panic expressions.

Through the portholes, you could see that the blue sky, which was clear just now, suddenly became overcast, and a storm appeared that should not be underestimated.

It is very dangerous to fly in this kind of weather.

In other words, this is bad weather that is enough to make the plane turn around and return._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Flying

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