The next day, Wuhe Shizhi got up early as usual and prepared breakfast for everyone at home.

When she brought the carefully made breakfast to the table for everyone to eat, she discovered something unusual.

Yatogami Tohka, who always likes to eat and would sit at the table early during meals, and Itsuka Kotori, who is wearing a white headband and should be very well-behaved, now each found an excuse. , I don’t want to have breakfast.

Of course Itsuka Shiori would not let them go to school hungry, but Tohka and Kotori were also very determined.

If it hadn't been for Rito Yuuki's reminder and Shiori Itsuka asking Tohka and Kotori to take breakfast to their respective rooms, the stalemate between the two parties might have continued.

"So, what happened?"

Looking at the backs of Tohka and Kotori, who had deliberately avoided Yuki Rito the whole time, and ran up to the second floor, Itsuka Shiori sighed and asked this question

"I did to them what I did to you a few days ago."

What did you do to me a few days ago?

Shiori Wuhe was stunned, and then quickly realized it. He shook his head dumbfounded by Yuki Rito's honesty and what he had done.

"Aren't you afraid that I will be angry?"

If only the relationship between Yuki Rito and Yatogami Tohka has made progress, Itsuka Shiori will naturally have no reason to be angry.

In the final analysis, this is an effort to make humans and elves live in harmony.

But if you include Koto Here, it’s a little different

"If the lovely Shizhi is angry, I will try my best to calm your dissatisfaction, so if you confess it early, you can also start to deal with it early to avoid any surprises at the last minute."

"You clearly know that I won't be angry with you"

"So that’s what if."

Itsukawa Shiori surrendered.

She stopped arguing with Yuuki Rito on this topic and pointed to the second floor.

"Just let them be like this? Breakfast is easy to solve, but when it’s time to go to school, do we have to let Tohka leave separately from us?"

"Kotori won't have such an attitude after wearing a black headband. Even if it's a white headband, she will return to her previous appearance in a few hours. In fact, a large part of the reason for Tohka's current behavior is due to Kotori's influence. After that, I prepared a soybean flour bread for her and she was able to recover as before."

"You're really awesome, Rito."

Hisuka Shiori's eyes widened in surprise at Yuuki Rito's grasp of the characters of different characters. Knowing that he, Tohka and Kotori were destined to not escape each other's grasp, Ms. Shiori instead I felt a strange sense of relief.

What happened next was as Rito Yuki had expected. When everyone went to school, Kotori with a white hairband was already able to say goodbye.

Tohka was holding a soybean flour bread with a look on her face. Walking happily beside Yuuki Rito, as if he had forgotten what happened before

"It feels like another space earthquake will erupt at noon today."

Yuki Rito looked at the sky and spoke thoughtfully.

These words made Itsuka Shiori startled.

"You mean, Tohka……"

Will Shixiang break away from the spiritual seal and cause a space shock?

Wuhe Shizhi's subsequent words were not spoken, as she had fallen into self-doubt.

If one's seal can only last for a few days, and is also affected by the elf's own mood, then what difference does it make whether it is sealed or not?

"Forgot? There is more than one elf"

"……I thought that I would be able to return to normal school life in the next period of time."

Due to the space shock associated with the appearance of elves, Tiangong City often has holidays recently. Lai Zen High School has not had classes according to its normal schedule for two consecutive weeks.

Some students may be happy because of these frequent and pleasant holidays, but Wuhe Shizhi is a good child. For a long time, she has been an outstanding girl who is diligent and thrifty and studies hard.

After graduating from high school, there is still pressure to go to higher education. Although the Wuhe family is not poor, they are not the kind of people with a wealthy family. As a famous family whose karma can be inherited by future generations, Wuhe Shizhi does not think that she can slack off.

Therefore, she seemed a little melancholy when she spoke at this moment.

"In this case, I can eliminate the space shock and contact the elves alone."

In addition, Yuuki Rito can also give Wuhe Shiori a comfortable life without worrying about food and clothing, and he can eat and wait until death.

However, Yuuki Rito will naturally not show his willingness to study at Wuhe Shiori now. Sometimes he said something that made her lose her fighting spirit.

"Eliminate the space shock?!"

Shiori Itsuka's eyes widened.

Space earthquakes, which have always troubled mankind and become synonymous with disasters more terrible than earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters, seem to have become a small problem that can be solved by Yuuki Rito.

"Um. Before, I just had some questions that needed to be explored, so I allowed the space shock to occur, but I was always careful to prevent innocent people from being affected by the space shock, causing serious injuries or even death. Now that my questions are answered, I can take action"


"The current action is naturally to have friendly exchanges with the elves, and when the time is right in the future, I will connect the past with the present, so that this world where space earthquakes erupt from time to time will not change its beautiful nature."


Itsuka Shiori couldn't understand what Yuuki Rito said.

Compared to exploring the future mentioned by Yuuki Rito, Itsuka Shiori is more concerned about the present.

"If the space earthquake alarm didn't go off, everyone wouldn't go to the underground shelter. Rito also needs to pay attention to a lot of things when he comes into contact with spirits, right? If that elf had malicious intentions, it would cause a lot of casualties."

As time went by, Wuhe Shizhi also showed an extremely good overall view.

"Don't worry, that elf is a kind-hearted girl like Tohka."

Yuki Rito said this while touching Tohka's head. Tohka, who was a little confused because he couldn't fully understand the conversation between Yuki Rito and Itsuka Shiori, had only one look on his beautiful face at this moment. There was only a happy smile left.

Itsuka Shiori fell into silence.

She was thinking, if Yuki Rito has the means to eliminate space shock, then what is the meaning of sealing the elves?

It will not be to seal the elves. Powerless, and then use this to make the higher-ups of mankind feel relieved, right?_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download and fly

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