"Before, you told me that if I could minimize the damage caused by space shocks, you could grant me one wish."

"Well, of course I keep my word, tell me what you want."

When Tobiichi Origami entered the teaching building, he could hear the voices coming from the classroom through the wall.

Originally, Tobiichi Origami had a guess, thinking that one of the two people who came into contact with the elves was probably the knot. Yuuki Rito.

Now that I vaguely heard the conversation, it naturally confirmed the suspicion.

Tobiichi Origami just didn't expect that Yuki Rito would actually say such bold words as"fulfilling the wishes of the elves".

If the elves proposed to destroy all humans, What should we do with the exaggerated wishes of human beings?

At that time, Yuki Rito, who cannot fulfill his wish, will inevitably anger the elves, and then a battle will break out.

Although he knows that Yuki Rito is not an ordinary person, Tobiichi Origami also inevitably feels worried , there was a hint of solemnity on that expressionless face at this moment.

The girl's body was slightly lowered, ready to go, ready to join the battle in time once a conflict broke out between Yuuki Rito and the elf.


Yatogami Tohka, who discovered that she could really make wishes, showed a look of confusion and confusion.

She indeed took some actions specifically for Yuki Rito's previous words.

Originally, every time Yatogami Tohka left this world, she would arrive in other dimensions and fall into a deep sleep.

Tohka didn't have any special impression of that space, she just remembered that it was a dark space.

And every time he appears here, it has nothing to do with Tohka's personal wishes and is full of randomness.

However, this time is different.

This time, Tohka took the initiative to appear in the world, escape from the dark space, and consciously reduced the scale of the space earthquake to the minimum.

It's just the smallest this time. If it's the next time, Yatogami Tohka with experience can further reduce it, or even directly avoid the space shock explosion.

Having said that, she did not seriously think about her wishes.

After being silent for a long time, Yatogami Tohka asked.

"Do humans have a lot of delicious and fun things?"

"indeed so."

Yuki Rito nodded frankly.

Human beings' achievements in eating, drinking and having fun have indeed surpassed that of almost all races.

In fact, the essence of many scientific creations is for better eating, drinking and having fun.

This is not something that can be promoted loudly. feats, but unspeakable bad habits

"Then take me...cough——"

Yatogami Tohka, who originally showed a happy expression and wanted to say something, interrupted his speech by coughing, and then looked away erratically, trying hard to prevent his voice from being affected by his excitement.

"In order to investigate the human condition, I want you to take me on a tour of the human condition."

Although Yatogami Tohka has tried hard to control her tone, Yuuki Rito and Itsuka Shiori can see her expressions and movements, let alone face to face, even if they are quietly standing outside the classroom, because Tobiichi Origami, who was blocked by the wall and could not see Yatogami Tohka's expression, could also guess her true thoughts from the words she had stopped midway. Unexpectedly

, the elf who looked awe-inspiring and powerful could be so simple. girl.

Tobiichi Origami breathed a sigh of relief, temporarily relieved.

Yuuki Rito smiled with interest.

Should we say that elves are loved by this world, or should fools be blessed?

Although Yatogami Tohka's words sounded very simple, and Yuki Rito also guessed that her real purpose was to take her to find delicious food and fun things, but if she wanted to realize such a wish for the elf, she could It is not a simple matter.

During this period, it is necessary to avoid conflicts between elves and humans, to protect the safety of elves, and even to prevent relevant organizations from discovering the existence of elves.

This is better than simply"protecting my safety" or"helping me repel them." Requests such as"annoying robot army" are much more complicated.

Looking at the clear-eyed elf girl who actually didn't think too much, Yuuki Rito nodded.


Hearing this, Yatogami Tohka's eyes lit up, and she immediately returned to the window she had climbed in before, ready to jump down.

Itsuka Shiori was startled.

"what you up to?"

"Of course I'm leaving. I'm not going out to find delicious food... uh, aren't I going to investigate the situation in the human world?"

Although she didn't say much to Itsuka Shiori, since she was traveling with Yuki Rito, Yatogami Toka could treat them as if they were not enemies for the time being, and gave a simple answer at this moment.

He almost let it slip.

Yatogami Tohka secretly looked at Yuuki Rito, and saw that the other person still had that nice-looking smile on his face that made people feel good, so he felt relieved and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't notice.

Wuhe Shiori originally wanted to say something, telling Yatogami Tohka that it was dangerous to jump directly from the top of the building.

But thinking of the elves' combat power that broke human common sense, Wuhe Shiori felt that he was too much. She was heartbroken.

She fell into silence for a moment, and it was Rito Yuuki who spoke.

"Since you want to understand human beings, why not try to act according to human habits first? If it were a human, it would not enter and exit through the window, but would take the stairs properly."

"……a little complicated."

Yatogami Tohka frowned in confusion, and then had an idea.

"It doesn't matter if I stay with you, right? Come and show me human habits"


Yuki Rito sighed a little and Yatogami Tohka was really easy to talk to. Fortunately, he met him first, otherwise he would have been easily abducted when he met other people.

But after thinking about it, with Tohka's fighting skills There are actually only a handful of people who can get close to her. My worries are unnecessary.

"This armor of yours will be very conspicuous in human society. How about changing your clothes?"

Originally, after hearing Yuki Rito say such words, Yatogami Tohka would have defended her strong and reliable spiritual equipment.

But considering the existence of the robot army, it is still necessary to try to avoid it. It's better to have trouble

"Then what should be done?"_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-Collection

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