The Only Magician on Earth

Chapter 301: Gathering in Qiuxia Mountain

  () "Looks like it's better to buy some other things and put them in!"

   "Yeah! Buy some necessary food. There is no time lapse in this pendant space. The food inside can be stored indefinitely. There are also things such as marching tents..."

   Antiquity is pondering. On the magical continent, everyone will store some daily necessities in the space equipment they carry with them, in case they suddenly fall into a desperate situation, they can also support for a period of time.

   "It's getting late, I'm afraid we can only talk about these things later!"

   Looking through the window, looking at the already dark sky outside, thinking about the racing car promised to the Su sisters, I can only temporarily put aside my imagination.

  Take out the phone, turn it on, and walk out at the same time.

   As soon as the phone was turned on, there was a call, and it was connected, and Su Zhenzhen's almost roaring voice sounded immediately:

   "Where are you? I haven't turned on the phone all day, do you know that the game is about to start now?" ..

"Isn't this the beginning? I'm at the Home Inn on Xiangbei Road. Where are you? Are you here to pick me up, or will I take a taxi to meet you?" Gu Feng knew that he was right, and was too lazy to argue with her. asked lightly.

   Take a taxi?

   At such an urgent moment, he still wanted to take a taxi?

   Does he have a sense of time? Does he have the sincerity to rush over to race?

  Su Zhenzhen felt like she was going crazy!

  Pity the image of a lady who has always been! Why have you always wanted to go crazy since meeting this guy?

   Take a deep breath...take a deep breath...

  Su Zhenzhen thought to herself, took a few deep breaths and calmed down.

  Gu Feng also waited calmly.

   "You wait there! We'll go right there!" Su Zhenzhen said.

   "Okay!" Gu Feng nodded.

   hung up the phone, Gu Feng had already checked out of the room and walked out of the hotel door. When he looked up, he saw a convenience store not far away. Don't delay this time.



  Su Zhenzhen almost stepped on the accelerator, ran the red light all the way, and galloped to the door of the Home Inn. but. But see the door empty, where is the shadow of the ancient style?

   took out his mobile phone, just about to dial the number to remind him, by the light. In the convenience store not far away, a tall figure swayed over and waved to this side with a smile.

  Su Zhenzhen's temple is about to jump up again...



   One foot on the gas pedal. As soon as the roar of the car started, it was a brake, and it had stopped in front of Gu Feng.

   This handsome action attracted the attention of passers-by around him.

When you see a beautiful woman getting out of the car, and there is a little loli sitting in the back seat of the car... In addition to the apparently priceless luxury car... People look at Gu Feng again, all of them are envious, jealous and hateful. !

   "Hehe, I'm sorry! I didn't expect you to come so quickly. I thought there was plenty of time, so I thought I was waiting, so...hehe!" Gu Feng pointed to the convenience store behind.

   "So, you came to the supermarket for a while? You thought it was time to shop in the supermarket!" Su Zhenzhen found herself completely defeated.

   "Oh! The game is about to start? Then let's hurry up. Let's go!" Gu Feng quickly changed the subject and walked over to the co-pilot, only to find that Su Zhenzhen's body swayed, and her delicate body was already there.

  Gu Feng's body couldn't hold back, and he almost hit his head with a full heart... Looking up at the turbulent waves close at hand, Gu Feng felt that the words "hit head and full heart" were used very vividly.


   A slap has been drawn. This palm is fair and delicate, and it is very beautiful, but it does not mean that Gu Feng is willing to be slapped by such a slap.

   Leaned back slightly and grabbed the wrist, only to see Su Zhenzhen's blushing face.

   "Hey! You saw what happened just now, I didn't mean it! If you get confused again, I can turn around and leave!"

   The ancient style's tone was cold, and it didn't look like a joke.

   "You said it wasn't intentional, you..."

   "You come and drive!"

  Su Lili didn't care so much, she was about to go on like a machine gun, but Su Zhenzhen had already interrupted.

   Go on, it's him who is embarrassed! Moreover, she made Gu Feng annoyed, and she was really afraid that this stunned boy would pick him up in a fit of anger, and they would really be finished.

  Gu Feng was slightly startled, opened his mouth, looked at Su Zhenzhen's angry face, and finally swallowed the sentence "I have to pay for driving".

   Then, under the envious gazes of passers-by, he reluctantly sat in the driver's seat.

  Su Zhenzhen let out a long breath and sat in the passenger seat.

   For a moment, there is no ancient style action. Turning his head, he asked strangely:

   "Why haven't you left?"

   "Where to go?" Gu Feng also turned his head and asked innocently.

   "You don't know the way?" Su Zhenzhen really wanted to punch this innocent face into persimmons.

"do not know!"



   "Follow the way we came and go straight, turn right when you see the main road, and soon you will be on the road we walked yesterday." Su Zhenzhen was defeated and could only say.

   "Okay!" Gu Feng nodded in agreement, but instead of driving, he continued to ask, "How to get to Xi, An Road?"

   "Xi, Anlu? Why are you asking this?"

   "I just received a call at the supermarket. A friend of mine wants to come over. I'll pick him up." Gu Feng looked at Su Zhenzhen and blinked innocent little eyes.

  Su Zhenzhen felt that she was really going to explode, but she still managed to hold back her anger and said patiently:

   "Can't I wait until the game is over to pick him up? Or... call him and tell him the location and let him rush over by himself?"

   "Okay! I'll tell him the location and let him rush over by himself!"

  Gu Feng thought for a while before he said... He actually thought about it again... Su Zhenzhen felt that she was about to die.

  Gufeng finally drove. To say, this guy's technology is really not covered, while driving, talking on the phone, the speed is extremely fast.

   How did she know that Gu Feng's powerful jing power, even if he was a little distracted, was nothing.

   When in the supermarket. The caller was naturally Shangguan Bridge. After telling him the address of Qiuxia Mountain, Gu Feng hung up the phone and observed from the corner of his eye. Seeing that the Su sisters didn't pay attention, they put the phone in the space pendant.

   In the space pendant, the mobile phone has no signal. Shangguanqiao had better luck, and Gu Feng happened to be holding a mobile phone at that time. She was afraid that the Su sisters would call herself if something happened, and she hadn't had time to put it in.

   If it's 1 o'clock in the evening, the phone can't get through.

certainly. With this space pendant, it is estimated that in the future, the phone of the ancient style will often be in a state of being unable to connect.


   At this time, at the foot of Qiuxia Mountain, it was already very lively.

   Flickering lights, frenzied music, and loud noises.

  Red se Ferrari. Black Se's Bugatti Veyron, two luxury cars parked head to head.

  Lan Ningning sat on the hood of the Ferrari, with a slender lady's cigarette in his mouth, watching the frantic crowd while puffing the clouds. He ignored the few people around him.

Next to    are Nakata, Mizuno Sakurako and Bai Jiaju.

   Bai Jiaju was talking with Nakata about something, and he glanced at Mizuno Sakurako from time to time, which was an unbearable surprise.

   Nakata could see this little action clearly, and there was a flash of murderous intent in his eyes, but he concealed it well, with a gentle smile on his face, talking to Bai Jiaju.

   Mizuno Sakurako, also with a smile, concealed the contempt in her heart very well.

   In fact, when she faced Chinese people, although she despised her in her heart, she always did a good job in face. Because she knows that one of the biggest characteristics of Chinese people is good face. Often many things, as long as you give them enough face, things will be much easier to handle.

"Jiaju-kun, the time for the competition is about to come, why are the people you mentioned not yet available? Could it be that the opponent I competed with today is a guy who has no sense of time?" Chinese.

   "Wait a minute! If they don't come when the time comes, they will abstain and we will win." Bai Jiaju looked at the time and said.

   "Humph! Winning in this way is an insult to us. Are all of you Chinese cowards escaping?" Beside, Mizuno Sakurako snorted coldly and said.

   "Haha! Every nation has scum." Bai Jiaju said with a dry laugh.

   "They're here! I hope you don't lose too much later!" Lan Ningning, who had been sitting there without speaking, suddenly said.


   When everyone heard the words, they all followed his gaze. Sure enough, on the road in the distance, two bright spots are approaching fast.

   "Looking at this speed, it should be that they can't be wrong!" After Bai Jiaju finished speaking, he remembered what Lan Ningning said just now. Obviously, he was no longer on his side, so he couldn't help but turn his head and glared fiercely.

   Lan Ningning looked indifferent, pouted and turned his head away.


   Far away, the roar of the motor came over. Ou Lu, who was like a blue phantom, galloped toward him, with a "Zi" sound, a tail flick, and stopped with an extremely beautiful posture.


The    crowd immediately began to cheer, and many people gathered around.

  Gu Feng opened the door and got out of the car, turned his head to look behind him.

   Sister Su got out of the car with a cold expression.


   Another roar approached.


   A Silver Spyker followed and stopped beside Continental.

   "Wow! Brother Feng, I didn't expect you to like this kind of place! Oh hoo!"

   With an exaggerated cry, Shangguanqiao got out of the car with his long hair tossed and ran to Gufeng.

   "When did you come to Nandu?" Gu Feng asked with a smile.

   "It's been three or four days, and I'm here with the team to carry out the mission. I can't wait to see you as soon as the mission is over at noon today." Shangguanqiao said.

   "Oh? When you were in the capital, didn't you say that there would be a vacation after that mission in Myanmar?" Gu Feng asked casually.

   "Hey! It's a pity! Without me, the team wouldn't be able to function! As Jingying, I have this little trouble, and it's a lot of work for those who are capable!"

  Shangguanqiao said, posing in a very stinky pose. (To be continued.)

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