33 – Scene 033# abbreviation


The shield that protects the emperor of Meikahel, the bodyguard.

They are selected through strict screening in terms of martial arts, magic, personality, and appearance.

Even more, their head, the captain of the guards, is asked for even more stringent conditions.

Because it is a position to protect the emperor from a place closer than anyone else, so it is a great responsibility.

Among them, Marco Peirigris, the current captain of the Royal Guard, is a unique figure among the former commanders.

‘By the way, why is he here now?’

I couldn’t help but question this situation.

If I remember correctly, Marco’s full-fledged appearance in the original work is quite late.

If he hadn’t come to the department store by order of the emperor, he wouldn’t be here.

The conclusion is one.

‘… Is the emperor watching over me?’

Otherwise, this situation cannot be explained.

Because only the emperor could move Marco.

In fact, there are many possible reasons.

The power of the Ruelberta family has already reached a level that cannot be ignored.

Thanks to this, the authority of the imperial family is decreasing day by day.

The emperor must be contemplating how to weaken the power of the Ruelberta family.

Of course, I thought that I, the head of Ruelberta, would have some level of surveillance.

However, he did not think that the imperial family would intervene in this way.

Also, the captain of the guards, who had never left the emperor’s side, spoke directly like this.

Thanks to that, two people who shouldn’t have met met.

The two clashed.


Marco’s mace shattered the ice with a dull sound.

Blanche had already spread the distance.

she cried in a voice full of rage.

“Why are you disturbing me!”

“This is an order to protect Count Tristan’s safety.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! Counts cannot be handed over. Whether it be the emperor or whoever!”

“Let me hear the reason.”

At that moment, the magical powers that flew like snowflakes behind Blanche’s back stopped all at once.

“Because the Count must be killed by me! That much cannot be conceded!”

“The reason is unacceptable. Because it goes against my orders.”

“If you can’t accept it, I have no choice but to kill you too.”

“-Then I have no choice but to exclude you with all my might. beast.”

“Where to try!”

The two leaped.

The appearance of Blanche, who stepped on the air, changed.

If she had been a beastman mixed with a human form until now, she had completely become a beast.

A lofty tiger embracing the blue cold, the beast of the cold roared.

“Now you have revealed your true colors. beast.”

Marco released the mana flowing through his body without hiding it.

Then, the black mace instantly turned red.

The magic of flame flowing through the Feygris family.

Marco swung a mace with heavy firepower.

The two figures collided in the air.

A fierce battle was taking place, with no retreat.

I could have predicted

The fact that at the end of this fight, one of them will die.

This fight will not stop until one person dies.

Blanche or Marco, either of them would be a shame if they died now.

For the sake of the future, they must be prevented from dying.

Because in order to fight against the players, I need to gather as much power as possible.

‘I have to live… .’

At that time, the mana that had been compressed by the cold air blown out by Blanche exploded.

The moment her breathless mana touched Marco’s hot mace, a huge explosion occurred.


The two of them were thrown to the floor.

They were unable to get up easily due to the impact of the explosion.

As expected, it was Marco who woke up first.

The emperor’s bodyguard was still an early opponent for the ‘now’ Blanche.

Marco staggered to his feet.

Blanche is lying unconscious in front of him.

The cold beast, the blue tiger, was gasping for breath without recovering from the previous damage.

he muttered.

“… … I was mistaken. beast.”

The match was won.

But it was not a complete victory.


The tip of his favorite mace was shattered.

The mace shattered with the crack.

Looking at it devastatedly, Marco evaluated Blanche.

“You were strong. But… He was weaker than me.”

Marco gathered mana in his hands.

One of the seven noble families, Feigris of Fire.

It was the moment when the magic power containing the power of fire that burned everything was about to emit an ominous light.

“Do that. Sir Marco.”

I swallowed the ‘rage’ that was about to flow out.

Marco turned around and looked at me.

Like what’s going on again.

Suddenly, a hard voice came out of his mouth.

“The Count cannot give me orders.”

“Wasn’t Lord Marco’s mission to secure my recruits?”

“Yes. But… .”

Marco said, looking down at the dying Blanche.

“It is better to rule out risk factors.”

“Are you saying that such a beast is dangerous to you?”

“… … It’s no use provoking me. count. Wait there until I finish. And please accompany me obediently.”

“… It’s fun.”

Laughter broke out.

‘Pride’ wriggled.

It was difficult to control my emotions because I was suppressing the pain with my remaining ‘patience’.

I looked at Marco like it was funny.

“What if I don’t agree?”

“Are you rejecting the Emperor? If so, I have no choice but to drag it by force.”

Make sure to read from noble mtl com


Marco nodded.

The shards of ice that had covered me earlier fell.

he sentenced me

“The Count is weak. So you can’t stop me.”

It was not wrong.

The opponent is a man who is the most highly regarded among all previous guards.

Even if I was in perfect condition, I wouldn’t be able to stop him.

I don’t have the strength to do that yet.



But such an underdog has his own way.

I took one breath.

“Count, stay there. We’ll get a new recruit soon… .”

“… There was always something I was curious about.”

The ‘pride’ inside me boiled.

I questioned him deftly, but with a distinctly belittling eye.

“Which side is it that gives orders to Sir?”

“… ?!”

His face, which had been blunt until then, was colored with surprise for the first time.

The question made a huge ripple and shook him.

“… … How did the Count do that?”

“Did you think this Tristan wouldn’t know that?”

I lightly put my hand on his shoulder.

and whispered in his ear

“There is no place in the imperial family that my power cannot reach.”

“… !”

Marco’s expression did not change.

But my hand could feel it.

that now his shoulders are shaking with anger.

I laughed when I saw it.

“Perhaps she is lonely waiting for the Lord by now.”

“count… .”

“Ah, I made a mistake. Come to think of it, we won’t be lonely because we’re two.”

“… Are you threatening me now?”

Marco had a terrifying expression on his face.

Indeed, he, who was like a machine, was also a human being.

An unspoken warning that he will not let go if he threatens his master.

As if in response to his anger, mana was swaying.

But I wasn’t afraid at all.

Because my ‘pride’ didn’t allow fear.

“Threat? How can I threaten you? The captain of the body guard who protects the emperor. I’m weaker than Sir therefore… .”

The corner of the mouth went up.

“I do not choose the means and methods.”

“… … .”

The glowing magic has disappeared.

It was never a strong tone, but I saw it clearly at that moment.

The faint horror on Marco’s face.

But that’s only for a short while.

The man who was the captain of the steel-like imperial guard simply replied in a calm tone.

“… I will withdraw.”

Marco’s first priority is to protect the Emperor’s safety.

The moment he felt that the emperor’s right to live and die had been taken away, he was defeated.

He realized that he had no choice but to step back.

He couldn’t get anything out of it.

That was the moment Marco was about to take a step.

“for a moment.”

I dared to call him to return empty-handed.

“Is that all you have to say to me? Sir Marco.”

If I had looked in the mirror, it would have been a sly smile.

I was asking him indirectly.

who is on top

“… … Excuse me. Be careful in the future.”

Marco bowed his head stiffly and took another step.

It was an act that showed no emotion at all, as usual, but rather made it look more resentful.

No, it would actually split too.

… This is entirely due to Tristan’s dirty personality.

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