Except for a few people, because the Fengqi, Dao Guangming, Beilu, Ji Chenfeng, Mo Chong and others are all in various battle groups on the border of the alliance, they can't spare time to come back for the time being.

Therefore, a few of them who also possessed abilities, failed to participate in this meeting.

In front of the gate of the Union Institute of Biology, after Lan Jiao passed the three checkpoints outside the door, when he walked into the interior lobby of the Institute of Biology, a researcher wearing a white long coat was already waiting.

Lan Jiao glanced at the other person and recognized the person's identity.

He was the researcher Xu who bred the white Persian cat at the 38th branch of the Union Institute of Biology.

Because of his outstanding performance, he was brought to the General Hospital by Vice President Mu and became one of Vice President Mu's assistants.

Every time Lan Jiao came to the General Institute of Biological Research Institute, Researcher Xu was basically responsible for receiving her.

"Miss Lan, the deputy dean is already waiting for you in the conference room." Researcher Xu said to Lan Jiao with a hearty smile on his face.

For Miss Lan, in addition to researcher Xu admiring her like all the researchers in the Institute of Biology, he also expressed gratitude to Miss Lan Jiao.

The biological cat that he bred back then suddenly got out of control because of the stimulation of other creatures——

At the critical moment, Miss Lan came forward to appease the out-of-control biological cat without damaging the ‘achievements’ he cultivated.

It was also because of that incident that gave him the opportunity to be transferred from the 38th Branch of the Biological Research Institute to the General Hospital in the eyes of Vice President Mu.

Inside the General Hospital of the Biological Research Institute, Researcher Xu humbly led the way, and Lan Jiao walked alongside him beside him.

Before taking a few steps, Lan Jiao suddenly remembered the Persian cat with blue pupils that Researcher Xu had cultivated.

She asked casually, "Is your cat okay now?"

It has been nearly two years since she saw the Persian cat last time, and I don't know what happened to the cat that had gone through estrus.

When Miss Lan took the initiative to mention the creature she had cultivated, Researcher Xu immediately knew everything.

"Meow, it's being raised by the dean now, and it's going well."

Meow meow?

Lan Jiao smiled in her heart when she heard the name said by Researcher Xu.

According to the name of the creature, it seems that the dean of the Institute of Biology is even more useless than himself.

Although knowing that the Persian cat had a good life, Lan Jiao was still a little curious, "Has Miao Miao ever been sterilized?"

Researcher Xu suddenly heard Lan Jiao's question, his heart trembled, and his walking pace suddenly became weak, and he almost fell unsteadily.

How could Miss Lan think like this?

How can a cute and noble creature like Meow be sterilized? !

However, for polite reasons, Researcher Xu calmed down and replied solemnly.

"Miao Miao is not sterilized. In order to control Miao Miao in estrus, the dean specially set up a special research group. As the leader of the research group, I bred a biological cat of the same species as Miao Miao."

"The second cat is a black cat. In the past two years, he and Miao Miao gave birth to many kittens, and they have been sent to various families in the Alliance by the dean." Researcher Xu said, still in his tone of voice. With pride.

"Miss Lan, you don't know how popular cats are in the alliance's big family now! Anyone with status and status wants to raise a cat, which can be called a perfect pet! "

As the first cat breeder, Researcher Xu also became familiar with the major families of the Alliance because of the cat.

Many high-ranking players in the league know him, so he highly respects the existence of cats.

After hearing this, Lan Jiao nodded clearly.

She really did not expect that creatures like cats would be so popular in the past and in the interstellar age.

So no matter how the times change, the underlying nature of mankind will not change.

Listening to Researcher Xu talking to her about the impact of cats on the Alliance, before she knew it, Lan Jiao had been taken by Researcher Xu to the door of a conference room in the General Hospital of the Institute of Biological Sciences.

Researcher Xu opened the door in a very gentleman manner and stretched out his hand to signal her to enter.

However, Researcher Xu himself stood in front of the door and had no plans to enter the door at all.

Because in this meeting room, he does not have permission to enter the door.

Even though his position in the General Hospital of the Biological Research Institute in the past two years has been much higher than before, there are still many things that he cannot involve.

Lan Jiao walked into the meeting room and looked up. All six sides of the meeting room were white.

In addition to the solid-colored walls, the ground under your feet and the ceiling above your head are also white and dazzling——

In this environment, an equally pure white long conference table is placed in the center.

Several people were already waiting on both sides of the long table.

Almost all of these people Lan Jiao knew, and even a few of them were unfamiliar.

Originally, when Lan Jiao entered the door, the first thing Lan Jiao should do was to say hello to everyone, but facing such a bright environment at this time, she really made her feel a little inexplicably depressed.

Such a white place, if people stay for a long time, I am afraid they will be psychologically depressed...

"Miss Lan, you are here." When Vice Dean Mu saw Lan Jiao, who could be said to be his "year-old friend," he greeted him with a smile on his face, and even got up from the chair of the conference table in person.

As soon as he raised his hand, he called Lan Jiao to walk over.

"We have been waiting for you for a while, you are here, and all the people participating in the meeting today will be there."

Hearing what Vice Dean Mu Yunshan said, Lan Jiao was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time."

In fact, she rushed here as soon as she got off the spaceship, and she didn't lose much time, but she still let others wait.

Hearing Lan Jiao's answer, everyone in the room knew that she might be wrong.

"No, classmate Lan Jiao, when you weren't here, we were always discussing what environment this conference room should be like. You only liked it, but we didn't discuss the result. Now it's up to you to choose it yourself."

At the conference table, Yun Xi got up and explained to Lan Jiao.

As soon as Yun Xi's voice fell, the entire pure white meeting room instantly transformed into a simulated forest environment, followed by a green grassland, and then a blue ocean...

Each environment is different, but they all make people feel relaxed.

At least it's better than the pure white conference room. I don't know how many times!

But everyone is waiting for themselves to choose the meeting environment?

This is too much to save face!

Lan Jiao didn't even know that she was so valued? ?

And now she understands that this conference room is actually not pure white, it can be switched to various environments at will for everyone to have this meeting.

The scenes were switched one by one, and finally the meeting room became a star space in the void of the universe. Only the meeting table and the chairs beside the table were white.

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