Therefore, Sophie only gave half of the potion.

"The remaining three hundred bottles of potion, wait until I go back to develop the potion, and then send it over." Sophie looked up and said to Feng Xi.

For Sophie's words, the blockade is almost certain that there is still medicine left in the imperial woman!

But for some reason, she didn't take out all the medicine.

Regarding Sophie's statement that she would send the remaining potions next time, the attack did not intend to expose her hiding behavior in person.

But for this ‘next time’, he must determine when it will be.

After all, it is about three hundred bottles of potions, that is, the birth of three hundred alliances of new humans, and there is no room for mistakes!

"How long will it take you to complete the remaining potions? We have agreed a time in advance. We don't need to send them at that time. We can send someone to the Empire to get them."

Three hundred bottles of potions are not a small number. Sophie's successful arrival in the alliance this time was pure luck.

The next time she sends someone to deliver the medicine will go smoothly, no one can guarantee.

Therefore, Feng Xi proposed to send someone to fetch it.

Sophie didn't expect the alliance's banning war to be so pressing on herself!

Potion is really that important in his heart? !

But the person who developed the medicine himself, it seemed that he couldn't get his eyes at all?

Sophie suddenly felt that she couldn't even compare to some potions...

This reality made her a little bit self-pity and self-abandonment.

But for the questions asked by the Alliance’s banned warlord, Sophie still answered seriously, "One month, one month after the potion... I will inform you of the handover method at that time."

Sophie said, her eyes moved to Lan Jiao.

"Mind if I exchange contact information with the Enlisted Warlord? It's just for official business." She said.

Hearing Sophie's words, the arc of Lan Jiao's mouth slowly opened, and she immediately laughed.

"Of course you mind." Lan Jiao replied in a crisp and sharp voice!

Although I don't know if Sophie asked this question intentionally or unintentionally, Lan Jiao knew that her answer might give Feng Yan another impression.

If you answer ‘yes’, it might make Feng Xi feel that he doesn’t care about him.

At the same time, it also gave Sophie a chance to get close to her boyfriend.

If you answer ‘no’, then you are too small in the impression of others!

But no matter how others speculate, Lan Jiao just wants to obey her heart!

She looked at Sophie and said softly, "Miss Sophie, please forgive me. I just don’t want to see my boyfriend get in touch with other women, so whether you want to send the medicine or the Alliance sends someone to pick it up, these things You can tell me directly, and I will inform."

With that said, Lan Jiao adjusted the contact list on his Imperial Brain, and then told Sophie, "Your communication account has been pulled from the'blacklist' by me. After the new potion is made, please be the first Contact me in time."

Lan Jiao speaks bluntly about this behavior of blocking others by herself, and doesn't even feel ashamed.

At this time, whoever feels embarrassed is really embarrassed.

Anyway, Lan Jiao's mentality is very stable.

Sophie was really direct to Lan Jiao and felt very speechless.

She really didn't expect Lan Jiao to say anything? !

At this time, Lan Jiao blacked herself out of her communication contact, and she said it from Lan Jiao's mouth. She didn't feel at all that she shouldn't. On the contrary, it made Sophie feel very embarrassed.

Sophie didn't even know what she had done, and she actually asked Lan Jiao to block her contact information!

But in front of the warlord, Sophie didn't want to argue with Lan Jiao.

Moreover, she had an inexplicable sense of fear for Lan Jiao, which made her dare not do that easily.

Therefore, Sophie had no choice but to put all her unhappiness to the bottom of her heart, and slightly raised her head to look at the alliance's banned fighters.

"I will finish making the potion as soon as possible. My spaceship was damaged in the worm infestation. Please send someone to send me back to the Empire."

To stay in the alliance where Lan Jiao was present, she couldn't hold on for a moment!

The attack had no objection to Sophie's leaving. Even if she didn't take the initiative to leave, she would eventually be driven away.

It is better for Sophie to leave by herself now.

It's just that the alliance will send her back to the empire, to make the blockade a little dissatisfied with the imperial woman's occupation of the resources of the alliance.

But looking at the remaining three hundred bottles of potions, he nodded and ordered Dao Xiao's head of the Dao Xiao who was next to the three as the ‘Background Board’.

"You personally take someone to send Miss Sophie back, and you must ensure that Miss Sophie is safely sent to the empire."

Hearing the errand arranged by the parent official, Dao Xiaozhi immediately executed the order.

He stepped forward two steps, came to Sophie and said, "Miss Sophie, please come with me."

After finishing talking, Dao Xiaozhi has already boarded his aircraft and flew towards the logistics of the alliance station——

The spacecraft of their alliance is over there, waiting for the spacecraft coming off the battlefield to replenish the potions and energy, Dao Xiaozhi must send away the eye-catching imperial woman in the first place!

The cosmic void outside the alliance realm, the worm tide that withdrew from the alliance's scope, because of the loss of the dominance of the higher zerg race, it quickly split into several groups.

Some seventh-level zergs that had not lost their lives on the battlefield, each scattered with a small wave of worms.

Not long after all the worms were dispersed, there was an abnormal spatial fluctuation in that cosmic void...

After a while, in the void of the universe, a small, silver-white parasitic worm family the size of a walnut appeared out of thin air——

The ninth-level parasite tribe, who should have been guarding its perfect parasite and striving to break through the parasite's protective barrier, learned that the human female who had researched the potion that greatly increased human strength was nearby, and it came from afar.

Once humans have more and more powerful bodies, its perfect parasite will not be so unique and absolutely powerful!

It just wants its own parasite to become the strongest in the future!

Other people don't have that qualification!

So for the human who developed the medicine, it can't let her continue to lead the human to become stronger!

Its purpose here is to solve that humanity personally!

The little silver-white parasitic worms stood in the void of the universe, seeming to be thinking about something, or judging which direction they should go in.

After a while, it had a decision.

When the silver-white parasitic worm race was about to move toward the border of the alliance, suddenly! A white plush creature more than one meter tall appeared within the range that its breath sensed.

Is that... Nine-level star beast?

No, that's not right!

The breath of that creature is far more powerful than the ninth-level star beast!

What is that?

The silver-white parasitic worm race has not yet figured out the existence of the creature that only has the aura of a star beast, but whose strength is beyond the strongest ninth-level star beast, and it has an idea...

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