Two spirit forces competed to read the memory, the spiritual consciousness of the ninth-level space star beast, once again fell into a chaotic situation, gradually showing signs of imminent collapse...

Around it, those space barriers erected instantly collapsed——

The invisible force that originally kept people out has disappeared.

At this moment, although everyone in the Sixty-Eighth Division didn't know what happened, they knew that the attack could continue!


In the public communication channel, the commander of the 68th battle group gave an order, and everyone drove the mech and rushed towards the huge high-ranking star beast——

At this time, the ninth-level space star beast was attacked inside and outside, and it was miserable.

The two external psychic forces in the spiritual consciousness continue to extract memory from it.

Extracting memories from the spiritual consciousness of the ninth-level space star beast, it gradually "blue" frowned slightly.

Although this ninth-level space star beast has existed in the universe for a long time, not much has happened in its long life.

In addition to where the clan is and dormant most of the day, what is left is the knowledge of the ninth-level parasitic worm clan and several contacts.

What'Blue' needs is the memory between the Space Star Beast and the ninth-level parasitic worm race. Unfortunately, when he read the memory of the Space Star Beast, he didn't get any useful information.

And Lan Jiao's memory reading is similar.

However, because of the strong mental power, what she saw from the memory of the ninth-level space star beast was always slightly more than that of "blue".

It was this ‘a little bit’ message that allowed her to see more details.

"I suspect that the ninth-level parasitic worm race is actually using this space star beast! It's scumbag to deceive feelings and use it again!"

Lan Jiao drove her mech, came to'Grandpa Uncle', and said to'Lan'.


He didn't quite understand what exactly did Jiaojiao mean when she came suddenly?

"That ninth-level parasitic worm race really wanted to parasitize this space star beast at first, but it didn't succeed. Instead, it was caught. Finally, the space star beast let it go." Lan Jiao said seriously as'Grandpa Uncle'. analysis.

"This matter made the Nineth-level Parasitic Insect Clan think about it, deceived the feelings of the Space Star Beast, and then used the Space Star Beast to help it do things!"

blue:? ? ?

These did Jiaojiao come up with it?

Reading the memory the same way, why didn't he see it at all?

So this is the difference between Xiaobai, who doesn’t understand emotions, and who has rich experience in emotions, who has a pair of discerning eyes on tea in their respective movies and TV dramas.

"This ninth-level space star beast is really pitiful..." Lan Jiao sighed.

Although she expressed sympathy for the scumbag, the things the Space Star Beast did cannot be forgiven at all!

It first directed its subordinates to kill itself several times!

Although he was not dead, when he intercepted and killed himself, the innocent people on the side were killed by the Space Star Beast.

So even if this space star beast is deceived, it is pitiful, but it is damned!

After being forcibly extracted twice, the spiritual consciousness of the ninth-level space star beast has been damaged.

After Lan Jiao was sure that she would never get any other useful news from the memory of this ninth-level space star beast, she immediately outputted all her mental powers and condensed into a handful near the space star beast's spiritual consciousness. The big hammer slammed into the spiritual consciousness of the ninth-level space star beast——

‘Crack! ——' The sound of broken consciousness sounded in the head of the space star beast.

In the next second, the white mental consciousness of the ninth-level space star beast turned into pieces and broke apart! Disappear instantly...

'Blue' used his mental energy to'watch' Jiaojiao's actions all the way, and his heart was shocked.

Although it has long been known that Jiaojiao's mental power is stronger than him, at that moment, "Blue" once again had a new understanding of Jiaojiao's mental power!

She is strong! Much stronger than the mental power of himself and the ninth-level parasitic worm race!

At this moment, "Blue" even felt that Jiaojiao should be a human being who came out of the birthplace...

On the battlefield, the ninth-level space star beast with a collapsed mental consciousness, its vital signs instantly disappeared——

All the people of the 68th battle group who slashed its body frantically, suddenly discovered that their target of attack-the huge high-level star beast, was motionless at the moment.

This high-ranking star beast has lost too much blood, is it dead?

But with their efforts, although there were many injuries on the high-ranking star beasts in front of them, they were not fatal.

It has only a few scars on its body, ‘shallow’ scars, can this die?

Such questions appeared in the hearts of all the members of the 68th battle group.

Soon, the ninth-level space star beast that lost its vital signs turned into stars and disappeared into the void of the universe...

They were born from the evolution of the universe, and when their lives are coming to an end, they will return to the universe.

However, before this ninth-level space star beast returned to the universe, most of the space power in its body was drawn away and merged by Lan Jiao's mental power, becoming a part of the space power in Lan Jiao's body.

The strength of the space power of the ninth-level space star beast is much stronger than all the space power in Lan Jiao's body before!

This fusion gave her a deeper understanding of the power of space.

The understanding of the power of space is more profound.

Lan Jiao believes that next time she uses the power of space to attack, her power will definitely be several times stronger than before!

Even without relying on mechas, she still has a strong offensive power.

The space star beast was completely wiped out, and the remaining zergs on the battlefield, under the pressure and deterrence of ‘Grandpa Uncle’, did not dare to make any trouble!

Only the higher-level 6th and 7th Zerg races saw that their plan to attack humans this time was gone, and one by one fled quickly under the coercion.

The lower-level Zerg was so frightened that it could not move for half a step.

Some were even scared to death!

He didn't even have a chance to escape, so he left his life on the battlefield...

"The battle is over...?"

On the public communication channel of the 68th battlefield, a voice with doubts sounded.

Such a scene, even the highest commander of the battle group could not believe it.

However, at this time, the huge high-ranking star beasts immediately died out, and the Zerg on the battlefield, except for those fleeing and scared to death, were left alone who did not dare to move and let them kill.


Even if the battle is over, the remaining Zerg on the battlefield will have to be cleaned up.

In the 68th battle group public communication channel, everyone heard the commander's order, and the battle started again.

Lan Jiao didn't take action to kill the Zerg, but in the mecha, while adapting to the unexpected spatial power, while using the mecha's sound transmission system, explained to the'uncle grandpa' outside the mecha.

"I have a hunch that it won't be long before we will meet the ninth-level parasitic worm clan..."

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