But before the positioning transmission channel was opened, Mr. Yi suddenly received the news of the eighth-level star beast!

In the image light curtain from the border of the empire, a picture of the vast universe was transmitted.

In the picture, stars and galaxies look mysterious and beautiful.

In addition, where is the eighth-level star beast...?

This picture made Mr. Yi slightly startled, and then he saw the shadow of the star beast on a small white spot among the stars in the picture.

It was a small star beast that was so small that it was almost invisible, a small mass, plush white.

The star beast, Mr. Yi, could tell at a glance that it was the star beast next to the alliance exchange student girl who studied at the Imperial Royal Military Academy.

This is the eighth-level star beast that appeared on the border of the empire? ?

If so, there is no danger at the border of the empire.

Mr. Yi still believes that the girl of the Alliance with great luck on her body will not do anything harmful to the interests of mankind.

So her star beast appeared on the border of the empire, perhaps a friend but not an enemy.

Originally planned to locate and teleport to the area where the eighth-level star beasts appeared on the border of the empire, Mr. Yi immediately stopped his plan.

As a robot that guards humans, all he has to do is to guard when humans are truly in danger of life and death.

Under normal circumstances, he will not arbitrarily interfere with the development between human beings and other species in the universe.

The reason why human beings can proliferate for a long time in this era is because of their strong adaptability.

If everything must be protected, then humanity will not have long-term development.

In that case, human beings in this era will sooner or later be eliminated into the long river of eras.

On the border of the empire, countless zergs surrounded the spaceships of the Sixth Legion and gradually ate them away.

The combat-type spacecraft of the Imperial Legion, from the initial full attack state, has been slowly bitten and destroyed by the Zerg to the point where the internal programs cannot operate normally.

When the energy of a spacecraft is not exhausted, it is paralyzed in the void of the universe, allowing the Zerg to swallow it.

In the distance, the soldiers of the Sixth Army, piloting mechas, continued to flee under the orders of their superiors.

Even if many of them saw that the spacecraft of their own regiment and the partners in the spacecraft encountered such a crisis.

Even if they want to rush back and die with the Zerg!

But this is not an impulsive time, what they have to do is to try their best to preserve their strength, not to sacrifice in vain.

A large number of Zergs were attracted by dozens of combat spaceships of the Sixth Legion, but there were still many Zergs chasing behind the Sixth Legion soldiers' mechas.

There were more than 5,000 soldiers who rushed out of the Zerg siege before, but now there are less than 3,000.

The voice of the commander of the legion came from the station in the communication channel in the mechs of the Sixth Legion soldiers.

"Everyone returns towards the station, and try to attract the Zerg as much as possible. If we can't hold it in the end, we can only detonate the resident planet and consume a large amount of the Zerg!"

This sentence came out of the legion commander's mouth, seeming to regard death as home.

Not only the soldiers of the Sixth Army of the Empire, everyone in the entire Sixth Army is ready to die with the Zerg!

They hardly considered running away.

Because as fighters of the empire, their deep-rooted thinking is to give everything for the empire——

Even life.

The duty of a soldier is ultimately to die on the battlefield without regrets!

Nearly 3,000 imperial warriors drove mechas, deliberately slowing down to attract more Zergs to pursue them.

During this whole process, how many mechas driven by imperial warriors were surrounded by Zerg.

These are nothing to their firm beliefs and their mission to their own identity.

In their view, meaningful sacrifice is honor.

Because of their constant sacrifices, more and more Zergs followed behind them and flew in the direction of the Sixth Army's resident.

On the other side of the station, the explosive power of an artificial planet will definitely cause huge damage to the worms of this zerg group!

"Boom~! Boom~!"

The combat spaceship at the rear had already put the last energy on it and chose to explode!

Every spaceship blew up with a huge number of Zergs and was blown up together!

This suicidal battle was also the last helpless choice of the Sixth Army.

The support they are waiting for has not come...

Keep waiting, there is no other way apart from being eaten up by the Zerg's spaceships.

Choosing to explode to destroy the Zerg is the best choice for them to die.

In this way, their names will become a member of the empire's heroic sacrifices and the list of heroes and martyrs in the future.

Such a death can be considered valuable...

The continuous explosion of the battleship in the rear made the hearts of the imperial soldiers who were about to approach the station heavy.

At this time, everyone realizes that their lives have really come to an end.

"Everyone landed near the geocentric device in an area of ​​the resident, and immediately descended into the center of the earth after arriving, temporarily avoiding the Zerg." The commander of the Sixth Legion ordered from the resident command room.

The reason why he has such an order is also because of this, the soldiers can use themselves as bait to attract more Zerg to surround this artificial planet.

Later, when the planet explodes, it will be more lethal to more Zerg!

Since it is about to sacrifice, then sacrifice should also be used in exchange for the enemy's greatest casualties!

Upon hearing the order, the soldiers of the Sixth Army immediately followed suit. They moved quickly. Within a few minutes, nearly a thousand soldiers successfully abandoned the mechas, entered the first area of ​​the artificial planet station, and descended into the center of the earth. Inside the defensive space.

At first, 20,000 people met the enemy on the battlefield, but now there are less than 1,000 people left.

All the remaining soldiers of the Sixth Army of the Empire fell into the mouth of the Zerg, and there was nothing left...

The large group of Zerg who chased the Sixth Legion’s resident, surrounded the mechas discarded by the Sixth Legion soldiers, like a locust crossing the border, quickly swallowing the mechas!

Then the Zerg worms surrounded the entire artificial planet where the Sixth Army was stationed, and digging down quickly, trying to follow the smell of residual human breath, dig into the depths of the earth, and eat all the hidden delicious humans. !

‘Rainy...’ The entire planet is filled with intensive noises of zerg digging.

After dozens of spaceships exploded in the rear, the surviving Zerg also flew ‘buzzing~~’, and immediately rushed over to join other Zergs to dig out humans from the artificial planet.

In the depths of the earth, thousands of logistics personnel of the Sixth Army and nearly a thousand soldiers of the Sixth Army were hiding under the ground, waiting to die.

They are waiting for the planet to explode at any time, so that they can die with the Zerg!

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