Twenty percent attack, 21 percent speed, 19 percent defense!

This kind of mech augmentation array is simply to make the already quite powerful mecha even more amazing!

Such an S-class mecha makes Master Maz think that it is no longer a simple S-class mecha!

In the empire, SS-class mechas only exist in legends.

But Master Maz believes that the mecha in front of him, with the blessing of the flaming stone energy and the powerful amplifying array, will it be very close to the combat effectiveness of the SS-class mecha?

At this time, Master Maz heard Kong Simon say again, "Just now we didn't find out that in addition to the three in the cabin, there are two outside of the mecha."

"A speed-type augmentation array above the mecha’s knees, and a defensive augmentation array behind the mecha. The two arrays are perfectly linked to the speed in the cabin and the defensive augmentation array, creating commonality. !"

In other words, Master Maz can understand what it means, that is to say, the internal and external augmentation arrays of the mecha have the effect of augmentation stacking between the same attributes!

Although the external array of the mecha cannot be superimposed with the internal array increase to 40% so exaggerated!

But after stacking, even if the increase is one or two percent more, it is an innovative change for the development of the direction of the imperial mecha increase array!

And there are only two augmentation patterns found outside the mecha, especially the speed-type augmentation pattern above the knee of the mecha. What about the knee on the other side of the mecha?

This is most likely due to lack of time, so the alliance exchange student girl has not had time to draw all the increase plans for the mecha.

If this is the case, then in the end this mecha will have how many amplification patterns will appear, Master Maz has not dared to think about it!

If that is the case, this mecha will undoubtedly become a special and important existence in the history of the imperial mecha!

It may also become an important turning point in mecha innovation in the history of mankind manufacturing mecha!

and so……

"Where is the alliance exchange student girl now?" Master Maz asked Kong Simeng, Lan Feng, and Long Xuan.

"Why didn't she continue to draw the mecha augmentation array today?"

Knowing that the mecha augmentation map drawn by the alliance exchange student girl was actually successful, Master Maz didn't even bother to recognize the scribbled'face hurt' idea of ​​the alliance exchange student girl yesterday.

He just wants the Alliance exchange student girl to complete all the augmentation patterns on the mecha faster, so that he can see how powerful this S-class mecha is in the final completed body!


"My sister has a class in the Mecha Combat Department today. Now she has left the Heavenly Star and has gone out to practice." Lan Feng replied.

Master Maz:? ? ?

He almost forgot, the alliance exchange student girl is still a student of the mecha combat department!

A student of the Mecha Combat Department would actually draw a map of mecha augmentation, and the speed at which he was able to beat other senior Horcrux masters in the empire did not know how many times!

Who is this alliance exchange girl?

Is it really just an exchange student in the league?

Her existence even reminds Master Maz of something that is impossible in his heart!

So quickly in drawing the mecha augmentation array, what about the Horcruxes that are compatible with the drawing of the mecha augmentation array?

Will the Alliance exchange student make Horcruxes?

If so...

Could she be the Horcrux master who is famous throughout the empire on the live broadcast platform? ? ?

At this moment, Master Maz suddenly felt that he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary?

Master Maz believes that next time he faces an alliance exchange girl, his attitude will probably be more respectful than when he meets an empire's senior Horcrux master.

If she is really a Horcrux master.

Alliance, ‘Almighty Entertainment’.

Some time ago, the various high-quality film and television dramas produced by ‘Almighty Entertainment’ received very good responses after entering the empire.

The collaborator on the other side of the empire, the master of the Mox family, has a talent for business.

Shen Yuan had reservations about the docking with Mo Huiyan and the development of ‘Almighty Entertainment’ in both the alliance and the empire. From the beginning, he had some reservations, and now he has thoroughly shared resources.

The integrity of the Murks family is also quite good.

A large amount of profit is transferred to the account of ‘Almighty Entertainment’ on time every month, allowing Shen Yuan to see to a great extent the support of ‘Almighty Entertainment’ from the imperial audience and the development potential of the Empire’s business.

This month it's time for the empire's funds to be credited again.

Shen Yuan has probably estimated that although the custom dramas of'Almighty Entertainment' used to be mainly aimed at audiences on the alliance side, the Empire side also opened a channel for custom drama rewards last month.

Judging from the degree of ‘adhesion’ of the Empire’s audience to the excellent dramas produced by ‘Almighty Entertainment’, this month’s earnings on the empire’s side may be several times higher than before!

But until the evening, Shen Yuan still did not receive any news about the profit of this month from the Mox family, which is cooperating with "Almighty Entertainment".

"What's going on?" Shen Yuan used his high-end optical brain to directly contact one of the confidants he secretly arranged in the "Almighty Entertainment" branch of the Empire.

However, in the video light screen of the call application, the other party looked so solitary, and he didn't even have the courage to look his eyes straight.

"Li Mine, don't forget, you are from the Alliance." Shen Yuan frowned and reminded.

In the video light curtain, the middle-aged man named Li Kuang sighed deeply.

Then, he raised his head and looked at his real boss.

"The Murks family has been imitating our almighty entertainment model during this period and shooting episodes. On the second day of the launch of our custom drama in the empire, the Murks family also launched a custom drama."

"Because the audiences of the Empire have always accepted our all-around entertainment dramas on the platform controlled by the Murks family, so the audiences of the Empire are very familiar with the platform of the Murks family. It is natural to see the new dramas. Immediately rushed over to chase the drama."

"In this way, our drama is no longer the dominant one, while other dramas are diverted, the profits are also divided a lot."

Li Kuang said with confession on his face, "I should have reported these things to you earlier, but President Mo somehow found out my details and knew that I was your eyeliner, so he ..."

In the following words, Li Kuang could guess without mentioning Shen Yuan, it was nothing more than a threat or a heavy purchase.

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