Lan Jiao didn't even know this question.

After all, when the original owner's parents died on the battlefield, the original owner was not too old.

And the original owner has never cared about anything in the family.

Lan Feng didn't know much about it.

He shook his head, "We don't know, but maybe the Long Family of the Alliance will know some clues."

After all, before coming to the Empire, the Long Family released news that he and his sister were actually from the Long Family.

So the whereabouts of grandma, perhaps the elders of the Long family will understand.

"Alliance Dragon House?"

"Blue" doesn't know much about human beings, and now he only knows that the human race is divided into alliances and empires.

As for the others, he is not clear.

Therefore, if you want to know the Dragon Family of the alliance, he might have to get in touch with more humans and search for more news.

"I'll find them and ask about the whereabouts of my sister." Lan nodded.

"But now..." He looked at the two brothers and sisters in front of him, and continued, "I may be with you for a while."

Although he did not find his sister, the two brothers and sisters in front of him have the blood of the sister, so they are also his own relatives.

Human beings are social creatures. As a human being, he naturally wants to try human life.

What else can Lan Jiao say about this being certified, which is indeed the request of a handsome man of their grandfather's generation?

It's just that he saved Lan Feng and he wants to stay for a while without any problems.

But where to live has become a problem.

The villa of the alliance exchange students is already full of people.

Moreover, Lan Jiao's instinct told her that for this'grandfather', it is better not to let him contact the exchange students of the alliance too frequently, after all, he feels too dangerous for her!

Therefore, even if the villa where the Alliance exchange students live, even if there is a vacant room, it cannot be accommodated for him.

Although the two-story villa was vacant, it was not his own place after all.

Even if the attack was her boyfriend, Lan Jiao didn't take it that way, and treated this place as his own and used it casually.

So Lan Jiao had to contact the school and tried to rent another villa.

She remembered that Qiao Linshan used the money to open the way when she was in the college and rented a villa by herself.

Now it's time for her to spend money to enjoy the privilege...

The things Lan Jiao worries about recently have finally come to an end.

Lan Feng and Kong Simon returned safely, and she and Lan Feng also had more "grandfathers" for some reason.

Although it happened unexpectedly, it was a surprise.

And the Duan family, the first-class aristocratic family of the empire, under the joint suppression of the four first-class aristocrats of the empire, the power of the Duan family is rapidly shrinking——

The struggle between nobles has always been extremely fierce, because it is not the benefit of one person, but the benefit of the whole family.

So once you seize the opportunity, no family can let go!

The power of the Duan family has been continuously eroded. This can be regarded as the punishment for what Duke Duan did to the exchange students of the alliance...

Compared to the empire, all Lan Jiao's troubles are over, but the alliance at this time is not peaceful at all.

Some time ago, the spacecraft sent by the Alliance to patrol outside was attacked by unknown forces.

Although the people on the spaceship are not in any serious trouble, they have lost all the memories of what happened during that time!

Only the filming function on the spacecraft captured the blue shadows flying by quickly outside the spacecraft.

As for what it is, it is temporarily impossible to judge.

As for the Alliance Long Family, because of the relationship between the Sealed Warlord and Lan Jiao, the Long Family's reputation in the Alliance has risen!

As we all know, the Sealed Warlord is not just a warlord of the Alliance. Behind him, there is the entire Sealed House!

——The top family in the league!

The Long Family was an ancient inheritance family in the Alliance. Although the power was quite good, it was one of the first-class families in the Alliance, but compared with the Feng Family, it was still far behind.

Before the Long Family broke out that the two Lan Family brothers and sisters of the Alliance exchange students were actually their Long Family, the Long Family had already received widespread attention in the Alliance.

Now their children of the Long Family are fortunate enough to have a relationship with the War General of the Sealing War, and it is very likely that they will promote the marriage between the Feng Family and the Long Family in the future. For the Long Family, this is definitely an honor for the whole family!

Even if Lan Jiao is the big boss behind the league’s ‘Almighty Entertainment’, that’s nothing compared to a real league family like the Long Family.

Being a child of the Long family is enough to conceal her original achievements.

Long Family, Long Feili's life is getting worse and worse now!

She can see that in the Long Family, who can become a genius is up to grandpa alone.

When she became famous, she was a genius in the Long Family. Since the day the family gave her up, even if she has true talents and learning, she is outstanding among the peers of the Long Family, but no matter how hard she tries to behave, she is also outside. Can't afford a splash...

She even had the qualifications to participate in some high-end banquets of the Alliance, which was stopped and cancelled by the family!

Today, she seems to be an invisible person in Long's family. Her elders ignored her, but her peers continued to bully her.

Three months ago, Long Zhenzhen returned from the Empire, and Long Feili learned from Long Zhenzhen about Lan Jiao's situation at the Imperial Royal Military Academy, which made her even more jealous of Lan Jiao.

During this period of time, the relationship between Lan Jiao and the warlord was confirmed by the person involved.

It's enviable to be the girlfriend of a banned warrior.

It also made Long Feili feel jealous, making her completely different!

In addition, Lan Jiao was actually the big boss behind the league's "Almighty Entertainment", which made Long Feili finally discover that Lan Jiao did have her merits.

Lan Jiao's business talent and vision cannot be compared.

It is precisely because of this discovery that Long Feili feels even more resentful towards Lan Jiao!

Especially in the case that Lan Jiao is also the Long's family, who is also a child of the Long's family, after comparison, this obvious gap makes Long Feili's hatred deeper.

After many inquiries, she discovered a secret of the Long Family. Although the two brothers and sisters Lan Jiao and Lan Feng belong to the Long Family, they are the illegitimate children of the Long Family!

This news made Long Feili's heart happy.

In the big family, the most unacceptable are the illegitimate children. If the news goes out, it will definitely make Lan Jiao be cast aside by countless people in the Alliance because of her shameless status!

When Long Feili was planning to explode the news, Elder Long first learned of Long Feili's movement.

Grandpa Long didn't know why his granddaughter would have a grudge with Miss Lan, but after he knew his granddaughter's mind, he never felt relieved about Feili.

He secretly sent someone to stare at Feili, and finally stopped her from acting before his granddaughter, who could have become the genius representative of the Long Family, did anything that would undermine the prestige of the Long Family——

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