"No." Lan Jiao shook her head decisively.

Then she saw Lan Feng sighing, very sad.

Lan Jiao:...

Is sadness useful?

And what's to blame? !

It is not his fault not to understand, it is the gap between the alliance and the empire.

Lan Jiao, who didn't pay much attention to the mecha design of the Empire, suddenly became interested in this course after seeing the class notes that Lan Feng brought back.

But interest belongs to interest. The most important thing is that Lan Feng must not give up this course, otherwise he will be useless.

Lan Jiao raised his eyes to Lan Feng, who was standing two or three meters away, and warned, "Take away your useless frustration and learn if you don't understand it. If you know everything, is it necessary to come from the Alliance to the Empire?"

Lan Jiao's words were straightforward, not like her sister to her brother, but more like training juniors.

In her opinion, although Lan Feng is indeed an elder brother, his mind is really quite immature, sometimes even a little naive in front of Lan Jiao.

I don't know when, she has already treated Lan Feng with this mentality.

And Lan Jiao didn't say to ignore Lan Feng.

She already had a preliminary idea of ​​learning, and whether she could succeed or not would depend on these two days.

After Lan Feng was trained by her younger sister, she quickly regained her strength.

My sister is right, not today, he will continue to learn tomorrow, I don't believe that he will never learn!

He is a bit older than the students of the Imperial Royal Military Academy, but he can learn knowledge more patiently if he is older and calmer~!

In short, after listening to his sister's words, Lan Feng's inferiority complex that was struck by reality today no longer exists.

Before leaving his sister's room, Lan Feng also received the heart-warming food that his sister stuffed into his hands.

A box of braised pork set meal, and a cup of fruit tea exuding fragrance.

This immediately lifted Lan Feng's spirits!

Compared to the set meal my sister gave to her for dinner yesterday, I also got an extra cup of fruit tea~!

So after Lan Feng took the food and went downstairs, he was immediately stared at by Feng Xi with cold eyes——

What's in the cup in Lan Feng's hand?

You can smell a slightly sweet and sour smell from a distance, it is a new variety that he has never tried!

Feng Xi even wondered, what excuse would he use to get the same treatment from the young girl?

Also, the identity of Lan Feng's elder brother is really an eyesore sometimes!

Unfortunately, this is also a fact that cannot be changed after all.

In the evening, the geniuses from the alliance returned to the villa one after another.

On the first day of class at the Imperial Royal Military Academy, not only Lan Feng, but the rest of the Alliance companions who went to class came back, all looked like they were deeply affected.

Kong Simon, the last winner in the mecha repair direction, was able to win at the beginning because of his thoughtful efforts in mecha repair.

But after arriving at the Imperial Mecha Manufacturing class, like Lan Feng, his eyes were smeared, and he couldn't understand it at all!

The Empire’s mecha manufacturing and the Alliance’s mecha repair seem to be two different courses!

The fields of study have been upgraded too much!

It's like a kindergarten's pendulum blocks, and it's just like a university professional study.

After Mu Zifan's biological research direction came to the Imperial Royal Military Academy, it seemed to open a new door for him!

While shocking him, he focused on biological research.

He still has a lot to learn...

And Kuroba, who usually has a weak sense of existence, for the research and development of intelligent systems, he is almost like a sponge at the advanced technology level of the Empire, trying to absorb a lot of relevant knowledge.

What surprised Lan Jiao was Long Xuan. He didn't expect that in addition to his talent in commanding the battlefield, Long Xuan was actually a mecha terminal researcher.

Now that I have come to the Empire to learn more advanced mecha terminal related knowledge, Long Xuan also has a lot of things he doesn't understand, and he needs to learn slowly.

Although the Mecha Combat Department had no classes in the past week, the Beilu, Mo Chong, and Dao Guangming people who returned from a day out brought back news that there was a big mecha combat in the Mecha Combat Department of the Imperial Royal Military Academy. field!

Every day, many students from the Mecha Combat Department of the Imperial Royal Military Academy go to the battlefield to fight.

Various one-on-one, three-on-three, five-on-five practical training.

This also explains why the Imperial Royal Military Academy has very few courses in the Mecha Combat Department.

Because the students of the combat department here are almost all relying on actual combat to improve their strength.

Improve in battle and become stronger in battle.

After hearing the news, Lan Jiao was a little bit ready to move. She hadn't touched the mecha for a long time.

I don’t know what is the difference between the Mecha of the Empire and the Mecha of the Alliance?

In short, she is looking forward to a day of fighting with mechs.

Lan Jiao made up her mind that if nothing happened tomorrow, she would go to the Mecha Combat Department of the Imperial Royal Military Academy to see the Mecha of the Empire with her own eyes and try the battle of Mecha.

But soon, Lan Jiao's impulse was stopped by reality.

Beilu said, "The cost of renting the mechas of the Imperial Royal Military Academy is staggering, and the repair costs for damaged mechas are too high!"

"The imperial Royal Military Academy students who participated in the mecha battle almost all used personal mechas, and we...not."

Lan Jiao:...

So it's hard to move without money?

She really wants to study hard and make progress every day.

But reality tells her that it costs money to study hard!

Without money, there is no way to study hard.

Well, making money must be in the first place!

"Fortunately, Union Coins can be exchanged for Imperial Gold Coins, but the exchange ratio is a bit large. One million Union Coins can only be exchanged for 10,000 Imperial Gold Coins, and the two sides exchange, the empire will also charge high tariffs." supplement.

Can the currencies on both sides be exchanged?

This is good news for Lan Jiao.

What she lacks most is probably money.

There are more than seven million aristocratic restaurants in the alliance to make money for themselves, and the accumulated money is really a lot!

It's just that Lan Jiao is not sure about all of her assets, can she afford a mecha in the empire?

If it is not enough, she can only rent mechs.

And you must drive carefully to avoid damage as much as possible.

In short, I used to think I was rich, but now I don’t seem to be so rich...

It seems that she still has to think of other ways to make money as much as possible~!

In the lobby on the first floor of the villa, Long Feili listened to these things told by his companions from the Alliance, and she became more and more looking forward to the studies at the Imperial Royal Military Academy.

And she doesn't worry that what she wants to learn is too difficult.

She came from an ancient inheritance family, how could the various pharmacological knowledge passed down by the family be inferior to those outsiders in the empire?

She is full of confidence in the course of Imperial Pharmacy.

But the most important thing in front of you is to buy enough warm clothes to get out of the villa.

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