The Omnipotent Queen in an Interstellar Age

Chapter 1081: Reason for killing

Once Lan Jiao, who used the energy source of the star beast to create life experience, according to her method, has begun to move her mental power towards the energy source of the ninth-level star beast in front of him——

The huge mental power was injected into the star beast energy source without hesitation.

The energy source of this group of star beasts is also like a sponge, desperately absorbing Lan Jiao's mental power!

Lan Jiao had seen how much the energy source of the star beast had for her spiritual power.

Moreover, it was only the energy source of the eighth-level star beast at the time, and now it is the energy source of the ninth-level star beast. Naturally, it needs more mental power to carry out the initial evolution.

With the integration of spiritual power, Lan Jiao clearly saw the color of the cyan ninth-level star beast's energy source, and gradually began to change, becoming lighter and lighter.

From sky blue to light blue, it finally becomes a pure and flawless white.

At this moment, the foundation for reshaping the body is ready.

Although the whole process seemed to be fast, it actually took Lan Jiao several days to complete.

In order to prevent this group of star beasts from producing consciousness autonomously, while injecting mental power, Lan Jiao also injected part of his spiritual consciousness into it along with the spiritual power.

So at this moment, facing this pure white star beast energy source, Lan Jiao clearly felt a kind of intimacy.

This is something that can accommodate the existence of one's own spiritual consciousness!

With this step, Lan Jiao felt that she was already at a distance to regain her body, half succeeded.

Next, she needs to integrate all her spiritual consciousness into this star beast energy source.

But when Lan Jiao hadn't done this, she was scattered all over the cosmic void in the distance, using it to warn of nearby dangerous mental powers in advance, and discovered that there were a huge number of star beasts crowds surrounding her! ——

When Lan Jiao injected mental power into the star beast energy source, and the entire star beast energy source was about to transform into pure white, the high-ranking star beasts that had already left this star field, the slight overflow of power made the universe very separated. The distant high-ranking star beasts noticed.

So they chased their breath--

The high-ranking star beasts didn't know that Lan Jiao's plan was to reshape her body.

They just feel that there is a powerful atmosphere of the same kind!

That kind of breath is stronger than their power!

If you can find the same kind and let the powerful ones join your own clan, then the overall strength of their high-level star beast clan will also be greatly improved!

There are not many star beasts in the universe now, and the forces that can gather together are naturally the best together.

Only in this way can the star beast have a greater chance of survival in the universe.

Therefore, the intention of these high-ranking star beast tribes is not malicious.

But Lan Jiao didn't know this.

When she noticed that the high-ranking star beasts came in her direction, Lan Jiao's heart sank! ——

She knew that it was because the aura of the star beast energy source that she had transformed with mental power had leaked out, that would attract the attention of the high-level star beast race.

Even though her mental power had been quite careful to block the aura of the high-level star beast energy source, a little aura was still revealed during the entire process of continuously injecting mental power.

And these auras are quite sensitive to the Star Beast tribe, which are also high-rank star beasts, so they are aware of it and come here.

Now, facing such a situation, Lan Jiao has two choices.

One is to leave with the energy source of the star beast, and then look for opportunities to use the energy source of the star beast to merge with his spiritual consciousness.

Second, take the risk and immediately use the star beast energy source to fuse your spiritual consciousness and reshape your body!

If you do this, Lan Jiao's first thought is that if the time delays, there will be many nights and dreams. What if this group of star beast energy sources that have been transformed by her spiritual power give birth to other spiritual wisdom?

And take the risk to immediately integrate the high-level star beast energy source, if you are in the process of fusion, something will happen.

For example, being swallowed by a ninth-level star beast in the high-level star beast clan——

Then I'm completely finished!

Lan Jiao didn't know how long it would take her spiritual consciousness to merge with the energy source of this star beast.

So even if she is helpless, she can only choose the first idea to be on the safe side.

Lan Jiao used mental power to reinforce the energy source of this group of high-level star beasts, firmly locked the energy in it, and tried not to let the energy leak out.

After that, her spiritual consciousness took the high-level star beast energy source, and immediately moved towards the realm of human existence! ——

Now she needs someone to help herself ‘protect the law’ when her spiritual consciousness is fused with the high-level star beast energy source.

As for the ‘person’ selection, Lan Jiao still feels that she believes in humans more.

In the void of the universe, the high-ranking star beast tribes who were pursuing the powerful similar auras suddenly discovered that their similar auras had disappeared!

Perhaps it was not disappearing, but their kind seemed to be aware of their approach, so they concealed their breath and left?

A high-level star beast who is unwilling to associate with the high-level star beast clan makes the high-level star beast clan quite dissatisfied!

The four ninth-level star beasts in the lead decided that they must find their kind!

Let the same kind join them!

So in addition to destroying the Zerg in the universe, the high-level star beast tribe has one more goal...

And Lan Jiao’s mental consciousness, which has firmly locked the aura of the star beast energy source, is now carrying the high-level star beast energy source, and is rushing forward towards his target location——

Within the realm of human existence, the empire.

The ruler of the empire, the star of heaven, in the noble manor villa near Guangming City.

Two days ago, the body of the second-class nobleman Hari was found and died in the main building hall of the manor of the first-class nobleman of the Empire, Mr. Lan.

For the first-class nobleman of the empire to end the life of a second-class nobleman, this matter is not big or small.

In short, after it happened, it must be reported and given a reasonable explanation before the matter can pass.

This is the case in the empire, the class system, there is no equality, status determines everything.

The higher aristocrats killed the lower aristocrats without paying for their lives, they only had to give a seemingly reasonable reason.

However, according to the rules and regulations of the empire, Mr. Lan, who needed to give a reasonable explanation to his superiors, that is, His Majesty the King, somehow disappeared in the noble manor.

Is it a crime to abscond? Or is it another reason?

No one knows.

The imperial nobles, including the imperial king, became nervous because they discovered that Mr. Lan was missing inexplicably.

As the strongest human being in the empire, Mr. Lan is the strongest benchmark of the empire's strength, guarding the strong combat power of the empire, and his disappearance will definitely attract the attention of many people!

In this regard, Millay used his brain to contact Mr. Lan's brain almost the first time Captain Dahl reported the matter to him.

Unfortunately, there is no response.

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