He originally thought that his father had died heroically on the battlefield, but he did not expect that this was actually a conspiracy!

That 100-year-old consciousness actually killed both father and mother in order to plot his father's body!

At this moment, if that consciousness is still alive, he must fight with that consciousness!

Lan Feng had accepted the news of his father's death a few years ago, but he never expected that after a few years, he would accept it again...

The fact that the younger sister told herself this also made Lan Feng a little puzzled.

Why didn't my sister tell me before, but now I tell?

Seeing the heavy expressions on the faces of the younger sister and the'uncle grandfather', Lan Feng was sensitively aware that there seemed to be something her younger sister hadn't told herself?

What will it be?

Lan Feng didn't know.

And he soon heard his sister say to him, "Daddy's body is left to you, it's up to you to decide whether to bury or preserve it."

"What about you?" Lan Feng blurted out his question subconsciously.

Lan Jiao grinned and smiled helplessly.

Seeing my sister’s reaction, the word ‘Sure enough’ suddenly appeared in Lan Feng’s heart——

He clearly noticed something abnormal in his sister's words!

Regarding her own affairs, Lan Jiao didn't want to hide from Lan Feng, but if he didn't ask, she wouldn't say it.

Now that he was aware of it, she really wanted to explain some things.

"My grandfather and I still have one important thing to do. If we go this way, we may not come back."

"Where are you going?!" The shocked expression on Lan Feng's face has not disappeared, and there is a trace of panic and worry in his eyes.

At this moment, listening to his sister, he always felt that her sister was saying goodbye to him?

What my sister is going to do is definitely not as easy as she said!

Lan Jiao didn't answer Lan Feng's question immediately, she still explained her own words slowly.

"...If we don't come back, you will take over my industry in the alliance and empire, and you don't need to manage it normally, just leave it to Shen Yuan with full power." Lan Jiao tried to make her state look relaxed when she spoke.

Upon hearing this, Lan Feng was even more sure of his guess!

My younger sister is saying goodbye to herself, to explain later!

"Sister, where are you going?! Does Feng Xi know your plan?!"

Lan Feng has always been self-aware, and he knew that his position in his sister's heart was not put first by her sister.

But what about blockades?

If it is a blockade, she should always think about the consequences and stop doing dangerous things, right?

Suddenly hearing the name that she deliberately temporarily pressed in her heart, Lan Jiao's heart trembled! ——

She also didn't want to go back, and she was reluctant to never see the blockade again in the future, but this time, she had to go...

Lan Jiao closed her eyes gently, took a deep breath, and suppressed all the complex emotions in her eyes.

Opening her eyes again, her eyes seemed to have regained calmness.

"If I don't come back, tell Feng Xi, don't wait for me." She said.

Not long ago, when she knew that she might become a "cannon fodder", Lan Jiao was very resistant in her heart!

But now, when she has no choice, she has accepted her current situation.

If he didn't come back, someone should tell Feng Xi for himself.

In addition, Lan Jiao didn’t even give a guarantee for the censorship——

At this moment, Lan Jiao suddenly felt like a scumbag!

Even if she will leave due to force majeure in the future, she still loses her feelings of censorship...

A few months ago, she also said that she would wait for him to come back.

But now, she probably doesn't have much time to wait...

Lan Feng didn't expect her sister to say such things!

The younger sister couldn't even care about the ban, what she would do next, it was obvious!

"Grandpa uncle, can't even you control it?" Lan Feng couldn't accept his sister's decision.

He almost subconsciously pinned his last hope on the side of "Uncle Grandpa".

It's a pity that even "blue" can't do anything about it.

"Blue" shook his head lightly and said to Lan Feng, "I will try my best."

In addition, he had no way to give Lan Feng any guarantee.

Hearing the words of "Uncle Grandpa", Lan Feng seemed to collapse instantly--

He looked at his sister, then at "Uncle Grandpa".

Although he still doesn't know what will happen, one thing he can be sure of is that his younger sister and "Uncle Grandpa" must go to a very dangerous place!

If you become stronger and can keep up with your younger sister, maybe you can replace your younger sister!

It's a pity that I'm too weak...

Lan Feng hated his weakness for the first time.

He wants to be stronger!

The strong thoughts seemed to arouse the power of his whole body, including supernatural powers, including the ‘power of luck’.

I saw Lan Feng's body, the rich light yellow ‘power of luck’ surrounding him, spinning quickly!

At this moment, the countless elemental forces in the air were attracted by the ‘power of air transport’ and drilled towards Lan Feng’s body——

Lan Jiao who can clearly see the'power of luck':? ? ?

This is... Is the "Protagonist Halo" showing off?

I saw that Lan Feng's supernatural power was getting stronger and stronger!

From the level where he had only second-level abilities before, he was promoted to a third-level abilities in no time!

Not only that, but Blue Maple's supernatural power is still steadily improving!

With the gathering of supernatural elements, countless bits of water vapor appeared beside him, and those water vapors grew more and more, eventually forming a ball of water, surrounding him!

This ball of water seemed to be a huge cocoon, allowing Lan Feng to change and grow stronger.

At this moment, Lan Jiao even felt that Lan Feng would "break the cocoon as a butterfly" in the future——

This scene happened not only to Lan Jiao, but even'Lan' felt beyond his imagination!

Can a person's power grow so fast?

This seems a bit beyond common sense! ?

Even in the place of birth, he was conceived after decades.

And Lan Jiao, who witnessed all this, first thought that the "power of luck" was quite useful~!

If he can also increase his strength so quickly, maybe there will be a battle between the strongest parasite at that time.

......Wait, quickly increase your strength? !

She suddenly thought of her own vine plants on the superstar now.

I don't know how far the vines have grown during this time.

Although she doesn't have the blessing of the ‘power of luck’, taking back those supernatural powers in the vines can still increase her strength.

It can also be regarded as giving her more weight in the battle afterwards.

Lan Jiao decided that before the battle, she would return to the superstar.

She must be fully prepared. Any increase in strength may be a chance for her to save her life in the future.

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