The fireballs of the first-level fire abilities have begun to lethality, and dozens of fist-sized fireballs appear one after another in the hands of the first-level fire abilities, smashing in the direction of Lan Feng! ——

Lan Feng immediately dodged and avoided. The swift movement and flexible steps almost refreshed Lan Jiao's inherent impression of Lan Feng's "fighting five scum"!

However, she knew that the reason why Lan Feng was able to dodge the fireball seemingly easy was because his physical potential was stimulated by the potion, his physique increased, his strength and speed were improved, and Lan Feng's instinctive reaction.

Lan Feng's reaction ability is good.

And maybe it has something to do with his usual design. Before the fireballs fly in, he has estimated the direction of the fireball in advance, and avoids it in time—

'boom! boom! boom! boom! ...’

The moment more than a dozen fireballs fell on the ground, they exploded, blasting the ground into pits nearly half a meter in diameter.

In addition to burning, most of the fireballs of those with fire attribute ability also have the effect of explosion.

Therefore, the fire attribute can be said to be the most attacking ability among the first-level abilities!

The second in attack power is the very rare lightning attribute and metal attribute abilities.

Those with the first-level fire attribute ability see the opponent easily avoid their own attacks, and there are not many surprises.

The abilities in his body are quite sufficient, let alone throwing a dozen fireballs, even if it doubles, it is not a problem!

Over there, at the moment Lan Feng’s heels landed, Kan Kan stood still, and above his head were several fist-sized fireballs falling from the sky——

If you want to continue to avoid it at this time, Lan Feng also has a chance to avoid it.

But he has not forgotten his purpose of coming here-he wants to improve his ability to fight.

So Lan Feng didn't plan to avoid directly, but bravely faced the difficulties!

Several water **** that were twice as small as the fireballs appeared in front of Lan Feng in an instant.

Those water **** slammed into the fireball, one-on-one without any futility!

At the moment when the fire and water met, the sound of ‘hiss~’ and the steaming water vapor emitted white smoke, almost covering Lan Feng’s figure in the smoke...

The water in the water ball consumed the power of the fireball, although in the end those fireballs still fell from the sky, landed on the ground, and burst open.

But before the fireball hits the ground, Lan Feng is already under the water ball blocking the fireball, slowing down the speed of the fireball landing, and leaving the place calmly.

After avoiding the fireball, he didn't step back, but walked in the direction of the first-level fire superpower.

The distance between the two was no more than 20 meters. When Lan Feng approached the other side, the fireball attack of the first-level fire ability never stopped from beginning to end.

However, those fireballs were all interfered by Lan Feng's water power with cautious power, and then easily avoided.

Lan Feng walked all the way, there was steaming moisture everywhere, a white mist that covered this small area of ​​competition.

"Awesome~ I have more than a hundred fireballs, you can catch them all without falling! This ability has much more control power than me." The first-level fire ability said, looking at the opponent's direction.

"But your ability is far worse than mine. Even if we are all first-level ability players, there are different levels of ability." The fire ability person has a little admiration in his tone, and the words spoken are also very open.

He knew his own strengths and weaknesses in his heart, and he was not afraid to speak out and be judged by his character.

Lan Jiao was watching from the outside of the competition field, and she had a good impression of Lan Feng's opponent when she heard the words of the first-level fire ability.

Such opponents really regard this battlefield as a place to compete and improve their abilities.

His purpose is only to learn from others, to improve his own abilities in the clumps, not because of the long-term experience of fighting, and his heart grows hostile, he must fight fiercely with others, you die and you—

In the field, Lan Feng heard his opponent's words and said in the steaming fog, "Thank you for the compliment."

From the direction of the sound, he was quite close to the opponent-the first-level fire ability.

Even if Lan Feng spoke at this time, he didn't worry about his position being exposed.

Because even if the opponent's abilities were much stronger than his own, Lan Feng had some confidence in his heart to deal with him.

In the previous dozen or so battles, Lan Feng used the special water abilities he practiced every time to control the blood in his opponent's body, or let the blood flow back, or let the blood bloom on the opponent's body.

This time, he planned to do the same at the beginning, and tried it again.

However, Lan Feng found that perhaps because the strength of the ability in the opponent's body was much higher than that of his own, his own water ability was quite weak in controlling the blood in the opponent's body.

In the previous dozen or so battles, Lan Feng determined one thing. When facing someone with a stronger ability than himself, as long as he narrows the distance between himself and the opponent, the effect of his ability will be more effective. Stronger.

So he approached the first-level fire ability, in order to get close to the opponent first, and then use his water ability to control the blood in the opponent's body, thus defeating the opponent.

From 20 meters away, to a distance of two or three meters, Lan Feng estimated that it was almost within the range of his special ability.

In the next second, the steaming water vapor converged into a ball under the precise control of Blue Maple——

This time, he no longer uses steam to hide his figure, but instead allows all the white mist of steam to gather in front of his opponent, the first-level fire supernatural power!

Surrounded by thick white fog, the sight of the first-level fire ability is blocked.

At this moment, he couldn't distinguish the location of Lan Feng at this moment.

Think you can get close to yourself and attack yourself in this way?

In the white mist, the corners of the mouth of the first-level fire supernatural power were raised and smiled.

He has long seen the opponent's strategy of blocking his vision with white fog.

The reason why he didn't click on it in advance and respond to it was because he wanted to have fun with this first-level water supernatural player who looked like a novice~

After all, the other party just came to the power star, the purpose is to learn from the power, and make progress.

If I bullied too hard all at once, I wouldn't be embarrassed.

Before losing, practice with him by yourself, which can be regarded as a long experience for the opponent.

This idea makes the first-level fire supernatural person feel that he is really a good person~!

With a sound of ‘Zh...’, the thick white mist around the body of the first-level fire supernatural power was quickly evaporated——

Instead, he gently held up a ball of fireball the size of a basin!

This fireball is more than ten times larger than the fireballs he used before. Once such a fireball explodes, it will be so powerful that it can blow up a deep pit several meters in diameter on the ground!

At the moment when the surrounding water mist was transpired by the fireball, the first-level fire ability player saw his opponent, the novice first-level water ability player had already arrived in front of him, and the distance between him and him was only one meter .

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