Especially the Alliance people living in the Star Territories near the border of the Alliance, they are worried that one day, the worms will rush into the Alliance again!

By that time, let alone their easy lives, they might even have lost their lives...

Because of life-related major events, the Alliance people are quite disturbed, prompting the entire Alliance Star Network Forum to be full of discussions and speculations about the war, and what is happening now, how to deal with it.

The panic of the people spread from ten to ten, and soon, the people of the whole alliance felt that their situation was quite dangerous!

The people of the alliance hope that the high-level leaders of the alliance can increase the combat power of the border and protect their safety!

In addition, there are some people who are discussing that their lives have fallen into this insecure situation. Whose fault is in the final analysis?

Someone revealed that the amount of medicine produced by the Pharmacy Branch of the Alliance Biological Research Institute was not enough to support the consumption of the Alliance border battlefield, so that the Zerg worms could break through the Alliance border defense line——

As soon as the news came out, no matter whether it was true or false, the forum on Alliance Star Network was simply ‘exploded’!

As we all know, the dean of the Pharmaceutical Branch of the Union Institute of Biological Research is Sophie, a professor of pharmacy from the Empire.

In the past, the medicines of the Pharmacy Branch were enough, but Sufi became the director, and there was a shortage of medicines. Could this be Sufi deliberately?

After all, she is not a member of the Alliance, maybe it was a spy sent by the Empire to persecute their Alliance! ?

This conjecture immediately caused the people of the entire Alliance to express their dissatisfaction with the fact that Sufi, an empire, became the dean of their Alliance Pharmacy Branch!

The position of the dean of the Pharmacy Branch is simply too important for the war on the border battlefield of the Alliance!

As long as that Sophie has the slightest selfish intentions, so that the medicines produced by the Pharmacy Branch every day can not keep up with the consumption of the battlefield, and when the worm tide rushes in, then their alliance does not know how many galaxies will be destroyed under the fall of the worm tide!

Others may not care about it, but it is impossible for the people of the Alliance to fail to respond to matters related to their lives!

As a result, a wave of joint votes against Sophie becoming the dean of the Pharmacy Branch appeared on the Alliance Star Network Forum...

At the same time, the people of the alliance on the Alliance Star Network forum strongly demand that the senior leaders of the alliance can inform them of the current situation on the border.

Let them have an understanding of the situation they are about to face, instead of suddenly looking up and seeing an overwhelming tide of insects flying down one day in a daze, gnawing them clean——

For the requests of these broad masses of people, the alliance's senior officials have not paid attention to them for the time being.

All the senior leaders of the alliance are now frowning!

Although they are also worried that Sophie will be selfish, ignore the alliance, and control the quantity of pharmaceutical production, allowing the shortage of pharmaceuticals to occur all the time, resulting in a shortage of pharmaceuticals at the border of the alliance and it is difficult to maintain the situation.

But now, they still have to rely on Sophie to develop a more effective medicine to control the Zerg worm tide, so as to be able to resist the next Zerg worm tide attack!

So Sophie is now in the position of the dean of the alliance and can't move!

And the people of the Alliance demand that the situation on the border battlefield be made public to them, this is even more impossible!

The situation on the border battlefield is now tense, and there is a possibility that the battle group cannot hold the border at any time.

Therefore, once the people of the alliance are informed about the situation at the border of the alliance, it will only cause greater panic in their hearts!

All of a sudden, the high level of the alliance ignored the demands of the people of the alliance, which made the people of the alliance quite dissatisfied!

When did the senior leaders of the alliance no longer consider the people's ideas?

What is the difference between this dictatorship and the absolute class behavior of the empire? !

From the time when the alliance high-level ungrateful decided to exchange Miss Lan Jiao for the pharmacy professor of the Empire, Sophie, to the non-response of the high-level alliance to them, the people of the alliance are quite disappointed in their alliance!

The senior leaders of the alliance also know that they are gradually losing popular support, but they can't do anything about it...

As a high-level alliance, there are some things you can't help but do.

Blame them for the wrong choice at the beginning.

One step wrong, wrong step...

Alliance Star, ‘Almighty Entertainment’ company.

Because of the tense situation on the border of the alliance, the unrest within the alliance, the ease of life for the people of the alliance is no longer, for the leisure and entertainment industry, the impact is quite big!

Nowadays, the number of views of episodes produced by ‘Almighty Entertainment’ has been significantly reduced, and the daily income limit has been reduced by 30%. For ‘Almighty Entertainment’, the less-earned alliance currency can almost buy half a planet every day!

But even so, Shen Yuan didn't care at all.

Not only is the amount of wealth accumulated by ‘Almighty Entertainment’ now amazing, there is no need to worry about these short-term losses.

Even more because of the current situation on the border of the alliance and the instability within the alliance, the entertainment industry is depressed. "Almighty Entertainment" is not just an example.

They do not have any corresponding methods and can only wait for the alliance to restore security and stability.

Regarding the situation of'Almighty Entertainment', Shen Yuan did not report it to his goddess.

The goddess does not need to worry about these issues, he will take care of everything.

Now that the situation is like this, the general environment cannot be changed by him, so no one can solve the depression of the entertainment industry.

After things pass, he will re-emerge the popularity of ‘Almighty Entertainment’ quickly!

In the office, Shen Yuan, who was about to leave work early, suddenly received the news of Mo Chong who was in the border warband and was trained by the alliance warband as a future general.

Although Shen Yuan and Mo Chong are not classmates, they know each other because of his goddess Lan Jiao.

Knowing that Mo Chong had been favored by her goddess during his time in the empire and was loyal to his goddess, Shen Yuan pulled Mo Chong into his social circle.

Although Mo Chongyuan was on the battlefield and rarely returned to Alliance Stars, the relationship between Shen Yuan and Mo Chong had always been good because of frequent contact.

At this time, Mo Chong's news was that he wanted to ask Shen Yuan to help him pick up his family members on the remote third-class small planet. Mo Chong has a real estate rewarded by the Alliance high-level on the Alliance Star, and his family can live in it.

The planet Mo Chong was born in was a third-class planet. In addition to the poor environment, poor resources, and poor human life on the planet, the other thing was that it was not far from the border of the alliance.

The Zerg worm tide has rushed into the Alliance realm, and Mo Chong already knows the fate of humans in those galaxies near the border.

He was worried that if the border near the planet where his family was located was also broken by the worm, the people who died in the worm would have their own family! ——

As a reserve general trained by the frontier combat group, Mo Chong knows best what the situation on the border is now, so he is worried about the safety of his family.

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