The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 293: He's my son, I don't agree

  Shi Zhao put away his phone, glanced at the fighting on the street, and said to Shi Rin, "A Rin, stay in the car, I'll go and bring Xinyan back."

   He opened the car door, loosened his tie, and prepared to join the battle.

  Although he is the ruler of the Shi family, he was also a cool guy when he was young, and he taught some idiots who didn't listen to others.

  Although no one dared to dance in front of him when he was an adult, but because he kept training and his skills were still there, it was still okay to teach a few fools.

   It's just that the younger brother is weaker, like the flower of the high mountain, so it must not be seen.

   Shi Zhao strode over there, wanting to get to He Xinyan as soon as possible, lest she be frightened.

   However, the figure around him flickered, and he took a closer look. When did Arin run in front of him?

   Shi Zhao was anxious, and the two Zhan Wu scum still rushed forward stupidly, don't you die?

   As the eldest brother, he suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavier, and Shi Zhao couldn't help but quicken his steps.


  He Xinyan was surprised. When he saw Xu Jingyang in this city, the other party was fighting with someone.

   She stood and watched for a while, feeling that the situation was fine.

  Although it was two to six, Xu Jingyang and another man were obviously not vegetarians.

   On the other side, where there are many people, he was beaten up, screaming, and swearing uncleanly.

  He Xinyan is the first time to watch others fight, and it feels very... novel.

   "Bow your head, at eight o'clock, get out your legs!"

   Xu Jingyang kicked the despicable attacker away, took a breath, wiped his face and turned his head away.

   He seemed to hear He Xinyan's voice just now...

  Xu Jingyang looked at He Xinyan standing on the side of the road and almost thought he was dazzled.

   What a dreamy encounter this was, he was killing all directions on the street, and He Xinyan just happened to see it.

   He couldn't help but chuckle in his heart, this is really nice! He Xinyan must have seen her valiant figure and found her goodness!

   Shi Rin raised his eyebrows, feeling that the joy on the other party's face was a little annoying.

   So happy to see He Xinyan? He chuckled and reminded aloud, "Don't be in a daze, pay attention to what's behind you."

   "Oh." Xu Jingyang hurriedly turned around to deal with the enemy who didn't give up on fighting back.

   I thought while playing, no, why is that man with He Xinyan too? Could it be something between them?

   But now is not the time to think wildly, because He Xinyan is watching, he seems to have mobilized the nerves all over his body, and he is so excited that he beats his opponents to find their teeth.

  Yu Han helped the car to get down, looked at Gu Zhen and had a headache, and looked at his cousin, which got even more headache.

   One or two, why are they so cruel? Forget it, it's not a bad thing, at least it didn't suffer.

  Su Zhelong felt that he really saw a ghost today. He didn't expect that Su Ershao, who could walk sideways in Licheng, would be beaten in his own territory.

   The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. When he saw a car approaching by the roadside, the men and women were still chatting and laughing, and he was even more angry.

   The other party can move rescue soldiers, of course he can.

   Fortunately, he kept a hand today, and before he brought someone over, he also asked another brother to call someone.

   It's not that easy to make him capsize in the gutter!

   He wants to make all these people present today, unable to eat and walk around!

   Two more cars stopped suddenly on the side of the road, and seven or eight tall and strong men got out of the cars.

  Su Zhelong was overjoyed when he saw that his people had arrived: "Hurry up and let me clean up all of them!"

  Gu Zhen's eyes became solemn, and the few strong men were holding sticks in their hands, and at first glance they looked like street ruffians and thugs.

   It's okay to deal with a few gangsters one-to-many, but it will definitely suffer against so many gangsters.

   "Get in the car and call the police." He grabbed Yu Han and stuffed him into the car.

  He can protect him on this side, but on the other side...

   He turned his attention to the few people on the side of the road, and the first thing he noticed was two men, one with a suit and leather shoes had a good temperament and a strong sense of business elite;

  Evidently neither of them seem to be able to fight, and they cannot be counted on at all.

   As for the girl next to him, he hurriedly glanced, and only saw the half of his body on the side, tall and thin, not a delicate little white flower, but definitely not a fighting force.

   "You two, take that girl and leave quickly." Gu Zhen quickly assessed the situation in his heart and felt that he could use himself as bait.

  The target of Su Ershao's revenge is him, as long as attention is drawn to him, others can take the opportunity to escape.

  Su Zhelong was surrounded by two people, he couldn't help laughing proudly, "Run, I'll see how you run."

   Gu Zhen sneered and rushed forward, almost breaking through the encirclement of several people and rushing in front of Su Zhelong.

  Su Zhelong was so frightened that his voice almost split: "Hurry up and catch him! You bastards, give it to me!"

  Gu Zhen attacked twice. Seeing that he couldn't rush past, he didn't want to fight. He glanced at Su Zhelong and turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

  Subduing Su Zhelong is not his goal, he must take the opportunity to attract these gangsters away, so that others can easily escape.


   Special assistant Zhang stared at the scene in front of him, speechless in shock.

   Just saw someone fighting on the sidewalk next to him, and he couldn't help but complain in the bottom of his heart, where is the stupid rich second generation fighting in the street in broad daylight, as if he disliked the fact that he had eaten less in prison.

   Unexpectedly, the car drove past, and Gu Zhengran suddenly coldly ordered the driver to turn around.

   When the car got close, he finally saw clearly that the fierce man who was trying to attack the circle of five or six people was actually the boss's own son who should be abroad? !

  The boss is such a polite and courteous person, his own son actually fights with the gangster on the street? !

   The key is that the other party didn't suffer much. Although there was some color on his face, the cold face made people feel worried, and it was very difficult to provoke him at first sight.

   Special Assistant Zhang: "Mr. Gu, let me call the police..."

   He was a little worried, how can this be done? A group of gangsters may not be willing to talk nonsense with you. His business negotiation skills are useless here.

   I really want to let him on top, I'm afraid that I can't hold on for half a second, and I'll be knocked down.

  Gu Zhengran: "Yes, you can call the police."

   As he said that, he opened the door and got out of the car, and walked towards the group of thugs rushing over.

   raised the volume while walking and said, "I have already called the police, I advise you to stop quickly."

   "Mr. Gu!" Zhang Tesuke was startled, the boss was too naive. The other party was obviously red-eyed and angry, and there was no reason at all. You can deter him by calling the police.

   Sure enough, Su Zhelong sneered: "Today is the Emperor Laozi coming, and Gu Zhen must also stay with me!"

   Gu Zhengran felt a little regretful after hearing this, "I'm afraid that won't work, he's my son, I won't agree."

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