The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 288: Expose: I took a cold shower

  Gu Zhen frowned, turned and left without saying anything.

  Xu Jingyang: "Can my cousin be discharged from the hospital?"

  Gu Zhen: "He's fine. He has already asked his assistant to go through the discharge procedures. You should prepare yourself. I still have something to do, so I'll go down first."

   He said and walked straight to the elevator.

   Xu Jingyang: "..."

  Why are you so anxious?


   When Gu Zhengran walked in the door, Gu Nianzhen's tears flowed down instantly.

   "Uncle!" She opened her mouth, her voice hoarse after a high fever, "I almost thought I would never see you again."

  Gu Zhengran sat down calmly and wiped her tears and snot with a tissue.

   "You are so old in a blink of an eye, why are you still like a child. Well, your body needs training now, so close your eyes and rest."

  Gu Nianzhen coughed twice, and he was still groggy, but thinking of his own purpose, he immediately grabbed Gu Zhengran's sleeve.

   "Uncle, have you called the police? I almost died. He Xinyan is the murderer, she must not be spared!"

  Gu Zhengran patted the back of her hand lightly, with a good voice, "Apart from this, what else do you want Uncle to do?"

"I want her to apologize to me, and throw her into the pool in winter. If I soak in the water for a few minutes, she will pay back ten times!" Gu Nianzhen opened his eyes that were hazy because of the high fever, and tried open mouth.

  Gu Zheng hummed, "Then what?"

   His expression is very gentle, as if he is so fond of Gu Nianzhen that he is willing to do whatever he wants.

  Gu Nianzhen: "Also, I'm going to send her to jail! You ask the best lawyer to convict her of intentional homicide!"

   "I'm afraid it won't work." Gu Zhengran said warmly, "To convict people, you need to pay attention to the legal basis. It can't be messed up. You've already gone to college, so you don't even understand this, right?"

   Gu Nianzhen has read books seriously, anyway, everything has a little uncle, does she need to work so hard?

   "She has hurt me so badly, isn't it enough for her to go to jail? No matter what the crime is, I'll give her one anyway." She started to act like a spoiled child.

   Little uncle is so kind and cheerful, he must feel bad for himself; besides, the word falling into the water is taboo here for little uncle.

  He Xinyan has properly stepped on his uncle's bottom line this time.

   She didn't believe it anymore. With her little uncle's ability, she couldn't send He Xinyan, who had no background, to jail.

  Gu Zhengran: "Her behavior is not necessarily a crime, but if you want to slander her with accusations, you are really committing a crime."

  Gu Licheng has long known that Gu Nian is really unreasonable to make trouble, Gu Zhengran is too old-fashioned, and things that violate the law will never be touched.

   His younger sister was deliberately raised to be a scumbag, and she really didn't have the slightest brain.

   But this is just right, it is convenient for him to come out and brush his goodwill.

"Nianzhen, don't be ridiculous, my uncle is a serious businessman and doesn't do illegal or criminal things." Gu Licheng paused and continued, "But you have suffered such a big grievance, you definitely can't spare the other party, it's better to hand it over to you. I'll do it, my brother will help you out."

   He said, looked at Gu Zhengran, and waited for the other party's approval.

   In this way, he can take over this matter smoothly, and he can also take the opportunity to call on some of Gu Zhengran's personal connections.

   Once this breakthrough is broken, it will be easy to deal with. This relationship is not an item that can be returned. He can manage it well and bind Gu Zhengran more deeply.

   With his ability, he did not believe that he could not gain the approval of the people.

   At that time, he will be the sure-fire heir to the Gu family, and he doesn't need to be so aggrieved now. He has the title of the eldest young master of the Gu family, but does not have the rights of the eldest young master of the Gu family.

  Gu Licheng has great opinions on his uncle, and he is so old that he doesn't know what is going on in his mind.

   There is only a man like him in the direct line of the Gu family, and the other party is not going to rely on his own old age to die in the future.

   Could it be that he can still count on his own son who hasn't come back from abroad for more than ten years?

   When the other party went abroad with the divorced mother, the household registration was moved away from the Gu family, and he became an outsider long ago.

  I haven't been in contact for more than ten years, and I guess I have long forgotten that I have a biological father, and I looked down at him properly.

  Gu Licheng felt a lot of resentment in his heart, feeling that if it wasn't for Gu Zhengran's suppression of himself and not letting him stand out, he would have achieved a great career already.

  Gu Zhengran glanced at Gu Licheng and said with a smile, "Nianzhen, I still don't thank your brother."

  Gu Licheng waited, no, is there no other indication?

   Gu Nianzhen is not stupid at last. After receiving the signal from his brother's eyes, he hurriedly said, "Uncle, didn't you say anything? He Xinyan is sometimes supported by her family."

  Gu Zhengran: "Shi Zhao, like me, is a reasonable person. He happened to be on his way to the hospital with Miss He. You can communicate well, and I won't bother you."

   He said, stood up, and really went out.

  Gu Licheng was dumbfounded, what kind of development is this? !

  Gu Nianzhen is even more confused, how could the little uncle who loves her the most ignore her?

  Zhang Tesuke's heart jumped suddenly, the hunch he had before finally came true, he didn't dare to speak, he bowed his head and walked out.

"Little uncle!" Seeing that the other party was about to leave the ward, Gu Nian was really panicked. She had an ominous premonition in her heart. She always felt that if she didn't say anything and let the little uncle leave like this, something would be completely broken. also irreversible.

   "Uncle, don't go!" The palpitation at that moment made Gu Nianzhen roll over and get out of bed, his feet touched the ground, and he fell to his knees suddenly because he had no strength.

  Other people were stunned, what kind of situation was this?

  Gu Zhengran walked to the door of the ward, sighed and turned around.

   Gu Nianzhen's face was covered with tears, and he didn't know if it was because of fear, or a physiological reaction to the high fever.

"Uncle, did you ignore me? Someone almost killed me, and you didn't help me get ahead..." She looked at Gu Zhengran's eyes across the crowd, as if she had been scalded, and she couldn't say anything after that. .

  Gu Licheng was delighted that Gu Nianzhen's bitter tactic was effective, but did not notice the undercurrent between the two. Seeing that Gu Nianzhen stopped talking, he was immediately anxious.

   "Uncle, Nianzhen is very attached to you, do you want to stay with Nianzhen?"

  Gu Zhengran didn't speak and looked at Gu Nianzhen quietly.

   Gu Nianzhen suddenly said, "I'm sorry, little uncle, I deceived you. I was afraid that you wouldn't avenge me, so I took a cold shower in the room."

   As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

  Gu Licheng was completely stunned. He never expected that this foolish little sister would expose his foolproof strategy.

   Is her brain flooded too? Stupid, trash!

   Gu Licheng was annoyed and let go of Gu Nianzhen's arm.

  Gu Nianzhen fell to the ground, feeling his brain buzzing, but his mind was unprecedentedly clear.

   Someone stepped forward with a sigh, grabbed her arm, and carried her onto the bed.

   Smelling the familiar breath, Gu Nianzhen was about to cry, "Uncle, I'm sorry..."

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