The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 32 I will help you kill the kobolds and the three cunning rabbits.

Ji Chen looked curiously at the human aborigines lying on the ground.

Similar to those kobolds, they all wear clothes made of animal skins and fibers. Their skin is wheat-colored, and their bodies and faces are smeared with a layer of green juice.

The weapons are a sharpened bone dagger at the waist and a simple wooden bow on the back.

He looked like a native.

It is the impression of a backward primitive tribe living in an oceanic archipelago, traveling on the sea in a canoe, believing in strange things, and some even have the custom of cannibalism.

However, he wasn't too surprised. After all, he could compete with those kobolds on a par, pecking each other like noobs. Naturally, the level of civilization was not that high.

He waved his hand and asked a Naga warrior to carry the native on his shoulders and take him directly back to his territory.

Place it in the open space.

The residents watched with some surprise as Ji Chen brought back a man wearing simple animal skins.

When they heard that they were natives of the island, they started discussing in surprise.

They had been here for more than a month, but they hadn't found any natives at all, and they thought there were only wild beasts and monsters on this island.

Perhaps because of the chaotic discussions among the residents, the natives lying on the ground slowly woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a large group of strangers surrounding him. His face suddenly became frightened, and he crawled back on his hands and feet.

After climbing only a few steps, my head hit a hard object.

Look up.

A snake-bodied monster looked down at him coldly, as if looking at some food.


The natives screamed in fear subconsciously.

The voice was almost louder and sharper than Alice's singing voice.

After some tossing, the young native finally calmed down and stood timidly in front of Ji Chen.

I don’t know if it’s the setting of the game, but the language used by the indigenous people is also a universal language.

Ji Chen looked at him with a kind face, "I ask, you answer, do you understand?"

The natives nodded quickly.

"May I have your name?"


The name has a very primitive tribal feel.

"Why are you near my territory?"

"The leader said that all the wild beasts in this jungle had escaped. He thought something had happened here, so he asked me to come and check."

The native stood upright and answered categorically, looking so good that it made people feel distressed.

But it's also possible that the Naga warriors surrounding him with ferocious faces made him look like this.

"Then can you take me to your tribe?"


The native suppressed his blush and gritted his teeth.

Ji Chen laughed dumbly, "I'm not here to cause trouble for your tribe. I want to invite you to join my territory."

"I met kobolds. They should have grudges against you, right?"

"Those kobolds have been the enemies of our tribe for generations." The natives gritted their teeth. "We can't wait to kill them all and use them as fertilizer for the land!"

"That's right." Ji Chen snapped his fingers, "I will help you get rid of the kobolds, and in exchange, you must surrender to me."

The native opened his mouth in surprise, but said nothing.

Killing kobolds has always been the tribe's goal, but does the man in gorgeous clothes in front of him really have the strength to kill those numerous kobolds?

He looked at the tall and strong Naga warriors with cruel eyes around him, and felt a little confident again.

"I'm just a small warrior in the tribe, and I can't decide on such an important matter." The native shook his head, "Let the leader decide."

Ji Chen didn't make things difficult for him. He once again asked him to send these words to their tribal leader and let him go.

Naturally, he couldn't get along with these human natives like he did with the kobolds.

Letting him go was a friendly signal.

Seeing the natives scurry into the jungle nimbly, Ji Chen thought and quietly followed them.

This native is very agile and vigilant. He is also familiar with this jungle. He has been walking into complex terrain and has a very good anti-reconnaissance awareness.

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably have lost track of him long ago.

But what the natives never expected was that Ji Chen was driving with a full map, and no matter how he detoured or advanced, he could be seen clearly.

Ten minutes later.

Ji Chen frowned and stopped.

The map shows a yellow dot representing the indigenous people, which is currently two hundred meters ahead.

But when I looked closely, I saw that there was an open lowland with no one at all.

But the yellow dot was still moving, sometimes heading east, sometimes west, and even at the nearest moment it was only a few dozen meters away from him.

This left him a little confused.

Is this invisible? Or is it in heaven?

Or is his map watted?

No matter how hard he found the location of the natives, Ji Chen could only watch the yellow dot disappear on the edge of the map.

He looked at the map and fell into thought.

Thinking about any abnormality that appeared before.

After a while.

He raised his head suddenly, thinking of a minute or two ago.

The native once stayed in one place for tens of seconds. He thought he was just tired from running and stopped to rest. Now it seems that there may be something fishy!

Ji Chen quickly returned to that place.

There are only rocks and lush vegetation around here, and there is nothing noteworthy at first glance.

Looking up is a lush canopy of trees and a clear blue sky.

Looking down is a patch of rocks and vegetation.

Wait, rocks?

With a thought in his mind, he asked the Naga warriors to move these small stones.

Stones were moved, revealing the moist soil and insect-dwelling beneath.

When a slab of stone is lifted.

A cave that could only be entered by one person was suddenly exposed, and the sound of rushing water came from inside.

A rattan ladder is stuck at the entrance of the cave, and there is a cave below.

Only then did he suddenly realize.

It turns out that the indigenous people left from the cave.

During the previous sweep, he discovered that there were many underground caves in the jungle. These underground caves extended in all directions, connecting the entire jungle like blood vessels.

Since the indigenous people have lived here for who knows how many years, they are familiar with the direction of these caves, and it is not surprising at all to use them as escape channels.

Sure enough, it is a cunning rabbit with three caves.

Ji Chen smiled and shook his head. He did not choose to continue chasing. Instead, he returned the stone to its place, clapped his hands and turned around to return to the territory.

Now I may not be able to catch him if I continue to pursue him. Today’s harvest is enough.

He has expressed goodwill to the human natives, and the next step is to wait for their response.

If that doesn't work, it's not too late to implement some tough measures.

Maybe I can say something then.

Aboriginal, you don’t want your tribe to be slaughtered, right?

Of course, if they can be conquered safely, it will naturally be the best result.

After all, Ji Chen was not a murderer addicted to killing. He would at most force them to go into the mine and beat them up if they didn't dig extra ore.

Eh! ?

Wait, this method seems to work on kobolds.

Although kobolds will not surrender, there seems to be no need to make them surrender.

As long as they are disarmed and supervised, they can all be thrown into the mine and forced to dig. If they don't dig, they will have no food.

Let’s see how stubborn they are. Can they survive hunger?

Vaguely, an unimagined road unfolds before our eyes.

Alas, this is not called a criminal capitalist!

This is only done for humans, but not for kobolds.

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