47. First

‘I’m… dying……’

Heinz blinked his eyes.

His eyes stung. Tears streamed down his face. He wanted to rub them, but that would only bring more terrible pain.

His breath was stuck in his throat. His insides felt like they were burning every time he breathed. This is hell-. Yes, it was hell.

“Sit on one, get up on two.”

A creepy voice rang out. It was Sir Gilbert. No, it was that little punk Gilbert.

“Is it possible for those called centurions to not endure the Devil’s Realm? One.”

I became a centurion yesterday, you punk. Heinz muttered to himself and sat down.

Just entering the Devil’s Realm was terribly painful. He couldn’t breathe properly, and his eyes stung so much that tears streamed down his face.

How can they fight monsters in this kind of environment? They were monsters. Monsters-.


I tried to get up, but my legs wouldn’t budge.

Hains stumbled and fell to the side.

“You’re pathetic.”

The fact that he could endure this made him a monster-. Hains gritted his teeth. It didn’t matter if he lay down or not.

Tears still streamed down his face, and drool dripped from his mouth.

When he thought it was really the end-.

“Hey, are you okay?”

A carefree voice called out. He turned his head to see Galahad.

“I… I’ve received the Emperor’s… recognition…..”

“Yeah, don’t say it.”

The one who had received the Emperor’s recognition sat down in front of Hains, and the suffocating atmosphere dissipated.

‘As expected, someone recognized by the Emperor!’

This disgusting atmosphere was also driven away by him!

“Is there anywhere you’re uncomfortable? Like your muscles being heavy or something.”

Hains’ eyes welled up with tears at the unfamiliar warm concern.

“I’m fine!!”

“Yeah, you can do more. You still have some mana left, so try using a bit more. That way, you can see the reaction.”

Unfamiliar words poured out.

He couldn’t understand, but he knew that the one recognized by the Emperor believed in him.

A burning power rose up inside him. Hains got up, grasping the ground.

“That’s right, you’re a warrior, so try harder, Hains.”

“My… my name is…!”

“I can’t even remember your name.”

“Thank you! One recognized by the Emperor!”

Hains bit his lip and got up.

He couldn’t betray the trust of the one recognized by the Emperor.

“Get over there!”

At the cruel Gilberton’s call, Hains put strength into his legs.


“Lord Gilberton, isn’t the training too easy?”

Galahad, who was wiping his hand, asked, and Gilberton’s eyes widened.

“……What? We’re already doing our best. Can’t you see that guy’s not even breaking a sweat?”

“That’s just an act. I checked his mana, and he still has some left.”


When Galahad nodded, Gilberton’s face contorted.

“Everyone, get up!”

Gilberton’s disapproving shout fell. Galahad subtly backed away, observing the situation.

The soldiers, who had been beaten, stumbled up at Gilberton’s kick.

Galahad’s words were not lies.

Gilberton’s training was a bit too harsh, but it wasn’t deadly. They were just being pushed to their limits in the extreme environment of the Ma-gyeong.

Overcoming the Demon Realm was simple.

‘Get used to it until you do.’

Weren’t they men who survived in the harsh north? If they were thrown into the Demon Realm, they would naturally get used to it.

Training in the Demon Realm definitely helped. Their stamina and strength increased to a noticeable extent.

It was just hard.

‘The hardship is momentary. The effects of training in the Demon Realm…’

Galahad organized the information he had just obtained. Thanks to the soldiers training so diligently, he was able to extract quite a bit of data.

Just then, an elderly man approached. It was Velogrime, the commander of the 7th Battalion.

‘You’ve gotten used to the Demon Realm.’

Velogrime’s calm appearance was not that of someone who had only been to the Demon Realm once or twice.

“Thank you very much. If it weren’t for you, I can’t imagine what would have happened to the 7th Battalion. How foolish of them to fall for the tricks of the demons.”

“It’s natural to follow those who feed you when you’re hungry.”

“If you act according to your instincts, you’re not a human but a beast.”

True words. Galahad nodded.

“I will keep my promise. I, Velogrime, will follow you after His Highness the Grand Duke.”


Galahad had never made a promise, so it was probably the crow. Since the crow had visited Velogrime first.

Although it was the first time he had heard of it, Galahad nodded. There was no reason to refuse someone who had come all this way. Especially since it was the 7th Battalion.

“I understand.”

Velogrime chuckled as Galahad gave his immediate reply. Velogrime’s wrinkled eyes sparkled.

“Looking at your eyes, it seems it’s not just because of the promise.”

“Old eyes can see a little further. The flow of the north is heading towards you. Very strongly.”

Velogrime pointed at Galahad with his wrinkled fingers.

“Sir Gilbert must know about it too.”

“Haha. Is that so?”

Galahad nodded and put a cigarette in his mouth.

‘Since even the 7th Battalion has joined, quite a number has gathered.’

In fact, it was nothing new. Since Galahad was in charge of the Demon Realm training center that had been set up in the 7th Battalion, it was only natural that the 7th Battalion would be influenced by Galahad.

Velogrime must have known that too.

That’s why he must have come to join first.

‘What a sly old man.’

Galahad clicked his tongue slightly and snapped his fingers.

Familiar mana moved and a fire ignited on his fingertips.

The scent of lemon spread deeply.


Galahad suddenly sensed something strange.

It was a fire that he had unconsciously cast, but the density of the mana was strange. Only then did Galahad notice that his Core of Suffering was beating violently.

Just now, Gilbert’s shouts and the soldiers’ screams filled with malice had been ringing out, but now, everything was quiet.

As if all sound had died.

The most likely deduction was-.

“‘A spiritual realm demon king?’

Galahad immediately turned his mana around. The pain orb violently pulsed and released mana. The magic circle on his right arm shone brightly.

To prevent spiritual interference, he lifted his mana towards his head.


The surrounding landscape changed.

Galahad stood in a magnificent forest. Birds chirped and flew about, and the green trees swayed gently, creating a very peaceful atmosphere.

The bitter taste in his mouth was gone.

‘Of course, I’ve got mana on my head.’

It was high-concentrated mana through the magic circle and the pain orb.

He thought he had learned the opponent’s method by experiencing the spiritual realm twice, but it was futile.

‘Was there a demon king left in the castle?’

Galahad quickly grasped the situation.

There was a possibility that a demon king was hiding in the inner castle.

However, this spiritual interference was stronger than the high-ranking demon king he had met in the spiritual realm.

That meant-.

‘That guy came directly.’

It was likely that the guy who controlled the high-ranking demon king he met in the spiritual realm had come.

His heart beat violently, and the grayness spread. The pain orb was there. Galahad quickly searched for his waist pouch, but it was gone.

The woman with four legs like a deer emerged from the thicket in front of him.

Her legs were not those of a deer, but long and white, belonging to a woman.

Instead of eeriness, he felt elegance and sacredness.

The woman approached Galahad with a gentle step.

The pain orb beat violently, as if it would burst. His heart felt like it would explode.

[It’s noisy.]

The woman’s voice was not heard, but seen. Galahad narrowed his eyes in wonder.

The pain orb did not stop and beat even more violently. Galahad put the mana emitted by the guy on his head, intending to break through the spiritual realm.

[In vain.]

The woman’s continued words made the mana disappear. Only the pain orb beat violently.

‘…The mana disappeared?’

Galahad let out a low, humming sound.

The woman, who had come right up to him, looked down at Galahad.

Her eyes were long and narrow, like a snake’s.

When he faced her, Galahad felt how small his existence was.

“You’re that guy.”

The woman’s expression momentarily changed in surprise at Galahad’s words.

[Your head is high.]

Galahad’s spirit endlessly plummeted.

When he opened his eyes, he was at the peak of a distant mountain. Dark clouds filled the surroundings, and the clouds that roared like thunder made him extremely uneasy.

The unease quickly became reality. Strong lightning bolts struck Galahad mercilessly.

‘Ow, it hurts.'”

Galahad muttered under his breath.

The scenery changed once more. This time, it was an active volcano, spewing lava. The lava gurgled as if savoring its meal.

Galahad was thrown right into the middle of the furious volcano.

‘It’s hot.’

Galahad mumbled as he sank into the lava.

He was in front of the woman again.

The woman had grown even larger. Her legs were twice the size of Galahad’s.

The surrounding greenery was even more vivid. Galahad looked down at his hands.

They were intact. The Orb of Pain pulsed roughly as if it had regained consciousness.

Galahad focused on it. The Orb of Pain seemed unaffected.

‘Is she also a high-ranking demon?’

“This is fun. Shall we continue?”

Galahad asked the woman.

The woman’s lips curled up. Galahad clicked his tongue when he realized that his hands were trembling.

The woman’s true identity was probably that of a high-ranking demon, ‘that person’ who was above the upper-level demon he had encountered in the Demon Realm.

If not, this level of mental interference wouldn’t make sense.

‘I know that she’s not real, but I can still feel the pain.’ Galahad felt a deep sense of interest.

“I didn’t know you’d come in person.”

[In person?]

The woman’s lips curled up.

The meaning was clear.

“Even though you didn’t come in person, you’re able to interfere with my mind to this extent. You’re really amazing.”

Galahad exclaimed in admiration.

‘Did you plant something in me? Is it connected to the Demon Realm?’

Both were possible. At that moment, Galahad’s speech was cut off.

His lips moved, but no words came out. Oh, this was strange. Galahad put his finger in his mouth. His tongue was moving-.

[What an interesting child.]

The woman’s voice reverberated in his mind. It was as clear as if thunder was striking all around him.

‘I agree.’

The woman’s long finger pointed at Galahad. The finger was a tree branch.

Galahad’s mind was dragged away once again.

This time, it was into the rotten soil. Countless bugs were eating Galahad from all sides.

The horror was vivid. The moment when a bug with dozens of teeth tried to eat his eyes.

He returned to the meadow.

Galahad staggered, coughing roughly. He gagged to spit out the bugs inside him. Flowers of various colors poured out.

Oh, this was strange.

The woman had grown even larger. She was now as tall as a small castle.

[Is it still fun?]

At the woman’s question, Galahad curled his lips and brushed back his disheveled hair.


This time, it was the captain.

A desperate situation where I couldn’t breathe-.

Galahard focused on his heartbeat.

Thump-. Thump-.

The sound of his heartbeat was faint, as if it was far away. But it was rough.

“I’m here.”

Galahard thrust his hand into his chest. His hand went in unexpectedly smoothly.

The water disappeared, and the forest reappeared. The woman stood in front of him, restored to her original size.

The egg of pain was pulsating. His heart was racing like it would burst. Galahard lightly brushed his hand away.


The woman let out a pure gasp of admiration.

“You’ve shown me three times, but you still haven’t noticed anything. You’re really stupid.”

Galahard clicked his tongue in response. But his condition was not good, contrary to his response.

To break through the mental realm, a clue was crucial.

Last time, it was Demian, who didn’t say he was hungry.

This time, it was the egg of pain. He could break through by focusing on the egg of pain’s rough pulsation.

“It was quite difficult, though.”

Galahard brushed his hand away and looked around. The forest was still green.


The new sound was gone.

The subtlety was weaker than before. The woman was also using up her energy, evidence of which.

“Are you going to take more power? I don’t care.”

The woman’s finger pointed down. The corner of her mouth rose.

[This is fun.]

“I had fun too. Ah, I finally found it.”

Galahard put a cigarette in his mouth.

The flame ignited. A lemony scent wafted.

The green surroundings became slightly hazy.

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The woman took a step back, looking behind her.

[Come to the maze alone.]

The woman whispered softly.

“Why would I go to that dangerous place alone?”

In response to Galahard’s question, the woman simply raised the corner of her mouth.

As if she knew it all-.

The forest disappeared, and Adrian’s blue eyes gazed at Galahard.

“Are you okay?”

Adrian asked in a nonchalant tone.

Galahard, reflected in Adrian’s blue eyes, was smiling.

Very deeply-.

This place was far from the maze.

Beyond that distance, this degree of mental interference.

This is.

‘I have no choice but to go.’

Regrettably, the woman’s prediction was correct.

The woman had properly piqued Galahad’s interest.


“It’s here.”

At First’s excited voice, Pumpkin let out a short sigh.

He had come all the way from the capital to the north, and now he was moving without even unpacking at the inn.

“Can’t we rest a bit and go? It’s not like he’s going to run away.”

“Nonsense, that guy must be scheming to get ahead of me even now, how can I rest.”

First’s reply was resolute. It was a truly dog-like obsession.

Pumpkin worked hard to suppress his deep annoyance. Getting angry at First would only hurt Pumpkin.

“Pumpkin, I’ll only trust you.”

At First’s firm voice, Pumpkin held back the curse that was about to burst out.

“Are you really going to do that?”

“Didn’t I promise you just now?”

“Well, that’s because you begged on your knees.”

“I’m serious.”

“Ha… damn it. I understand.”

The two headed towards the 7th Battalion. As they approached the 7th Battalion, a strange smell wafted towards them.

Someone inside kept shouting. It wasn’t just one or two. Pumpkin’s eyes narrowed at the strangely heated atmosphere.

“Isn’t something strange?”

First also noticed the strangeness and nodded.

Pumpkin approached the soldier who was checking them. In their arms was an appointment letter with the Grand Duke’s seal. The target was a special forces unit.

Forging this level was nothing to them.

The soldier suddenly shouted. Pumpkin was so startled that he almost drew his sword.

“Special forces!! A unit of those recognized by the Grand Duke!!”

“Those recognized by the Grand Duke!!”

Cheers erupted here and there. They were chanting ‘Those recognized by the Grand Duke!’

Pumpkin looked at First at the strange atmosphere. First’s expression was also subtle.

“Galahad is…”

“Those recognized by the Grand Duke!”

Cheers erupted again. Everyone was shouting, ‘Those recognized by the Grand Duke!’ The heat grew even more intense.

‘…Why is it like this here?’

What on earth did he do here, that just by mentioning his name, they would react like that…..

Pumpkin hurriedly stepped forward as First began to tremble violently.

“Yes, where are those recognized by the Grand Duke?”

“This way!”

The soldier, whose eyes were bloodshot as if a fuse had been lit, guided them roughly.

“The one who received the Grand Duke’s favor!” they were clamoring all around.

What the heck did he do?


Furst let out a hot breath. The air around him rippled.

He was clearly very excited.

“I wonder what kind of expression he’ll make when he sees me, his rival of the century and nemesis of his soul. He escaped to the North to avoid me, but he can’t do that.”

Furst chattered strangely in an excited voice.

‘Here he goes again with his nonsense.’

At that moment, Galahad appeared in the distance.

Furst’s expression changed when he spotted Galahad. The heat disappeared in an instant.

He had the cool smile that Furst usually wore.

Even though he had been so excited on his own, Furst acted like that whenever he faced Galahad.

As if he didn’t care about Galahad. He acted cool. It was a truly pitiful act.

At that moment, Furst reached out his arm. Pumpkin’s annoyance shot up to the top of his head. Furst whispered softly, “Please.”

Pumpkin bit his lip and linked arms with Furst. If he wasn’t going to marry him, he had to at least act like an affectionate couple.

At that moment, Galahad looked this way.

“Oh, Galahad, I see you here.”

Furst greeted him lightly as if he had met him by chance.

‘…What? By chance in the North?’

Pumpkin, who had heard it, thought it was an embarrassingly stupid excuse.


At that moment, Galahad gave a small nod.

He seemed to recognize Furst.

At that, Furst let out a hot breath. He seemed to be acting as cool as possible, but he couldn’t hide his excitement.

‘Are they really rivals?’

Pumpkin muttered a small curse.

Furst held his breath.

He seemed to be waiting for Galahad to speak.

But Galahad’s gaze-.

“Pumpkin, it’s been a long time.”

Was directed at Pumpkin.

“Is that your lover next to you? You look good together.”

Pumpkin glanced hurriedly at Furst at that perfect snub.


Had an expression like the world was crumbling down.

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