The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 320: diplomatic dispute

"In fact, your work really values ​​luck. The big man with the centipede scar on his face before, what is his name, Benny? He just wore my lucky rabbit foot and dug at Firestone Farm the next day. To such a big treasure chest!"

In order to prove the value of his gift, the salesperson drew a box as tall and short as a wine barrel.

"Oh! Thank you! I understand!" The mercenary hurriedly thanked them. In fact, they are somewhat superstitious when they do this kind of work of licking blood with knives. In many cases, they would rather believe what they have or not. It is better to have it than not to have it. powerful!

Unknowingly, a proposition about the connection between treasures and metaphysics began to spread in a small area of ​​the Western Plaguelands.

Some people say that if you go out, you only need to blacken your two front teeth and you will find the treasure. Some people say that you have to move your left foot first to find the treasure.

Just like the American Gold Rush era, with a large number of mercenaries coming to the Western Plaguelands, the economy of this area developed in a deformed way.

Throughout March 21 at Black Gate, apart from the coronation and the development of the Western Plaguelands, Vanessa spent the rest of her time doing one thing, and that was expanding the army.

The First Legion had always been full of 8,000 people. This was the most loyal old army to Vanessa. She mobilized some elites to join the Second and Third Legions, and then filled in some new recruits. They were all replenished to the full capacity of 8,000 people.

It's just that the cavalry regiment of the Second Army still doesn't have enough horses. Now it can only make half cavalry and half infantry.

Vanessa appointed Valdemar, the commander of the fourth legion, as the supreme commander of the defense forces of the capital of Lordaeron. This legion will be responsible for the security of the capital from now on.

In order to distinguish the rest of the troops, the armor, boots and gauntlets of these soldiers are all black. When the soldiers are on duty in the city, they will wear robes made of thick wool and specially dyed golden, so the citizens get the "Golden Robe". "Common name.

The golden robe is responsible for the security of the capital, and the number is maintained at the level of 4,000.

The Fifth and Sixth Legions were supplemented with 1,500 new recruits each, bringing the number of soldiers in both legions to 7,000.

The Seventh Legion, transformed from the original Argent Dawn soldiers, proved its loyalty and added 1,000 soldiers to reach a full strength of 8,000.

So far, Lordaeron's official soldiers have reached 50,000.

If Duke Ravenholdt's semi-independent Eighth Legion and Navy are included, the number of soldiers in Lordaeron is nearly 60,000.

In early April, Vanessa took her eyes off the military. She received Rhona Crowley, daughter of Darius Crowley, and Liam Gray, Prince of Gilneas, in the palace who had come to ask for help. Mayne.

After talking with the two of them for a long time, Vanessa drove them away. The two children are not qualified to discuss affairs with her majestic Lordaeron Lord Regent, and they will be replaced by your father!

In fact, the so-called "two children" are older than her, but this has nothing to do with age, it has something to do with position! She is now able to act as a senior, if you have the ability, don't come here, just close the door and continue fighting!

After probing back and forth twice, and sending some envoys to discuss specific defense measures, on April 9, 21 of Hermon, the king of Gilneas, the old and strong Genn Greymane, came to the royal capital of Lordaeron.

"Even Terenas II wouldn't dare to order me like that!" The old man was dressed in military uniform, with an epee and firecrackers hanging from his waist. His hair was a little gray and his expression was serious. When the two sides met, the old man showed an aggressive look. His sharp edge does not match the inherent rumors about him being cowardly and timid in the league.

He originally wanted to speak tougher, but he didn't know why, seeing Vanessa's half-smile expression, he felt a little flustered. He would never admit that he would be afraid of a junior who was not as old as his son, but that trembling The feeling is still very clear.

He has no brains, otherwise he would not have ruled Gilneas for so many years, let alone sent a peace signal to the rebel lord Darius Crowley under the premise that his side had already gained the upper hand. He wanted to end the civil war in Gilneas. This kind of civil war was meaningless, especially after he heard the news that Lordaeron had been restored, he became more determined to stop the war in an all-round way.

Lordaeron and Gilneas are too close. The two countries have never been allies. Before the opening of the Black Gate, they often fought. After that, the relationship between the two countries was slightly better, but it was definitely not goodwill.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, you have a certain quality, a very interesting one."

Vanessa didn't say much, just nodded lightly, and then changed the topic. After the normal welcome ceremony, she even took Jean Greymane for a rough stroll around the city on horseback.

The next day, the high lord Darius Crowley, who was the leader of the rebel army, also rushed to the capital of Lordaeron. Eight months after the war, the two sides started peace talks with the help of Lordaeron as an intermediary.

The great lord Darius Crowley will not fall to Vanessa just because he has done a few deals with her. People, in this life, and in the next life, it has nothing to do with civil war or not, even if he came to Lordaeron, he used the pressure of morality and public opinion to force Vanessa to make concessions.

The three parties closed their doors to discuss in secret, but Jean Greymane didn't speak, but Darius Crowley, a former ally, fired at Vanessa first.

"I think Lordaeron should return the land of Silverpine Forest to House Crowley."

Vanessa glanced at the two of them strangely, and she quickly understood that the two from Gilneas should have had some kind of communication. This was bullying her youth and forcing her into the palace.

After being silent for a few seconds, she thought about several possible situations before she snorted softly: "When the undead were around, you hid behind the wall and shivered. ? The high lord is really a veritable Gilnean general!"

Darius Crowley was furious, he clenched his fists: "Do you dare to humiliate me?"

"That's right, I'm just humiliating you. What's wrong? How dare you ask Lordaeron for the Silverpine Forest? We have defeated the undead and the Forsaken, are you still afraid of you Gilneas? The civil war has been so long, you guys How many soldiers do you have together? Thirty thousand? How much steel do you have? How much brimstone? Do you think it will take several months for Lordaeron to destroy Gilneas?!"

Vanessa slapped the table and stood up and scolded the two of them.

The two people on the opposite side also stood up with the same hatred, and the trilateral talks immediately became tense.

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