The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 350 The privatization issue of Mount Blackso

"No need!"

Matthew quickly and explicitly refused.

The water in the Heisuo Mountain Prison is too deep, and even ordinary legendary mages may not be able to swallow it.

Matthew is very self-aware of himself.

With this strength and energy right now, it would be good to run the Rolling Stone Kingdom and the Gold Coast well.

A behemoth of this level.

Even if he could smell the oily smell, he didn't dare to get the slightest bit of it.

Upon hearing this, Hera immediately complained:

"Then tell me, among the seven saints, which one can eat the Black Suo Mountain?"

Hera's words seemed a bit abrupt.

But Matthew quickly reacted.

The other party should be referring to the privatization issue of Mount Hesso that caused a lot of commotion in the past few years.

The Silver Council has discussed the change in the nature of the management rights of Black Soil Mountain.

In that debate.

Parliament finally gave the go-ahead for the privatization of Mount Blackso.

But it's embarrassing.

No one has taken over this place!

Matthew had not yet joined the Alliance, so he was not very impressed with the issue.

However, after becoming a member of the Silver Council a while ago, he used his authority to find a lot of information to look at.

Some of the memories are still relatively fresh.

The fundamental reason why the management rights of Heisuo Mountain were put up for sale by the Silver Council, but no one has taken over so far is that——

The cost of maintaining this fortress was too high.

In comparison.

Operating Mount Blackso requires compliance with the extremely harsh prison law enacted by the Alliance hundreds of years ago.

The bill stipulates that prison operators must comply with a series of rules that are difficult to generate economic benefits.

This makes operating the Hesso Mountain Fortress extremely cost-effective.

Plus this prison has been going on for hundreds of years.

Many of the ancient prisoners have long been squeezed dry.

But for some reason they did not die, but had to enjoy certain treatment in prison.

The economic benefits these prisoners can create in prison cannot cover the costs incurred in controlling and feeding them.

This phenomenon has a long history.

In the final analysis, it is still the characteristic of the magical world——

The cost of incarcerating extraordinary criminals is staggeringly high, and there is still the risk of unrest from time to time.

recent years.

The Silver Council's budget approval for Black Soil Mountain is getting tighter and tighter.

This has led many law enforcers to start taking on private jobs unscrupulously.

Even wardens like Alexander had to participate in various transactions in order to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

Matthew is actually an example.

The knowledge points he delivered to Alexander must have been laundered by the latter into genuine alliance gold coins through various means.

It is impossible to know whether these gold coins were used by Alexander to maintain the operation of the prison, or whether they were used to enrich himself.

all in all.

Black Soil is a confusing and complicated account.

Its current situation is also inseparable from the internal structure of the alliance.

Matthew only found out after he joined the Silver Council.

The Alliance of Seven Saints, which seems extremely majestic to outsiders, is also a grassroots team.

This alliance was originally founded by the seven powerful men who followed the Scourge Mage.

They had initially made various covenants, but at that time they were all verbal agreements, and the power structure, territory division, job allocation, resource allocation, etc. were all vague.

This situation has improved in the past century.

But as long as one goes through the accounts of the Silver Council, a discerning person will find that the Seven Saints Alliance is essentially fed by the most powerful group of legendary mages.

This is no different than when it was first founded.

This phenomenon may be counterintuitive.

But in Matthew's opinion.

This is also the inevitable result of the extraordinary power of the magical world being attributed to one person.

Therefore, in a large sense, the existence of the alliance is a burden for the legendary mages.

Especially the Seven Saints.

They might make more money without the alliance.

And their power and power will not be reduced in the slightest because of this.

So from an absolutely rational point of view.

Disbanding the alliance and going their own way is a better choice for the Seven Saints.

However, under the pressure from external pressures such as Tianlun Palace.

Not only did the alliance not disband, but it changed from the loose structure at the beginning to the closer relationship it has now.

Matthew guessed that the Seven Saints would most likely be able to see the situation clearly.

They are also willing to spend money to support the alliance.

But what about the legendary mages outside of the Seven Saints?

Even if the Seven Sages themselves are willing to spend money, spending more is still a waste, and spending less is still a waste.

There are no specific restrictions on this account.

In the context of war and confrontation, the alliance will add many additional expenses.

Therefore, as the spokesperson of the Seven Sacred Wills, the Silver Council will naturally tend to tighten the existing budget in other areas.

It's not just Mount Blackso prison that has suffered budget cuts.

The same goes for other coalition utilities.

It's just that the repercussions are not as severe as in prison.

Think of this.

Matthew couldn't help but sympathize with Hera.

He knew that Hera's position was very special and that when Alexander was around, she could do whatever she wanted and be carefree;

But once Alexander ran away.

She naturally became the temporary warden of Heisuo Mountain, and all the pressure suddenly fell on her.

No matter how powerful Hera is.

She is also just a construct.

She actually doesn't have much background within the league.

She wasn't even one of Isabel's, she was a complete outsider.

Hera lacks the experience and ability to deal with other mages, and her ability to make money is probably far inferior to Alexander's.

As everyone knows.

Economic issues are the root and foundation of many problems.

No wonder Matthew felt much more comfortable than last time as soon as he entered Heisuo Mountain today.

By now he had reacted.

Compared to before, Heisuo Mountain has at least closed more than half of its anti-magic force fields!

This is actually a danger signal.

If this continues.

Matthew is really worried about whether Heisuo Mountain Prison will turn into Black Wind Village...

But he didn't have any strong methods.

Faced with Hera's nagging complaints.

While expressing his sympathy that love is helpless, Matthew also tentatively mentioned:

"Where are Ronan and Qin Wuyue?"

"Are they going to take Mount Blackso?"

"I remember they recently took over a prison, also in the South."

Hera held her head in her hands like a human and looked distressed:

"You mean Gostilian Prison?"

"That's different. It's the territory of the night elves. There's a lot of oil and water..."

Matthew nodded slightly.

His views are actually similar to Hera's.

Gosti Prison is also commonly known as Snail Valley. The former is a transliteration of the Elvish language and represents a narrow place in the Elvish context;

The latter refers to the special shape of the valley. It is said that the prison was built on the fossil of a huge ancient snail.

That prison housed extremely vicious prisoners.

The most famous among them is the Thousand Changes Lord Jia Si Liwen.

Previously, Snail Valley was defended by night elves sending troops.

But after the Blood Moon attack, the night elves probably secretly reached a round of interest exchange with the Alliance or Ronan and his wife, and finally handed over Gothry Prison.

Although night elves are arrogant and indifferent, they are still very particular about their affairs.

Therefore, after Ronan and his wife took over Gosti, I am afraid there will be a lot of money to be scrapped.

But Mount Hesso is different.

Many felons here can no longer even squeeze out the grease residue.

But to control them.

This fortress must maintain a constant anti-magic field.

Long-term deficit is inevitable.

"What about Ekmund?"

"Have you asked him?"

In Matthew's impression, Ekmund should be the one with more flexible thinking and bottom line among the legendary mages.

Although Suriel is also very profitable, this one is a technical person.

Hera sighed:

"He gave me advice."

Matthew became more energetic:


Hera said sadly:

"He asked me to blow up half the prison and the prisoners inside."

"But this is obviously not in line with the league's rules."

"If I dare to do this, you will see me in the remaining half of the prison the next day..."

"Damn it, it's all because of the old-fashioned ancient covenant that has to support these prehistoric races and evil criminals..."

When Matthew heard this, his heart moved:

"What does this have to do with the Ancient Covenant?"

"By the way, why does the alliance pay to support these felons?"

Hera replied succinctly and concisely:

"Because they have their value."

"They are rare animals and a minority group. Some people say that their existence can increase the richness of the world, and this richness can ensure that the world will not perish instantly at some point in the future."

"I think this is complete bullshit, but apparently the Silver Council doesn't think so."

“The bill that put shackles on Mount Blackso was not about restraining criminals, it was about restraining those of us who work.”

"I have argued with Isabel many times before. I thought she would agree with me. After all, she is the real murderer. But unexpectedly, this time she did not agree with me - damn, about There must be secrets hidden among the gods and mages in this prison that I don’t know about!”

"But when it comes time to pay, they all get so picky and it's really annoying."

Matthew sighed as if he felt the same.

Today's Hera left a deep impression on him - the previous few times, she had always acted wantonly. Matthew once thought that the human world was just a place to experience life for this legend. background.

But now it seems.

She just didn't sit in this position.

I can tell.

Although Hera resisted the trouble brought by the position of warden.

But if she really lets it go.

She may still hesitate!

What worries her right now is nothing more than the thought of fixing Heisuo Mountain.

If it really lies flat it will be broken.

The other party will definitely not have this attitude.

"I remember the bill stipulates that felons cannot be killed, right?"

"They are probably also the source of the high costs of Mount Hesso."

Matthew pondered for a moment:

"Then can we transform them into undead creatures?"

"What I mean is that of course the kind that retains consciousness cannot be a lich. A spiritual body with a little spirituality will be enough..."

Hera looked at him with confusion:

"Are you going to turn Heisuo Mountain into a necropolis suspended in the air?"

Matthew smiled:

"forget it."

"Or you could consider freezing them. It would be cheaper to artificially create an extremely cold environment and glaciers than an anti-magic field, right?"

"Even if the confinement effect is not as good as expected, you can use a magic-suppressing bracelet or other facilities to make up for it."

"If we can go to the water elemental plane to recruit a few volunteers, maybe we can reduce the cost to close to zero..."

"Of course, you can package the low-threat prisoners separately and sell them as different assets. The only requirement is that the buyer must ensure that the prisoners are alive and not making trouble. This part should be able to get a piece of blood back..."

"This shouldn't violate that law, right? If you really plan to do this, I can consider helping you share the pressure in this area..."

Hera looked at Matthew blankly.

The look in his eyes made Matthew's hair stand on end.

His voice gradually became quieter and then stopped:

"What's wrong?"

Hera shook her head:

"You're such a fucking natural warden!"

"I think you are more suitable for this job than Alexander. How about you really apply to the alliance?"

Matthew suddenly shook his head like a wave.

Hera looked regretful.

Immediately he took out a pen and quickly wrote on the paper:

"I'm going to write down everything you just said as a reference."

Matthew shrugged and saw that Hera was concentrating on thinking about the future of Hesso Mountain.

He had to take the initiative to remind the other party of his purpose:

"I came here mainly for three things."

"First, although the Queen of Giza has escaped, her oral supply should be there. I hope to get a copy."

"Second, I hope to get all the information about a jailer named Rambo. He owes Ms. Suriel a sum of money and will pay it back in the near future, but he has disappeared."

"Third, I want to visit a prisoner named Hux."


Hera threw the House Queen's file bag to Matthew quite generously.

Then there was a bunch of colorful magic keys.

She said without looking up:

"The jailer's information is in the archives. You can find it yourself."

"As for the prison visit, the theoretical visit time is only one minute, and you have to pay extra for any additional visits. But considering the suggestion you just gave me, you can stay in prison as long as you want, as long as no one escapes. That’s it!”

Matthew took the magic key.

Hera was still writing something on the paper, mumbling to herself from time to time.

After his unilateral farewell.

Then left the warden's office.

ten minutes later.

Repeat offender area.


A rusty prison door that had never seen the light of day was suddenly opened by a huge force.

"Hex is right here!"

"Don't die in there!"

The strong jailer who led the way clearly had giant blood, and the whole floor shook when he walked.

Although the other party's tone was fierce, Matthew did not feel any malice, so he nodded lightly.

The half-giant left silently.

Matthew approached the door and held up a candle.

The scenery in the cell hit me along with the stale stench.

The display inside is very simple.

One bed and one toilet.

Nothing else.

Matthew soon found a figure that looked like a skeleton in the corner of the room.

The figure stared blankly at the candle.


Dry tears actually flowed from that man's eyes!


Matthew asked tentatively.

The next second.

An extremely difficult voice sounded:

"Is my son dead now?"

"He is less than forty years old..."

Matthew was shocked, knowing that something had changed. Ashe Reitz might not be as simple as he thought!

Then he asked in a deep voice:

"What are you talking about?"

The figure stood up slowly. Her skin was as dry as a mummy, and her eyes were lifeless. If it weren't for his amazing perception, Matthew wouldn't have been able to determine her gender!

The traitor from White Rock City named Hux said in a hoarse voice:

"Due to the Forgetting Curse, no one in the outside world knows of my existence - even the jailers on Mount Blackso don't know who I am, and they can't even remember my name."

"My son is the only one in the world who remembers who I am and knows I'm here."

"I made an agreement with him that I will never reveal my existence until I die, but now you have taken the initiative to come to me and successfully found this place. This means that the Forgetting Curse has failed. Someone has leaked the news, and that person It can only be my son."

Hux sighed sadly:

"He must be dead or facing death to do this."

"Tell me, what happened to my son?"

Matthew thought for more than ten seconds.

Suddenly he said:

"I want the way the Necronomicon was made."

Hux didn't hesitate and started reporting the names of the dishes:

"First of all, the main material. It is best to have fragments of the godhead, or projections of the fragments of the godhead.

The second is the auxiliary materials, Moon Shadow Grass, Silver Fang Eight Leaves, Underworld Black Locust, Golden Dragon Dew, Beast Teeth..."

I have diarrhea, I keep running to the toilet, and I feel numb. Please use less words today, woo woo...

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