The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 101 The Plague Field and the Way Back

"You know my name?"

Matthew looked curiously yet cautiously at the face emerging from the tree wall.

The latter said honestly:

"Oh, of course, the natural wind blowing from the main material world is spreading your name. They say that there is a necromancer who wants to single-handedly reshape the soul of the oak tree in the main material world. Such courage is commendable. , certainly impressive.”

Reinventing Soul of the Oak?

Why the word reinvention?

Matthew thought, maybe this is the reason why Nature's Way issued a mission to him.

While thinking.

The poison world giant tree asked:

"That person next to you, is he your friend, Mr. Matthew?"

Matthew nodded:

"Yes, what's the matter, Mr. Giant Tree?"

"Oh ho ho, I have a name Matthew, just call me Solinka."

The giant tree introduced itself politely.

At this time, Lawrence, who was entangled in a lot of roots, somehow burst out with a huge force.

He got out of it, exposed his head and roared at the top of his lungs:

"Make no mistake! Solinka, it was I who summoned you! It was me! Not him!"

Solinka quickly looked apologetic.

He dragged Lawrence down, and then explained to Matthew:

"I originally wanted to eat this poet in one bite. After all, such fresh demigods are rare. I haven't tasted such delicious food for hundreds of years. But for your sake, I am willing to endure this. Satisfy your appetite."

Matthew was stunned for a moment, then thanked:

"Really, thank you very much."

Solinka was flattered and said:

"No, no, no, I am the one who should thank you. I can allow you, Mr. Matthew, who is favored by the future Oak Soul, the emerging Rainforest Soul, and Ms. Asia, to accept a favor, and it will not be in vain for me to use my clone. Let’s take a trip to the main material world.”

Luo Lan curled his lips, but remained silent in the end.

Matthew was just about to ask a few more questions.

As a result, Lawrence's fellow actually emerged from the vines again:

"Solinka, you idiot! I summoned you! Kill those two people quickly! Kill them quickly!"


A vine hit him hard in the face.

Immediately afterwards.

Countless vines were tied around Lawrence's waist, lifting him up high.

His mouth was filled with hundreds of vines, and he couldn't make a sound. He could only watch Matthew talking and laughing with the giant tree in the poison world.

"If you have the chance, you are welcome to come to the poison world as a guest. Our place is actually not as bad as the rumors say. When you come here, you only need to report my name to the giant frog in the poison world, and no one will dare to hurt you. . Of course, you have to improve your physical fitness before coming, otherwise you will inevitably suffer some physical pain."

Solinka said gently.

As he spoke, he also revealed a spell coordinate on the tree wall. He said that as long as you press the index of this coordinate, you can find the entrance to the Poison World through inter-dimensional teleportation.

Solinka seemed very enthusiastic, and Matthew wanted to chat with him more.

However, the current situation is really special.

Solinka's clones kept growing, and soon the Southern Theater could no longer accommodate it.

At Matthew's request, Solinka let them stand on one of his vines, and then the vines grew higher and higher as the giant tree grew.


They arrived at an altitude of three to four hundred meters.

The view below is unobstructed.

In the square in front of the theater.

Two giants about six meters tall were advancing slowly.

Their movements were slow, but their pace was huge, and soon they were banging against the theater doors.

And in the sky.

Meteors flashed by.

Matthew saw it clearly.

Those meteors are clearly drop-ship capsules with metal shells!

"Has Cloud Elf's technology reached this level?"

Matthew was in disbelief.

Luo Lan nodded and said:

"Cloud elves are a race that is cursed and blessed at the same time. They cannot touch the ground easily and can only live in the clouds, but their technological level is second only to the cyber dragons."

While talking.

A rumbling sound came.

in the southeastern sky.

A huge aeroboat opened the way, followed by countless small planes.

"Cyber ​​dragon?"

Matthew asked.

Lorraine shrugged:

"It's not just them. Due to the brief fluctuation of the divine personality in the demigod ceremony, the aura is enough to attract all the powerful people and forces nearby. Look, we are surrounded under our feet. They are from several local temples in Zeshui City. strength."

Matthew looked at Lorraine with a headache:

"You better have a way out."

Solinka said thoughtfully:

"So they are here to encircle and suppress you? I thought the material world has so much hatred for me now. I just sent a clone to leave a mark, and they sent out such a large formation."

"Um, do you need my help? I can roll you up with vines and throw you out as hard as you can, maybe more than ten kilometers away."

Luo Lan quickly declined and said:

"Thank you, no need. I'm afraid if I get rolled up by you, I'll be like that poor guy down there, with his mouth full of vines and unable to speak."

As he spoke, he took out a green "Eagle Eye Gem" and placed it in front of his left eye.

Then he quickly opened a door with the teleportation staff.

The two got in.

The portal quickly disappeared.

Matthew found himself at the door of the Jungle Dance Hotel!

"After tonight, we may be famous in the South!"

Luo Lan smiled proudly and said:

"Of course, they may have mistakenly thought that the giant tree was summoned by us."

Matthew's face suddenly darkened.

"So run away early before they can identify you."

Lorraine whistled.

Ten seconds later.

A huge albatross appeared in front of them.

Lorraine skillfully turned over and climbed onto the back of the albatross, then hugged its neck and said to Matthew:

"This pursuit won't end so soon. Their target is me, so you'd better not go with me and leave Zeshui City as soon as possible. The sooner the better."

"Goodbye Matthew, if you still want to see me again."

As he spoke, he winked at Matthew, and the albatross beneath him suddenly flapped its wings and soared into the sky!

Matthew silently stared at the back of the sky.


He took out the plump book from his bag.

But as soon as I took it out, the color of the cover of this little yellow-covered book continued to fade, and soon faded to pinkish-white.

The title on the cover also changed to——

"618 Makeup Techniques: Makeup Techniques Made for Men".

"it is as expected."

Matthew smiled silently.

He quickly returned to the guest room to find Laila, and the two left the city overnight.

I don’t know if the movement in the direction of the theater attracted too much attention, but nothing happened along the way.

It wasn't until they left Zeshui City and reached the mountainside where they had rested briefly before that the two of them took a short rest.

Matthew stood on the same cliff as when he came here and looked at Zeshui City.

I saw that the giant tree crown that reached straight into the clouds had long been wiped out by unknown injuries from all sides.

But there are still a lot of unknown magical radiances shining above Zeshui City.

that moment.

He suddenly felt a little tired.

"Let's go."

He greeted Laila, who remained expressionless.

After walking out for a long time, Laila suddenly asked:

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Matthew thought for a while, looked north and said:

"It's nothing, maybe I'm just a little homesick."

Laila heard this.

There was deep envy in his eyes.

Two weeks later.

An unpretentious carriage drove on the bumpy gravel road, passing by the checkpoint of the Red Earth Mountain in the south, passing through the golden fertile fields, and finally slowly entered the territory of Rolling Stone Town.

Matthew sat in the carriage, quietly feeling the changes in the power of the realm within his body.

He held a white porcelain bottle in his hand, but the contents were empty.

Due to the particularity of the plague field.

Matthew carefully chose to take in only a little each day.

Come down in less than half a month.

Finally, he has safely mastered this hard-won power in the field.

"Based on an unexpected gain, you successfully entered the sub-field of death called "Plague".

As a reward for getting involved in the field, you can choose one of the following three abilities -

1. Rot Sac Evolution (your Rot Sac will have the ability to spread plague quickly)

2. Plague Undead (your undead will have the ability to spread plague quickly)

3. Symptom enhancement (you can use this ability on a single target. After that, you can choose up to two diseases or symptoms hidden in the target to make it severely worse in a very short period of time)

You chose "symptom enhancement"! "

There is really no choice among these three.

Matthew didn't want to be a walking plague spreader at all. Instead, his ability to aggravate the target's disease was extremely useful.

Most of the professions these days are in a sub-healthy state.

Who hasn’t had a headache and the occupational disease of brain fever?

Don't talk about it, Master. He has been working at his desk all year round and is sick all over his body.

Even if a soldier doesn't have old injuries, he will always suffer from joint strain, right?

Bard aside, strep throat is a high probability.

The druid looked very healthy. He often ate raw food and messed around in the wild. He probably also had gastroenteritis or anal polyps.

Thieves who are extremely skilled in their skills may suffer from tenosynovitis and arthritis.

Professionals in the North are likely to suffer from cold syndrome.

Adventurers who live by the sea are prone to gout.

How can there be so many perfectly healthy people traveling from north to south?

Only monks have the protection of Qi and are relatively healthier.

Matthew feels that this ability is very useful below the level of legend.

Reshaping the golden body of a legend or above is another story.

"You have completed the enlightenment in the "Plague" field, and your current status is: first entry.

You gain the permanent status "Healthy Origin".

Health Origin: Your disease resistance +10; Plague resistance +15

You gain a limited-time status called "Suffering from All Diseases".

Suffering from all kinds of diseases: You can turn on this state at any time within the next three years. Once turned on, it will be converted into a temporary state, which will last for 60 days.

During these 60 days, you can stimulate your physical growth by contracting diseases, plagues, and even toxins.

Attention, please face up to your own resistance, over-infection may lead to death! "

Status aspect.

The source of health provides good basic resistance, which gives Matthew more confidence when coming into contact with elements related to the plague field in the future.

And the limited-time status looks very tempting.

After all, no one would reject the attribute of physical fitness.

It’s just that Matthew always feels that this thing can easily kill him.

The good news is that this state can be turned on at any time within the next three years.

Matthew still feels that before using this ability, the resistance must be raised higher.

After clarifying the power of the field.

Matthew's attention returned to the outside.

After entering the territory of Rolling Stone Town, the road conditions obviously became better, and the carriage was not so bumpy when driving.

Matthew stretched out comfortably and felt a little excited.

But suddenly.

A dark shadow passed over his head.

The coachman calmed the horses in panic, and Laila quickly opened the door and asked:

"What's wrong?"

The coachman said:

"A big strange bird came and blocked our way."

Laila just wanted to go out.

Matthew had already opened the curtain and walked out:

"Don't be nervous, it should be coming to me."

In front of the carriage.

An albatross, as tall as two meters tall, stood there blankly.

See Matthew.

He walked over clumsily like a penguin, then handed a letter to Matthew, and then fluttered his wings and flew away.

Hoo ho ho!

What a storm.

Matthew covered his mouth and nose and returned to the carriage through the dust, and said to the coachman:

"Keep walking."

The carriage moved forward slowly.

Laila glanced at the pink letter:


Matthew smiled:

"No, a very arrogant man."


He opened the letter.

"Dear Matthew:

Seeing the words is like seeing the face.

I am currently lying on the soft quilt of the female captain of the "Big Wave", watching the seagulls and bald whales playing outside the porthole.

The cabin is not comfortable at all. The environment here is like a seafood market in the south in June, stuffy and hot.

But who told me to board a whaling ship with a favorable wind?

It’s been half a month since we parted ways, so forgive me for writing to you now.

Probably because I am not used to it, every time I turn the pen a thousand times, I can only write a few words on the paper.

But today, I decided to write you a letter.

Because Captain Halima brought me a can of tangerines this morning - this is a kind of sweet and unpleasant food, which I usually don't like to eat at all.

But sweets can give people courage.

I opened the can, put it aside, and ate while writing. I would take a bite of the can when I felt guilty, so that I might have a chance to finish the letter.

That's right.

The reason I don't want to write to you is lack of courage.

Although they only dated for a few days.

Your sincerity, kindness and trust really make me touched and ashamed.

Every time I think of how many times I deceived you in order to achieve my goal, even the taste of canned tangerines seems to have turned bitter.

Where should I start?

Just write randomly.

About five years ago.

The cloud elves and sky giants discovered a ruins of the divine war in the ruins of Yunshang.

They found more than four collapsed places in the ruins caused by the fall of the gods.

At first, the two parties worked together to explore the first collapsed place, and soon they determined that the divine fall that formed the collapsed place came from a male god named "Flynn".

More importantly, they soon discovered Flynn's peeling godhead in the Collapse Land!

Although the divine power and divinity inside it have long since disappeared, with this godhead, both forces have the opportunity to cultivate a demigod.

I don’t know who broke the agreement first.

In short, the two sides started fighting directly in the collapsed land.

In this way, the cloud elves and the sky giants fought from the collapsed land to the ruins of the God War, and then to the ruins on the clouds.

The temptation to become a demigod is too great.

Small-scale friction quickly escalated into a large-scale protracted war.

In the protracted war, the cloud elves and sky giants could not withstand each other's consumption and began to recruit foreign aid.

I happened to be visiting Cloud City at the time, and because I had a good relationship with the cloud elves, I was quickly invited by them to join the war.

Out of curiosity about the ruins on the cloud, I agreed.

But unfortunately.

The Sky Giant also called for foreign aid——

They found a fleet of Cybertron aerostats.


These sky giants, whose foreheads are kicked every day, actually expect the Artifact Master to win this war for them!

As soon as I boarded the Yunshang Ruins, the grapevine told me about the movements of the Cyber ​​Dragon Aeroship, and I immediately escaped.

My decision proved to be a wise one.

Don't get close to the Artificer, you will become unlucky!

That night, the Yunshang ruins were very lively. The magicians did not know what they had cooked up, but they blew up a quarter of the ruins of the God War in one go!

The remaining three-quarters also became inaccessible due to severe damage that triggered self-protection barriers.

That night, the cloud elves and sky giants suffered numerous casualties.

I don’t know what’s going on at Cyber ​​Dragon, and I don’t dare to care.

I only know that because of that big explosion, Flynn's collapsed place fell into the world.

Many forces have realized this.

Countless hands fought overtly and covertly for Flynn's divinity.

Lucky for you.

I finally got this godhead.

However, it is impossible for the cloud elves, sky giants and cyber dragons to give up their godhood just like that.

They were always paying attention to Flynn's aura.

In order to avoid extraneous branches.

I flew away with my godhead and disappeared.

For a long time, I kept the Godhead in a lead box and didn't even dare to look at it.

A few years later.

They gradually relaxed their pursuit of the godhead.

And I finally had the opportunity to learn about this treasure.


I discovered that there are two problems with this baby.

First, Flynn's field is not simple. He mainly focuses on performance, and he also incorporates some plagues.

If I want to be promoted to demigod through this, I will definitely be affected by the plague.

I hate plague, and it is an option that absolutely must be erased in my path to legend.

This must be overcome, no doubt about it.

Second, Flynn's godhead seems to have been contaminated by something, and there is a trace of crazy spiritual brand.

I traced the origin of that brand and found that it was related to a dusk creation named "Asitana".

He rules over the dark realms of voodoo, destruction, trickery, violent death, and sudden death.

If it were directly fused, I myself would inevitably be contaminated by Asitana.

Even if you successfully become a demigod, your mental state will become a hidden worry in the future.

This is also a problem that needs to be overcome.


I spent three months developing a plan.

In this plan, I need to find an unlucky guy who can help me find the way, wade in the water for me, and face the pollution of Asitana for me.

At the same time, when I plunder the demigod fruit, I can also successfully peel off the plague field contained in the god's power.

In order to prevent my plan from being discovered in advance, I came to Zeshui City a long time ago.

After one and a half years of observation.

I found a nearly perfect option.

That's Lawrence of the Southern Theater Theatre.

When we first met, this young man left a very good impression on me.

He is always so enthusiastic and cheerful, even if others ridicule him, he doesn't seem to mind, he just suffers the pain silently, and then returns the smile and humor to the audience.

But soon I discovered Lawrence’s dark side.

In the circus, he often secretly tortured animals to vent his anger.

Outside of the theater, he would actually pretend to be Brandon, the top performer in the theater, and date girls, often making them pregnant and then slandering them to Brandon.

Poor Brandon may have too many women and can't remember who is who. He thinks that every woman who comes to his door is caused by him.

At first he was willing to pay some money, but soon it was all spent, and he changed his appearance.

Lawrence saw all Brandon's ugliness.

He was complacent about it and got worse, until he was almost discovered by a girl he was dating, and he stopped in time.

What really prompted me to choose him as the unlucky guy was that during an investigation, I discovered that Lawrence had killed someone when he was very young!

That incident happened when he was about eight or nine years old. One night, a tiger in the circus suddenly ran out of the cage and ate people.

There were different opinions afterwards, and no one knew how the tiger escaped from the cage. Moreover, according to past rules, when the tiger was not being trained, it would be fed well every day to prevent it from attacking people at night.

There was no conclusion to this matter in the end.

But there are two things we can be sure of -

First, it was Lawrence who was responsible for feeding the tiger meat that night.

Secondly, the person who died was the deputy leader Jace, who had the worst attitude towards Lawrence in the regiment and was always beaten, scolded and whipped.

Probably out of trust in the child, no one believed that Lawrence would kill Jace.

Only his wife relied on a woman's intuition to identify Lawrence as the murderer of Jace.

But at the request of the group leader, she could do nothing. The most she could do was verbally bully Lawrence.

Of course, Jess and his wife were largely responsible for the abuse Lawrence suffered during those years.

After I learned the whole story through magic and special abilities, I took action.

I let Lawrence obtain the godhead modified by me after an accidental fall.

I imbue the Godhead with the knowledge and rituals needed to become a demigod.

Of course, I hid an important part and also did some tricks on the godhead.

Through these means, I can ensure that he becomes a demigod on the day I want.

Of course, I also gave Lawrence the opportunity to do good. If he was pure enough and refused to become the Plague King, things would not have developed to the later stage.

You can laugh at my hypocrisy, and I did have bad intentions, but I never thought about killing him.

Even if he loses his godhead, the Bard's inheritance that I attached to his godhead is enough to bring him back to life.

It's a pity that once people's desires are magnified, they can never go back, right?

Okay, I admit, from this point of view, I am indeed an out-and-out bad guy.

Anyway, after setting Lawrence on the path to acting in Plague King.

I started looking for my protagonist.

That's right.

Lawrence had his demigod rituals.

I have mine too.

That day you saw that I easily took away his godhead. This was not only because my domain and power were above his, but also my performance.

Sorry Matthew.

You are the protagonist and audience I finally chose.

From the first moment we met.

The ceremony for me to become a demigod began.

(This damn can of tangerines is so sweet! Captain Halimah came over and asked me if I needed water. Of course I did. I was dying of thirst! I will go there now and continue writing when I come back.)

(It was already dark when I got back. That damn bitch has amazing physical strength. Who knew that the water she said was not literal. I am even thirstier now. Forget it, take a sip of sugar water and continue writing.)

——Speaking of acting, do you still think that I am a super rich second generation?

That’s a lie!

Think about it carefully, in the many days I have been with you, what aspects of my performance made you feel that I am particularly rich?

In fact, it’s only the first face-to-face, right?

A few bottles of cheap holy water, some forged charms and scrolls, just the right performance and arrogant temperament, and a simple and crude line.

You are convinced of this, right?

It's not your fault.

I've used this trick on a lot of people, and it never works.

Every time I go through this process, everyone feels from the bottom of their hearts that I am a rich second generation.

This is the importance of the "Law of Acting: First Impression"!

With this preconceived impression.

Even if I then pick and choose in the market and bargain with others, you will only think that I am a smart rich second generation, and you will not realize that I am fake.

Later, when I entered the rainforest, I no longer needed to perform deliberately. I just did a few details and you will figure out the rest by yourself. Am I right?

Sorry, little Matthew.

This is the first place I deceived you, and here I also completed the first step of the ritual——

"Identity Fraud."

Then comes the second step——

"Cognitive fraud."

When you were traveling in the rainforest and Kordo City, you must have heard the news about a certain bohemian poet who single-handedly broke through the Naga Palace, right?

The news spread like wildfire at sea and on land.

I know you must admire and envy me after listening to this.

Just thinking about that scene makes me want to laugh.

Sorry, little Matthew.

This was the result of me inviting six or seven fellow bards to spread rumors day and night along the coastline.

I'm not really lying to you this time. It only takes six or seven bards to exert force at the same time to create a storm-like news effect in a certain area.

The most ridiculous thing is.

Not only those on shore believed this outrageous story.

Even the Naga in the sea believed it!

Those Naga warriors who were far away from the palace thought that civil strife had really broken out, so they started fighting with each other without saying a word.

When I left, they were still fighting happily.

I don’t know the rest of the story, so the Nagas will probably stop.


Then comes the third step.

During the day on the night of the ceremony, when I took you to buy tickets, I lied that I didn't have enough gold coins and borrowed some money from you.

Sorry, little Matthew, you will definitely not get this money back.

This is also part of the ceremony -

"Money Fraud".

to here.

Matthew, you have been deceived by me, including your life and money.

But there is one last point that must be achieved in the ritual, and it is also the most difficult point on my path to demigods——

That's "trust fraud"!

In the theater, when the show is on.

I told you that you only need to be a spectator, but in fact you and I still have to enter in the end.

I asked you to trust me, but at that time I was already full of flaws.

I know that you had noticed something unusual at that time.

If you continue to inquire, or walk away, my ceremony is doomed to fail.

But you didn't.

I'm grateful for your trust in me.

I know it's not because of my acting skills or anything else, but because you really treat me as a friend.

This is what makes me feel most guilty.

Afterwards, I left the Plague Realm to you, which will make my little remaining conscience feel better.

But as you said, friends should trust each other and not hurt each other.

I don't know if my actions hurt you.

If so, I'm sorry.

If you leave me from now on, I won't have any complaints.

But if you think that I, a guy who talks lies, can be saved and are still willing to continue to be friends with me, then please be sure to reply and let me know (I am traveling far away at the moment and have no fixed residence. I will contact you as soon as possible when I have a new address. Let me tell you, if you want to reply to a letter, just write it and give it to the sweet girl, that is the albatross, it will come to you from time to time).

I swear.

I may deceive anyone in the future.

But I won't deceive you.

my friend.


——Your best friend.

Level 20 Bard \u0026 Level 1 Dusk Chanter \u0026 Deception Demigod.

Musical Instrument Master \u0026 Weapon Master \u0026 Amateur Grave Robber \u0026 Smandi’s Lie Operator \u0026 Honorary Citizen of Cloud City \u0026 Sword Singer of Deep Blue Harbor \u0026 the third among the top ten most popular men among women on the East Coast in the new decade.

Luo Soren Ranch was 45 years old at the time but felt that he was not old at all. "

Close the letter.

Matthew was filled with emotions.

Lorraine's self-report did not exceed his expectations.

While watching "A Good Show" in the theater, Matthew already noticed that many things were wrong.

The subsequent decision can only be said to be a matter of opinion.

Now it seems that the results are not bad?

Connections: Legendary Poet +1.

"If one trust can be exchanged for the friendship of a legendary and demigod poet, I guess many people will enthusiastically sign up, right?"

Matthew smiled.

He did not reply immediately.

Instead, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the tranquility that was unique to him on his way home.

But this tranquility did not last long.

The carriage stopped.

The driver and a few people outside chattered for a while.

After a while.

A gentle young male voice came in:

"Hello, I am a resident of Rolling Stone Town. I have something urgent to do and I plan to rush to the South Trading Post. However, my carriage broke down on the road and it will not be repaired for a while."

"Can you take me along?"

Matthew opened the curtains and found that the other person was a young man whose appearance was only slightly worse than his own.

He stood there alone. There was a carriage parked on the roadside not far away, and the driver was checking something under the car.

The young man looked a little anxious.

"Okay, come up."

They were all from Rolling Stone, so Matthew didn't mind giving him a ride.


The man said gratefully.

This carriage doesn't have a lot of space.

After the man got into the car, Laila immediately squeezed in and ended up next to Matthew.

A faint fragrance spread into Matthew's mouth and nose.

He calmly moved a few steps to the side, getting closer to the strange man.

"Sorry for causing you trouble."

The man apologized.

Then he stretched out his hand towards Matthew generously:

"My name is Howard, Howard Jowers. I have businesses in the South Trading Post and Rolling Stone Town. What do you call me?"

Matthew subconsciously reached out his hand.

But suddenly.

He thought the name seemed familiar.

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