The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 99: Steve green himself?

Angelo and Steve finally stopped in front of a private hospital.

Steve wiped the slight sweat on his forehead and looked at Angelo like a monster.

"Angelo! You didn't even sweat, how did you do it?"

Angelo shrugged, "I said, man, I'm very good at running."

Steve suddenly couldn't understand the world. Is he really outdated, or is the world too crazy? How can a random person appear to be able to compare his physical fitness with a super soldier like him.

Of course, now is not the time to discuss this issue, because two big men in black suits have already greeted him.

"I'm sorry, this is a private hospital, please leave here."

Angelo looked at Steve, and Steve shook his head, saying that he didn't know what was going on, he only knew that Peggy Carter was here.

"Uh... we're here to find someone, is Peggy Carter here?" Steve asked nervously.

The two men in black suits looked at each other, then looked at them suspiciously and asked, "Who are you?"

When the two black suits were talking, their right hand always touched the back waist.

"I'm Peggy's old friend, I came to see her." Steve looked at the two of them nervously, "Just tell Peggy that I owe her a dance, and she knows who I am. already."

One of the black suits said a few words to his companions, and then only the other black suit was left to watch over the two people. He himself turned back to the door and called someone unknown.

After a while, the black suit came back, glanced at the two and said, "Go in, the person you are looking for is in the second room on the third floor. As for this..."

Seeing that the other party seemed to want Angelo to stay, Steven quickly said, "This is my friend, he is with me."

Only then did the black suit agree to let two people in.

"Man, it looks like this friend of yours is very rich." Angelo said with a laugh as the two walked in the corridor of the hospital.

Steve is much more nervous. From the look in his eyes, he can see the nervousness in his heart. The Captain America who can drive a plane with bombs into the sea without changing his face seems to be nervous at the moment. children.

"Angelo, what do you think of my clothes? Is it outdated?" Steve didn't mean to joke with Angelo at all, but just tidied up his appearance nervously.

"Dude, don't worry, although people don't like old antiques most of the time, but sometimes, the older they get, the more they taste." Angelo comforted him.

In the previous life movie, the image of Steve's mission was too perfect, as if it had no flaws, which made people feel that it was not real at all. In comparison, Angelo still feels that Steve like this is a flesh and blood person.

Steve is very fortunate to have brought this new friend with him, otherwise he would be nervous to death.

In Steve's anxiety, Angelo finally met Peggy Carter, the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., who was in the same era as Steve Rogers and Howard Stark.

An old lady with white hair was lying on the bed, staring blankly at Steve who walked in from the door.

Although she is old and wrinkled, she can still tell that Peggy Carter must have been a beauty when she was young.


"Steve, you're finally here..." The old woman looked at Steve's face and muttered to herself.

Angelo launched the ward wisely, leaving the space for two "old" people who were reunited after 70 years.

However, before he left the ward, he saw two photos placed by Peggy's bedside. The photos were of Peggy Carter and his two children. It was strange that in the photo that should have been a family portrait, he was looking for a photo of Peggy Carter. There is no trace of him being the father of the two children.

The two children are very cute, a boy and a girl, they should be a pair of siblings.

If Angelo is not mistaken, the twins actually look a bit similar to Steve!

Could it be that the siblings are really Peggy and Steve's children? Steve has been frozen for 70 years, and it is impossible to have a child with Peggy, so... is it true that there is another Captain America?

So does this count as Steve greening Steve himself? Angelo fell into deep thought.


When Steve and Angelo came out of the hospital, Steve's heart was heavy.

Angelo didn't bother him. This time Steve met Peggy Carter for the last time. Judging from Peggy Carter's state, it seemed that time was running out.

After all, Peggy Carter is just an ordinary person, not a super soldier reinforced by potions like Steve, nor a Hulk with a mutated body.

On the way back, the two did not choose to run back, Angelo just walked quietly with Steve.

"Dude, you say, what's the right thing to do?"

At this time, Steve Rogers suddenly spoke.

Angelo was still thinking about whether Steve had greened his own question, but when Steve asked this, he was taken aback.

"Steve, what is the right thing you said?"

Steve opened his mouth, the words reached his lips, and eventually it became, "Man, if you have nothing to do for a while, can you accompany me back for a drink?"

Angelo looked at Steve who was in a bad mood, and it was a little funny. It's not easy to see the appearance of Captain America who told everyone that I can last all day!

"Steve, if you want to drink, I think my church would be more appropriate, your old club doesn't even have food, and I haven't had dinner yet! I think, as a friend~www.NovelMTL .com~ I have to treat you to a meal that you have never eaten before, that is the real food!"

"Church? Dinner?" Steve couldn't connect the two words together, and looked at Angelo suspiciously, "Are you still a priest?"

"From a certain point of view, I am indeed a priest." Angelo shrugged.

Steve didn't care, he thought the world was changing too fast, there were too many things like this he didn't understand, but he silently put the church and eating things Angelo said in his heart. Come down and check back.

As for now, he just wants to drink.

"Okay, man, I'll pay you, let's go." Steve reached out and stopped a taxi.


Twenty minutes later, a taxi stopped at the door of Rasma Church.

Angelo took out twenty dollars from his pocket and handed it to the driver, and the driver ran out as if he was running for his life.

"Dude, you seem... scary here?" Steve looked at Angelo suspiciously, "You have a church in Hell's Kitchen?"

The name of Hell's Kitchen, even in Steve's time, was heard. It is a famous gathering place for gangsters in the United States.

Angelo shook his head and didn't explain anything. People outside the world had such an inherent impression of Hell's Kitchen. It was difficult to explain it to him clearly, and it took a long time to really understand it.

Who would have thought that the construction workers who just got off the road now are the gangsters who once fought with rifles on the street?

He beckoned Steve to come in with him, only to find a petite figure rushing out of the church door, accompanied by No. 1, and rushing towards him, shouting, "Sister No. 1, I knew it was Dad coming back. Yes! I already smelled it!"

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