The Name of Eternity

Chapter 97: Master Li

The sword shadows were like a dream. When the practice was over, there seemed to be sword shadows like fleeting glimpses, lingering in front of their eyes. Everyone was unable to let go and could not forget.

However, the sword shadows were too complicated. Although they remembered them, they seemed to be unable to remember them clearly.

Seeing that everyone was immersed in thinking, Li Hao did not delay any longer and sat down to continue painting.

+827, +789, +702...

Li Hao grinded ink and painted quickly.

The paintings depicting these dozens of divine wandering realms accumulated seven or eight hundred experiences for each painting, which made his painting experience grow rapidly.

While Li Hao was painting, others gradually woke up. Seeing that Li Hao was busy, they did not dare to disturb him, but took the time to comprehend and ponder.

After Li Hao finished painting the fourth painting, he looked at everyone and said, "How do you feel?"

"Master Li, can you show us again?"

After everyone looked at each other, a handsome young man said.

He was a genius who was on par with Song Yueyao in the White Palace, and it was quite embarrassing to say this at this moment.

Others practiced twice in a row, but he didn't understand much.

Li Hao glanced at the others and saw that they all showed expectant and reserved eyes.


Li Hao thought about it and realized that practicing over and over again was not a solution.

Besides, since he was teaching, he had to have a correct attitude and try his best to teach until he could master it. Otherwise, it would be meaningless to come and fool the servants.

He asked everyone and learned that they all had the foundation of the dexterity level.

However, the dexterity level was deep and shallow, some just reached it, and some were close to perfection.

"Since I have taught, I also hope that you can learn something."

Li Hao looked around at everyone and said, "I have three classes this year. I hope you can learn this swordsmanship to the perfect level in these three classes. As long as you can complete it, I can consider fulfilling your three wishes within my ability!"

"Perfect level?"

"Three wishes?"

Everyone was stunned and frightened by Li Hao's ambition.

This is not giving them a wish, this young master is making a wish for himself!

Three classes, teach them all to the perfect level?

This is not high hopes, it is a fantasy.

They dare not compare with Li Hao, who can learn the sword manual without a teacher and practice to the perfect level after reading it once.

Moreover, they also have some doubts in their hearts, thinking that Li Hao has prepared in advance.

How can a teacher not prepare lessons?

He just secretly pretended for him.

"Young Master Li, is your request too difficult?" Someone couldn't help but say.

"Young Master, you are not kidding, I admit it's a bit funny..." Someone said.

Song Yueyao looked at Li Hao in confusion. She has reached the dexterity level for half a year. She knows that it is quite difficult to go from dexterity to perfection. Even if she has good talent, it takes a year and a half of crazy hard practice to engrave the sword moves into the bone marrow and achieve perfection.

It is impossible to do it in just three classes.

But this "impossible" does not seem so far away for the legendary young master of the Li family in front of him.

After all, what the other party showed seemed to be "impossible".

Seeing everyone talking, Li Hao didn't say much and picked up the sword again.

It was indeed difficult and time-consuming to let them imitate the perfect swordsmanship training.

But if they could master the charm of this swordsmanship, it would be much easier to go from deep to shallow.


Li Hao's eyes became cold and fierce.

These two short words calmed the whispers in the hall.

Everyone's heart was inexplicably throbbing, and they felt the majesty, and their eyes were slightly solemn.

"Feel it with your heart."

Li Hao said, his expression was no longer casual, but staring at the sword.

Then, he raised his hand and raised the sword.

Yin and Yang Sword, True State!

That's right, beyond the flawless perfection, Li Hao directly displayed the true state of swordsmanship!

The swordsmanship at the true state level, returning to the original, extraordinary, can thoroughly show the artistic conception and charm of this swordsmanship.

The sword light flickered, and two black and white lights appeared alternately, which was the replacement of light and shadow.

The sword wandered in the air, but it seemed to shuttle through another space.

The sword is real, and the air is virtual.

As the sword light rotated, the two black and white lights kept alternating, and finally suddenly merged into one.

The sword has ended.

The hall was silent, and everyone was staring in a trance. Their sight and thoughts seemed to be taken away by the sword, and they were immersed in it and couldn't extricate themselves.

Even though Li Hao had put away the sword, they were still in a trance, as if the sword shadow with unspeakable charm was still appearing in front of their eyes and still turning in their minds.

Li Hao didn't make a sound to disturb them, but just waited quietly.

Suddenly, someone woke up, and then everyone else woke up one after another.

"This, is this the Yin-Yang Dividing Sword?"

Everyone was shocked and looked at each other.

"It seems to be completely different from what I practiced before! But, this seems to be real, and what I practiced before was fake!"

"It's not fake, it's wrong!"

"This is the real Yin-Yang Sword. What Mr. Sun taught is wrong. No, everything in the sword manual is wrong!"

"One sword reverses Yin-Yang, and one sword disrupts the void!"

The more they talked, the more excited they became. The louder they talked, their faces flushed, and they couldn't help themselves.

Song Yueyao was in a daze, blocking out all the discussions in her ears. Suddenly, she closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, she suddenly rushed to the weapon rack, and with a bang, she suddenly drew her sword!

Then, the sword came out.

The sword shadow was like light, trembling like a snake, and colorful!

The shadow of the sword, like a peacock spreading its wings, was perfectly presented at this moment.

The swordsmanship, which had been stuck at a bottleneck for half a year and could not improve, reached a new level at this moment!

Everyone noticed and looked at her in shock.

"Senior Sister Song has realized..."

"She actually practiced it to perfection. She has only mastered this sword for less than a year!"

"It's a perfect level, exactly the same as what Master Li just practiced!"

Everyone was shocked and excited, and changed the title of Li Hao from "Master Li" to "Master Li" in his words.

From awe, to admiration!

At the same time, several other people seemed to have realized the situation and rushed to the weapon rack, drawing their swords and waving them.

The hall was empty enough for them to practice.

The rest of the people also came back to their senses and did not care to continue to observe others. They took the time to remember what they had just realized with their swords.

For a moment, everyone rushed to the weapons rack to practice sword dancing.

After Song Yueyao finished practicing her swordsmanship, she woke up from her intoxication. She stared blankly at the sword in her hand, and then looked at the young man, only to see him smiling at her with an encouraging and approving expression.

That smile was like a ray of sunshine, hitting her heart.

Song Yueyao was slightly absent-minded, then her cheeks turned red suddenly and she looked away.

In the hall, everyone is actively and excitedly engaging in the drill, constantly trying to engrave and capture the gradually disappearing charm in their minds.

During this period, several people started shouting excitedly, “I’ve done it!”

They were all at a bottleneck originally, but now they have overcome it all at once.

Li Hao smiled.

When someone asked for advice, he clapped his hands and motioned for everyone to read it again.

Repeat this four times.

When the sun went down, Li Hao also ended the class.

Before the get out of class ended, Li Hao was quite pleased to see that more than a dozen people had reached the perfect level. This was considered a sign that hard work paid off.

"Master Li, what level is the swordsmanship you are practicing?"

"I heard that there is perfection beyond perfection. Is this your level?"

As get out of class was about to end, someone couldn't help but ask.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Beyond perfection is the ultimate. Above the ultimate, there is the true state, which is the level I will practice for you."

At this level of skill, he felt there was nothing to hide.

Strong men such as Sword Saint and Sword Saint, who have been immersed in a certain path for decades, have already touched the true state.

He even mastered some of the secrets of swordsmanship.

Moreover, Li Hao felt that the true state was not the pinnacle. There should be a higher level above the true state.

However, with his current Taoist state of mind, he is still unable to achieve it. Maybe he will be able to see it when his mind enters the spiritual state and reaches a higher level.

"True state..."

Everyone was stunned when they heard Li Hao's words.

Song Yueyao's pupils shrank slightly and looked at Li Hao in disbelief.

She had heard her grandfather talk about the existence of the "true state", but it was extremely difficult to see. It required extremely high talent for the skill and decades of immersed practice to be able to touch it!

There is no doubt that Li Hao is a genius in swordsmanship, but to master this swordsmanship to its true state, he will have to practice hard for at least ten years, right?

But Li Hao was only fourteen years old now... Song Yueyao didn't dare to think about it anymore, feeling that her Taoist heart was about to collapse.

She finally understood what it was like in the hearts of those who used to complain that it was uncomfortable to stay with geniuses.

"You can think about it yourself at night. Master will lead you in. Cultivation is personal."

Li Hao waved goodbye and announced that get out of class was over.

Back at the mansion, Li Fu found Li Hao and said that the Marquis had sent a message, asking Li Hao to make some friends if he had nothing to do. Although the real dragon was a sure thing, making connections lasted a lifetime.

I hope Li Hao can win the real dragon with flying colors, without leaving any shortcomings for people to criticize.

To this, Li Hao just agreed casually.

The next day.

Li Hao prepared an extra portion of shortbread in advance, came to the edge of the cold pool, kicked his toes, and a pebble flew into the cold pool.

Soon, the huge figure of the water unicorn appeared, and then transformed into a human form and walked out of the pool. His whole body was clean and comfortable, without any water stains.

Seeing the small shortbread in Li Hao's hand, Song Qiumo's eyes showed joy.

Li Hao smiled, handed her all the shortcakes, then waved and left without staying long.

Seeing Li Haoyuan go away, Song Qiumo took a bite of the small crispy cake in his hand, his eyes smiling like crescent moons.

At this time, Li Hao came again for the second class and had applied for handover.

As soon as he walked outside the White Hall, Li Hao heard an angry voice coming from inside:

"As a human teacher, how can you insult a child like this?"

"He has poor martial arts qualifications, but that doesn't mean he is a bad person!"

"You can teach him a lesson, whip him severely, and treat him harshly like a warrior, but you can't treat him lightly like a beast!"

The speaker seemed extremely angry and his voice was full of anger.

Hearing this angry shout, Li Hao was slightly startled and slowly walked towards the door.

I saw that the hall was already full of people. He had the habit of sleeping in, so he came not early.

At this moment, there were three people standing in front of the students, namely Sun Hongdian and Zhou Zheng whom they met yesterday.

Next to Zhou Zheng is a burly middle-aged man who is wearing regular clothes but can't hide his toughness and erectness. His facial features are somewhat similar to Zhou Zheng's, but Zhou Zheng is a bit more delicate.

On the ground in front of them were scattered fragments of books. Except for one more person, the scene was very similar to yesterday.

"General Zhou, you can't be so unreasonable!"

Sun Hongdian's face turned red after being scolded. He was scolding Zhou Zheng. Unexpectedly, his father actually came to visit him and was ignored.

He just listened to it, but he felt that this week the general had to thank himself for his strict education and disciplined this naughty child for him.

As a result, the other party rushed in directly and cursed him, making him stunned on the spot.

"I'm unreasonable? Which of my words are unreasonable? Is it right for you to insult my son?!"

Zhou Zheng's father said angrily: "Although I am a martial artist, I also understand some basic principles. I know that my son is a human being and an upright person. He is not a mouse that spoils a pot of porridge!"

"Not even a filthy, despicable worm!"

"He's just bad at martial arts, but it's not like he's unworthy of being a human being!!"

The burly father's voice was extremely angry and deafening: "Although my son has low qualifications, he has a pure heart. Even if he is only in the Tongli realm, he is still my pride. Why do you insult him like this?"

Everyone in the audience was silent.

No one laughed at Zhou Zheng for relying on his father for protection, but there was a bit of envy in their eyes.

Sun Hongdian said angrily: "I can't explain it to you. If you do this, your son should drop out of school!"

"If I meet a gentleman like you, I'll drop out of school!" Zhou Zheng's father also said angrily, and was about to drag his son away.

Zhou Zheng's eyes were already deep red. He gritted his teeth and resisted his tears from falling in front of so many people. He only lowered his head and choked:

"Dad, I want to stay here. I want to learn well. I also practiced swordsmanship yesterday!"

"If you want to learn, dad will find a famous teacher for you. There are many famous teachers in the world!" Zhou Zheng's father snorted angrily.

Sun Hongdian was shaking with anger and said: "If you walk out, you will never come back."

"I didn't even think about coming back!"

Zhou Zheng's father was furious and dragged his son to leave, but he bumped into Li Hao at the door.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on Li Hao.

All the students stood up suddenly, bowed and shouted in unison: "Greetings to Master Li!"

This uniform voice not only frightened Sun Hongdian and Zhou Zheng's father, but also Li Hao.

"Master Li?"

Sun Hongdian was stunned and looked at Li Hao doubtfully.

When Zhou Zheng saw Li Hao, his eyes that were still sore suddenly lit up, and he hurriedly said to his father beside him:

"Dad, he is Master Li Hao, Master Li. Yesterday, in just one class, he allowed all of us to practice high-grade swordsmanship from dexterity to perfection!"


Zhou Zheng's father and Sun Hongdian both looked confused.

What is this kid talking about?

Li Hao was also stunned and a little dazed.

What the hell, did you learn everything in yesterday’s class?

Aren't there only a dozen or so people meeting after class?

Wait, why did I come here today?

"Master Li Hao..." Zhou Zheng's father looked at Li Hao in shock. He suddenly bent over and knelt down on one knee: "The last general, Zhou Liang, has met Master Li Hao."

This move made everyone stunned again.

Li Hao quickly lifted it up and said, "General Zhou Liang?"

"Young Master, I used to be your father's old subordinate." Zhou Liang said respectfully.

Li Hao suddenly realized, and immediately smiled and said: "You don't have to be so polite when you see me."

Sun Hongdian next to him had an ugly face and frowned.

"Dad, I want to stay here. I also want to learn another lesson from Master Li." Zhou Zheng said to his father quickly.

Zhou Liang didn't expect that Li Hao, who was in the limelight recently, would teach here. Seeing his son's plea, he thought about it and agreed.

After Zhou Liang gave his son a few words and left, Sun Hongdian snorted: "Zhou Zheng, you disturbed the class today. Tan Gong Academy is not for you to come and leave whenever you want."

Zhou Zheng's face changed slightly.

Li Hao smiled and said, "Mr. Sun, this is all a misunderstanding."

Seeing Li Hao come forward to plead for mercy, Sun Hongdian changed his face again and smiled politely: "Master Li, you don't know, this Zhou Liang is simply arrogant..."

Li Hao shook his head and interrupted his words, smiling: "Mr. Sun, I know you want to use sharp words to inspire students, but maybe it is too sharp and can easily kill a young soul?"

Sun Hongdian was startled, his expression changed, and he said no more.

Li Hao didn't say anything more to him, and he didn't have much interaction with such people. After completing the handover of class with him, Sun Hongdian left. Li Hao looked around at everyone:

"Just now Zhou Zheng said that you have all practiced to a perfect level?"

The atmosphere in the hall seemed to have become much more lively. Everyone's faces showed excitement and their eyes were shining. Ma Jing was the first to say:

"Master Li, what Zhou Zheng said is right. The swordsmanship you practiced yesterday can be said to be the beginning of Taoism. We have captured that trace of Taoism, and we are making great progress with each passing day!"

Even though it's just flattery, it doesn't really hit the mark.

Li Hao said helplessly: "I planned to teach you in three lessons. So, I came here in vain and there is nothing to teach you today."

Everyone laughed, they were all extremely grateful and excited to have gained so much from one class.

Someone said with a smile: "Master Li, have you forgotten something?"


"You said yesterday that when we all master the perfect level, you will grant our three wishes!"

Someone looked at Li Hao excitedly.

Li Hao was dumbfounded. This encouragement was just a casual comment. Who would have thought that they really have two skills? They are worthy of being able to enter the White Palace. Their talents are pretty good.

"Then you can talk about it, but it must be within my ability." Li Hao said.

When everyone heard this, they immediately started chirping.

Some want to visit Tingyu Tower, some want famous swords in the world, some say they want to learn another swordsmanship, etc.

In addition to these more formal wishes, there were also various noisy voices in the crowd. Some said they wanted to marry Li Hao, while others said they wanted to visit a brothel.

Li Hao smiled, pressed his hands, and waited for everyone to calm down before saying, "You can discuss among yourselves and pick one."

Hearing Li Hao's words, everyone was surprised and surprised. They didn't expect that Li Hao would actually come true.

They were already very grateful for teaching them swordsmanship, and most of the previous requests were half-joking.

"Hey, hey, don't go too far with your selection requirements."

Lin Feifei immediately stood up and warned, feeling that some of the guys inside were a bit shady.

When Lin Feifei said this, several people suddenly laughed.

"Master Li, you definitely won't agree to go to Tingyu Tower. How about you take us to visit the brothel?" someone said jokingly.

After hearing this person's words, the other young people's eyes lit up and they immediately cheered:

"This is good, this is good!"

They are all at a young age. They came to Qingzhou Tan Palace Academy to study, and they have hardly ever gone down the mountain. The competition in the Academy is extremely stressful, and the elimination system at the end makes them dare not relax.

They have longed for that romantic land.

When the dozen or so female students heard this, they rolled their eyes and looked at these guys with disgust.

Li Hao smiled: "It's not a big deal to go to a brothel."

In this era, entertainment is scarce, and visiting a brothel is equivalent to playing Douyin in the previous life.

There are also three, six or nine levels of brothels. The lowest level is naturally the brothel, which is cheap and prone to diseases.

Famous brothels are mostly for performing arts, listening to music and poetry. Of course, if you have good poetry or have a lot of money, you can also enjoy some happy services.

If Li Hao wanted to take them there, he would naturally go to the best brothel in Qingzhou and listen to small songs, and forget about anything else.


The male students were extremely surprised when they saw Li Hao agreeing.

The female students all sighed, their cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

Song Yueyao rolled her eyes at Li Hao and snorted coldly: "You guys can go, but I won't go."

"I'm not going either." Lin Feifei said immediately.

More than a dozen female students protested.

But the other male students were afraid that Li Hao would change his words, so they were all chirping, like animals in spring, which had been ignited.

"It's difficult to reconcile. For those of you who won't go, I'll give you a painting to make up for it."

Li Hao said to the female students.

Hearing Li Hao's words, these female students were a little surprised. Then they saw Li Hao take out the scroll in his hand and open one:

"I drew this yesterday. You can divide it among yourself, one for each of you."

When everyone saw it, they all exclaimed in surprise.

They noticed that Li Hao was painting yesterday, and they thought it was just for fun, but they didn't expect that the painting was so exquisite and lifelike!

The painting includes Bai Dian and all the students. Each person's expression is simple and clean, either frowning or gazing to the side, all of them are charming. The women are gentle and gentle, while the male students are handsome and unrestrained, with different temperaments.

Melted together, under the warm sunshine, the beauty is as beautiful as the spring breeze.

Many people were fascinated by it.

A young man raised his hand and said, "Master Li, I won't go to the brothel anymore. Can you give me one?"

"There are not many, but female students are given priority." Li Hao smiled.

Many female students, who were quite dissatisfied at first, all rushed forward and fought for it.

Song Yueyao's eyes were like autumn waves, and she looked at Li Hao in surprise. Such a superb painting skill cannot be achieved overnight.

I saw that this young man was as quiet as a virgin, his green shirt was as green as pine. Apart from practicing Juechen in swordsmanship, he still had the energy to concentrate on these side skills, which was really unpredictable.

After receiving the paintings, many women began to appreciate them carefully. Although they practiced martial arts and could not concentrate on studying other things, they had a natural love for beautiful things.

After getting rid of these female students, Li Hao used the second class time to lead the male students out of the white hall and down the mountain.

Seeing that Li Hao was going to use his teaching time to take them out for fun, everyone was extremely excited. This was something that had never happened before.

If other gentlemen were to find out, they would all be forced to face the wall.

But with Li Hao holding on, I won't be afraid if the sky falls.

As everyone came down the mountain, the news also spread to Tan Palace.

Song Yufeng, who was drinking tea, almost choked and coughed repeatedly. He raised his head in shock and said:

"You said that Li Hao went to teach, but ended up taking all the students down the mountain to visit a brothel?!"

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